Chapter 143 - Too Confident

To describe Zulong's attack was to describe the onslaught of a typhoon. All the fury, the humiliation, the anxiety, the rage boiled into a series of claw strikes that aimed to annihilate Mt Sumeru in its entirety. Throughout his entire life, Zulong can remember very few instances where he'd actually felt like this.

Not even when he and Da Hai had fallen out the first time had he been filled with such wrath. Caution was thrown to the wind as soon as he dared to enter the west continent. He didn't care about how strong the devils were assumed to be. He didn't care how much his master warned him of them. He just knew that they were dangerous and that they hurt his son.

So when Zulong attacked, everyone else also attacked as one. Where Zulong entered with a ferocious claw strike. Yinglong, Leishen, and Jiang Koilong followed suit with their own arts. Supreme spell techniques formed from the clouds, rain, lighting, and thunder forming to a hail of deadly poisonous water and spears of lighting.

These dragonic elders were only second to Zulong. Each of them were ancient and experienced having lived since the earliest days of Zulong's rule. Among all the immortals present, they held some of the highest seniority. Each capable of being emperors in their own right.

Yi Fei'e had also joined the fray. As she was Da Hai's most senior female disciple as well as a recognised custodian of Yingzhou, she had an example to show. So the great moth displayed her own technique. A flurry of fire and stars and clouds condensed from seawater.

Yi Fei'e was a master of astronomy having studied under Wangshu and an expert in sword combat. She learned hydrokenetic spells from Da Hai as well as forms of cultivation dating back to the era of chaos godfiends. Combined with all she'd managed to wrangle out of her mount Cinnabar Phoenix, she was an imposing opponent.

That was why her sword swing formed from the union of three created an apocalyptic manifestation that terrified even the strongest minds. There was one of the elegance, non of the beauty, non of the wisdom. The current Yi Fei'e only represented death.

Others like Colossal Shark ancestor, the Primordial Turtle King who was also Zulong's father in law followed suit. The ancient life forms from the eastern,and southern oceans conglomerated with younger dragons and experts. Their arts were nowhere near as refined as the disciples of Da Hai nor the top dog bigwigs of the dragons. But they were impressive nevertheless.

In the years leading up to this moment, the empire of the seas had also accumulated massively. Though they clashed against smaller factions and suffered deaths here and there, they had grown substantially overall. The existence of the Overbearing Nine Songs formation represented an advancement in formation crafting and that was just one aspect of development.

Since Bi An had joined his brothers, the others reluctantly allowed him to assume Leishen's former position. With him added to the picture, the battle formation manifested the image of a celestial dragon. Scores of soldiers formed the arms and legs of the creature while the nine princes stood in a line dotted along the dragonic body.

They were ordered from oldest to youngest, from Qi Niu to Chao Feng. A childish friendly dragon at the head and a bird like creature at the tail. Their combined power tied together millions upon millions of individuals for both offensive and defensive means. A team effort raised to heavenly heights.

For a battle formation to work, participating individuals needed to harmonise themselves perfectly. With each of the nine flags and princes present, this formation that was tailored to them worked better then it otherwise should.

So when their father began his assault, no words needed to be spoken for the celestial dragon to attack on its own. It's attack was one of a powerful roar, one based upon Zulong's own commanding voice. A heavenly sound based attack that shot a torpedo's like air blast tearing across the sky.

Mt Sumeru shook, its trees trembled and uprooted, its rocks collapsed before the might of the seas. An assault that could easily carve out chunks of the primitive world with casual ease. Yet who were they fighting exactly?

If one were to consider overall numbers, the devils upon Mt Sumeru were massively overwhelmed. They numbered in hundreds whereas the sea creatures numbered in the hundred millions. It wasn't even funny how puny they looked.

But here's the thing, battle between cultivators often had nothing to do with appearances. For a giant to fight an ant, even if the proverbial giant was the size of an insect while the proverbial ant was the size of a planet. The giant would still one shot the ant and walk away with no difficulties.

These Great Devil Emperors were not just anybody. In terms of power, they were worth more than the totality of all devils in existence sans themselves. Each and everyone of them were mighty figures in their own right and supreme existences.

In the instant the offence was launched, no devils put up shields. They instead launched their own offensive. They met Zulong's forces head on with a flurry of their own spells and techniques. Claws, blades, chains, tendrils, fire, water, esoteric special attacks. These were all thrown out casually.

And they worked.

They worked well.

More then well in fact.

They not only countered the seafolk cultivators, they pushed them back. They pushed the ancestral sharks, dolphins, sunfishes, catfishes, stingrays, turtles, mosasaur, they pushed them all back.

In a single clash of while light explosion, reality in a billion kilometre radius sundered. Like glass, shards of space fell upon the western earth. A sight Luohu felt annoyed at.

The skies were covered in dark clouds, red lighting emanated from the heavens, and the air had a deathly miasma to it. Luohu uncrossed his arms and walked forwards with a serious look.


The likes of Colossal Shark and Mosasaur Ancestors nursed bleeding wounds upon their body. Others like Yinglong and Qinglong hovered midair with a serious look.

Conversely, multiple devils suffered gashes. Sword cuts, burn marks, detached limbs and melted flesh littered their bodies.

Emperor Rippling Reflection was on one knee with both arms outstretched. In his hands were claw blades attach to gauntlets he wore. Its blades barely stopping the attack of a distant Yi Fei'e. His attempts had saved the life's of several emperors and dozens of others from being savaged.

"This one's strong," Yi Fei'e muttered retracting her sword. "Senior brother!" She called out having examined the injuries of their army after the initial clash.

"Bastards," Zulong flew in the air growling. His gigantic form having been halted by the blades of Hundun. His attack did not even merit Luohu taking action? This was an insult of the highest level.

"The manipulative schemer hiding behind others, how typical," Zulong goaded. His attempts were not out of any real attempt at goading, just words spewing from frustration and rage. But they actually had an unintended affect.

"Hiding?" Luohu was instantly enraged. "Who's hiding!" He swung his right arm, producing the God Killing Spear in his grip.

"Wait brother," Mara chided resting his palm on Luohu's shoulder. "A mere dragon does not warrant the ancestor of the School of Seven Emotion Six Desires to move. Save your strength for Hongjun, Hundun is enough. Besides, let's see what our Devil Emperors can do first."

After calming him, Luohu stabbed his spear into the earth while Hundun confronted Zulong. A super ancient life form predating the current universe and the ancient sovereign who had ruled the world very soon after its inception. From a third person perspective, o he would assume Hundun would hold the complete advantage.

Chaos godfiends from the era of chaos constantly competed with each other. They constantly experimented to perfect their Dao and in the process of doing so, improve their abilities. Hundun was the head of the four evils, a subordinate to Chaos Demon Ape. He was no stranger to combat.

Yet even after unleashing his true form, a massive skeletal figure with no face and six arms each wielding great axes, he could find no advantage against Zulong. Sure he knocked some scales off and deflected the dragon's claws, but it was an uphill battle for him.

"Your Dao does not have the edge of that which is without limit," Hundun said clashing against Zulong's claws. "I guess it is complete and refined, but its nothing special. I can count cities worth of immortals with better Dao then you."


Zulong ignored Hundun's chatter, his tail slapped aside the godfiends. Following that he opened his mouth and unleashed a blast of lightning. The beam was like plasma as it cut through the air and whatever defensive barriers Hundun managed to put up, slicing into his side.

"Impressive nevertheless, very impressive Dragon Sovereign," Hundun complimented. His injuries recovered as if they were not there in the first place and he floated back from the dragon. "Though I think you might want to worry about something else."


Zulong's long neck winded back and he starred at the Overbearing Nine Songs formation. The army led by his sons was being besieged by over a hundred Devil Emperors and could barely fight back.

"Fall back, protect the formation!" He commanded immediately.

His command though was seldom obeyed as people had their own opponents to worry about. Yi Fei'e was brawling against no less then fifteen Devil Emperors at once. His brothers each fighting a dozen and others were overwhelmed by their opponents.

What's more, while the Overbearing Nine Songs formation held stable, it was like a castle being besieged and unable to fight back. It was a sight Zulong could not tear his eyes away from nor could he stop himself from worrying.

"Invader trash, die!" A Great Devil Emperor came barreling towards Zulong after his skirmish with Hundun. They resembled a man with a large fish head with rows of sharp teeth. "I came from the west sea and have not been back for aeons because you took it over. It was supposed to be Ancestor Luohu's domain."

He swung a large harpoon weapon towards Zulong's head. The dragon was momentarily reminded of the ancient godfiends who proclaimed himself emperor of the fours seas that he had killed very early on. Perhaps there was some familial relation?


The Devil Emperor did not get much word in as his face was grabbed by Zulong's claw. In the next moment said claw glowed with a hideous black light as veins budged out of Zulong's flesh. Then the nine digits of Zulong's claw clenched, crushing the head of the Primal Zenith Chaos Immortal.

"Oh crap this ain't good," Qiong Qi said, cringing at the sight of the first death. "Lord Luohu, we might have to stop things before they get out of hand. That dragon is clearly stronger than your average Primal Zenith realm expert."

As Zulong unleashed waves clouds, these auspicious clouds washed over an army of Devil Emperors forcing them away like a tidal wave of ferocious thunderstorm clouds. Multiple dragon elders rallied to Zulong's roar and unleashed simultaneous attacks of their own.

No less than five dragons at the Primal Zenith realm struck Devil Emperors of lesser renown. Their attacks resembled the brilliant lights from celestial coral reefs from the East Sea. Zulong also joined in, striking out with an arc of electricity.

"We're fine father, the one's who attacked us were small fry. Worry about the stronger threats," Qi Niu called out. His head was covered by beads of sweat.

"Your majesty, small fry among Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals are still Primal Zenith Chaos Immortals! Please be careful," one of the dragon elders on Zulong's side counseled. Zulong nodded in agreement.

"Son, take your brothers and…" Zulong stopped himself in thought. He looked at the much fatigued Bi An and his eyes flashed in anger. He snarled looking back, locking eyes with a confused, annoyed, yet also amused Luohu.

Truthfully speaking, Luohu was very much annoyed at Zulong. It was the same feeling an older authoritative figure will have towards a young man making a mess of his space. But if he had to give Zulong anything, he did make a cool scene to watch.

"Change of plans," Zulong said. He directly entered the forehead of the Overbearing Nine Songs formations. Within, he manifested a celestial lotus throne and sat upon it. "Brothers, join me!"

Although tied up by their own battles, Yinglong and Qinglong nodded towards each other. A moment of coordination either, their broke away from their opponents through a burst of misty clouds. Qinglong transformed into a bridge of stars and whipped himself around sending multiple Devil Emperors in the direction of Yi Fei'e.

"Junior sister, please forgive us," the azure dragon said.

"No need senior brothers. Cinnabar and I can handle it," she replied mounting on her phoenix. She had already brought out her treasures as well as a manifestation of a galaxy behind her head. Using her abilities she distracted the devils while the two dragons made for Zulong.

"What's the plan brother?" Yinglong asked.

"We take over the formation and transform it. Remember master's lectures? About the three?" Zulong said. His brothers nodded and sat themselves upon lower thrones. Together they resembled an image of the three throned elders.

It has long been said that three was a special number. An auspicious divine symbol that represented harmony between two extremes. The third element which combines to beget all things. Within the cultivation world, three superpowers pulling their forces together can do amazing things.

The three dragons were born from Pangu's yang qi. They possessed the inheritance of the father god's masculinity. At the same time they carried the image of the Chaos Sky Dragon. Trained by Da Hai and blessed by the Heavenly Dao they could never have been ordinary figures. Combined with the synchronised nature of the nine dragon children, supported by the presence of millions upon millions of immortals. The Overbearing Nine Songs formation changed.

The celestial dragon transformed into the shape of a gargantuan axe. An axe formed from the distant memory of Pangu's splitting the heavens. Qiu Niu and his brothers gasped in awe at what their father and uncles did. The amount of mastery between them were larger than the immensity of heaven and earth.

Zulong eclipsed his brothers in raw strength, Qinglong and Yinglong were greater in enlightenment. But Qinglong especially was a master of formation crafting. He directed the primordial qi coursing through them into a combined assault. "Out of the way all of you!" He commanded the sea and dragon elders.

"This is for Bi An you fuckers," Zulong spat without care of imperial etiquette.

Luohu looked up stupefied.

"What kind of formation is that?" Mara said from beside him. But Luohu had already moved.

As the divine axe formed of cosmic light slammed down, Luohu's spear tip met its edge. Blade against blade. A single Limitless Supreme Chaos Immortal against the three imperial dragon brothers, their princes, and their army of fodder.

Yi Fei'e had to shield her eyes. Rippling Reflection felt his heart race even as he struggled to retain his footing. The Primeval Elemental Devil Emperors grabbed hold of each other. Leishen and Jiang Koilong held onto their clouds struggling not to be blown away.

The power of the strike was so great that it ultimately struck Mt Sumeru. In its assault, the great mountain was split in two. Right down the middle, a giantgash that reached into the earth appeared. What's more, the front face of the mountain collapsed into rubble. Even the stupa the devils had met in collapsed into ruin.

Then the celestial dragon reappeared, its tenants exhausted from that strike. even Zulong felt fatigued from the mental strain of harmonizing like that. But they had struck true.

Luohu landed on the rubble. His feet touched stone and his face forever stuck in an undignified snarl.

"You come into my home. Accuse me of false crime. Then you level my mountain?"

His face darkened and his hair swayed. Four elongated shapes appeared around him forming a four pointed formation.

"Since when did a few backwater animals get so confident?"


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