when I just kicked out of house
I just sit on bench and say system open
then with just a window pop up and data is given
Name William Corners ( the one who ruled the ocean )
Class unknown
level 1
stamina 3
strength 2
speed 2
skills control the sea animal
communication to sea animal
under water breathing
the most of my skills are gone ?
staying in depression
what am I supposed to do how can I being able to stop who betray me ?
first I want to ask someone how go in a duengon ?
I ask someone near me
can you tell me how to go in a duengon ?
he replied the most famous person of this city who do nothing or I say the
son -in -law of Jiang family
you have to go In a duengon
you , I am going to kill you
how can you do it ?
you are going to hide behind your wife
Y-Y-you man of shit (in a angry way)
you uses mind controlling to sea beast on the lake near you
grade 6 meldious fish comes out of it
and just kill him with his blade like wishkers and go into lake by itself
you have find the corpse
do you want to gluttony it or making undead
using gluttony level 3
you have absorbed lvl 5 human
you have lvl up
the meldious fish comes out othe lake and kill himself
using gluttony
you absorb lvl 10 beast
you have level up
you have level up
To be continued -