As the protestors continue to fight for change and equality, the military stands by the regime and protects their interests with force. Hino's plan has put his country on the verge of a civil war, as the nation is at war with itself. The protestors refuse to back down from the injustices of the current government, and the military is determined to retain control. Hino and the protestors are prepared for a fight to the death to secure their future. Only time will tell who will come out victorious.
As the military continued to use Shizuru as bait, Hino knew that he had to make a decision quickly. He couldn't stand by and watch the military do this to her. He had to do something.
.Hino managed to save Shizuru, and as she hugged him and continued to cry, he realized how much pain and suffering she had endured while she was in that situation. He was grateful that he had managed to save her and he wanted to make sure that it would never happen again. He knew that the military had to be stopped and that he needed to fight for change. In that moment, Hino and Shizuru were reunited and they both knew that they had to work together to save their nation from the injustice and abuse of the corrupt government.
Shizuru expressed her fear as she spoke, "I am scared." Hino, on the other hand, was blunt and sarcastic. He replied to her, "You will be fine! your a though fu*king bi*ch who always survive cuz you love what you do!"
Hino's comment left Shizuru shocked and confused, as he had never been harsh with her before. She knew that Hino wanted what was best for her, but she didn't understand why he would say something like that. However, she was determined to move forward and help Hino with his plan.
Hino's sarcasm caught Marie off guard. She couldn't help but react with disbelief at Hino's statement. She couldn't understand why Hino was being sarcastic at a time like this when her friend Shizuru was in such a vulnerable state.
She decided to call him out for it. "Really? Your going to be sarcastic this time? When will you be serious will you?" Marie looked at Hino with a mixture of concern and disappointment
Hino was caught off guard by Marie's reaction and he didn't know how to respond. He didn't understand why she was being so hard on him, after all, he was the only one who had tried to save Shizuru so far. He didn't have time to explain himself to Marie, so he quickly turned his attention towards the military that was approaching them.
He had to act fast and protect Shizuru and the other protestors. Hino couldn't let all of the protesters' efforts go wasted. As Marie continued to question him, Hino had one thought in his mind: save Shizuru at all costs.
Hino continued to fight against the military and the violent acts of the regime that were happening across the nation. Mari was by his side, broadcasting the injustice and abuse of power to the world, hoping to gain support and create change.
The protestors continued to demand equal rights and representation in the government, and Hino and Mari stood by their side. Even though there were many setbacks and difficulties, Hino and the protestors didn't give up. They fought for what they believed in and they refused to give up until justice was served.
And so, the nation waited for Hino's next move...
Hino knew that he couldn't rely on just one plan to defeat the military. He needed to have multiple plans and strategies to take down the regime. He needed to gain more help and support from the world but how could he accomplish such a task? Hino and Mari needed to figure out a way to rally the international community to their cause. They needed to create a movement that could stand up to the military and the nation's regime. Time was running out and Hino needed a solution now.
Hino and Mari came up with a plan. They would create a live broadcast of the regime's violence and its military action.
They would gather the media and reporters from around the world to broadcast the footage to as many people as possible.
They would expose the abuse of power and the injustice of the regime to the world and they would ask for help and support to end the violence and to create a change for the better in their nation.
Hino and Mari held a meeting with the media and reporters from around the world. They informed them about what is going on in the nation, the abuse of power, and the injustices of the regime. They provided footage, pictures, and videos about the current situation in the nation.
The media and reporters were horrified and disgusted by what they saw. Once again, Hino's strategy succeeded and people from all over the world were aware of the situation in the nation and they were ready for a change. The media and reporters promised to help Hino and Mari in their mission.
As the world decided to fight alongside Hino and Mari in their mission to end the violence and abuse of power in their nation, they knew that this could be their last fight. But they remained determined to fight for truth and justice, knowing that this would take courage and sacrifice. Hino and Mari knew that they risked their lives in this fight, but they also knew they couldn't afford to fail. They knew that the future of their nation and the lives of the protestors depended on them. they would have to do whatever it takes to succeed in this mission.
As the couple kept running, Shizuru decided to turn to Hino and asked a poignant question. "since this is our last fight, what are your final words?" Hino, determined to save Shizuru, chose to reply with a question of his own: "Will you marry me again?"
Shizuru was touched by Hino's question and as they ran, she turned to him to answer. Before she could reply, she was startled by the sound of gunshots.
Shizuru was initially surprised by Hino's bold proposal in the midst of the crisis and chaos, but she ultimately gave him an irritated response:
"Yes, I do! But, seriously? Now?"
In this moment of darkness, their love brought hope to their nation. Even though the military was approaching and they were in danger, their love was stronger. They were united as a couple and they knew they couldn't fail in their mission.