"She finally left!" I thought, watching Emma leave.
Of course, I didn't particularly feel the need for water right now. Nor was I interested in the offer to help with the household because everything was fine in my pigsty. What interested me was the busty mommy who had been looking at me strangely all this time. Not joyfully, not angrily, just strangely.
"I agree," Cynthia unexpectedly interrupted the pause.
"With what?" I didn't understand right away.
"I'm not a complete idiot, and I understand what you're interested in. You sent Emma away for that reason, right? Didn't want her to see her mother getting screwed by another stranger?"
Bravo. It was rude, but right on the mark. And here I thought I would spend five minutes persuading her.
"Well, since you understand, come with me," I said and headed towards the house.
By the way, this hideout wasn't always mine. I stumbled upon it about three months ago. Tired, hungry, and angry. After taking over the house, I was ready to kick out the returning owner. However, a day passed, then two, a week, and the owner never showed up. When it became clear that he was most likely no longer alive, I sighed with relief. Climbing to the second floor, I took off my vest and threw it on the chair.
"Undress," I ordered, approaching the bed.
Cynthia obediently followed my command. Meanwhile, I pulled down my pants along with my underwear and sat on the bed. As I looked at the tanned naked woman, my little buddy began to show signs of life. Cynthia came closer to me and knelt down. I wondered how often she had to make such deals, but when her hand touched my member and began to stroke it, all thoughts instantly left my head.
Caressing my buddy with her palm, Cynthia first ran her tongue around the head, as if savoring the taste. After making a full circle with her tongue, Cynthia immediately took my buddy into her mouth almost to its full length, causing it to grow even faster. When my hands rested on her breasts, Cynthia began to suck. She did it skillfully, albeit at a quick pace. After monotonously moving her head back and forth, Cynthia pulled my member out of her mouth, lightly nibbled on my testicles, and began to stretch them like a piece of gum. At the same time, her hands continued to pump my member.
"That's enough, it's sufficient!" I exclaimed, feeling that if Cynthia continued in the same manner, I would finish prematurely.
As soon as I leaped off the bed, Cynthia hurried to take my place and lay on her back. Holding her legs, I spread them apart and touched Cynthia's intimate area with my hand. As I suspected, it was dry as a desert there. Dampening my fingers with saliva, I began to massage her clitoris, and when I felt that her cave was finally ready to meet my friend, I slowly inserted my penis into her.
I quickly gained momentum, like an inexperienced young man. Cynthia didn't react to my efforts, except for her barely audible moans. Swiftly pulling out my penis, I turned Cynthia over onto her stomach, and when she got on all fours, I slapped her firm ass a couple of times before squeezing her breasts and entering her pussy again.
Squeezing and releasing her breasts, I thrust into Cynthia deeply. The quiet moans turned into loud screams. I couldn't hear what she was shouting because I was closer than ever to reaching climax. And when I could no longer hold back, I forcefully pulled out my penis and ejaculated onto Cynthia's back.
A few drops trickled down her skin, but before they could reach the sheets, Cynthia wiped them away with her index finger and put them in her mouth. Turning her face towards me, Cynthia asked for a tissue or something similar. Observing her face, I noticed that Cynthia didn't appear even slightly satisfied.
"Did you at least enjoy it?" I inquired, wiping off the remnants of semen from my penis with a piece of paper.
"It was great," she replied with a voice devoid of emotions.
That's when it dawned on me that all those moans and then screams were insincere. The busty mommy was simply faking an orgasm, wanting me to finish quickly. Did I feel deceived? Only slightly, if at all. So, a woman simulated an orgasm—so what? I enjoyed it, and that's what mattered. Tearing off a piece of paper, I handed it to Cynthia, and I put on my pants. As I tidied myself up, the woman began to dress.
"Now can we stay here?" she asked, putting on her skirt.
"You can. How long depends only on you," I replied, indicating that one time was not enough.
Cynthia nodded briefly, accepting my terms. Leaving the woman alone, I left the house. Glancing into the shed, I noticed that the bathtub was filled just over a third. Approaching the car, I saw the redhead returning from the lake with buckets.
"You don't need to fill the bathtub completely. Half will be enough," I relented.
The girl looked at me as if I were her worst enemy and walked past. Apparently, she had figured out why my mood suddenly improved. I didn't care. Let her think what she wanted. My priority was to quickly drive the car to Cloaca and get rid of that piece of junk at a good price.
Cloaca was a small town located four kilometers south of my hideout. It was inhabited only by a large gang of thugs, traders, and a few prostitutes as hideous as death. The town was surrounded by a low wall made of various garbage. Though I didn't live in Cloaca, they considered me one of their own. However, that didn't make all the inhabitants of this infamous town my friends. If anyone in Cloaca found out that a busty chick and her daughter had settled in my hideout, nothing good would come out of it. I wasn't ready to share my new companions with anyone else yet.
With my hands behind my head, I stared at the ceiling and pondered what to do next. In the first half of the day, our bearded friend had driven the car somewhere and returned on his own, not empty-handed. He brought a few dry loaves of bread, some meat, and lots of bullets. While the hairy man was absent, I tried to engage the mother in conversation, but she kept insisting that everything was fine and there was nothing to talk about.
For dinner, Ben treated us to meat. Judging by the taste, it was dog meat, but I didn't care. Since there was only one bed in the whole house, the bearded man had no intention of sharing it with us. We settled on two yellowed and holey mattresses that Ben brought down from the second floor and laid next to the stairs.
During the time Ben was away, I searched his hideout and found some weapons on the second floor. However, this weapon was of little use because our hairy friend had hidden the bullets somewhere. With the thought that we wouldn't stay here for long anyway, I fell asleep. My sleep was very light, so when I heard footsteps on the stairs, I immediately opened my eyes.
"Emma, are you asleep?" her mother asked in a quiet voice.
I didn't answer, but merely closed my eyes and turned to the other side. Without waiting for my response, my mother got up and went upstairs, where Ben was already waiting for her.
"Don't you dare, you bastard!" I wanted to shout when my mother entered the bearded man's room and closed the door behind her.
I tried to forget about everything and go back to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come. I had to intervene, and quickly. During the walk to the lake, I found a small knife with a dull blade and a worn-out handle. Taking the knife out of my pants pocket, I went upstairs. Approaching the door, I took a few deep breaths, and then kicked it open. At first, the sudden intrusion went unnoticed. With my mother's legs on his shoulders, Ben was fucking her, oblivious to everything around him.
"Stop!" I shouted.
Ben quickly glanced back, and my mother sat up on her elbows. Seeing the knife in my hands, she shook her head disapprovingly. Ben didn't say anything; he turned his head back and started fucking my mother even faster. Rage boiled inside me.
"Get away from her, you monster!" I exclaimed and lunged at the bearded man with the knife.
At that moment, I was ready to stab him right in the sweaty back, but Ben swiftly turned halfway and kicked me in the chest with his bare foot. Dropping the knife, I flew backward and landed on my buttocks. My mother immediately pulled her legs off Ben's shoulders and slapped him across the face.
"Don't you dare touch my daughter!" she angrily exclaimed and tried to scratch Ben's eyes.
He didn't hit her back; he simply pushed her forcefully onto her back and turned to face me. His, as it seemed to me then, enormous penis was just half a meter away from my face. But when I tried to reach for the knife, he stepped on it with his foot, barely avoiding touching my cheek with his erect member. I recoiled in fear, instantly losing all my courage.
"Get out of here! And don't let me see you again in two minutes!" the enraged bear shouted.
I didn't move. Then my mother, who had jumped off the bed, grabbed me by the arm and literally pushed me down the stairs before slamming the door shut. At first, they yelled at each other for about half a minute, or rather, it was only Ben who yelled, and then the shouting subsided.
Ignoring my own mistakes, I opened the door again. On her knees, my mother was bringing Ben's member back to attention, using her breasts as if there had been no argument at all. The bearded man didn't last long; he let out a muffled groan, and his member shot out sperm, splattering my mother's face and hair.
How much I wanted to wipe that satisfied expression off the hairy bastard's face, but the moment was gone. I had the chance to stop the abuse of my mother, but I only made things worse. Feeling like a helpless failure, I trudged back to my smelly mattress.
I thought things couldn't get any worse, but the next day proved me wrong. After a breakfast of stale crackers and tea that tasted and looked like urine, I noticed that my mother wasn't feeling well. Ben didn't seem to notice or pretended not to.
It only got worse from there: my mother's temperature rose after 30 minutes, and 40 minutes later, sores began to appear on her body. I was genuinely frightened, as something similar had happened to me six months ago, and I almost died. Fearful for my mother's life, I helped her get to Ben's bed on the second floor and then went in search of the bearded man. I encountered him outside and told him that my mother was in bad shape and something needed to be done about it.
"Do something," Ben replied indifferently and tried to enter the house, but I blocked his way.
"She urgently needs medication. Without it, she could die!"
The bearded scoundrel smirked.
"I'm no expert in medicine, but I have an acquaintance who deals in medications. He's got pills for almost anything."
I perked up noticeably. However, the next remark from the bearded man brought me back down to earth.
"Suppose I get the medicine. What will I get in return?"
"And what do you want?" I asked.
"Total and unconditional obedience. You'll do whatever I say. Agreed?"
It's clear what you are, vile and lascivious scum. Only a complete scoundrel would propose something like that when it's a matter of life and death. Regretting that I had lost my knife, I nodded briefly. Accepting my response, the bearded man took out a walkie-talkie from his pocket and moved away towards the shed.
I didn't know who he was talking to or about what, and when I tried to approach, Ben frowned disapprovingly, covered the walkie-talkie with his hand, and told me to go back inside. I had to obey. Five minutes later, Ben returned to the house.
"I have three pieces of news for you: one bad and two good. I saw what's happening with your mother and know what illness she's got. I spoke to my acquaintance, but he doesn't have the necessary medicine right now," the bearded man reported.
"And what are the good news?"
"The medicine is not available right now, but it should be here in a couple of days, at worst, a week. In the meantime, you can give your mother a fever-reducing medication. There's one package lying around in my room."
"Thank you."
"You'll thank me tonight. As soon as it gets dark, come to the shed."
Once again, I found no words to respond and simply nodded blankly. When Ben headed for the stairs, I sat down on the floor and put my hands on my knees. If a miracle doesn't happen, I will be with a man old enough to be my father tonight! But miracles don't happen. I learned that bitter lesson a long time ago.