As Shizuru continues with her investigations, she feels like she is being manipulated by the people around her. She hates being used and taken advantage of, and she wants the people around her to be honest and true to her. She feels hurt and frustrated, and wonders if she will ever find the truth about the events happening around her. She tries to stay focused and not let her emotions get in the way of finding the truth, but deep inside she just wants to find the right people who will be there for her and understand her.
Shizuru was still feeling sad and frustrated by the manipulation she's faced from her co-workers. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was not right and that she was being used. She felt like she was being watched and that there was some sort of conspiracy going on, and it made her even more sad and unsure about her mission. With all this on her mind, she had to keep her focus on finding the truth before things got out of hand.
As Hino continues with his research, he stumbled upon a new theory. He decides to use satellite imagery and data from other online sources to investigate this mysterious location called 'Area 51', a place that has been surrounded by theories and conspiracies. This new information made him more curious, and he decided to look into it further and investigate it more deeply. He felt a sense of excitement and danger, and a feeling that he was getting close to uncovering a big secret.
As Hino looks closer at the information, he realizes that it does not match with the location that Raven sent him. He starts to feel doubt in the theory of the mysterious location, and he begins to question if the information he has is true or not. He keeps looking at the data and re-evaluating the theories, trying to figure out what the truth is and where all this information is coming from.
Hino continues to re-evaluate the information he has, looking at the data and trying to make sense of it. He tries to find connections and see if anything adds up. He feels the pressure to figure out the truth and he doesn't want to make any mistakes. He keeps looking at the data but he still hasn't found anything that would completely connect and give a clear answer. He feels a sense of urgency and anxiety, wondering if this information is accurate and if he needs to act quickly before it's too late.
Hino's investigation led him to discover something sinister yet intriguing. After some diligent research, he discovered the existence of a mysterious room called "The Vault". The Vault is a room within the The Polygonal Fortress building where mysterious creatures have been kept hidden and locked away for years. The room is said to be highly secretive, and the reasons for the creatures being kept there could be highly dangerous or confidential. Hino now faces a difficult decision, whether to investigate further into the Vault and uncover its secrets, or to move on with his research.
Hino came across a story about a Russian middle-aged man who used to work at the The Polygonal Fortress building and was reporting some information to the media. He claimed that he was part of the team that was responsible for securing "The Vault" room. According to him, the room housed mysterious creatures that were kept locked and hidden for years. Hino was intrigued and decided to look into this further, and try to uncover the truth about the strange creatures in The Vault room of the The Polygonal Fortress.
Hino told Raven that he has been researching a mysterious place called "The Polygonal Fortress", which is said to be located in Washington DC. Raven, being in the US, was curious to know if it was indeed true. However, Raven did not know about the existence of "The Vault" within the The Polygonal Fortress, where hidden and locked creatures are kept. Raven was intrigued by Hino's research and eager to find out more about this secret and mysterious place.
As Hino continued to research the mysterious place known as "The Polygonal Fortress", he discovered that it was said to be located in Washington DC. "That's exactly where I'm heading right now!" Raven exclaimed, her curiosity and excitement growing. Raven had heard rumors of the mysterious and secretive The Polygonal Fortress, but she had never heard of "The Vault" hidden within it. She was determined to find out if it was true and to locate this legendary place for herself.
Raven's mother works in the local municipality and has a close friend in the The Polygonal Fortress, whom she calls her aunt. One day, Raven's mother asked her to come along and meet her aunt, so they headed to the Pentagon. As Raven's mother and aunt chatted away, Raven secretly used her hidden camera which is disguised as a button, to surreptitiously record their conversations. She felt that there was some knowledge and information that she could gain by secretly recording the two of them.
Hino and Raven were monitoring the footage from their hidden camera, and they noticed that "The Vault" really did exist at the he Polygonal Fortress. This information surprised and intrigued them both, as they never thought that such a secret place could exist. They were eager to learn more about this place and to know what was really inside of it. They felt a sense of excitement and adventure and were determined to find out more.
"Ah, I get it, thanks for the info, but you don't have to do that. I just wanted to know if it existed." Raven said to Hino.
"But, I get to see real-life fantasy creatures! That's not just your satisfaction that is pleasing, but mine as well! Come on, play along!" Raven teased Hino as she tried to persuade him to come with her to see The Vault.
However, they have yet to get any closer to the mysterious place, as Raven's mother's friend is only allowed access to certain parts of the The Polygonal Fortress. This leaves Hino and Raven disappointed and frustrated, as they continue to search for a way to gain access to The Vault.
"Raven!~ that sucks!~" Raven replied to Hino, annoyed that she hadn't been able to see the inside of The Vault .
"Yeah! I know! Dang it! " Hino agreed, also exasperated by the disappointing turn of events and their inability to reach the mysterious place. They both felt frustrated and eager to find a way to access The Vault, and to uncover the hidden secrets held within it.