Chapter 90 - Drunk on Success

A long time ago, Zulong vowed to become sovereign of the universe. At the time, he thought he could do so with overwhelming strength and charisma. He committed himself to years of training within the east sea. However, he discovered no one was willing to follow him inspite of his strength and mercy.

Years later, he returned and gained great reputation as a successful city lord. He had a good reputation and strong backing that to the people of the east sea made him the successor of their god.

After that, the dragon became wise and cautious. He wished for an unshakable foundation and studied the situation of the world through personal travels. He learned and understood the nature of the places he wanted to rule. He learned and adopted ideas from outside.

The vision he foresaw was a world united under one banner. Dragons, the supreme clan of the empire. This word will not represent just the Primordial Celestial Dragon Clan, it represented all inhabitants of the seas. It was cultivation, it was a culture, it was everyone.

Zulong chuckled merrily toasting himself. The event had set in and the Solar Star was no longer in view. The watchful gaze of the lunar star now illuminated the world as the ancestral dragon poured himself a cup of spiritual wine.

"Ah! Life is great," he cheered. His celebratory mood could not be ruined at this point. He was essentially done with the preparatory steps and had made such progress that he'd overtaken the avians and the beasts for sure.

"What Phoenix? What Qilin? Just a peacock and a horsey overreaching their place," Zulong snorted with contempt. "Just a slap of my tail already sent them both packing. Hmph, just a bunch of small fries."

Zulong chugged down the drink with eagerness. "Ah, nothing like master's homebrew wine," he winced at the singing from his throat. The chaotic energy from the void harvested and mixed into the drink could tear apart even the bodies of Golden Immortals.

Only top tier powerhouses like Zulong can casually drink this wine without decapitating themselves in the process. The dragon quite liked the buzz it gave him.

"Zulong, do you think you should be gloating so early?" Gui Daiyu asked worriedly. "After all, those two are still incredibly powerful existences."

"And? I've beaten both of them easily and if it wasn't for some tricks they would've been dead," the dragon sneered at the memory. "That horsey is lucky he has such a useful gift. Trust me Yu'er, once I have him cornered, I'll take his head."

"Just be cautious, those tricks you've mentioned are still incredibly dangerous. I mean causality manipulation and instant recovery? Even you can't manage that," Gui Daiyu sighed taking a sip of her own cup. Her glass was filled with fruit juices instead of wine.

"Hmph, horsey's luck will run out eventually. He's stupid to waste his karmic luck like that. I can do the exact same thing he did for an even longer period of time. But that's just wasting the luck of my nation," Zulong said.

"If he was so confident to use it all without hesitation, then he must have some way to replenish them," Gui Daiyu said cautiously. "It's not that I don't know you're stronger, but those two, especially the northern Qilin seem to have a lot more hidden."

"Unless he goes around being a good samaritan every second of his life, that kind of luck usage isn't something he can replenish," Zulong scoffed. "There won't be a next time Yu'er. You should be more concerned about your own wellbeing and our child's not some nobodies who can do nothing but run."

Gui Daiyu smiled softly, her earrings glistening along with her. "I suppose I should. He's coming along very healthy."

"His? You divined it already?"

"Just a feeling," the turtle said. "He'd be a strong one. Neither of us were weak when we conceived. He'd be born an immortal at the very least."

"He better be, he's the son of Zulong," the proud dragon said triumphantly. "As the son of the dragon, of course he'd grow up to be a powerhouse."

"Don't you mean because he's the son of Guy Daiyu?" His wife smirked.

"Of course, it'll be because of both of us," Zulong said smiling brightly along with his wife. He felt nothing in this world could stop him now. He had a family he could count on, powerful subordinates, an indestructible foundation, and enough luck to choke on. What could possibly halt this dragon's march?

"By the way, would lord Da Hai be coming here soon?" Gui Daiyu asked.

"Of course, I sent the invitation letter myself," Zulong said with mock hurt. "Master deserves the best invitation. No mere message crystal would ever suffice, especially not for this occasion."

"Hm, it seems only yesterday when we were still planning how best to take the other three seas," Gui Daiyu mused smiling fondly at the memory. "You thought it'll take another five thousand years, not less than a hundred. Now only a few hundred years later, you're ready to crown yourself." She raised her cup forward.

"What can I say? The heavens favour me," Zulong raised his wine cup and toasted her. "So further successes and great fortune."

"To further successes and great fortune," Gui Daiyu replied.

The golden light of merit hovered over Zulong's eye. He'd been observing his own karmic luck and even though this was probably the hundredth time he probed himself, the amount still astounded him.

"Naturally of course" he mused smiling giddily. He could sense some amount of luck had been diminished no doubt due to the good fortune he'd been experiencing. But he also felt it increasing to fill out the gap.

Zulong's source of luck was like a burning star in comparison to the torches everyone else held. He was incomparable to even the most fortunate of individuals.

Only the other sovereigns could in theory rival Zulong's own luck. He couldn't be sure of theirs as their location was not only too far but their cultivation would bar even his senses. But he was sure they were combined, still less than a fraction of his own.

"It is only natural as it is me," he mused giddily. With so much fortune at his fingertips, he was practically invincible. His dragon empire is bound to continuously grow to an unrivalled state.

What Phoenix Sovereign? What Qilin Sovereign? What Devil Ancestor? Can all three of them even compare to the mighty dragon and his seas? This was the continuous thought running through Zulong's mind.

Zulong stood on the highest balcony of the east sea dragon palace overlooking the east sea. His celestial eyes oversaw the ocean in all directions. The east sea capital, Xuanlong Cheng was a marvel. Thousands of times larger than his first city and equipped with a farm stronger formation.

"Your majesty?" A voice called out.

Zulong turned his head slowly and glared in annoyance. He'd been peacefully marveling at his work. To be snapped out of it was simply rude.

"What is it Ao Hu?" He asked in annoyance. The dragon he was speaking to was one of the stronger dragons with special status within the palace. He was a fairly powerful Great Unity Golden Immortal.

"A thousand apologies your majesty but special guests have arrived," the dragon said apologetically. Zulong in his bout of annoyance had unwittingly released a surge of powerful energy. Even this Great Unity expert couldn't help but feel an intrinsic fear of dealing with a vastly superior being.

The chasm between both members of the dragon race was immense. Despite Ao Hu being functionally similar to Zulong with no lesser disadvantages in terms of the dragon bloodline, he was still a mere ant in comparison to Zulong's star.

"Ladies Er Fei'e, San Fei'e, Si Fei'e, Wu Fei'e, Liu Fei'e, and Chi Fei'e are here," he quickly said.

"My junior sisters are here? That was fast, the letter was only sent out days ago," Zulong contemplated. The location of the East Sea Dragon Palace wasn't that close to Yingzhou. Then again, Yingzhou could shift its location even though Da Hai never really used that ability.

"When did they arrive?" The dragon patriarch asked calming down.

"Moments ago your majesty. The exalted ladies arrived at the city edges and were immediately invited here," Ao Hu stated.

Nodding in understanding, Zulong said, "Invite them over to the largest guest hall on the right wing. I shall meet them there." He turned around and teleported out of view fading out of existence similar to all others in Yingzhou's lineage.

Zulng reappeared at the designated guest hall and sat down at the main seat. He sat there for around ten minutes before servants began coming in with sets of tea and snacks imported from the East Continent. They were picking up popularity among the inhabitants of the sea and dragon clans.

Zulong didn't have to wait long. Only about an hour passed before six of the seven moth fairies arrived. They were all stunningly beautiful resembling snow women with hints of illusionary prowess.

"Junior apprentice sisters, welcome to my domain," Zulong greeted.

"We sisters greet eldest senior brother," the moth fairies said in unison saluting him before taking their seats. They were served plenty of tea and snacks as a show of good faith from the elder dragon.

"Haha, no need to stand on occasion, we've all known each other for too long for that," Zulong said jollily. "Take a seat and try some of these delicacies."

"Thank you, senior brother." "Ooooh, what are these?" Er Fei'e and Liu Fei'e said together.

"Commodities from the East Continent," Zulong said. "Nothing much, but they are quite good."

The dragon sat back and watched as the sapient moth cultivators tried all sorts of snacks. They were surprisingly good at appraising them. Zulong curiously wondered what they'd been up to since being promoted to in name disciples.

"So, what brought you all here?" He asked. He'd initially assumed they arrived due to his invitation letter to his upcoming coronation. However, that event was still a few decades off.

Da Hai was also not present and he knew his master will come to such an event. What's more telling was that they arrived here so soon which probably meant they left Yingzhou way before he sent that letter out.

Even Zulong needed a month or so to get to Yingzhou, less if he exhausts himself to his limits but doing so would be hazardous to his health and unnecessary. As such he concluded they were likely here for another matter.

"Oh right," Liu Fei'e yelped while Er and San Fei'e sighed shrugging. Er Fei'e quickly cleared her throat and began declaring her message.

"Actually, master sent us," she said. "Master what's you to return to Yingzhou for a meeting."

"A meeting?" Zulong raised his eyebrow curiously. "What would master want?"

"Unfortunately I have no idea," Er Fei'e said. "He only told us to fetch you and little else."

"Might have to do with the new dragon," Wu Fei'e chimed in. "It was a pretty big commotion. Rocked the whole island and everything."

"Hm, how is he? How strong I mean," Zulong asked about the carp turned dragon.

"Very strong, he broke through to Profound Immortal directly after ascending," Er Fei'e reported. "Surprised us as well, we didn't even know that was possible."

"Right, right, He directly mastered the water element and ascended to Profound Immortal. Though I don't think he's tested his power yet, at least not when we were still there," she added.

"I see," Zulong rubbed his chin. "That's joyous news. Hahahahahaha!" the dragon laughed joyously. "Your's truly's Draconic Dao is a top tier method after all."

"Yes, senior brother's invention was terrifying. I'm a Heavenly Immortal and even I don't think I can pierce that carp dragon's scales," San Fei'e clapped her hands and complimented.

"Heh, little sisters must practice hard. You're all talented and Golden Immortal is not that hard to reach," Zulong praised.

"Very well, if master desires to speak with me then I shall head out in haste," he declared. He stood up and fixed up his black robes. "Will you all be returning with me?" He asked the moths.

"Hm, master didn't give any instructions about that," Er Fei'e placed a finger on her chin in thought. "Can we stay here? We hardly ever leave Yingzhou."

"Sure, I'll settle you all down. Yu'er will love the company," Zulong said. His mood was astonishingly good and has been for many years now. Things could only continue to go up for this dragon.

Days later, Zulong notified Gui Daiyu and various ministers. He settled his junior sisters down in royal guest chambers and entrusted the ruling of the east sea to his father-in-law the Primordial Turtle King.

"Take care Yu'er," he informed his wife. "I'll be seeing master now. It probably won't be too long, a couple of months at most."

"Of course, stay safe husband," Gui Daiyu smiled.

"And I you wife." Zulong gave her a passionate kiss.

Gui Daiyu has been pregnant for half a dozen years now. For immortals, it wasn't that strange for them to carry their children for years on end. In Gui Daiyu's case, she was carrying an egg that will itself have an incubation period.

With the immense power of Zulong and Gui Daiyu. The approximate birth of their first child won't be for several hundred to a thousand years. Ten thousand years was also possible if calculated on the higher spectrum of things.

The talent of that child was also expected to be incredibly high. Zulong was hopeful for them to be born a Heavenly Immortal. Perhaps even a Golden Immortal if he was extremely lucky. That was on the same level as first generation innate creatures and innate gods, the highest form of xiantian lifeforms.

"Alright, take care," Zulong announced before departing in a blaze of yellow and black light. His titanic body unfurled beneath the waves. He shot like a torpedo eastward directly for Yingzhou.


Zulong broke out of the ocean surface ascending for the clouds. He flew as high as he can without punching into the void laughing joyfully. Looking down upon the world, the dragon performed twirls and hoops mid air.

Zulong felt like the top of the world. He couldn't wait to see and report to Da Hai once again. For the past years, he'd only communicated through messages but never face to face.

Now faced with the prospects of reporting his successes face to face. Zulong simply couldn't contain his excitement. He was unlike a regal monarch and more like a child who just won his first competition.

Clouds danced around the serpentine dragon's body resembling carriages hurrying the dragon along. His speed with his current cultivation was far higher than 99.99% of living creatures within the primitive world.

"Yingzhou, here I come," he announced in the air. For someone who's lived most of their life on that island, Zulong was incredibly familiar with the celestial mountain. What's more, he was one of the few capable of tracking it despite its natural disposition.

After two months of flight, Zulong finally detected the mystical energies of Yingzhou. This celestial mountain was one of the best in the world. Its environment was incredibly suitable for cultivation, more so then the East Sea Dragon Palace.

Zulong felt that his master deserved nothing less. This same great ancestor who produced the Sovereign of the Sea, Patriarch of Dragons, and Ancestor of the Draconic Dao.

Zulong entered the illusionary Barries of Yingzhou, crossing the brief areas of chaos that lay between. Yingzhou was an island that was simultaneously within the primitive world yet simultaneously not. It was perpetually out of reach if iso desired. Perpetually distant if you will.

The astronomical size of the dragon shifted back into his handsome human form. Zulong was incredibly handsome by human standards and appeared to be a young man in his mid-twenties. His black and yellow robes were elaborate depicting his vast wealth and power.

"Master, I am here," Zulong announced triumphantly with a salute. He strolled up the path leading up to Da Hai's palace brimming with confidence.

Da Hai's residence was a grand place, well maintained and regularly updated by his disciples over the years. Over time, it became grander than originally intended. Zulong, Yinglong, Yi Fei'e etc all had a good eye for architectural design after all.

"Junior sister," Zulong greeted Yi Fei'e who was awaiting him. Beside her stood a young man appearing sixteen years old with long hair and dragon antlers. "Fish, I didn't even recognize you," he said.

"Senior brother," Yi Fei'e returned the greeting. "It is good to see you visit again. I assume my sisters are staying in the East Sea Dragon Palace?"

"Yes, they said they didn't spend much time outside so why not?" Zulong shrugged

"Indeed, it will do them well to gain some experience. I just hope they won't make trouble for senior brother," Yi Fei'e said.

"Master," the carp dragon bowed to Zulong at a stiff ninety degree. "I still have not thanked master for granting me the Draconic Dao."

"Hm, I guess that will make you an apprentice of mine. Do you have a name?" Zulong asked.

"This one was named Shao Koi by my mother," the newly arisen dragon said.

"Small Koi? That won't do, you need a powerful name," Zulong scratched his chin in thought. "You preserved hard to reach this state, so how about Jian Koilong?"

"Persevere Koi dragon? Thank you for granting me this name," Jian Koilong said.

"Of course, you are a member of my Primordial Celestial Dragon clan now, not some fish living in a pond," Zulong waved. "You'll join me in the East Sea Dragon Palace once I return."

"Of course," Jian Koilong accepted. He had never really fit in with the carps raised on Yingzhou in the first place and he'd already scarred most of them half to death. Might as well find a new future.

Yi Fei'e stood on the side and opened the door for Zulong. The massive doors swing open into a massive empty hall held up by sturdy pillars.

Da Hai's hall was decorated with statues of corals, pots, and weapons such as spears, swords, and halberds. The floor tiles were navy blue with the pillars being hugged by flairs of yellow, red, green, and light blue.

Da Hai sat meditating on the Dao in a lotus position upon the 12 Petal White Lotus at the elevated platform. Despite being in human form, he appeared to be thousands of metres tall and filled up the hall like a Buddha statue at a temple.

Da Hai opened his eyes smiling softly, "You've come."

"Of course, master commands and disciple obeys," Zulong said kowtowing to Da Hai respectfully.

Da Hai's massive form disappeared into a middle aged man with yellow hair standing just above 1.7 metres tall. He was shorter than Zulong but had a presence that felt even larger.

The disparages in cultivation was put full on display. Da Hai's understanding into the Dao made him far more mystical than Zulong. Though despite this, in terms of combat ability, the two were more comparable than one would expect.

"It is good to see you in good health disciple," Da Hai smiled softly. "I've been watching from afar from all these years and I couldn't be prouder."

"Haha, nothing much master, nothing much. I merely got lucky after all," Zulong smiled.

"Yes, congratulations by the way," Da Hai said.

"How did you?" Zulong asked before slapping his forehead. 'Of course, master knows everything.'

"Yes, Yu'er is carrying our child. With the empire on the rise, my subordinates getting stronger, my successes are too many to name. Soon, master, soon my dream will be accomplished," Zulong said. "Then I'll deal with master's enemies too, devilish Dao and that Hongjun."

"Zulong…" Da Hai tried to interrupt.

"Do not worry master, I've been extremely careful. My foundations are already set and I'm ready to take the next step. After I announce myself the Heavenly Dao will offer its protection as well and my power will evolve even further," Zulong promised.

"No Zulong, that is," Da Hai grimaced uncomfortably.

"I know, tough opponents. But I know my limits. I can surpass them in time. In time, we can eliminate all threats to us," Zulong said. "My luck is also superb, no misfortune can befall us, you can be assured of that."

"That's the thing Zulong," Da Ha sighed. "I…I don't think you should be sovereign."

'What?' Was Zulong's only startled thought.