Hino and Shizuru sat in shock, staring at the news article about Katelyn's death. Shizuru felt a mixture of confusion and sadness as she struggled to understand what had happened.
She couldn't believe that Katelyn would be killed, especially when she was innocent. Hino was also struggling to come to terms with the news, but more than anything, he felt angry. She had been his friend and now she was dead. He didn't understand why the secret society would do this and he was determined to find out who was responsible.
Hino and Shizuru remained silent as they tried to process the news of Katelyn's death. Nothing they had learned about the secret society had prepared them for this. They were both shocked and confused.
Shizuru started to think about what this meant for Hino. She knew that he considered Katelyn a friend and he was likely devastated by the news. He might have been angry, but he was also hurting. He didn't know how to feel and she knew he was struggling to make sense of it all.
"This doesn't make sense! Katelyn is innocent! And these media... are they naive?" Hino exclaimed with frustration and anger. He couldn't believe the media was framing Katelyn as a terrorist.
He had known her and she would never hurt anyone, let alone be a terrorist. But Hino knew that there was something more going on and he was determined to find out what.
In Federick's office with full cameras recording the whole conversation, he says "That's still shallow. It's still not enough if you two don't show up."
The message was meant for Hino and Shizuru as the secret society knew they were the ones behind the news article about Katelyn.
The message was a threat and a warning to the duo to not get involved in the cover-up.
Hino and Shizuru both knew they needed to take the threat seriously and tread carefully as they continued to investigate further.
Hino and Shizuru had to take the message from Federick seriously and tread carefully as they continued to investigate further.
They had to make sure that they were safe and that they weren't being tracked down by the secret society. They had to find out what happened to Katelyn and why the media was framing her as a terrorist. But they also had to make sure that they didn't make too much noise and draw attention to themselves as they were close to finding the truth.
"They will f**king do anything for us to surrender the ring, don't they?" Hino blurted out as he realized that the secret society would stop at nothing until he and Shizuru handed over the ring.Shizuru looked at Hino and nodded in agreement. She knew what he meant, and she knew that they had no choice. If they didn't surrender the ring, then they and everyone they cared about would be in danger.
The duo felt cornered and knew they had to act.
They had to act fast if they wanted to save the people they loved and uncover the truth.
Hino suddenly exclaims "We need to do something! We need to move now before we're done! Shizuru!"
Shizuru looks at Hino with a determined gaze as she nods in agreement.
They knew that they had to take action and they couldn't waste any time. The secret society was already trying to frame Katelyn as a terrorist, and they feared that they would try to do something similar again.
They had to act fast if they wanted to save the people they loved and uncover the truth.
"You're right, if we move now, we can get justice! This is straight out of human rights!"
The two nodded at each other in agreement. They weren't the ones who were doing anything wrong. They deserved to know what had happened and they wouldn't be silenced by the secret society.
They knew that if they didn't act now, they would never be able to find justice for Katelyn. They had to move quickly and they had to find a way to get the truth out to the public.
Hino and Shizuru decided to make a video and reply to Federick that what he was doing was inhumane. They needed to get the word out and they thought a video was the best way to get their message across to a large audience.
They prepared a video and sent it to Federick. In the video, the two stood in front of the camera and addressed the secret society. They explained how they had uncovered Katelyn's death and how they were trying to frame her as a terrorist. They called out the secret society for their inhumane acts and demanded accountability.
The video hasn't yet blown up like wildfire due to the algorithm. One user found the video and shared it, prompting it to go viral. It became a hot trending topic online, but it hadn't yet received the attention of mainstream media.
The video was gaining traction and was being shared by different users. However, the media hadn't picked up on it yet and the message was still not reaching the people who needed to hear it.
The video hasn't yet blown up like wildfire due to the algorithm. One user found the video and shared it, prompting it to go viral. It became a hot trending topic online, but it hadn't yet received the attention of mainstream media.
The video was gaining traction and was being shared by different users. However, the media hadn't picked up on it yet and the message was still not reaching the people who needed to hear it.
As the hours went by, users began to question the incident and even become skeptical. The video had gained traction but the story was still not yet making the rounds on mainstream media, people were becoming skeptical of its legitimacy.
Hino and Shizuru grew more and more anxious as the hours passed, they couldn't understand why the story wasn't making the news. The video was viral, everyone was talking about it, but why wasn't it making the headlines? They knew that they still had to find a way to get the truth to the media and shed light on the injustices of the secret society.