Chereads / The Journey Of Fate / Chapter 36 - so near, yet so farfetch'd

Chapter 36 - so near, yet so farfetch'd

At the moment, Ash and his friends were relaxing in a meadow. They decided to have a break after the incident at Grampa canyon had passed that they have been on the road for a while. Ash knew what was going to happen in this episode. Even tough Misty would have encountred a boy named keith who steals other trainer's pokemon, it can be changed.

"You know there's rumor that a pokémon called a farfetch'd lives around here." Brock said

"Farfetch'd?" Ash looked it up on pokedesk.

[farfetch'd, the wild duck pokémon. By using the green onion that it holds like a sword, Farfetch'd can cut through a variety of objects. Farfetch'd is nearly extinct due to being eaten by people]

"Do people seriously eat pokemon?" asked Yellow.

"Maybe." said Brock

"That was back in the old years." Ash said putting his phone away.

"There's supposed to be a spring nearby and we need water." Said Brock looking at the map.

"I will go with you. I am alomost out of water." said Ash standing up.

"Me too." said Glissle.

Yellow handed hes canteen held out to Ash,"will you get some for me pretty please, Ash?"

"Sure." said Ash

"Okay, let's go then." said Ash

Pikachu followed the others while Yellow stayed behind right along with Misty.


In the world of Kanto, where dreams take flight,

A tale of rebirth in the morning's first light.

With a Pikachu by my side, our bond innate,

We're reliving our journey, it's the "Journey of Fate"

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

From Pallet Town's charms to the Viridian skies,

We'll aim for the stars, with wonder in our eyes.

As Team Rocket schemes and Gym Leaders await,

We'll rewrite the story, it's our "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

A reincarnated soul, with a heart that's pure,

In the world of Pokémon, our spirits endure.

In Kanto's embrace, we'll appreciate,

The joy of reliving this "Journey of Fate."

In Lavender's mysteries and Celadon's grace,

Through battles and laughter, we'll find our place.

With Misty and Brock, by our side, we'll create,

A legend reborn in this "Journey of Fate."

Pokémon, together we'll find our way,

In the anime world, where we're meant to play.

With Ash's spirit reborn, it's never too late,

To capture our dreams in this "Journey of Fate."

As we chase after Mewtwo, through victories and weight,

Our adventures continue, it's a story so great.

In Kanto, reborn, our bond we celebrate,

Our anime legacy, this "Journey of Fate."


Brock, Glissle and Ash arived at the spring. They began filling their water canteens when pikachu noticed something so he ran ober to it. He gasped at what he saw in front of him.

"Pika! Pika! (ash come here quickly)" pikachu called out to him.

Ash ran over to see what pikachu had found and it was an injured shiny farfetcy'd. He gasped and knelt down beside the injured pokémon. He gentely picked up the injured pokémon and held it in his arms.

"Oh my God, what on earth happed to you?" Ash asked the injured pokémon.

The shiny farfetch'd looked up at Ash weakly. It saw the look of worry in the boy's eyes. Even tough it should be wary, but the look somehow made it trust the boy.

Brock and Glissle ran over to where Ash was and were shocked to see an injured shinry farfetch'd.

"Don't worry I am going to help you. Glissle, give me some medicine and bandages." Ash Requeted.

Glissle took out the medicines and handed them to Ash. Ash quicjly treated the pokémon. Then he gave the pokémon an oran berry.

"There fell better?" asked Ash

Farfetch'd smiled,"Farfetch'd(Thank you)".

"You are welcome. " Ash smiled back and then frowned a little and asked,"who on earth gave you these wounds?"

Farfetch'd looked down and said,"Far farfetch'd (I was buillied.)"

"Why?" Ash asked

"Fetch far farfetch'd. ( it is beacuse of my colour.)' Farfetch'd replied.

" what did Farfetch'd say?"Glissle asked

"It said that it was bullied beacuse of its colour." Ash said

"Most shiny pokémon are treated horribly beacuse of their colour, which is unfair." Brock stated frowing.

"Curel is more like it. If anything a shiny pokémon is unique. People just can't understand that." said Ash

"Far fetche'd?(Can I come with you? People treat me poorly)." Farfetch'd said

"Huh? You want to come with me?" Ash questioned.

Farfetch'd nodded happily.

Ash smiled and took out a pokéball,"Then welcome to the team, Farfetch'd."

Shiny Farfetch'd tapped the button and was shucked inside. Then it dinged instatnt capture. Then it disappeared to Oak's lab.

"Wow Ash, you managed to catch a Farfertch'd and a shiny one too." said Glissle.

Ash nodded, "Yeah unbelievable, well, we better get back to Yellow & Misty. They are probaly bored right now."


"There you are Yellow & Misty." Ash spotted both of them

"Where were you both?" Glissle asked

"Were you looking for us?" Yellow asked

"Of course we were looking for you, did something happen?" Brock asked

Misty nervously said,"Well I spotted a Farfetch'd and wanted to try and catch but I kinda lost it."

"You mean you actually saw one? Ash just caught a shiny Farfetch'd." said Brock.

"Wow really lucky." Misty said

"Congratulation Ash on getting shiny Farfetch'd." said Yellow

"Thanks, Misty and yellow." Ash said with a smile.

"Here you go yellow, we filled  up your watter canteen." Ash gave it to her.

"Thanks Ash." said Yellow putting it in her bag.

Misty opened her bag to take out something suddenly she noticed something horryfying as a pile of potatoes in hef bag instead of pokéball.

She said,"I must have picked up the wrong bag."

"Hub?" Ash, Glissle, Brock and Yellow asked

"Look." Misty dumped out the potates

The gang gasped at this.

"Misty, did you run into anyone when chasing Farfetch'd?" Ash asked

"Did I run into anyone, I did, There was a boy, His name was keith." Misty rememberd.

"He must have swiped your bag when you weren't looking we need to find that kid and now, your pokéballs and pokémon egg are in there." Glissle said.

"Pidgeot Go." said Ash

"Pidgeot (I am here)" Pidgeot asked

"I need you to fly around and see if you can spot the farfetch'd Mistu saw, when you do let me know." Ash told her.

Pidgeot nodded and flew off to find the wild duck pokémon

"Why did you have pidgeot go look for farfetch'd?"Misty asked.

"Beacuse something about this doesn't fell right." Ash said seriously

"A farfetch'd appears out of nowhere before Misty but then disappears and she runs into that guy."said Ash

"So its possible the two could be working together." Brock theorized.

"Yeah." Ash said. Then He and Glissle noticed the look of worry on Misty's face.

Glissle placed his hands on Misty's shoulder,"Don't worry we will get them back."

Mistumanaged to smile,"Yeah you are right."

There was a cry in the air that sounded very familiar looking up at the sky they saw it was Pidgeot,"Did you find Farfetch'd?"Ash yelled.

Pidgeot nodded.

"Good show us where." said Ash

Pidgeot flew off leading them to where he spotted the pokémon and the human it was with.


The gang was following Pidgeot through the forest.

"Seel" A pokémon voiced called out.

"Huh?" The group looked to the side and out came the single bloom pokémon

"Seel." Misty cried out happily to see one of her pokémon.

"Misty, if see is here that means the theif is nearby." said Glissle

Misty gasped and nodded and said,"Right, Seel do you know where the theif and his farfetch'd is?"

Seel nooded and started to go towards a direction,"seel."she called out to them to follow

"Let's go." said Ash


They soon reached keith's camping site, who looked like he and farfetch'd were ready to leave.

"Hold it right there." said Misty

Keith and farfetch'd turned around and saw Misty with seel next to her. They were surprised to see her with her pokemon.

"Give back my pokémon." Misty demanded angrily

The ganag and their pokémon immediately surrounded keith and farfetch'd. The two looked back and forth seeing themselves surrounded with no escape.

"Would you mind explaning why you are stealing people's pokemon rather than catch some yourshelf?" Ash asked with narrowed eyes.

"My farfetch'd is too weak to battle so I have no choice but to steal pokemon." keith admitted.

"You are the most pathetic trainer I have ever met." said Ash

Keith flinched at that.

"Your answer was pathetic as well." Glissle added bluntly.

Keith flinched again.

"Yeah." Brock agreed,"Traning and workimg hard with farfetch'd will make it strong."

"Did you ever train your farfetch'd at all?" asked Ash

"No." keith replied

The ganag facepalmed at this,"seriously."

"And he saus that farfetch'd is too weak for battles. It is no wonder." said Brock

Just then farfetch'd stepped forward,"Fetch far far (I want to battle.)"

Ash stepped forward,"so you farfetch'd wants a battle, huh? Gladly." Then he realsed his Ghost pokémon.

Keith was amazed that Ash had a Gastly.

"Gastly use shadow ball." Ash said

Gastly used shadow ball in farfetch'd making it screams in pain. Farfetch'd began to fight back by using agility dodge Gastly countinuing attacks. Then it his Gastly multipe times with the move fury attack by hitting Gastly with its leek.

Keith looked at farfetch'd battling style in surprise. Keith said, " I never knew that farfetch'd could battle like that and I never knew it could be that strong."he said

Gastly began to get cross from being hit by farfetch'd leek. Then suddenly he began to glow and evolved into a Haunter. Ash was amazed by the evolution and was just about to command Gastlu to attack again.

"Wait Ash let me handle this." Misty said stopping her, "I would like to deal with keith now since it's my pokeballs that he stole. Seep lets get our friends back." Misty said to her pokémon.

"Seel." The pokémon nodded and went towards the wild duck pokemon ready to battle.

Ash didn't compalin and allowed Misty to battle the wild duck pokémon,"He is all yours then, Gastly return."He returned his pokemon.

Misty glared at keith,"Alright you are dealimg with me now. Go seel."

Keith blinked and was confused on what pokemon is that.

Farfetch'd taunted the pokemon,"Far fetch(A aeel isn't a match)." He said

Seel glared at the wild duck pokémon.

"Seel use ice beam." Misty said

Seel realsed a beam from its mouth hitting it to the duck pokemon and keith slaming down into tree sliding down painfully in utter defat.

"You did it seel." Misty cheered.

Suddenly voltorb's were raning down on them and started exploding all around.

"I am sorry I won't do anything bad anymore."keith cried out in panic as he and farfetch'd held onto each other.


So keith brought them to his tent where he had other trainer's backpacks filled with their pokeballs. He handed Misty her bag that had pokeballs and pokemon egg. Grabbing all of the backpacks they horded him off to offer jenny where he confessed go being the one stealing people's baf so he could steal their pokemon. He showed deep regert for his action and was verg sincere to convincing officer Jenny.

" you know you are very lucky that none of the trainers want to press charge against you for stealing their pokemon, I suggest you don't take this for granted."Officer Jenny told them sternly.

"Yes I understand." Keith bowed his head in apology along with farfetch'd."I realized it was wrong not to belived in farfetch'd."Farfetch'd nodded happily

"If you keep training him He will be a strong pokemon." Ash stated.

Keith nodded and said,"Yeah I know he will."

"Is there something you do like to say to him, Misty?" asked Ash

Misty shook her head, "No he seems really regretful so I think I will let it go."

Ash, Glissle, Yellow and Brock smiled at that.


Thanks to seel, Misty was able to receive her stolen pokemon back and keith learned a valuable lesson as well. Their journey continues for Ash and his friends.

To be countinued


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