Chereads / I'm Just A Chuunibyou: Why Are Maidens Falling For Me? / Chapter 24 - Chapter 22: It's just the "lucky pervert" scene.

Chapter 24 - Chapter 22: It's just the "lucky pervert" scene.

[Chapter 22: It's just the "lucky pervert scene.]

First period ended for the afternoon.

Just like I said when I was exchanged notes with Mocha-san during class, the next period will be P.E.

The girls went to the girl's locker room to get change while the boys got left behind in the classroom with only closing the curtains.

Boys don't usually require the same amount of privacy as the girls does so most of us boys didn't bother getting dressed in the locker room.

Mocha-san and the others in the locker room.

"Mocha-san. Did you eat lunch together with Yukiya-kun?" Class Rep Hitomi Risuna inquired Mocha-san, as they change into their gym clothes.

"Wh, what makes you say that...?"

"We saw you two walking back to class together during lunch."

"I, I see..."

Mocha-san's face got slightly flustered.

'Did we look close enough to eat together? That kind of makes me happy for some reason.'

[Friend Count: 0]

'No, wait... This situation, this question...? Could this development be, the jealous admirer girl telling the female lead to back off because she's getting too close to the male lead scene!?'

'Could this possibly mean I'm in danger right now? I really don't want any trouble.'

Her flustered face earlier turned to warry.

"To be honest. We were really scared of Yukiya-kun just until recently."

'Wait, what? Scared? Was it because he's a delinquent?'

She tilted her head, looking puzzled as to why, and the first assumption she had was because I was a delinquent, but I'm really not.

"The class doesn't really know what he's thinking most of the time so we had a hard time approaching him," [Because he's a Chuunibyou.]

It was because when they tried speaking to me, I either stayed quiet like a mysterious character or I was speaking in my Phantom character (chuunibyou language) so they had a hard time understanding.

Also, remember they thought of me as scary because of my angry looking glare. However, I was actually just trying to get a good look of their faces behind my bangs, also adds up to why they didn't want to approach.

"W, was he really?"

"Yeah. We were so confused at the way he acted, and it feels as though he doesn't want to be associated with anyone. So we ended up neglecting him and looking away when he glar- I mean, looked at us thinking he's scary... I wasn't an exception."

"But, until just yesterday, he completely changed and now more approachable than before. So our assumption of him wanting to be left alone must have been wrong."

Class Rep Hitomi-san explained with a hint of guilt in her words. As though she felt burdened and partly responsible for my neglection.

'Is that so... It sounds just like when I wasn't able to make friends in my old school because I was too shy to make the first move...'

Mocha-san felt sympathetic upon hearing Class Rep Hitomi's explanation.

She was a very shy and very quiet girl who was always seen alone by herself in one corner, so people assumed she prefers it to be that way.

But, that was not really the case. In fact, she had hoped for someone to approach her and pull her away from that lonesome corner she's bound to.

From not being able to make the first move, Mocha Tsukiyo did not make any close friends throughout middle school and pre highschool.

"When school returned just yesterday. We were shocked seeing that he completely changed over the summer break, to the point that we barely even recognize him." [Literally unrecognizable.]

"What, does he look like before?" Mocha-san hesitantly asked Class Rep Hitomi-san.

'Was he also attempting an image change, the same as me right now?'

"Uhm... He always wears strange clothing, and his hair was always a messy, I guess."

'Strange clothes, and messy hair...?'

Mocha-san envisions the old Yukiya looking something like a punk. [Still assuming the Chuuni's a delinquent.]

'Gah! Too bad I wasn't able to see his delinquent to hot guy transformation. I bet it was as effective as when Miyamura suddenly got a haircut the next day, and everyone barely recognized him.'

'I wish I was there to bear witness at how he looked before to compare his glow up transformation.'

A/N: Sauce: Horimiya

"We actually wanted to talk to him, but some of us don't know how to. The class and Yukiya-kun have been strangers for quite some time that most of us probably harbor guilt for ignoring him for so long. I'm even conflicted whether it was alright for me to approach him despite what we did."

What Class Rep Hitomi Risuna said had a point to some extent. Some of them might have probably felt guilty from ignoring me all this time, but why suddenly act all buddy-buddy now?

As the class representative in charge of the class, Hitomi-san felt responsibile knowing she didn't do anything about it. [Though the person himself wasn't even aware he had been out casted.]

Mocha-san suddenly grabbed and held Class Rep Hitomi-san's between hers and said.

"D, don't! ...I, I bet Yukiya-kun will love to talk and get along with everyone in the class. N..not being able to talk to anyone is v-very sad. I, I bet he changed so he can be together w-with everyone!" [Not quite.]

Mocha-san said, trying to convince her she should make the effort to reach out to me.

"O, Okay. I will."

Class Rep Hitomi didn't expect Mocha to show so much emotion that she got taken aback and replied a bit out of tune.

She talked about how lonely it was without a person to talk to, but even more so, it felt as though she was talking about herself, which Class Rep Hitomi-san sensed and took notice.

"So... So please be Saito's friend. A, and mine too!"

Class Rep Hitomi-san smiled back at Mocha-san, and said.




Looking at my gym clothes and tracksuit, I remembered something important.

'I forgot to get new ones...'

My gym clothes, the same as my uniform I use to wear before the perfect sidecharacterification happened, it was also altered to the point it wasn't recognizable from it's original design.

Wearing this kind of clothes in the open wasn't befitting a normal student character. So I went out to ask the neighboring class if they have any spare tracksuits I can barrow.

When I asked the classroom next door, the girls seemed to be willing enough to lend me their tracksuits. However the boys from their class intervened and insisted they'll let me use theirs. How noble of them.

[They just don't want him to wear the girls tracksuit out of jealousy.]

When they finally decided which one they will lend, I returned to the classroom to get dressed.

It took a while to decide which tracksuit they'll lend me, so I was a little later than the others on changing.

When I returned, all of the boys already finished changing so I hurried to do the same.


The girls finished dressing.

Others, both the boys and girls who finished changing already went ahead to the gym.

Mocha-san, along with few others returned to the classroom to pick up some stuff they left behind.

Mocha-san's reason being, to get her towel.

"Woah. You got a nice body. No homo tho."

"Yeah. He's right. Do you do exercises?"

"At first glance, you seemed slim under your uniform. But after taking a closer look, you actually have a pretty solid build. Do you play sports by chance?"

"Ever thought about joining our club? I can recommend you."

Boys' voice can be heard through the door as they chat.

The other girls who plan to pickup their things are now standing in front of the door.

"Wait, Mocha-san! You should knock firs-"

Class Rep Hitomi-san tried warning Mocha-san, but it was too late.

She slid the door open and... Now that it's open wide, she saw a clear sight of my top half bare still without a T-shirt on.

Mocha-san saw a slim yet fit looking body that has the right physique in all the right places.

"Oh, six pack~"

She blushingly stared while drooling.

I could say that my body isn't half bad. Even on an outsider's perspective, it is a desirable body to have.

I didn't think much of it since a shadow hero must always be agile so this was normal.

'This... This is, the accidentally entering while changing clothes scene you usually find in almost any form of manga!' It's "The lucky pervert scene!!"

[This is fan service to Mocha-san's perspective.]

'I, I wish I was holding a camera right now to commemorate the moment.'

"Mocha-san, what's keeping you-?"

Class Rep Hitomi-san also was stuck for a moment from seeing my topless half.

The other's that followed also reacted the same.

The boys, seeing what was unfolding got jealous and competitive.

They then tried snatching away the girls' attentions by doing the same thing.

"Girls, stop looking at Saito! Look at us instead!"

They removed their shirts and started flexing their muscles that they and don't have.

The girls looked for a single second then briefly returned their gazes back to me, ignoring them completely once again.

"?! ...Hey, hey! Look, look at us!"

Even though they were now also at the same state of being topless, the girls attention was still focused on me.

'Just where is that T-shirt? There wasn't one in the bag they lent me.'

Actually the guys who lent me the bag with gym clothes didn't include any T-shirt on purpose. This was probably a prank that they pulled out of spite.

Mocha-san coming back to her senses wiped her mouth and said.

"S-Sorry! I, I didn't mean to!"

She explained herself having her eyes covered with her hands, but still peeping through her fingers.

Class rep Hitomi-san asked,

"Ahem. Anyways, Yukiya-kun. Why haven't you finished changing yet. The others finished a while ago already." she calmly inquired the reason I'm topless.

"Ah, sorry. I couldn't find the T-shirt. You see, I just borrowed this from the class next to ours."

"Wait, I'll go ask the person who lent me this gym clothes. Maybe he forgot to include one."

When I was about to step outside the door(topless), the girls blocked my exit.

"No, stay there!"

"We should only be the ones to see this image."

What are they talking about? Mocha-san and the others confronted me not to step outside of the classroom.

"Eh? But I still need to wear a t-shirt though..."

Class Rep Hitomi-san suggested, "Okay, fine. I'll do it. Stay here. I'll ask in Yukiya-kun's stead."

Waiting for Class rep Hitomi-san to return. The girls just looked at me in silence, ignoring the other topless guys in the background flexing their muscles..

When Class rep Hitomi returned. I wore the T-shirt and everyone was all set to go to the gym. (The boys put their t-shirts back on.)


[The reason why Hitomi came back quickly was: ]

When Class rep Hitomi asked for the T-shirt. She mentioned,

"If you don't give up the T-shirt right now, that guy will come here topless. And it's really a sight to see." She warned.

The neighboring class boys gave in upon hearing Class Rep Hitomi-san's threats, surrendering the other half of the gym clothes they lent me.