Chapter 214 - Uncertain Futures

"So that is the legendary Elder Lord Hongjun."


"Mighty Hongjun."


"Is he greater then great mother?"


The community of humans resided in a hidden valley known as Fire Cloud valley Close to the coastal regions of what is now the Eastern Shengshen continent. Well nobody really called it that yet preferring a simple East continent.


The people living here were just that, people. They belonged to no race with exotic appearance, followed no supreme ruler lording over millions of races. These were the first group of humans to inhabit the Three Realms.


All of them wore stone aged clothing made of beast pelts woven together. Many sat around small campfires under stone huts with straw roofs.


They had been left on their own under a protective shield after their creator, god, and mother, Nuwa left to attend Hongjun's seminar. At this time, their population was small but their lives were extremely long. These humans were not mortals after all.


As either direct progeny of Nuwa or children birthed by the very very first generation of primordial humans, these early humans had cultivation. They were not too dissimilar to innate creatures spawned out of heaven and earth. Only, they found a much easier time communicating with and illuminating themselves on the Dao laws of the Three Realms.


Using their supernatural power, wether they be men or women, young or old, these early humans provided for themselves by hunting nearby forests for unintelligent beasts. They wove clothing and built buildings under their leader's tutelage. In order to survive a chaotic time period, even with Nuwa's protection they still needed to work hard together.


"Hongjun." Yet one voice among them was not bewildered, scared, or even in awe of the divine projection of Hongjun. Rather, an unimpressed look sported his face followed closely by a snort.


Among the population of humans, one handsome long haired youth walked through the crowd. His head held high, shoulders broad, chest puffed out. People subconsciously made way for him as they passed. Even without speaking, the knowledge to not bother this person was ingrained in their minds.


This youth was special after all, closer to god then men. Even the revered leaders of the human race were weary of him.


'As they rightfully should.' The arrogant youth was fully confident in himself. After all, he had twelve years of mandatory education. He was far far far far smarter then these primitive savages.


'The immortals should be cultivating what Hongjun taught them. Daoist immortals? Humph, how pathetic. Humans don't need those weak losers.'


His disdain was evident whenever a glare scanned his surroundings. The poorly constructed buildings, the bad quality cloths, not to mention how bad everyone smelled. He thought it was unbelievable how dumb these people were. If it were him, these savages would advance beyond any demon or divinity in no time.


But very soon, all that will change. He'll bring a golden age to humanity and teach the lofty immortals of heaven not to fuck with. But first he needed everyone to realise that female whore was a two faced lying bitch.


He passed by many people discussing what Hongjun had announced. Passed many men and women working. It was irritating to see, those females could much more productive not wasting their time hunting or building. There were communal dinners to prepare, the weak needed spiritually rich meat and were certainly not gonna feed themselves.


The youth understood what society needed and knew how to properly assign duties to his people. But the so called leaders of humanity were too dumb to understand. Apparently he needed to prove himself by contributing to society.


Honestly, he would've claimed the merit of creating cloths, real cloths for himself if that woman wasn't born earlier. Heaven truly wasn't fair. What's more, Youchao claimed the merit for building. He knew he couldn't go for farming or writing even if he, a city raised fresh high school graduate obviously knew how. That destiny belonged to Shennong and Canjie/Hongyun and he didn't wanna risk going against heaven just yet. Besides, all of the above were useless contributions if you asked him. He knew what he really needed to create to be recognized as an ancestor of mankind.


True power to dominate the heavens. Martial prowess.


"Right so this delivery of beef can go to district eight. district four said they needed more materials to complete their storehouse. Youchao do you think…What are you doing here Wusheng(martial body)?" A middle aged looking man dressed in animal pelt stoped his words asked the youth. His beard was messy, like dancing fire, he smelled of smoke and but exuded a presence of warmth. This was Suiren, the first human in the Three Realms.


Wushen had entered a very specific hut, the main administrative building the leaders of humanity gathered. Currently, this small council only housed the three people with the greatest contribution to society and hence led it. Suiren, Youchao, and Ziyi. The last of which earned a sneer from Wusheng.


"Checking on your progress," Wusheng replied. "After that light show people are scared. How're you planning to move forward now that outside immortals have presented a threat?"


"A threat…what?" Suiren was startled.


"Come on you can't be that dull Suiren. Sooner or later monsters will hunt our people down and eat us. Do you think she'll help us over her own kind. We need to take this chance and…"


"Careful Wusheng," Suiren warned, fully understanding who 'she' was referring to.


"Wusheng, this place is for the council only. I understand you're eager to lead, but barging in here when you have done nothing to qualify is an unbecoming attitude," Ziyi scolded to the youth with an exasperated tone. She was the only woman of the group and the person who figured out how to make clothing. The other person in the room, Youchao was the architect behind humanity's housing.


"Hmph." Wusheng payed her no mind. Ziyi was nothing special and the humiliating aspect of this council. Suiren created fire to cook, to illuminate, to destroy with. Youchao built houses for shelter and storage. What did Ziyi do? Making cloths something any man can do. What's more, she was so terrible at it. Was it too much to ask for a high T-shirt?


Honestly, Suiren had already made fire. Why couldn't she wise up and make use of it to cook like a proper self respecting female? It made no sense to Wusheng. Youchao and Suiren earned no respect from him for this decision.


At least she was good looking. Ziyi had an Amazonian muscle mommy appearance to her that Wusheng appreciated. Now if only she could stop questioning him.


"Young Wusheng, we are in the middle of a serious discussion." Youchao looked the oldest of the group but was in fact much younger then Suiren. "I agree that announcement is a lot to take in, but it isn't something that'll affect is significantly just yet. Some matters are more important for now."


Ziyi sighed and whispered something to Suiren. "Senior brother, I believe in time Wusheng's antics would spell disastrous for our human race. We are already weak reliant on mother's protection, we don't want to ruin that for his delusions."


"You are right Ziyi. This Thorne brings nothing but headache. But it pains me to even consider the final punishment(death), there are already so few of us."


"Perhaps a banishment? Leave him at another settlement and see how that tempers him."


"You are wise sister."


What those two surely didn't know was that Wusheng had excellent hearing. And after witnessing this scene, his disgust towards Suiren grew an order of magnitude. So this was the type of man he is, a loser and a cuck. Nothing more then a well trained dog for this bitch.


"Hmph," Wusheng walked up to the table the three were sitting at and slammed a leather book down.


"What is this?"


"Yours truly's gift. Nuwa taught us immortal cultivation but so what? We humans don't need outsiders interfering with out lives. We don't some innate god, or some demon who sees us as food, or some self righteous old hermit to teach us. No we need to find out own path if we are to survive in this dog eat dog world."


No one could deny Wusheng was weirdly charismatic. Youchao and Ziyi glanced at the book he dropped on the table with some interest while Suiren felt his eyebrow twitch.


Everything Wusheng said made sense and was already known. Despite Suiren's misgivings, he knew he cannot rely on Nuwa's protection forever. Not just because his mother was injured, but also because she's alone is not strong enough to withstand all the forces out there. He remembered a time when he was little more then a mindless mud puppet and understood just how high the power ceiling of experts were.


"It's only a matter of time guys. So we humans need to attack first. We need to teach all those races not to fuck with humanity."


And there was the caveat. Wusheng was incredibly aggressive. Suiren was afraid he'll go out of his way to offend the demons, divinities, the innate gods, maybe even drag the dragons and phoenixes out of retirement before their race were strong enough. Wusheng was strong already, but arrogant and too self assured. He's never experienced war like Suiren's previous self had and did not understand just what he was up against.


Humans needed stability and to stay lowkey, especially when they had no enemies.


"Hm, senior brother isn't this technique…it's…" before Wusheng could stop her, Ziyi had already flipped the book open to showcase a bunch of crude drawings of various positions alongside small descriptions beside them.


"HEY!" Wusheng snapped. "Who gave you the right?"


The book was titled 'Way of the Martial God'. It was Wusheng's life work and represented the pinnacle of humanity as he saw it. Martial arts that surpassed immortal cultivation. It was all planned out already.


Martial Apprentice, Martial Master, Martial Grandmaster, Martial King, Martial Emperor, Martial Ancestor, Martial Ancestor, Grotto Heaven, Life and Death Transcendence, Void Shattering, Heaven Clashing, Fate Dominating, Eternal Supremacy. This was the true martial cultivation pathway he'd devised to surpass that of immortals and their pitiful immortal arts.


"What is this?" Suiren murmured as he read over what Wusheng has wrote. Wusheng supposed he would be in awe. It's only natural someone as barbaric and stupid as early humans would not comprehend a modern man's genius.


"Wusheng these are pictures and a name," Suiren said flatly. "If you're only here to waste our time then just get out." His face scrunched up in anger towards the youth.


Ziyi sighed at Wusheng's antics. "This isn't the time for pranks Wusheng. You've wasted enough of our time."


Wusheng's vein bulged in anger.


"I don't know what you're trying to achieve," Suiren continued. "Get out of here before I make you." As a sign of his anger, the room's torches' flames grew significantly larger.


In reality, Wusheng didn't know how to create a cultivation path. To propagate one was already a monumental task reserved for the greatest of forefathers talents. In the Chaos Sea, this'll even be a generational task. Wusheng assumed that just because he read many novels about cultivation, he can easily make one.


But even in his memories, he never learned martial arts, nor had any form of combat training. He didn't even know how to throw a proper punch until Suiren taught him. For some reason, Wusheng thought he would succeed because he said so.


Wusheng was furious at Suiren. Seeing how his words seemingly echoed Ziyi's, he concluded Suiren to be nothing more then a retarded simp loser not worth listening to. He will never welcome this so called ancestor in his future holy land. When he saves humanity from its miserable humiliating fate, he'll make Suiren lick his shoe to apologize.


The Three Sovereign Five Emperors in history suffered a humiliating fate, relegated to Fire Cloud Cave to regulate humanity's luck all because Laozi said so. It was pathetic in his opinion. He'll create a human holy land and spread martialism to all living beings and be praised as Martial Ancestor.


He grabbed his book. "Just watch you fools. When I proclaim this to heaven, you'll see what I'm talking about." He can already picture it, he'll raise the book to heaven and be elevated by merit to Golden Immortality. Then he'll joined their ranks as a human ancestor.


Then he'll use his new powers to secure Kong Xuan as his disciple. And then he'll poach the Three Sovereign Five Emperors from the six saints as his own disciples. The name of Wusheng will reach the zenith.



At this exact same moment, Nuwa finally returned to Fire Cloud Valley accompanied by Jieyin. The exact moment Wusheng stormed out of the administrative building only to witness his fellow men and women kneeling in worship to their mother goddess.


Nuwa and Jieyin, such a sight instantly stirred an unreasonable amount of disgust in Wusheng. His eyes was practically glowing with disdain by the two he knew to be villains. The cosmic force that existed within him agreed with such an assessment, praised it even. This was the only way reality should exist.


"Thank you for escorting me." Nuwa was not paying attention at the time however.


"Small matter fellow daoist," Jieyin replied. "I've always wanted to take a look at your creations anyway. Innate Dao body, they are well suited for cultivating the Dao."


But a loud laughter exploded. The two innate gods turned their heads and squinted their eyes at the youth who arched his back with laughter.


The moment Wusheng saw what Jieyin looked like, how could he feel anything but humour? That squarish face that looked so full of suffering. It was nothing but comedy to Wusheng who knew this man would've never knew what suffering was.


Besides, he wasn't scared. Humans were the protagonists of the world, Jieyin wouldn't dare touch a primordial man. He'll take this chance to mock Jieyin and show how much of a loser he is in front everyone. Hopefully, this'll stop them from ever thinking of joining the west.


The image of a bunch of bald monks chanting mantra like some kind of brainwashed slave sent shivers down his spine. When he became supreme, the first thing he'll do is destroy the west.


This was why Jieyin, and his brother Zhunti were his natural enemies. Those two lying scammers and the bald heads should be treated with nothing but disdain. Wusheng opened his eyes after rubbing the tears out only to freeze.


Jieyin and Nuwa had appeared right in front of him, but somebody must be messing with him. What is that hair on Jieyin? He's a bald monk, he shouldn't have hair. And why was Nuwa wearing an eyepatch? Was it Halloween?


Nevertheless, Wusheng raised his finger to begin his rant. Jieyin being stupid enough to come here opened up an opportunity for him to tear him a new one. It was so easy.


"You…mmhh!" Wusheng could barely begin before a slender hand clenched his mouth. He was raised into the air against his will and forced to confront a one eyed Nuwa whose face wore an expression of fury. Her forehead veins all bulged while her teeth clenched, cutting a terrifying look that also confused Wusheng.


"Filthy monkey," Nuwa spat. Jieyin pressed his hand on her extended one to stop her from crushing Wusheng's jaw. Then he soundlessly pressed a thumb on Wusheng's forehead.


"Mother," Suiren ran out of the administrative building and saluted her. "He offended you?"


"Six Eared Macaque." These were Nuwa's only words. Startling the humans, they were confused. Liu Er was destroyed, Chaos Immortals aren't within a Chaos World's cycle of reincarnation. He cannot reincarnate because there was nothing to reincarnate.


"He's not the that monkey," Jieyin said.


"He carries his scent."


"And shares the same karma. Appearance wise at least," Jieyin added. "But it is not him. Nothing about him is the same."


Jieyin scrunched his face in disgust as his thumb was removed from Wusheng's forehead. "Like how rain is governed by the Dao law of rainwater, this is a natural phenomena. Oh right, heaven devoured that Dao."


He released his hand from Nuwa's extended one. The moment he did, Wusheng couldn't even protest before Nuwa exploded him into red mist.


"Oh sister," Fuxi's orb form appeared beside her in comfort. But the stares of the humans surrounding them were all on Nuwa. Shock, fear, befuddlement, it took only five seconds for Nuwa to come back to herself.


'Oh, I killed one of my own children.'


"Mother, perhaps you should come inside," Suiren offered.


"Yes, I…I would like to sit down."

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