Chapter 197 - An SI’s Demise

In that one sentence, Da Hai's voice carried everything he'd learned. The compressed message pierced the minds of everyone affected by Liu Er within the Netherworld, destroying their warped selves temporarily. But Liu Er's desire to live out that fantasy encroached them again.

Da Hai's hand found itself around Liu Er's throat. Being this close, Liu Er could not move at all. Since he was so incompetent as to not know how to defend himself without physical combat, Da Hai will attack him in all other manners.

His greater cultivation suppressed Liu Er's own, his water cut across Liu Er's immensely durable flesh. The monkey was far more durable than he was strong because of all the physiques he'd assimilated over the years. But the monkey didn't understand cultivation, he didn't know how to consolidate his gains.

Despite his durability, his flesh was more akin to numerous materials stacked on top of each other. A heterozygous mixture rather than a homologous one if Da Hai were to use an analogy. He just needed to use his own seawater to separate these bonds.

"Pellucid Divine Water, let us show everyone what this monkey really is."

Across the monkey's body, his dimension hopping water soaked through his flesh.

"A pathetic worm who never bothered to learn."

Splitting the bindings between all aspects of this physique.

"A selfish worm who'd betray everyone if he got some benefits."

Liu Er could not speak as his mouth was muzzled by Da Hai's other palm.

"A clueless worm who doesn't even understand he's doing any of this."

Both men looked into each other's eyes, Liu Er seemed to look through Da Hai to stare at what he wants to see. Da Hai being far too great for him to rewrite, hence his mind tried tricking his eyes to see something more accepting to the fantasy.

"Worst of all, it's only because Liu Er believes this is just how the world is."

Da Hai shook his head in disgust, then he let go of Liu Er. The monkey backed away from Da Hai, completely free from his bonds. He uttered an odd, "eh?" Then his expression turned disdainful.

"The brother is stupid!" He declared much to the approaching cultivator's shock. Were he logical, he'd realize it was incredibly dumb to talk smack to a superior. But his own internal logic disparate worked overtime to rationalize how easily he was defeated just now.

"The Dao brother is weak, is a pathetic fool who failed at everything!"

Da Hai bit back a chuckle. Liu Er connected Da Hai letting him go and not killing him in a single blow as weakness and the inability to amount of anything. After all, in his internal logic one had to easily one shot their opponent to be classified as strong.

"The poor Dao see the female stream is not strong cauldron," Liu Er said raising a fist. "I shall…"

"Let me stop you right there monkey," Da Hai interrupted. He bit back another laugh as he realized Liu Er hadn't even understood how Da Hai attacked him.

In the end, a Dao was a source of perception as to how an aspect of existence worked. A Dao was not however natural battle instincts. Nor was it direct understanding to spell work or martial arts. That'll need one's own brain to infer from the Dao.

"You seem to be under the assumption that I am unable to kill you. Or that I failed to kill you so I'm weaker then you." Da Hai suddenly disappeared from Liu Er's sight. Not giving the monkey's Dao time to rationalize, Da Hai touched the monkey's shoulder from behind and spun him around.

Then he gave him a slap, sending him tumbling through the air. He reappeared at the monkey's location and began ping ponging Liu Er across the Netherworld. Finally, he stopped the dizzy monkey's movements with two fingers on his chest.

"An actual warrior could've easily stopped himself. An actual cultivator could've resisted me just now even if they had a weaker body then you. I did not kill you, because I just don't want to."

'I don't want to,' this phrase echoed through Liu Er's mind. His Dao worked again to rationalize this.

"The Dao brother is stupid! Doesn't understand the xianxia world," he proclaimed again. "The good person easily taken advantage of printing joy and superhero. Western cringe, western cringe! I sacrifice my baby to obtain baby. The master of reincarnation is unworthy of the retarded too early or the female stream Golden Fairy Wonderland. I shall…"

"Honestly," Da Hai interrupted again. "You really learn to stop jumping to conclusions. Have you ever considered that there are other ways of thinking then yours?"

"No who am I kidding," Da Hai rubbed his forehead. "You physically cannot comprehend that. It's like I'm speaking another language to you. You hear me but can never comprehend what is being said. Oi Wangshu, can you believe this level of ineptitude?"

"But in truth, I have no reason to kill you. My fellow variable, what have you ever achieved in all your time here?" Da Hai asked. "You ran around like a loon saying this and that but what have you really done?

"You're not nearly as important as you think you are. You've hardly undermined the dragons or the phoenixes. You failed to grasp any opportunity and failed to make any legend for yourself, you even failed to stay lowkey. You even failed to contribute in the defeat of the devil, sorry 'magic race'.

"And now, you only come after all the action is done. Luohu, sorry 'Mori', is fleeing for his life. The reincarnation Disc is already finished. The tribulation is practically over so tell me monkey what have you achieved?"

Naturally, Liu Er's brain switched on to justify it as how he was staying lowkey and gathering power. But that wasn't even true cause he landed himself into the attention of the greatest players in this game. But Liu Er simply could not comprehend that he was being torn down in front of everyone.

"Why should I dirty my hands on the likes of you?" Da Hai continued.

"Besides," he side eyed an enormous approaching shadow. "I don't nearly have enough reason to bother in the first place. Go right ahead my dear."

"Eh?" Liu Er was confused as Da Hai backed away to stand at Wangshu's side. He concluded he must be running away, his mind tried to flush out every word he'd heard and rewrite his own perception having given up on rewriting Da Hai.

But then, out of the corner of his eye, a massive rubble coated mass smashed against his side.


"Eh?" Liu Er's eyes turned sideways to see his arm bent at an unnatural angle. The image of a straight arm tried to overlay on top of this broken limb, but an even greater Dao bore down upon his down. The affects of Liu Er's Dao suddenly could not reach his arm.

The massive turned around, rubble falling off revealing a horrifying face. Half beautiful half mauled, Nuwa's fury was evident no matter how she looked. She only possessed one eye, but that singular eye was bloodshot while she hissed.

"The female stream is stu…" Liu Er couldn't finish as a blunt force smashed into his jaw, dislocating it. From far away, a disdainful Dong Wanggong stood alongside hand outstretched having thrown his Nine Dragon Staff.

"You gonna join?" He asked Haotian who rested beside him.

"Nah, had enough of him for one day," Haotian replied.

"Just as well, there are those with far more reason then either of us," Xi Wangmu said holding up her Kunlun Mirror. On Liu Er's side, curtains of praising wrapped around him preventing him from moving. "Go ahead sister."

Nuwa did not reply as she roared Liu Er's way. Her Red Hydrangea normally disgusted violence, but now this ball of thread transformed into a shower of needles to stab through Liu Er's skin. Nuwa herself charged down and bit into the monkey.

"Give me back! Give me back! I'll tear you apart!" She roared through her bite. Her empty eye socket was right in Liu Er's face.

This congenital goddess flashed back to mere moments ago when her brother was healthy and hale, when she herself was whole. She was too trusting, too ready to believe in the best of others. Who was this filthy beast to dare desecrate her so?

"Poor girl," Da Hai commented after seeing Nuwa's full state for the first time. He stared into his sleeve no longer paying attention to the suffering Liu Er.

"Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave. Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave."


Through Liu Er's screams, Nuwa ripped a chunk of his shoulder right out of him. It took a tremendous amount of effort and her fangs nearly broke. She quickly spat out that piece of meat in disgust. Just the taste of Liu Er triggered her.

"His body broke? Then it must be greatly damaged by senior," Di Jun concluded quickly. The enraged demon emperor rose up alongside Taiyi and Xihe to get their revenge. Di Jiang and his siblings jumped into the air for their own pound of flesh. After being riled up so much, there was no way they'd let this monkey go.

"Hahaha!" Liu Er seemingly ignored his missing chunk of flesh when he saw the approaching demons and divinities. "The liches and demons are stupid. They think they can…"

But his reality broke when Taiyi maliciously stabbed his talon into Liu Er's side. His fleshy body being pierced by a glowing hot sword like talon was a shock to Taiyi as well as Liu Er.

"His physique is broken," Di Jun's brother said. Di Jun flew in next with the Sun Chakram to slice through Liu Er's right arm. At the same time, Taiyi pulled out the chunk of flesh he'd stabbed into.

Blood essence splattered across the Netherworld. Liu Er's body despite having it's sturdy bonds broken by Da Hai still contained an enormous amount of nutrients. Everywhere his blood spilled absorbed tons of vitality.

Liu Er could not believe, refused to believe what had happened. Taiyi and Di Jun cannot possibly have injured him, they were pathetic weaklings easily bullied. Yes he had just injured them instead, he was the one who caved their sides in.

"GAH!" Liu Er couldn't help but yelp as the Demon Emperor ripped out a chunk of flesh from his side. He deliberately kept it small and tossed Liu Er towards Nuwa.

"Piece of trash," Nuwa said. "You think you have the right to hurt my brother, hurt me? You think you're some sort of god dictating how I should live my life? How any of us should live our lives?"

With hatred in her eyes, Nuwa transformed her tail tip to a precipice and stabbed through Liu Er's chest. She screeched into his face, the force of which slammed him towards the earth. But this wasn't before a whole chunk of his chest got torn off.

"Never be a slave? You're the only slave here!"

Liu Er wasn't clear who out of those innate gods said that. Nevertheless he yelled back what must've been his catchphrase at this point. "Prehistoric Liu Er will never…"


Zhurrong's muscular fist grabbed Liu Er before he could finish and torched him. He squeezed causing the monkey to cough up his internal organs.

"Don't kill him so fast brother. This ape is too arrogant thinking he can tell us how to behave?" Di Jiang ordered Zhurrong to and the rest to all take a piece of flesh. Let's see how amazing his body is now.

Zhurrong, Gonggong, Jumang, Rushou, Zhu Jiuying etc were all in a state of absolute fury. First Houtu, now this guy, they would savour this moment. Fist, claws, talons, teeth, the Ancestral Divinities showcased a savagery not unlike the animalistic demons.

"Prehistoric Liu Er will never be a slave!"

"Threhistoric Hu Er ill wever ve a ave!"

"Hehahohi hu ha hi heha he ha ave!"

As he became more and more injured, Liu Er's gaze kept their non changing stare. His wailing tongue kept going as if he still had a proper mouth. But at this point his jaw might as well be torn entirely off making clear speech impossible.

Di Jiang didn't use any esoteric abilities either, merely relying on his pure strength to rip Liu Er's leg off before beating him over the head with it. He raised his fist to smash him to bits when a sword light pierced the monkey's chest.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"That beast is the reason our brother went missing, you think we'll stand on the sidelines?" A furious Tongtian retorted. She gripped her hand and turned Liu Er's body into a pin cushion with dozens of swords. Liu Er screamed, unable to deny the reality of his pain.

This was not supposed to happen. This isn't how the story is supposed to go.

A drained yet equally as angered Yuanshi appeared above Liu Er. He created mountains of new flesh and knitted Liu Er's body into a recognizable primate form. But this was so that his ruyi can be used to cave his head in. He did so repeatedly while making sure to not injure the monkey's soul. He did not stop until Tongtian stabbed Liu Er through the back.

More and more cultivators with deep grievances headed to deal with Liu Er. Dragons, phoenixes, demons, divinities alike swarmed him.

Jieyin was the only one who sat a great distance away with his back turned. His nostrils were flared up and his skin boiled a crimson red. He breathed heavily as he continued to meditate to control his rage.

"I cannot be like this, I cannot be like this," the innate god said. Even so, his palm raised ever so slightly to kill Liu Er. He wanted the monkey dead, but he didn't like gratuitous violence as that leaned to heavily to how depraved devils acted. Even so, he wanted to participate after figuring out what must've happened to Zhunti.

"Hehahohi hu ha hi heha he ha ave!"

"Hehahohi hu ha hi heha he ha ave!"

"Hehahohi hu ha hi heha he ha ave!"

Liu Er, now little more then a tiny chunk of gore dropped out of the dogpile. He continued to chant, unaware of Leize rising up from below him.

The thunder dragon opened his gaping maw seemingly to eat the monkey. But instead, bright electricity emerged in a gigantic blast right as Liu Er landed in his mouth. He sent the sky of the Netherworld into a thunderstorm.

"For Jiang Koilong," he spat.

The remaining particles that were once Liu Er held almost no vitality left after that. Just a confused Nascent Soul drifting in the wind. But even that Nascent Soul was on the verge of total collapse having had chunks torn out of it as well.

"Fuxi," Nuwa cried coiling into herself as she watched. Clutched in her body was a tiny spiritual presence, all that was left of her brother after Liu Er smashed him to bits.

The other scoffed at Liu Er's disintegrating remains. They found it dirty to even approach it.

Liu Er's Dao emerged fully from the Nascent Soul still in tact. But it was viewed with such contempt that no one wanted to look at it. Only a purple mouth manifested to devour it.

"Heavenly Dao?" Da Hai said in shock. "You actually want that?"

The Heavenly Dao was almost omnipresent in the Primitive World. Though its main consciousness piloted the Four Symbols, this mouth of the Heavenly Dao devoured all that was left of Liu Er.

In the end, the monkey became food for the Primitive World's growth.