Chereads / Encountered Till The End / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: END Clash

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8: END Clash

Back to the chief Price and the STARs, the chief was inside the vehicle alongside his troop as he is checking what was happening in the building from the laptop. Price looked at the students as he sees that they are doing excellently well while he had a thought and said, "thanks to my subordinates, I can see what's going on the laptop since it's connected to a surveillance camera. There's no disturbance, they are capable for this mission." He said and saw Charles, "Hey Charles, what are your recommend on this students?"

"Huh, why do I have to ask?" Charles sighed.

"Every forensicists in the organization are likely to be intellect, it is one of man's greatest powers. They have something in mind to make recommendation. Having the knowledge and thinking is not a gift, but by the understanding on what they know." Said the Chief.

Charles looked at him and made a sigh and said, "Quick understanding, I say there's cooperation and there is still effort in them." Charles replied while seeing the students on the laptop attacking the aliens as he continued, "Through their powers of deduction, they'll realized that at the end it will be a smooth run. I've been observing their instincts, I may not only be the smart guy and the number one forensic scientist, but the kids are. It's just like what you said it's not a gift."

So chief Price was surprise and said, "I'm glad you said that. I know you will say something so delightful." He said with a smile on his face.

"But don't just be so consolable when there is the difficult aspect. Things may go wrong, one of the group will encounter something anomaly." Charles said.

Price was shocked while looking at him and said, "Does that mean one of them is going to die?"

Charles ponder while his touches his chin, he looked at Price for a while, his look made the chief to startled and said, "No..." Then the scene went black, "they will be alright."

It opened to the groups now; group B were running for their life looking for life looking for the metal box and a voice speaks up from Walter's walkie-talkie.

"Group B, do you read me?" The voice said.

He was surprised as he was familiar with the voice and had a thought, "Captain."

Captain Michael was seem outside with the rest of the teams and the troops all round in circle securing the outside of the building if the aliens tries to trespass. "On where you are, the aliens are approaching from the south." The captain said while holding a tracker on his hand to see it.

Saito was shocked and he turned back, "But we just pass there. That's impossible."

"I know, try not to evacuate the area as they approached. They are four metres away from you, the more you attack, the lesser they become." Michael said.

"Understood." Walter said as he ended the walkie-talkie and stopped same goes to his team.

"It's that really true?" Dawn asked.

"Mhm, it's even conspicuous" Walter said and he walks.

"What, you knew that they will come. How?" Saito asked.

"First thing a soldier must observe it's their surroundings." Walter said while he continues to walk and he stopped, "four metres? But we are already here." he said while he looks round.

"Or did captain saw it wrong?" Dawn guess.

"No." Walter replied as it draw the attention to them, "they are just playing hide and seek. They already know their next plan, but I know it better." He said while he brought out his gun and shoot the two walls by the left and right, and also the ceiling. After doing that, the wall and ceiling broke as the aliens came out already dead and Dawn and Saito were shocked while Walter look at them and said, "Two of them by the left wall, two by the right and three upon the ceiling. But the only reason is that how do they get inside? You two tell me how." He said while looking and pointing at them.

"How?" The two asked.

"The ceiling is self-explanatory, they made their way from the entry route, the entry route is about five metres away from here and for the opposite walls, they have some kind of ability to attract through them and enable them to go inside, it may be their powers. This is what I mean to observe your surroundings, they are ingenious and we need to be careful about it." Walter said and continues to walk. While the two were shocked and dumbfounded to see how sharp he is.

To group A; they were seem running, shooting the aliens as they were coming their way, they hid themselves in a door and locked it immediately. They peered at them through it and saw them running straight ahead thinking they may have gone far.

"Damn they are so numerous."Miki said while he was panting and sat down on the floor.

"Now what's our next move, squad leader." Nadia said while looking at him with a serious face.

Jim starting ponding while touching his head with his right palm, looking at the ground. Nadia looked at him and asked him again, "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know!" He yelled at her in reply and Nadia was shocked. He begins to hit the ground and said, "Damnit! Damnit! Damnit!." Miki looked at him and was shocked to see his reaction. He looked around to see the place they went in one of the doors; they were in a laboratory. He walks to see the different chemical substances in the glass tube, his eyes got struck with one of the liquid substances, and by the side were cartoons of facemasks. Something snapped his head and he turned around to the rest and said, "guys, I got an idea."

Later, Nadia was seen outside the door waiting for the aliens to come. Her legs were shaking with fear as she started to startled while Jim handles the chemical liquids to Miki to mix in the tube since he knows the plan.

"You done already?" She asked.

"Not yet." Jim said.

"I wasn't talking to you." She said in annoyance.

"Okay I get you." He said, trying to allow her be.

"Bro didn't let you do this and why does he have to used me as a decoy!" She yelled while facing to Jim.

"I thought you weren't talking to me." He says in a quiet voice, looking at her with narrowed eyes.

"It's to help you keep your mouth shut, Nadia. You are there to call their attention so that they will arrive." Miki said.

"Hmph! Whatever you say." She said folding her arms and turned her face away from them, "I thought the leader is smart enough to do all this but he's nothing."

Surprisedly, the door was shut and she was left outside while she was shocked, she bangs the door multiple times and said, "Hey open up. What's wrong with you?!". Suddenly she could hear a noise and she was filled with fear. She saw the aliens coming towards her with their mouth wide opened dripping out were saliva. She could see their white sharp teeth in their giant mouth. They let out a loud roar. RAAAAAAAWWRR!

Their saliva sprayed at her while she was in great terror. As one was about to bite her trying to take off her head. Jim opened the door and pulled Nadia to him, she was surprised to see him on facemask. The door was left opened and multiples of them came in. Miki gave her a facemask and said, "Don't ask question, just wear it." She wears the mask while he brought out a grenade.

"Wait Miki, are you trying to blow us up?" She surprisedly said.

He threw the two grenades towards them and all of a sudden, it exploded as purple gas came out. The place was filled with purple gas, until it cleared and revealed they were all dead. Nadia eyes were opened widened with shocked and said, "What's that?"

"Those are Hydrofluoric acid." Miki answered and he continued, "Yeah, the perfect solution to kill all those creatures. They are very corrosive that it melt down metals since their cranium are strong like that."

"Acid." She said as she had a thought and then surprised, "Wait, you turned acid into gas. How?"

"You just need to have common sense." Miki replied and she was shocked.

"Wait you think I don't have common sense." She asked and Jim bursted into laughter.

"It really surprised me to see the way he does it. Miki really got some senses." He said while he continues to laugh.

All of a sudden, Nadia went close to Jim and gave him a heavy slap on his face. Miki was shocked but surprisedly, it was seen that Jim blocked it with his arm.

"I know what you wanted to do that." He said with a serious look on his face. Nadia who was angry glanced at him and Jim looked back at him without hesitation.

She drops her hand down and said, "So you know. And what do you think I will say after that."

"Nothing. You will only pass by me." Jim said while she was shocked and he continued, "You think I'm the one that shut the door and the one that put you in danger."

"How do you know." She said, surprisedly.

Jim didn't say anything as he left. Miki saw him leaving and gave her the eye and also left to meet Jim.

"Hey, Jim." Miki said as he continues, "Sorry about that. My sister can be–"

"She hate me." Jim said while Miki was shocked. "It's written on her face. She will never talk to me again." He added and Miki turned his head down and sighed.

To Group D, They were walking with their guns pointed, Joey looked down and sees a metal box, "What's this?" and all of a sudden, aliens came out from their hiding spot.

"Crap! They are here." Moulton said, as he was scared.

"You ain't a man to fight." Beth said.

"Tch! Of course I'm man." He said in a low tone.

The aliens roar as it pointed the box indicating that they are after it. Joey took it immediately as one jump to grabbed it.

"Joey!" She yelled.

A blast of a red glowing laser went straight to the alien's head. Joey looked up surprised and looked at Beth who was still surprised and looked at Moulton who pointed the gun to it.

"I did it!" Moulton said while his fist were raised up happily. "Did you see that guys. I did it."

"Yeah, good for you." She said.

"Nice one, Moulton." Joey said.

Surprisedly, a man and a woman came out from a door while they were shocked to see them same with the kids.

"What, humans are still here." Moulton said.

"Are you guys the STARs?" The man asked.

"Yes we are." Hilda asked.

"Don't worry, we will get your guys out of here." Joey said while carrying the box.

"Thank you." The lady said while she made a light smile.

They all began to run and as they were running, aliens blocked their way and Joey quickly brought out his machine gun and shot one of their heads. The last one grabbed Hilda while she screams. "Let go of me, you psychopath!" She spoke loudly. it began to pull her toward it's opened mouth so that it could eat her. "Help!" She screamed.

Moulton grabbed his gun and pointed it to the alien and yelled, "Get off your flirty hands of my teammate, you blockheaded freaks!". He lifted up his gun and shot it straight to the head and Beth was free. The alien landed on the floor as it died.

"Not bad, Moulton. You killed another one." Joey said, while he smiles.

"Guess I'm not a coward anymore." He said while he turned to Beth as he smiles.

"W-why are you lo-looking at me like that." She stuttered.

"Nothing." He replied while still staring at her and smiling.

"Let's still keep going straight. There will be more if we cut corners." Joey said.

"I disagreed with that. We wouldn't know if they will be more straight ahead." The man said.

"So what's your suggestion then?" Joey asked.

"I say we go there." He pointed at his right direction. "In that we can be able to avoid them." He added.

Joey looked at the direction to where he pointed and said, "That path is not safe. They will be much there. My instincts tells me that they will lay an ambush."

"How do you know? I have been working in this company for three years and I know all the places here." He replied.

"It's not about working here for years. People know but they still have to know more and learn more. If you want to go your own way, fine. At least, you wouldn't be used of any help." Joey said.

"Okay. Before I go, hand over the box." He said. The three kids were shocked.

"Why do you want it?!" Beth said in annoyance.

"I'm told you that path is safe to take. So you lend me the box, I wouldn't get harmed." He said.

"And he told you that they may lay an ambush. You might get killed and that's it, the box will be gone." Moulton said.

"Lady, you ain't saying anything, whose side are you on?!" He looked at her.

"I-i think I'll g-go for them." She stuttered. "They may be right about cutting corners, you know that's not the fastest way."

"You damn bitch!" He said, the man became angry and yelled at Joey, "Give me the box!"

"Why are you so desperate with it?" Moulton asked.

Joey went close to the man with the box holding on his hand. Beth looked at him surprised and said, "Joey, what are you doing? Don't give him."

He paused, looked down at the box, raise his head up to look at the man and said, "So you really want it. Don't you?"

"I'm only doing this to save you–" he was interrupted while Joey gave him a heavy blow on his face and the man landed on the ground. They were all shocked to see the display between two of them.

"You think so. You better save yourself in hell." Joey said while he gave Moulton the box and pointed his gun at the man, "I should have known you were hiding something."

"What are you talking about?" The man asked.

"Don't fool us in this costume you are wearing." Joey said while the gun was still pointed at him.

"Costume?" Beth said, surprisedly.

"I don't understand." The man said.

"Let me make you understand. You are an alien in disguise."

The rest were shocked same with the man. "No that's not true." He said.

"Let me make it clear. The path you suggested us to follow was a trap already planned by you. You did it in other to take the box because they are some valuable supplies inside, needed for you and your psychopaths to use. You didn't fool me, although not the rest. The body you clone is a worker in this company who worked for two years not three and that lady is his PA. Not to mention, he's already dead, that's how you were able to replicate him. Aliens only do that once a human is dead. So did I made it clear to you?" Joey said.

"No, how do you know?" The man shockingly said. "You must be an alien as well–"

"You are only making a fool of yourself. Should I prove it?" He interrupted him while he pointed his gun at his head.

"You idiot!" The man yelled as he shot his head and the body fell on the floor as it turned to an alien already dead. "You know, didn't you." He said while he looked at the lady. "Miss alien in disguise."

"Humans can be quite knowledgeable, I see." She said.

"You agreed to follow us, so that you can make a surprise attack in other to take the box." He said.

"Very knowledgeable, hahaha! What I'm going to do is to jump in slant direction to kill you." She said while her finger started to grow longer.

"That's a lie, you will only move in a vertical order without killing anyone, but taking the box." He said.

His saying surprised her as she was dumbfounded. But luckily, Beth made the move as she shot her on the head and she died turning to an alien. Joey looked at her and had a thought, "so it's true about what uncle said, so that policeman was really one of them."

"Thanks for saving us, we wouldn't have known without you." Moulton said.

"Don't mention."

"So you know what was inside the box?" Beth asked while she folded her arms.

"No." He said while the two were surprised and later smiled.

Back to the Price and Charles, Price looked at Joey from the laptop surprised as he was dumbfounded.

"Ah, I see that you are deeply in thought. This was what I was trying to say, "something anomaly" well that's their secret, it's not a superpowers, It is knowledge. They aren't the only one who has survivors on their side" He said while the chief was shocked and Charles continues, "but group C"

To Group C, they were seem running with the aliens chasing after them. Up ahead, they saw group of aliens blocking their way. Yuki brought out his neon blue machine gun and said, "Hilda you and I will take the one at the back While Jeremy will take the ones at front."

"Gotcha." She said.

"Now." Yuki said, as they all stop and turned to their position and the two men were surprised as they will in the middle of them. All the aliens were shot down in a matter of seconds. Jeremy brought out a pistol and started shooting, he then begins to reload as he clicked open his gun and shoved the bullets at the tip and BAM! BAM! BAM! He started shooting as a single bullet blast through three aliens head at his way leaving a huge hole on it. After the fight was over, they saw aliens bodies lying down and lots of dark red blood.

Yuki went up to Jeremy while he raised up his right hand to give him an high five and so they did it. "Good work, eagle eye. The killing was a home run." He said.

"You have been commending him too far, Yuki." Hilda said.

"I just admire his shooting. It makes me feel like I'm jealous." He said.

"So you think you haven't still done your shooting practice?" She asked.

"I still need more and more training. Even since for two months, I've been good but I still need to be better." He said.

"Encouragement from your brother, I guess." She said.

"Yeah. He's a lot to me." He said.

Suddenly, his walkie-talkie began to speak up. "Group C, do you read me?"

"Chief" he surprisedly said and continue, " What's the matter?"

"Group D encountered something few minutes ago and it's strange. Aliens have now clone themselves to be humans." He said while Yuki was shocked. "Two aliens were killed, I need you to be careful with the survivors you are with. You may not know if they are humans or something else. It's up to you and the rest to figure that out. To proof that, they will become aliens after killing them" Yuki looked at them frightened and they looked at them back.

"No, I swear we are humans. Don't kill us." The first man said while Yuki quickly pointed at them with his gun. His eyes were carefully stared at their timorous face as he dropped the gun downwards.

"Yuki what are you doing?" Hilda said.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I don't want to kill innocent people." Yuki said while his head was downwards as he faces the ground.

"Damn you! You are still a scaredy-cat. Let me show you how it's done." She said as he bangs her gun to the man and he dodged.

"Please I'm not lying." The second man said, frighteningly.

"Shut up, one more move you are dead." She said while pointing the gun at the two of them, wanted to pick the first person to kill. She was about to pull the trigger and Yuki yelled, "Hilda stop!" The scene goes black and BANG! The gunshot was only heard.

Chapter 9, Chapter 9: END Of The Line