Chapter 207 - Aftermath

"Oh senior brother, oh master, its a wonderful day. A truly wonderful day," Yaochi joyously praised as she walked alongside a silent Haotian behind their shared master. The otherwise silent halls of the Zixiao palace was like a stage for her to recount the triumph of the day. It aligned well with the chaotic energies just outside the windows of the palace.

Yaochi didn't think much of Haotian's silence. Surely he must be amazed as well. From here on out they were the personal disciples of the top most being in all creation. She was completely ignorant of the frown adorning Haotian's face.

"Master is so amazing and smart. It must've taken countless years of perfect planning right?"

"Enough Yaochi, do not exaggerate things." Hongjun cut her off with a wave of his hand and a parental tone. "My plans in the beginning were already blown to smithereens and this is simply the result of working with what I have left."

It sounded so humble to Yaochi that she thought even highly of Hongjun's methods.

"But only someone as smart as master could adapt to all that right Haotian? … Haotian?"

She glanced his way for the first time in a long while but didn't find the same him in the same mood as her own.

"What's wrong senior brother?"


"Senior brother Haotian?"

With a frown, she swiped her hand in front of Haotian's face. To any outside observer, she was like a pouting little girl trying to get her senior brother's attention.

"Oh." Haotian perked up yet could not meet Yaochi's gaze. He focused on Hongjun's expectingly. His shoulders slumped with a resignation that Yaochi couldn't identify.

But whatever Haotian was expecting never came. Hongjun didn't seem to pay him any mind.

In a leisurely pace, they reached the main hall of the palace. There, Hongjun sat in an elevated platform with a cushion. Manifesting by his very will, spacetime distorted and the space of the hall enlarged to an enormous extent. This was to accomodate the people he planned to host in several thousand years time.

Yaochi looked in wonder despite the act being so simple and one anybody successful in inferring the Dao could do. The Zixiao palace was already an apex structure in all the Primitive World, more than worthy of being the home of any immortal. But it was no longer on a scale suitable for Dao Ancestor Hongjun.

While he prepared, the Dao Ancestor also enhanced the palace to be far sturdier than it was previously. From his hands, mystical streams of purple gas flowed like winding dragons across each and every pillar holding the roof up. Clouds of purple continued to swirl around to Yaochi's amusement and Haotian's silence.

Suddenly, as he was finishing his task, a quick jolt occurred on Hongjun's right arm. He suddenly grew alarmed and grabbed hold of that limb with his left. His right quivered in his own grip for a second before it calmed down. Subsequently the light show disappeared.

"What was…"

"Nothing," Hongjun quickly interrupted her. "I am…I have just ascended to a new realm of power. It is normal that I am still unused to controlling all of this omnipotent might. Hai as a master, I feel ashamed."

"Ah think nothing of it. It's only natural. To be able to control such strength so quickly speaks volumes of master's talent." Yaochi was quick to comfort the old man. Whatever fluster he'd felt, he quickly buried it and hoped the other boy in the room didn't think less of him as well.

After that task was done, Hongjun spoke again. This time however, his voice no longer carried the same weight as it did when he appeared to end the tribulation. Although there was still a mystical atmosphere beyond any immortal present, it was nowhere near as overbearing as a Dao Ancestor's unrestrained presence.

Hongjun kept his breath steady and his posture upright. In this meeting, Haotian had a deep feeling of dread.

Haotian's existence, his very nature was not like the mythological Haotian Hongjun surely knew about. As a Dao realm supreme being, he'd surely be able to see through his current origins. It would be easy for him to finish the job he'd started.

But again, none of that dread bore fruit. Instead, Hongjun began chastizing him about his actions during the final stages of the tribulations.

In his arguement, while Haotian had tempered himself on the battlefield, he was still too focused on small scale actions. Haotian constantly haggard himself bringing salvation than facing the adversary. Haotian's compassion was a merit, but one that brought detriment.

Hongjun lectured Haotian on the nature of the Great Wilderness' collapse and the futility of trying to prevent it. He explained the collapse of the Great Wilderness was already accepted by the Heavenly Dao as the next stage of this universe's evolution and thus part of the natural sequence of events. Hence for the greater good of the universe, it shouldn't be prevented.

Haotian did not respond throughout any of that. While he was listening intently, his mind kept drifting to another topic for closer to his chest. The layers of his mind sung a a tune of befuddlement.

"Now then," Hongjun said after finishing addressing Haotian. "You two can go practise. Yaochi, you in particular have fallen behind on inferring your Dao. Work on your basics until the date of my lecture and you will gain much then."

"Yes master." Yaochi bowed and proceeded to leave. In her head, as the disciple of a Dao realm being, she cannot afford to appear lesser in the face of the upcoming guests who were majority in her generation.

"Haotian, I do not need to peer in your mind to see the struggle on your face. Think on my words and you will know I am right. Off you go too, I need to meditate."

"Wait master," Haotian spoke up for the first time. He raised his head that wore an unsure expression. He couldn't help but retain an expression of confusion which Hongjun judged to be born out of his youthful naivety.

"The Oceanic Suppression Heavenly Lord…how…" he struggled to word his thoughts.

"What about him? He allowed his judgement to be clouded by his thirst for vengeance. He was ultimately unnameable and payed for it with his life. His place in history is ultimately unimportant," Hongjun said dismissively. "His tale should be a cautionary tale to you my disciple. You are my first student and legacy in this world. In the future, everything I am would become yours."

Hongjun smiled in a fatherly way at Haotian. "Do not be too concerned. I have reached the Dao now. In the future, my aspirations will take me to even further heights. Then, I shall bequeath everything to you so that you too may follow in my footsteps."


"I sensed it," Hongjun continued. "The Dao is not not the end. Existence in this dimension ends at this highest pinnacle, an equal existence to the Grand Dao which spawned all that is. But as a Dao realm being, what I perceived as infinity prior has now become finite. I know there is a potential to reach beyond that barrier. Transcendence is real."

A hint of satisfaction was inflicted upon Hongjun. His arm has stopped its faint tremor now and his power remained under control even as his excitement invoked myriad phenomena in his presence. Yet Haotian couldn't help but ask.

"Your arm…" he could not finish before Hongjun hastily interrupted him.

"Ahem, I also want be bequeath upon you something." Hongjun maintained a dignified appearance as he manifested a glowing light in his palm. It was faint, sickly looking, each petal appeared wilted despite the light it gave off.

"12 Petals White Lotus," Haotian gasped. Deep down, a wallowing sadness manifested upon taking in its sight.

"Alas, this treasure has been put through a great many ordeals and as a result suffered tremendous blows. It will need time and resources to return to its former glory. My dear disciple, I bequeath this to you to look after. I'm sure yo can find a better use for it.

"Off you go now. I'm sure you have much to think about," he gestured Haotian to leave.

"Okay." Haotian stood up with the lotus in hand. He swallowed an uneasy gulp that Hongjun concluded to be uncertainly wether he could complete the task.

As he walked out of the main hall, Haotian placed a hand on his heart. He didn't dare say nor think anything. Only in the deepest recesses of his soul did he tug at the string connecting him to Da Hai.

Hongjun didn't even notice for he didn't look deeply at him at all. Da Hai was dead, annihilated to the last piece by him with the power of a Dao Ancestor. There was no salvaging that kind of annihilation.

Hongjun knew Da Hai was dead for sure. As an omnipotent being, he cannot be mistaken at such a trivial event involving a mere immortal. He was aware of exactly where Da Hai had met his end. Thus he didn't need to look deeply into it.

Instead, Hongjun starred into another dimension to observe an even more heavily damaged Xuanyuan Water Control Flag. He couldn't help but sigh at it's condition. He couldn't possibly let people know such an embarrassing secret.

"Breaking through with Pangu's Dao, arresting that fruit. It was worth it in the end. I can stand on this pedestal now. Pangu, despite being a forefather you were truly foolish to have never sat the throne you made.

"Fearing for the end of a path so you took yourself out in a blaze of glory ensuring a powerful legacy of a Chaos World? Don't make me laugh, you would not have ended at Dao."

Words of comfort were expunged. But Hongjun was keenly aware of one fatal flaw in his breakthrough. Pangu's Dao was not his to begin with. Even as he ascended to this realm, there was a fundamental incompatibility there. His struggle to reign in that power would need to be carefully managed.

"Heavenly Dao," he called out. "In three thousand years I shall uphold my role as your spokesperson. I shall fill this world with experts under your purview. By our partnership, you will remain supreme."

"Brother," Yuanshi said in a grim tone. He and the rest of his family stood upon an intact Kunlun. He, his sister Tongtian and the brother they'd both suddenly realized they knew painfully little of.

After Hongjun restored order to the Primitive World, the collapse of the Great Wilderness continued for a little while longer. The great immortals of the land struggled to keep themselves safe much less maintain the realm.

Just as well, disasters poured through from the void and the Chaos Sea, ravaging the land until it was nothing but ruins. Only some locations, such as Kunlun braved the disaster and emerged fully in tact.

The Great Wilderness had lost an enormous portion of itself. What remained was still a large landmass, but one diminished to a third of what it originally was. Something resembling the former Five Continents remained, but its shape was wholly uneven. The great oceans also had the majority of its water lost in the collapse.

It was a total apocalypse that had wiped out nearly the entire population of the Primitive World. The innate gods and other powerful cultivators who'd survived were a bit lost on what to do.

Some immediately fled for their homes, if that still existed. Others followed their companions in search of their own interests. Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Taishang were among the lucky few who had a place to return to.

"You claimed to be Hongjun's disciple."

"You have good questions, but all will be answered in three thousand years time," Taishang assured. "Dao Ancestor Hongjun will give us an opportunity by then. Now I must heal from my injuries." He added a, "Cursed monkey," in a low whisper.

"Please don't beat around the bush. No more silence, no more tests. Be honest with me," Yuanshi said while Tongtian nodded in agreement. "This tribulation, this war has inflicted so many tragedies already. All our efforts amounted to basically nothing now. So please be truthful with me."

"You really aren't like him," Taishang said softly. "I encountered Hongjun years before you two woke up, years before the three of us transformed from our gaseous states into innate gods. It was…well it wasn't an offer I could refuse. Us three have a great destiny that is now more or less confirmed."

Yuanshi and Tongtian were silent as they shared a look.

"Rest well brother," Tongtian said. "I'm sure we're all too tired for anything else."

"Yes, let's just be happy the danger's over."



Wangshu sighed at the broken vase that had been thrown at her. Xihe glared hatefully at her with a pointing hand. Changxi stood off to the side unable to meet her older sister's eye.

Xihe released a anguished scream before she even said anything else. She trapped another vase and threw it at Wangshu only for it to phase through her and break upon impacting the wall on the other side.

"WHY? WHY? WHY?" Xihe grabbed her head and cried. The air around her burned and were it not for Wangshu, the room would've been set ablaze.

"I should've been there, I should've fought with him. I could've saved him. Why did you stop me master? Why did you force me back? What have I don't to offend you? We were a couple and we fight together? Why would you separate us?"

"Yo would've just been another body. I saved you from certain death." Wangshu tried to reason with her eldest but Xihe screamed in response. The heat arising from her was so close to that of the sun that it made the moon goddess uncomfortable.

With this fire, it was as if Xihe had become a foreign object in the Lunar Star. Wangshu couldn't say she knew the sun crow who'd ensnared her disciple well. And while she did think his end to be a tragedy, she didn't think kindly of him.

"You don't know that. Di Jun and I…Di Jun." Xihe cried liquid fire in her grief. "You should've saved him. You were his senior as well yet you did nothing. Why did you let him die."

This caused anger to rise in Wangshu. She fought her damn hardest against Luohu. She didn't pay Di Jun much mind and it was his choice to join in on fighting the Devil Ancestor. "I did not let him anything. What is with you and that crow? What has he done to you to make you so?"

Xihe's eyes flared in fury. The fire in the room burned so hot that a portion of the Lunar Star was lit up by the light. Changxi quickly ran over as Xihe appeared to be ready to lunge at Wangshu. "Oh dear sister, you know master loves you as well. You should sit…"

"Don't tell me what to do." Xihe flung her hand and generated an arc of flames that forced Changxi away. The younger goddess yelped and fell to her bottom in sweat. The edges of her sleeves were singed as a result.

"Xihe," Wangshu said in warning.

"You must be so happy," Xihe pointed accusingly at Changxi. "I finally found happiness, I finally found purpose, I finally surpassed you. But you were so jealous and always tried to take that away. Well are you happy now?"

"Sister that's not true."

"Isn't it? Who kept trying to get in the way? Who kept trying to…"

"Xihe that's enough," Wangshu teleported in front her her with her hands up. She felt saddened by what was occurring before her eyes yet didn't quite know how to deal with it. Xihe was supposed to be her disciple, yet at the same time she purged any semblance of her teachings in favour of the Solar Star.

"I'm sorry for what has happened but it was an unavoidable tragedy. You should take a break and rest, calm down since the battle is over. You should take some rest, you have a child within you as well."

"You are not sorry," Xihe spat. "You have no idea what we went through this thirty thousand years. I the empress at Di Jun's side."

The sun goddess walked past Wangshu and blew apart the window with a flick of her hand.

"Xihe what are you doing?"

"I am not a disciple of the Lunar Star. I am empress of the Heavenly Demons and you do not have the authority to command me," she said while glaring daggers at her master.

Wangshu gripped her fist in anger. The strength of a Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal began leaking through. Xihe continued to glare at Wangshu despite the mounting pressure.

But when Wangshu failed to commit to violence, she flew up. Turning around, Xihe flew away from the Lunar Star and in the direction of the Solar Star.

"Sister wait!" Changxi yelled after her. "Master why didn't you stop her?"

Wangshu shook her head. "Let her make her own choices then. She has already forsaken me anyway."

Hours later, in her private quarters. Wangshu stared at a portrait of Da Hai mounted on her wall. In her hand was a glass of wine gifted to her by the sea god numerous years ago.

"You went through something similar right? How do manage a situation like this? I tried my best teaching Xihe, imparted everything I knew but she never end learned. Now she found… is it love? Love and power in someone else?"

She took a sip. "I don't understand. Would Zulong or Gui Daiyu have acted the same?"

At the same time, the Solar Star was in turmoil. The ruined palace that was the demon's headquarters was packed by numerous high ranking demons who were also ministers of Di Jun.

They scattered around the throne room arguing with each other on their next move. Some were concerned with scouring the void for lost clansmen. Others wanted to find areas to settle their remaining people.

Some saw this as a change to grab even more land while others argued to hide away for a while. Many were doubtful if the faction should even stay together. The symbol of Di Jun was gone and Taiyi was indisposed.

Baize who led the Ten Demonic Grand Sages didn't want to see Di Jun's efforts go. The innate creature clans were finally united after eons. As a single race they should've been unstoppable.

"What's the point of all this?" The Ghost Boar patriarch said. "We all hate each other. We only followed for our emperor Di Jun. You there Jade Serpent, we have a grudge we've to settle."

The aforementioned snake demon glared hatefully at the pig. Seeing this, numerous demons who formerly were opposed to each suddenly looked suspiciously at each other. Tensions mounted as even those among the sages looked just about ready to kill each other.

Seeing this, the old Baize realized it was now or never to attack. He was one of the strongest among the demons and the only one who could in theory suppress the others. Di Jun had a magnificent idea and he truly desired to uphold it for the betterment of the East Continent.

'Was there even an East Continent anymore?'

"What are you all doing?" Xihe roared as she stormed into the throne hall. She still appeared flushed from her argument with Wangshu earlier. "You are all demons under my husband's banner.What is this treason?"

"His majesty is dead," the patriarch of the Zhujiang was quick to retort. Among the most powerful demons as well, the Zhujiang patriarch refused to bow for empress Xihe. "Theres no point to his farce anymore."

Xihe gritted her teeth and glared into the Zhujiang's single eye. "The audacity," she spat.

Both their auras arose in a fierce clash. Xihe was by no means weak even among ancient demons. But neither was Zhujiang.

"Your majesty," Baize and several others jumped into the fray against Zhujiang's pressure. "That's enough sage Zhujiang. Her majesty has returned to us hail and healthy. This is worth celebrating, we shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves.

"Heh, old fool."

"My husband may be gone," Xihe choked out. even the mention was bringing her sorrow. "But his legacy lives." Her hands motioned to her belly showcasing the embryotic life within.

"Your prince and new emperor is here. You will respect the Solar Star's dominion."

"Great news, this is great news," the demons supporting her proclaimed, especially Baize. For Baize, this was a chance to bind the myriad races together still.

"And? This demon emperor business is worthless without power," Zhujiang scoffed. "You're weak Xihe and your child weaker. Taiyi is indisposed and who even knows if his body will give out? I've had enough of this farce. Out of respect for his majesty I will not hurt you. But I'm getting out of here."

Hundreds upon hundreds of demons nodded, finding his words reasonable. And like that, many began walking.

"You will no…" Xihe was saying until a truly enormous aura bore down upon all the demons present excluding her. Even Baize was forced into a kowtowing position. She turned around and sighed with relief.

The haggard figure of her Taiyi stepped into the hall. Trailing behind him were numerous healers begging for him to stop less he make his injuries worse.

"Taiyi is what Zhujiang?" The normally quiet Taiyi demanded of the demon. Zhujiang struggled to speak in front of Taiyi's presence.

"My brother worked painstakingly to give the myriad races of the east, south, north, even the west a future as a unified race. The Heavenly Demons are a result of my beloved brother. You all disgust me."

Taiyi's pressure magnified. Despite being a Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal, his power level rose tremendously beyond that. Based on observations, a comparison to Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortals could be drawn.

"It's good to see you sister," Taiyi said to Xihe before making his way to the throne. "Don't worry, I will not see you nor my nephew harmed by these filth. I will not allow my brother's empire to dissolve."

Step by step, Taiyi ascended the throne.

He sat upon the seat in which Di Jun used to sit and spread a wave of power across everyone present. He forced those who'd began walking to spit blood.

"A thousand thanks to your majesty for undeserved mercy." Baize was the first to speak upon seeing that no one had died.

"All hail Demon Emperor Taiyi."

"Enough," Taiyi said. "Demon Emperor was my brother's title. I…I am." 'We descended in the east and first unified the east.'

"I am Eastern Emperor Taiyi."