Chapter 18 - 18

Valoria Palace - Palace Square

The goofy grin that Stan had slowly spread across his face didn't look as though he was at all worried about getting his head chopped off.

People in the square stood shoulder to shoulder - their hot bodies packed so tightly Noah was starting to sweat. He was tall enough to see over everyone to the temporary wooden stage that had been set up.

It's hard to believe that Stan would be accused of murder. He didn't seem the type.

A woman behind him screamed and he turned to see a lady wearing rough-spun clothes stumble through the crowd in an attempt to escape the guards giving chase.

She had no shoes on and her feet were caked with dirt, her heels cracked, bruised, and bleeding. Despite her obvious pain, she shouldered her way through the crowd.

She made it to where Noah and Prim were standing before someone stuck their leg out and tripped her.

Noah watched the guards snatch her up.

"No!" tears were falling down her cheeks. "You can't kill him! He's innocent!"

Noah watched slack-jawed as the guards dragged her away. The woman's screams and shouts could still be heard until she went silent.

Who was that? Noah thought. That couldn't have been his mom.

Beside him his mother sniffles in what Noah believes is disgust. "I can't believe I let the boy near you. He murdered our queen...he could've - he could've - "

to save him from further monologue, Prim points out a couple of their mom's friends. Excitedly, their mom left. prim clutched her teddy, Mr. Cuddles to her chest.


"I agree with that woman," Prim whispered, turning towards him. "I think Stan's innocent."

Noah opened his mouth to respond but horns sounded alerting people of the arrival of the royals.

Both Noah and Prim look up to the balcony to see King Agnus step out with his flawless pale skin. He wore black from head to toe except for the gold crown which looked like a halo upon his head in the sun.

Princess Mallory stepped out next. her skin was pale like her father's r wrist covered in gold bracelets. Her hair was in a braid over her shoulder and wore a sleeveless gown that was black from her chest to waist but faded into a deep forest green glittering with jewels.

The last to emerge were Silvyr and Prince Shay, whose tan skin looked bronze in the sun. Like King Agnus, he wore black head-to-toe except for the blue cuffs on his dress shirt.

Then it clicked.

Green for earth.

Blue for fire.

Black for High Mage.

King Agnus raised his arms and silence fell. He lowered his rams before speaking.

"We're gathered here today both to celebrate a beloved queen, my dearest wife, Patricia - who was murdered," he spat the word like it was rotten, "By this lowlife street rat who believed to be saving his people and this kingdom."

On the stage, Noah saw Stan was being held down by two guards one of whom was armed with an axe. Stan's shoulders were shaking and for a moment Noah thought he was...laughing?!

"What guilty man would have the spine to laugh at his own execution?"

"Someone crazy, obviously." Noah hissed, narrowing his gaze upon the boy. "He looks possessed."

If Prim had been taller Noah had no doubt that she would've smacked his head - she went for his crotch instead.

Noah bot back a yelp as he fought not to collapse entirely.

"I've played with his younger sister, Katherine - I've seen how he treats his family," Prim growled. "Stan cares too much about them to willingly do something like this."

Noah groans. "Prim he's a-"

"No, he's not!" Prim was breathing fast, her cheeks flushed. "If anything this attack should bring back memories for you. I think Stan's been framed."

"How are-?"

"You haven't heard? The lone survivor o that explosion was Jerof. We're meeting with him in a few days."

Noah blinked. "We? What do you mean we?"

Before Prim could answer she stumbled, dropping Mr. Cuddles. Someone wearing a dark cloak shoved past her, Noah bent to pick up Mr. Cuddles and help Prim to her feet.

Prim huffed brushing off her clothes."That was rude! They didn't even apologize!"

There was a loud boom,, and instantly, smoke was everywhere. People were screaming, some fell covering their faces, but the majority of them were running toward the exit—toward Noah and Prim.


"Prim!" Noah cried "Prim!" 

It was so thick that Noah could hardly see a foot in front of him. People kept running into him in their haste - another explosion - more smoke.

Soon Noah wouldn't be able to breathe.

Someone grabbed his wrist pulling him away from the rush of people.


"Your sister is with your mother." the stranger grumbled.

Noah blinks surely the lack of clean air is causing him to hallucinate. The voice - where does he know it from?

"I know this isn't the best time but it's urgent." 

Noah rasped. "Myron!" he tried yanking from his grip but Myron held firm. "You bastard!"

"There he is." Myron chuckles.

Noah bumped against a brick wall hard enough that his eye sprang open. Myron was standing before him wearing a dark cloak and dusty clothes. 

"Come to finish me off?" Noah snarled. "Did you want an audience this time?"


"Then what? Branding me wasn't enough?!"

Myron flinched his expression wavering. "I'm sorry about that. That's not why I'm here. Noah, a war is coming to your people and I need your help to stop it."