Chereads / CHECKMATE! / Chapter 81 - The Hunt for the ring

Chapter 81 - The Hunt for the ring

 The couple continued their search with determination and conviction. As the clues they found began to piece together, they felt closer than ever to the truth.

Their mission had become personal now, they were doing this in the name of justice and for the well-being of the people.

They would stop at nothing to seek out the truth and expose the corrupt elite. As the evidence they found painted a more complete picture of the secret society, they knew that it was time to take action. This time they were playing for keeps and they knew that their own lives were on the line.

Shizuru was with Hino, they were walking inside the apartment looking for clues. A photo of an ancient location made them more curious of the society's past locations.

Hino looked at Shizuru with interest as she stared at the photo while taking a piece of paper and writing something down. He felt that she could be the answer to this mystery. But, just like him, she didn't seem to understand the secret of the secret society. "I wonder what this place is?" he said while pointing at the photo.

After their investigation and dinner with Shizuru, Hino and the man were sitting on the balcony, enjoying the evening air. The man started the conversation and asked Hino, "What is your plan after the problem in the world is changed?"

Hino answered, "I wish you were the only one who could know this, and keep this a secret, but I will marry her again."

He felt comfortable with the man and knew that he could trust him. He didn't want anyone else to know his intention to marry Shizuru again, not even her.

Hino wanted to bring back the time before he and Shizuru got divorced, a time when their love was truly authentic and they were together.

He felt that their current situation was not real and wanted to make things right by marrying her again, if the world was done with all the illusions of governments and corruption. He felt that it was the only way to make things right and to save their love from all the lies and deceit of the elite.

The current government is hiding lies and using their power to make sure that people are following their will, without thinking about the consequences.

They are using their power to maintain control and manipulate the people, without any regard for the well-being of the citizens.

In this state of corruption and injustice, Hino and Shizuru are just two souls fighting against the injustice. They fight not just for themselves, but for the future of their love and society at large.

As Shizuru and the woman continued their conversation, Hino and the guy approached them and showed them the article.

"Look! Shizuru, the Triangle society is now angry at you for calling them out on your radio show, Shizuru, what is this?" Shizuru looked at Hino, confused by the article.

"I did what I had to do Hino! I did what was right to expose them." Hino replied to Shizuru with conviction.

"They're against us already!" the woman exclaimed, shocked by the article and its implications.


"And Shizuru, I told you not to do anything without me knowing!" Hino says to Shizuru in a stern tone. He is not happy that she acted on her own without consulting him first. He feels that their actions should be decided together and not unilaterally.

They are in this situation together and he wants to make sure that they are both on the same page and working towards the same goal.

In the office of the secret society, a man named Frederick looked through a file and sighed. His desk was organized but it still gave off an air of control and sophistication.

He knew that the couple had been getting under his skin and he was frustrated that no one had taken action yet. He was the boss and he expected his orders to be followed without question, and he had already given the orders to get rid of the couple. yet, no one seemed to be taking action yet and he knew that if the couple continued on this path, they would expose the society's secrets and bring down his regime.

"I need that damn ring! It was once owned by King Nohnas the 3rd, and I need it to give power to the western government. If I get that ring, I could become the next president due to my bloodline with him, and it would make my plans much easier to execute. If they ruin this ring, my plans for world domination will be made much more difficult."

The secret society is determined to get the ring back, and their plans for world domination depend on it.

The secret society is determined to recover the ring that once belonged to King Nohnas the 3rd. It was passed down to the current leader of the society and it is now their sole priority.

They are willing to do whatever it takes, no matter the cost, to get it back. Without it, their plans for world domination will be made more difficult and it is not an option for them.

"Kurokawa was right," the leader of the secret society says, "the couple are a huge mess and they will regret clashing with us." He knows that the couple have become a thorn in their side and needs to be eliminated before their plans are foiled.

They are determined to take out the couple by any means necessary and they will not stop until they have been dealt with. Their goal of world domination is at stake and they cannot allow themselves to be defeated.

Federick was frustrated. He called up the military and gave them their task. "Find this woman," he said, showing the photograph of Katelyn to the soldiers. "I want her ALIVE," he proclaimed, emphasizing that there was no room for failure in this mission.

The tone of his voice was stern and authoritative. He meant business and would not take no for an answer. 

The soldiers were under immense pressure to succeed and find Katelyn, who had unknowingly set in motion events that would threaten the Society's plans for world domination. The stakes were high, and the outcome of the mission would determine the future of not only the Society, but of the entire world.

Federick's frustration only grew, as if his plan may not be working. He was becoming increasingly anxious about the outcome of the mission and he needed results fast. He was determined to ensure that the couple didn't get away with the ring, even if it meant using aggressive measures.

 He knew that if the couple managed to escape, their plans for world domination would be at risk and that was simply not an option for him.