Hino and Shizuru walked through the corridors of the Grand Hall, feeling the atmosphere of the meeting. As they walked, they noticed the various world leaders preparing to leave the conference. Among them was Vladimir, who also looked ready to leave, but he seemed to be talking to someone. Hino and Shizuru couldn't help but notice that Vladimir seemed to be talking to someone who was not a world leader. They wondered who he was talking to and what he was saying.
Vladimir was speaking to his wife, who was holding their baby son, while they were both waiting to leave the conference. Hino and Shizuru had never seen Vladimir with his family before and seeing him in this light seemed to humanize him.
He was not just a ruthless politician with no emotions, but he was also just a husband and a father, like anyone else. Hino couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Vladimir as he watched him interact with his family. In that moment, he felt like he understood Vladimir.
Hino spoke with a firm and determined expression as he confronted Russian president Vladimir with confidence. "Even though I know you remember what you've done, I'm not here just for payback. In fact, I'm here to make you understand that justice isn't just justice, it's something deeper. You believe you're serving justice by eliminating evil, corruption, and injustice in the world and view yourself as a necessary evil. But, deep down, you have a bittersweet feeling of pride for defending your beliefs while also experiencing sadness and remorse for possibly being considered a villain in other people's perspectives..."
He showed confidence and determination in his actions, as he wanted to make sure that Vladimir heard what he had to say.
Hino then adds, "And now you had a daughter, and I knew you wouldn't want her to experience the same, don't you?" He spoke with compassion and understanding as he showed empathy towards Vladimir's situation and how he might be feeling. He also wanted to make it clear that he understood Vladimir's perspective and feelings about Shiori's death and how he might also be feeling conflicted now that he was a father. He wanted to show Vladimir that he wasn't just someone seeking revenge.
Vladimir replied to Hino with a cold and stern look as he said, "Don't talk to me about that again." Hino pressed further and said, "But how about my kid?"
Hino's voice was steady and strong, as he tried to appeal to Vladimir's sense of empathy. He wanted Vladimir to understand that both of them had gone through similar loss, but also to remind Vladimir of his daughter and the future he wanted for her. He was trying to make Vladmir see that it was more than just about him and his need for justice.
Hino continued to stare at Vladimir, he could sense the tension and that Vladimir wasn't budging. Hino saw himself in Vladimir and the grief that he had felt from Shiori's death. He knew that Vladimir was a father now and he hoped that Vladimir would understand his need for justice. He also realized that his need for vengeance was affecting his family and friends. Hino wanted Vladimir to understand that this was more than just about him.
Vladimir's assassin suddenly came out with a revolver and pulled the trigger. Hino, seeing the danger, quickly pushed Vladimir's daughter behind him to save her from harm. In his action, Hino ended up getting shot himself. He fell to the ground, seeing the blood gushing out from his wound. Despite the pain, he could see the look of surprise on Vladimir's face.
Vladimir realized that Hino had risked his own life for his daughter and for a moment, he felt a sense of remorse. He had felt a change in his heart.
As the paramedics arrive, Shizuru rushes over to Hino and kneels beside him. She is concerned and scared for Hino's health. The paramedics start to examine him and prepare him for transportation to the hospital. Hino is in pain and weak, but as he sees Shizuru's concerned face, he knows that he has to make it. He has to fight and survive.
After some time in the hospital, Hino wakes up to find Shizuru sitting beside his bed. He looks at her, and sees her worried expression. She seems relieved to see that he is awake and she smiles at him. Hino was happy to see her and he smiled back. He was still in pain, but he was happy to be alive. He knew that it was because of Shizuru that he made it through. "Hey," he said to Shizuru, "I'm glad you are here. How long was I out?"
Shizuru replied, "You don't have to do that, Hino! You're not funny!"
Hino tilted his head in confusion as he looked at Shizuru. She seems to be talking loudly and he didn't really understand what she was saying. "Huh?" he said to Shizuru. "What did I do?"
Shizuru suddenly burst into laughter and tears started flowing down her face.
"I'm just happy you're alive and making a recovery," she said as she wiped her tears away. She was laughing, trying to lighten the mood. But Hino couldn't help but be a bit confused by her reaction. What had he done?
Vladmir came into Hino's room with a sympathetic look on his face as he saw Hino lying there, still recovering from his wounds. He had heard that Hino had saved his daughter during the assassination attempt and he felt a sense of gratitude and compassion towards him.
Hino saw Vladimir approach him and he smiled at Vladimir's show of empathy. "I was hoping to see you here," Hino said to Vladimir, "Thanks for coming to visit."
But Shizuru suddenly exclaimed, "Listen here, you are the dumbest idiot! Why did you think you could do that?"
Hino laughed at Shizuru's statement, "I know, right? But I just had to save Vladmir's daughter."
Shizuru just facepalmed herself and sighed at Hino. "You idiot, you could have gotten yourself killed. What about me?"
Shizuru remained quiet, thinking about Hino's actions. She could not deny that she felt a sense of admiration towards Hino for the way he had stepped up and saved Vladmir's daughter. But she also felt disappointed. She had wanted Hino to consider her and their future together before he went off and risked his life to save someone else. But she also knew that it was a natural instinct for him to protect the innocent.
Shizuru realized that she was in a state of mixed emotions. She was proud of Hino, but she was also frustrated with his actions.