Chereads / CHECKMATE! / Chapter 88 - A Nation divided

Chapter 88 - A Nation divided

As the people's voices get louder and they take action against the corrupt government, the secret society feels its power slipping away. With no other option, they try to use fear and intimidation to silent the people.

As the corruption of the government was revealed to the people and their voices get louder and more bold, the secret society is starting to feel their grip on the government slipping away.

With no other options available, they resort to fear mongering and intimidation tactics to control the people. The secret society, knowing that they are losing control, tries every tactic in their toolbox to regain power and control over the government. But the people have united and cannot be silenced.

The secret society, in a desperate move, starts to use the military to suppress the protesters. The military would be sent in to control the people and maintain order and stability. But the people have not backed down and are determined to fight for freedom and justice. The people know that their voices cannot be silenced and they will not be intimidated.

As the protests continue, the protesters start to chant, "Federick will not run again!", "Power to the people!", "Down with corruption!", and "Freedom and justice for all!"

The crowds fill the streets, demanding change and the removal of the corruption and abuse of power that has plagued the government. The people are determined to remove Frederick and his cronies and bring back democracy, freedom, and justice to the nation.

The protesters continue to demand changes to the corrupt and unjust government. They want Frederick and his corrupt politicians removed and the power returned to the people. They are determined to make this country a just and fair place where everyone has a voice and democracy is ensured.

As Frederick tries to hold onto his power, the protesters continue to demand change and the removal of the corrupt politicians in the government. Frederick grows more and more frustrated as the people start to stand up for themselves.

The military, under Frederick's orders, starts to engage with the protesters. as tensions rise between the protesters and the military, deaths on both sides begin to occur.

As the situation between the military and the protesters intensifies, Shizuru, Hino, and Marie decide to film the events so that the people could see the atrocities of the corrupt governments and leaders.

They hope that this could bring about a change and lead the people to fight for the change they want to see in the society.

As the situation between the military and the protesters intensifies, Shizuru, Hino, and Marie decide to film the events so that the people could see the atrocities of the corrupt governments and leaders.

They hope that this could bring about a change and lead the people to fight for the change they want to see in the society.

Hino and Shizuru, as humans, wish to protect their territory and maintain control over the land they currently inhabit. They do not want to be stepped on by institutions or organizations that seek to control their rights and their freedoms.

They want the right to self-determination and free will and do not want to give in to the corrupt and unjust systems that wish to take them away. They will protect their land and fight against the imposition of external forces, maintaining the unique and diverse cultures within their territories.

As Hino and Shizuru see the military and the protesters clashing, they wish to help them in any way they can. But, they are also aware of the danger and the risks associated with interfering with the current situation.

"I don't want them to be captured!" Hino says, fearing for the protesters' safety."But some are dead! Not captured!" Shizuru says, confirming that there have been fatalities on both sides.

They know they are in a dangerous situation and they must act carefully and wisely to remain safe and protect the protesters.

As the protesters continue to clash with the military, the activists feel pressured to act and help the protesters.

They feel the need to do something and stand up for what they believe in. They see the situation as a way to make a change and a way to bring about change in their society. They want to fight for the future they want to see in their country and are determined to stand up for their rights and freedoms in the face of injustice and corruption.

As the government tries to control the people and silence their voices, Shizuru and her team could try a different approach. Instead of trying to go against the government, they could try to rally the people with the powers of social media and use them to counteract the propaganda machinery of the government.

This could give Shizuru and her team a strategic advantage over the government and prevent them from taking control of the game.

The government is trying to control the narrative and the voices of democracy, so it's time for the common people to take back their power and maintain a democratic society.

The protesters are marching in the streets, their voices filled with fury and anger as they call for change.

They were tired of the corruption and injustice they have faced for years and were determined to fight back against the oppression and abuse.

The chanting fills the air as the protesters march, their voices growing louder as they get closer to the government buildings, demanding change. The scene is filled with tension and a feeling of urgency, as the people were desperate to make their voices heard and their actions seen.

There is a tense and dangerous feeling in the air as the protesters and the military face off. The military stands by the side of the regime and protects their interests while the protesters stand for freedom and justice. The two sides face off in a collision of wills, each with their own motivations. People gather on the streets, calling for the end of the corrupt government and their oppression. Blood has been shed on both sides as neither side seems willing to give in.

The future of this nation is at stake and the fate of those involved hangs in the balance.