Chapter 209 - Six Seats Before Hongjun

(Note: I edited this chapter to remove Haotian from the people sitting in front of Hongjun. Keep this in mind as this changes the dynamic)

Before everyone, Hongjun appeared just as mysterious and profound as his cultivation indicated. He was like the secrets of all existence jumbled into a humanoid form. He was the alpha and the omega. He was the most high.


A Dao so advanced flowed around him that was difficult or even Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals to comprehend. It contained so much intricacies that each individual present felt as if their own Dao's were but a mere manifestation of Hongjun's Dao.


A smug Yaochi and a stoic Haotian bowed to their master first. Then Hongjun raised a palm. The profound energies around him ceased leaving on an ordinary giant old man. The air lightened as all these immortals began relaxing without the burden of his pressure.


The hall was devoid of any kind of disturbance as Hongjun spoke out.


"It gladdens my heart that so may juniors display an interest in this old man's musings."


The crowd uttered some words of thanks that seemingly did not register in Hongjun's ear for he seemed to go into a tranquil state of sleep. A large period of silence followed much to everyone's awkward musings.


Three hours after, Hongjun an eye at the shut door. Though it did not budge, and no sound was audible from outside, everyone instinctively knew there were people gathering out there.


Outside Zixiao Palace, nearly thirteen thousand immortals were loitering around. Despite being unable to access the inside, these hopefuls still desired to hear what the Dao Ancestor wished to say.


It was in this crowd that two tattered monks finally stepped onto the courtyard of Zixiao Palace. A Jieyin that appeared haggard by stress as evidence by the lines on his face, guided a solemn Randeng through a crowd of powerhouses.


Jieyin's presence made people part around him, but he knew he wouldn't be able to open the door. Not only would it be rude to barge in considering the spots were already filled, his own desires were half hearted at best.


Zhunti had still been not found. After all these years, the remnants of the West Continent were a barely habitable mess and Jieyin was the only one of reputable status left there.


"Shame," he said. "But we can only blame our tardiness."


"We wasted our time. Senior brother, how long must we endure all this?" Randeng bitterly said. "Us poor monks simply wish to help our homeland. But look what's become of that now. At least some consideration should be given."


"No point in wining," the elder innate god chastized. "Let's go, there are some locations we need to restore and people to relocate."


The words by Randeng struck a cord with alot of people. It was a good one though, the common consensus among them was that Randeng was wining thoughtlessly. After all, his side wasn't the only one that suffered.


Everyone here belonged to a family that was but a shadow of its former self. Everyone had their homelands crushed and were now just picking up the pieces. Opportunities like Hongjun's lecture was fair game for anyone, one simply had to grasp it.


That Randeng and Jieyin lacked the speed to were through no fault of anyone's but their own. Many thought he was only trying to drum up pity points to ask for concessions.


Randeng knew this of course, but at this point there were a lot of desperation involved. If he could create even the slightest opportunity, he would. In this regard, he was really no different from any other cultivator present. But he truly did think his circle of brotherhood deserved better due to their Dao studies' contribution to the Netherworld.


He glanced at Jieyin and wondered what he truly felt. The loss of Zhunti had hit him hard, and he also knew Jieyin secretly suspected Taishang. The old man was the last witness to Zhunti even though no actual motivation could be thought of.


If they could be taught by the Dao Ancestor, they could reach a level where the West Continent would never be harmed ever again.


"Are you not going to join us?" Hongjun's voice echoed out to Jieyin making him stop in his tracks.


"Senior, has the three thousand limit not been reached?" Jieyin said in confusion. He half turned only to be met with numerous confused looks aimed at him.


Then the massive doors opened on their own and Jieyin understood.


"May my junior brother Randeng join us even if he is not gully qualified?" He said as such since Randeng wasn't even a Chaos Immortal yet.


"For your contributions, you have earned a place."


Jieyin nodded sadly and made his way into the palace alone much to the chagrin of all those trapped outside. When someone did try to follow, they were immediately flung back. One of said offender's arms was even severed at the elbow.


Within, Jieyin was greeted with the startled gazes of every other attendee. He clasped his hands and apologized for his tardiness. Then he made to take a seat at the only space left, the back.


"Don't loiter. Return to whence you game." Hongjun projected his voice outside the palace. Then he finally turned his attention to the most important matter, his seminar. Outside, unwilling to offend the Dao Ancestor and thus ruin potential future relations, everyone left.


"Now then, I'm sure we're already familiar with each other. I am Hongjun, the Dao Ancestor and spokesperson of heaven. Mysterious Profound upper sage. First Saint of Heaven and teacher of the Dao. Chaos Cricket of the Chaos Godfiends.


"Today, I welcomed you all who could make it for my lesson where I shall impart upon all you all that I have learned in my ascension to the pinnacle of cultivation. But before I begin, I have something to announce to you all."


Hongjun gestured towards the six mats placed before him. The barriers shimmering around them all faded into nothingness. This allowed the immortals prescient to identify these mats to be nothing more than ordinary furniture without a hint of spirituality.


"These seats are reserved for my disciples both in name and true. Those I intend to take in or have already taken in and personally teach."


Startled, thousands of cultivators gasped. They glanced at Haotian and wondered if they could stand in the same spot. After all, as a Dao realm supreme being, Hongjun's accumulated knowledge would surely guide them to success past their current realm.


"Discipleship, this represents an opportunity."


"Yes, I cannot miss this."


"My son…"


A commotion was starting to pick up. Nobody dared to be impetuous, but that didn't stop them from talking. Hongjun tapped the air silencing everyone instantly.


"The three I sought out on Mt Kunlun, take your seats."


Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Taishang all teleported themselves to three of the seats. This all but confirmed to even the most doubtful that these three brothers had Hongjun's backing from the very beginning. They were thinking that perhaps Hongjun wasn't as hands off for the thirty thousand year duration of the war as they thought.


"Eons ago, I discovered three worthy beings to be thought by this seat. But unfortunately back then, they were formless and primitive. However, the most active cloud of qi was enlightened and understood. You three are my destined disciples.


"Since time immemorial, brother Pangu shouldered the burden of creating the world. The heavens have him to thank for its existence. As the heavens are kind and fair, it desires to repay its creator also. I am also a being blessed to be reborn in this world. I too desire to repay him.


"That is why when I realized the three clouds of gas were the reincarnated forms of his Nascent Soul. The manifestations of his mental capacity I extended my offer. Taishang, you accepted it on you three's behalf back then. Today I formally acknowledge you three as my own."


Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Taishang kowtowed before Hongjun at this moment. They uttered their acceptance to become his disciples one after another. Yet one could not help but notice a hollowness in some of their words.


If Haotian were on his own, he would sigh at this sight. He had some thoughts as to what had happened. The way Yuanshi subtly glanced at Taishang, the small glimpses of anger in his eyes. He wondered if this was the beginning of the three pure one's inevitable fall out.


But in the original story, it was Yuanshi and Taishang against Tongtian's villainous Severance Sect.


"Haotian my dear boy, unfortunately I did encounter them before you. According to such a seniority they'll be your senior brothers." Hongjun said apologetically.


"I never expected us to be fellow disciples," Haotian said. "Junior greets senior brothers and sister."


"Neither did I junior brother Haotian. It had been an honour fighting beside you," Tongtian answered first. "Your deeds have greatly relieved the damage that would've otherwise been caused by the infinite army of ghost devils."




"That lotus on you," Yuanshi said next. "It belonged to him. Take care of it, he was a good man."


Surprised, Haotian nodded. Hongjun then lightly tapped his finger on his thigh, silencing the small talk beginning to pick up. Both Yuanshi and Tongtian turned their heads yet spoke apologetically. Seeing order restored, Hongjun spoke out his next intention. "Yaochi, take your seat."


"Yes master."




As the Yaochi took her positions, suddenly she realized Hongjun had only called on her. She glanced back to see an unmoving Haotian who remained standing next to Hongjun. All eyes trailed on Yaochi's figure. Evidently she became uneasy. This was her first proper introduction to all the bigwigs of the cultivation world after all.


Yaochi's abilities were a complete unknown. People could tell she was also a Chaos Immortal and thus not simply your average elite expert. But everyone here were also experts of similar and even greater calibre. There was certainly an expectation for someone who'd been taken in by Hongjun since birth.


Yet as two seats were still empty, their eyes trailed to Haotian. Even Haotian was curios to this course of event. Yaochi sitting beside the Three Pure Ones was unprecedented. But since they were already disciples, not merely bell boys it made some sense.


The gathered experts were also expecting such an outcome. That was why Hongjun's next words startled them.


"Nuwa," Hongjun suddenly called out. Entirely skipped Yaochi causing Haotian to hum in surprise. But on second thoughts he guessed he shouldn't be. Things were now progressing more or less according to the future.


"Creator of humanity and a tremendous contributor to the Devilish Dao's defeat. Your have done heaven a great merit in your deeds. I as the first saint of heaven wishes to accept you as a personal disciple. Do you agree?"


In the crowd, neither too far forward nor too far back, Nuwa remained stoic. She was different from before, wearing a conservative dress that covered her human half while her serpent lower body coiled beneath her. Most notably however was an eyepatch made out leaves that covered her missing eye.


"You should accept," a rasping voice said to from beside her. A shimmering ball of light enveloped in her power so that none may touch it.


"What would be the point? I'm already set in my own path with my own techniques. I don't need a teacher."


The rasping voice made a sound that resembled a sigh. "Little sister, you may not require true tutelage, but this is protection. Having this Dao Ancestor as your master means you obtain a Dao realm backer. If my time as a demon taught me anything, it's that background matters. No one will ever seek to harm you again with a backer as strong as he."


Nuwa narrowed her singular eye. She was not and have never been closed to any circle involving Hongjun. Hence there was little trust there. There was also the fact that this old man executed someone she was acquainted with and trusted.


"Hurry sister, offers like these don't last forever."


All eyes were on her as she contemplated. As if pressuring her, a spectacular ball of light manifested just outside Zixiao Palace. Unlike the loiterers from before, this was a manifestation of the Heavenly Dao. It coming to watch was felt by everyone inside.


Nuwa straightened her back after coming to a decision. "Okay Fuxi, I'll see where this goes."


With a flash, she teleported to the cushion beside Haotian. She did not speak to any of the senior brothers or sister, but performed the discipleship ritual all the same. The others could sense a new aura of coldness around her, as if she did not want anyone else near her.


Fuxi, whatever remained of him was left in the shape of an orb floating where Nuwa once sat. But no one was willing to even touch him given what had just happened. In fact, many of Fuxi's old friends from the demons' side was eyeing him contemplatively.


"Hm… the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa, those four are all substantially powerful figures. I'm not sure on this Haotian, he never appeared on the front lines," one of the demon ministers whispered to Taiyi. "Your majesty, I believe the last disciple slot should be you right? You're the strongest person here."


The others nodded along. Even the cultivators eavesdropping had similar thoughts as well. After all, who doesn't know the insane combat prowess of Taiyi? He was arguably first after the Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortals.


"Jieyin," Hongjun called out.






"That monk?"


"A devil native?"


"Not that white robed kid?"


Jieyin raised his head with both eyebrows raised. All eyes landed on him, some angry, some unsure, others with befuddlement. Jieyin was strong, but he wasn't some top tier exceptional expert in their minds. If it weren't for the war and his hyper specialization in combating devils, no one would know him.


"The western part of the former Great Wilderness have been reduced to ashes throughout the tribulation. By heaven's will, I would take you as an in name disciple. Do you accept?"


Jieyin closed his eyes and nodded. In a flash of reddish golden light, he reappeared on the last cushion signifying his new position under Hongjun. But unlike the others, as an in name disciple he knew Hongjun was unlikely to teach him anything substantial.


Since all seats were finalized, Hongjun gave Haotian a look. He jerked his head towards the crowd. Nodding, Haotian walked down from the stage towards the side of he great hall. There he sat down with his back leaning on one of the pillars.


"What is this?"


"Isn't daoist Haotian a personal disciple?"


"If I may," Jieyin said. "Should fellow disciple daoist Haotian not sit alongside us?"


It was the same question many had on their minds. Personal disciples were akin to heirs of a lineage, why was Haotian moved aside for others? Had he offended the Dao Ancestor?


Politically minded individuals like the Demon Grand Sages and Xihe thought it was because of his performance during the final confrontation with Luohu. They'd all seen him attempt to disobey Hongjun.


"Falling out of favour with one's own master is no surprise." Xihe adjusted her hold on her precious son Luya while speaking with Taiyi.


"You think that Yaochi is akin to Changxi and you?" Eastern Emperor Taiyi whispered back.


"Like I said, no surprise."


Despite the awkward announcement, Hongjun continued as if nothing had happened. He did not deign to answer Jieyin. As his words fell on death ears, Jieyin closed his eyes praying for Haotian. The Three Pure Ones and Nuwa mimicked his actions.


Yaochi glanced back at Haotian with an unsure gaze. But a quick mental message from Haotian told her to not panic and just treat this as any other lesson.


"Now then, I shall begin teaching you all on the Dao.


"What is the Dao? That is the question all who trudge this path ask when they become an immortal. Mortals seek immortality, but immortals seek the Dao. That is why every realm, no matter what system or name used before becoming an immortal is nothing more than establishing a foundation.


"None of us are interested in such, some of us rose from that beginning while others have never needed to being born as an immortal. Today, I shall instruct you all on the intricacies of heaven and earth and the true method to seek the Dao…"

(Note: I've edited this chapter to remove Haotian from the people sitting in front of Hongjun. Keep this in mind as this is changed the dynamic)