Chereads / Minecraft Series / Chapter 92 - Final Stand [Ch. 19]

Chapter 92 - Final Stand [Ch. 19]

Trench Kingdom


"Uh Daniel," Nathan shouted from a short distance ahead, with the trench monster right on his tail. The angler fish kept snapping his mouth shut as he inched closer and closer to Nathan. "I kind of need that trident. Like now!"

The Sun had fully set, making the water go all dark down at the depth Nathan and Daniel were swimming at. The only light being cast was the light coming off of the angler fish's esca. The esca was the modified dorsal fin just above their eyes. That was the only light being cast, and the only way Daniel was able to keep track of where Nathan and the angler fish were swimming.

Daniel sighed and shook his head. "I'm doing the best I can," Daniel replied.

As he continued swimming, he was beginning to slow down. He was running out of energy to keep up with Nathan and the trench monster. There was nothing he could do to catch up to them...or was there? Just as he came to a complete stop, watching the angler fish's light quickly fade away and disappear back into the dark abyss. He began looking all around him as he was hearing other creepy and spooky unknown sounds. He heard whispering sounds, almost like something was trying to talk to him. He was still holding his trident in his right hand. Maybe the whispering had something to do with him holding his trident? After all, when he was holding the trident, he could talk and listen to the creatures of the ocean. He could have a full-on conversation with the animals if he wanted to.

But because he hasn't possessed the trident for very long, he didn't know what it was truly capable of doing. Most of its abilities were still a mystery to him. Something he'd like to explore later on down the road if MineLantis allows him to keep it that is. He had no doubt in his mind that they wouldn't allow him to retain possession of this ancient trident. He's done so much for them these past two days. Stopping the Sirens from invading MineLantis and preventing them from getting their filthy hands on it too.

Learning what the trident was really capable of wasn't the only thing he wanted to do. He also wanted to learn more about MineLantis's past. Borris and Calvin both hinted at what happened to MineLantis before ending up on the seabed but never opened up about what had happened. King Xavier's castle showed noticeable signs of damage. The large holes in the ceilings, the cracked and shattered windows, severe damage to other buildings within the boundaries of the outer wall, and much more.

"Hello?" Daniel called out, still unable to see what was making those scary whispering sounds. As the whispers continued, he began hearing fast swooshing noises. The swooshing noises were getting louder and louder as they got closer to where Daniel.

Daniel was nearby a seaweed forest. The seaweed extended from the sea bed, and almost all the way up to the surface. As the faint current continued on, the seaweed slowly flapped back and forth and from side to side. As Daniel nervously waited for whatever it was that was coming his way, he tightened his grip on the trident.

"Who--who's there?" Daniel called out again.

The approaching mysterious creature began growling and groaning. Daniel turned to look behind him. When he turned around once more, he finally saw the creature that was making those whispering and growling sounds.

The creature was big. Its entire body was a light gray color. Its nose somewhat pointy and its teeth sharp and intimidating. Its eyes were all black. Daniel raised his trident up slowly and carefully, trying his best to not spook the creature. Turns out, this creature was even more dangerous than the angler fish.

"Nice sharky," Daniel mumbled as he lifted his left arm, extending it forward slightly. He was trying to keep the creature as calm as possible. No sudden movements, remember? "I'm not gonna hurt you," Daniel said as he continued to reach his arm out towards the creature's face. Just before Daniel was to touch the creature, it jerked forward slightly, opening and closing his mouth quickly. Daniel was extremely lucky his hand was bitten off. Turns out, the creature he was confronting was none other than a dangerous and hostile great white shark.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Daniel," a familiar male blockhead's voice warned. Daniel raised his head up slightly to look up at the blockhead who had said that to him. That male blockhead voice belonged to a friend of Daniel's. It was none other than Borris himself. He was riding on the back of this great white shark. How? How was he able to tame a deadly predator like that? They're dangerous, very dangerous. How was Borris able to command this shark?

"You're lucky he didn't bite your hand off," Borris said, "imagine how badly that would've hurt if he did."

Daniel rolled his eyes and smiled sarcastically. "It probably would've been bad."

"Exactly," Borris said, "so don't do it again, okay?"

Daniel nodded his head, acknowledging that he wouldn't try to touch the shark again. Borris was right after all. Daniel could've gotten his hand chewed right off if he didn't pull his hand back away from the shark's mouth. On the other hand, how would Daniel have known about sharks and their notorious hostility? He's never been out to the ocean before. This was his first time ever sailing across it. Before this seemingly never-ending voyage, Daniel hasn't had the need to travel across the ocean.

When Daniel got a somewhat better look at Borris, he noticed that his golden chest plate had been damaged. There, from what it looked like from Daniel's point of view, like three tiny holes. When Borris noticed that Daniel was looking at his armor, he glanced down at his chest plate.

"What happened to you? Are you alright?" Daniel asked.

"Nothing that I haven't experienced before, I assure you. I'm okay," Borris responded. "Did I just come here to talk? Or are we going to fight?"

Daniel tapped his chin as he turned around to look away from Borris. "Uh, yeah. We should probably--," Daniel said as he was suddenly interrupted by Nathan and the trench monster. They zoomed past Borris and Daniel. The shark was startled by the sudden rush of action right before him. He began whipping his head back and forth violently, trying to not Borris off of his back. But even after doing that, Borris remained put.

As Nathan and the Golem Monster zoomed past, they left a wake of bubbles behind. The bubbles began floating up towards the surface of the ocean. "Where's his trident?" Borris asked Daniel.

"Help!" Nathan shouted from a short distance away.

"I have it," Daniel responded.

"Why do you have it?" Borris questioned.

"He dropped it after attempting to hit that thing...whatever that thing is," Daniel responded.

Borris sighed. He grabbed his trident out of his inventory, quickly tried focusing his attention on the fast-moving angler fish and Nathan. The trench monster was still snapping its mouth shut as it got closer to Nathan.

"Help me!" Nathan shouted loudly.

Daniel couldn't bear to watch Nathan continue to be chased down. That's when he decided enough was enough. Nathan continue to be chased down by the trench monster any longer. Enough was enough. "Enough!" Daniel shouted loudly as he swam down to the seabed. His voice was echoey. His eyes had begun to glow a bright white, almost like HeroBrine's once did at night. Borris noticed that Daniel had finally tapped into the trident's full power.

Daniel swam down to the seabed and stood down there. He grabbed onto his netherite trident with both hands. Once he had a decent grasp on the trident, he slowly raised his arms up above his head. As he brought his arms back down, he slammed the trident into the sandy seafloor.

Borris quickly grabbed onto the harness that he had on the shark and pulled up on the harness. The shark quickly began swimming away as fast as he could. Borris knew exactly what Daniel was doing. Once Daniel's trident dug into the sandy seafloor, a bright air bubble began growing. The Netherite trident began glowing, emitting small shockwaves out of the three forks at the top of it.

Nathan saw what Daniel was doing. He began swimming towards the growing air bubble, the trench monster following right behind him. As they both swam towards the expanding air bubble, Nathan flew right into it, falling straight down onto the seafloor. He landed on his stomach. There was no time for the trench monster to react. He couldn't prevent himself from swimming right into the trap Nathan had led him to.

Once he was inside the air bubble, he fell to the seafloor. He landed on his side and immediately thereafter began flopping around on the sand. Flipping from one side to the other. Nathan got back up onto his feet and brushed his armor clean of sand. He glanced over at Daniel. Daniel looked back over at him.

"Can I have it back?" Nathan asked.

Daniel nodded his head as he took his left hand off of the handle of the trident. He reached into his inventory, pulling Nathan's golden trident out. After he pulled it out of his inventory, he then tossed it over to Nathan. Nathan caught the trident perfectly.

"What are you waiting for, Nathan?" Daniel shouted as he questioned why Nathan was hesitating on what to do with the trench monster.

After snapping out of being hesitant, he glanced over to his left and over at the flopping angler fish. He tightened his grip on his trident as he began walking over to the trench monster. Now that he was standing over by the trench monster, he raised his right arm up into the air, retracting it thereafter. Before he threw his trident down at the trench monster, Nathan got one last look at the helpless and dangerous trench monster.

"Not so big and bad now are you buddy?" Nathan questioned as he threw his arm forward, throwing his trident down at the trench monsters' weak spot on his body. The trident made a shing sound as it pierced the angler fish's stomach. It called out in pain as it began snapping its mouth open and shut repeatedly at Nathan.


As Nathan and Daniel watched the trench monster, it then took its last breath. Nathan and Daniel remained where they were just to make sure that the trench monster was dead. Once they presumed it was, Nathan cautiously approached it.

Daniel pulled his trident up out of the sandy seabed, proceeding to hold it in his right hand. The air bubble suddenly burst, giving way to a sudden rush of water. Luckily though, the rushing water didn't knock either of them off of their feet. The current wasn't that strong, but it was still somewhat quick.

From behind Nathan, Daniel looked over Nathan's right shoulder. He wanted to get a better look at the dead trench monster. As he walked up to where his trident had pierced the monster's body, he grabbed onto the handle with both of his hands. After yanking and tugging as hard as he could, his trident slid right out of the body of the trench monster. He turned around to look back at Daniel.

"Well, that wasn't what I was expecting it to be," Nathan said, "I thought it would've taken more damage to kill it. Not so big and bad like we had originally thought."

"That was super easy," Daniel said as Borris called out to Daniel and Nathan. His voice was somewhat faint and sounded far away. He must be close and in danger. Nathan and Daniel didn't waste any time on finding Borris.

As the two of them swam side by side, they came upon an upside-down shark. The harness the shark was wearing was dangling down from its neck as it continued to float upside down. It was also unconscious and not breathing. It had been killed by a weapon of some sort. He had been stabbed repeatedly on the right side of his lower body.

"They did this," Daniel said, claiming to know who was behind the killing of this shark.

"Who did?" Nathan asked.

"Sirens," Daniel responded as loud whooshing sounds were heard really close to them. Nathan and Daniel both began looking all around at their current surroundings but were both having a really hard time finding out where the Sirens were hiding. But they weren't having the best of luck doing so.

"Where are they?" Nathan asked, "I can't see them anywhere."

"We're right here," a Siren had said. Their voices were so loud that it seemed as though they were right behind Nathan and Daniel. They both turned around to see if the Sirens were indeed right behind them.

Daniel sighed heavily as he rubbed his forehead with his hand momentarily. "You killed that poor shark didn't you?" He asked.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," the Siren responded.

"Stop playing mind games with us," Daniel snapped, starting to grow impatient with their bad intimidating tactics. They weren't scaring him or Nathan. They were brave, and they were strong. Neither of them was spooked or scared in any way.

As they were preoccupied with talking to the Siren, maybe even more as well, things going on down at the bottom of the trench weren't going any smoother. Alana had somehow managed to beat Martin, taking his life in the process. As for Thomas, he was leaning up against the small boulder Vicky was sitting on moments earlier.

Sure, he was in pain but he wasn't going to let that slow him down. He had one job to accomplish: rescue Robert and Elena from the Sirens. That was it; nothing more and nothing less. As Thomas continued to breathe in and out heavily while looking down at his injury on his stomach, the chains that were keeping Elena locked up suddenly rattled.

Thomas lifted his head and looked away from his injuries. He proceeded on to look directly over at Elena. His mouth dropped. He wasn't expecting Elena to wake up just now. He was under the impression that it would've taken her longer to wake up. Guess that wasn't the case, huh?

"Elena?" Thomas said in a soft, and somber tone, "are you okay?"

Elena lifted her head up. She looked over at Thomas, wondering who he was. He's never seen him before, much less met him either. Tilting her head slightly and staring over at him, she asked her first question.

"Who are you?" Elena asked in a quiet, shaky, and unstable voice. "I've never seen you before."

Thomas faintly smiled as he briefly looked away from her. He chuckled a few times. "I'm a friend of Daniel's. He sent me and my friend down here to rescue you and your friend. His orders were simple. Get in, free Robert and Elena, and then escape before--," Thomas explained as Elena interrupted him with what she had wanted to say.

"Before what?" Elena asked.

"Any minute now, they're going to start pushing boulders over the edge of the trench," Thomas explained.

Elena didn't bother to ask any more questions. She understood enough of what was to come. She began pulling her arms down with all of her might, trying to snap the chains. By doing so, her hope was that she could break herself out of the chains herself, but to no avail.

"A little help, please?" She asked as she looked over at Thomas.

Thomas was looking down at the floor. He was in pain but wasn't severely hurt in any way. He nodded his head. His trident slammed down onto the floor making a loud bang sound and shing sound too.



After he did that, he slowly got back up onto his feet. He walked over to Elena. She watched him lift his trident off of the floor. She lowered her head as he retracted his arms. When he swung his trident forward, it collided with the iron chains. It only took one good swing to break Elena free. His trident sliced right through them. Almost like they were butter. It also helped that the chains were rusty and old too.

Elena lowered her arms for the first time in about three days. She stretched her muscles, reaching behind her back and extending her arms out straight, and then up into the air straight up too. After she was done stretching, she let out a big sigh of relief.

Thomas reached into his inventory to grab a turtle shell out. When he pulled his right hand out of his inventory, Elena looked down at his hand. She was curious as to why he was holding a shell in his hand. What was that for?

"A turtle shell?" Elena questioned. Thomas faintly smiled and nodded his head once. He held his right hand out so that she could take the shell from him. As she took it out of his hand, he answered her question.

"It's not just any turtle shell," Thomas said. "It'll help you breathe underwater."

As she put it on, she made a weird face. She didn't think a turtle shell belonged on anyone's head, not even hers. Once she had it on, she lowered her arms and turned her head to look over at Thomas.

"Does this turtle shell make my head look big?" Elena asked.

Thomas giggled and shook his head. "No, your head isn't big. You're fine, I promise."

"Okay, if you say so," Elena responded.

Thomas and Elena began walking over to the entrance of the cave. They stood at the very edge of the cave. Thomas glanced over to his right at her.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," she responded as she reached out to grab his hand as he held it out for her.

"Then let's go kick some Sirens' butts then!" Thomas said.

They both then took one step forward, going back into the deep, dark depths of the trench. Above them, Sirens were fighting more MineLantians. But instead of using swords or bows and arrows, they were fighting with their hands. The MineLantians on the other hand were using their tridents.

"When did they all get here?" Thomas asked himself. Elena was looking up and watching the MineLantians and Sirens fight it out too.

"Well, at least they came to help," Elena said as she suddenly remembered what had happened to Robert.

She looked over at Thomas, grabbing both of his shoulders. He looked down at her, wondering why she was acting up so suddenly.

"What is it?" He asked.

"They took him," Elena answered, "they took Robert. They're going to kill him by feeding him to the monster. They know he's a God."

"Took who? Robert?" Thomas asked.

Elena nodded her head in response to what he had just asked her. "I don't know where, but we need to find him. He's in grave danger!"

"C'mon," Elena said, "we can't just leave him here!"

"Alright, but we have to hurry," Thomas responded as he began following Elena.

They were now swimming westward, desperate to find and save Robert before it was too late. Up above, at the top of the trench, MineLantians lined both sides of the trench. They were all standing behind large boulders. Boulders big enough to trap the Sirens in their home forever, never to be set free again.

Daniel, Borris, and Nathan were all standing by a group of MineLantians. Situated behind each boulder, four MineLantians stood. The boulders were big, wide, and very heavy. Their leader, the ones giving them their orders, was King Xavier.

The Siren that was taunting Daniel and Nathan earlier had been eaten alive by a megalodon. They had found Borris hiding nearby where his shark was killed, under a small patch of pink, blue, and yellow coral. Luckily, he wasn't injured any more than he already was.

"On my mark, push," King Xavier announced. His voice was loud enough so that everyone could hear him loud and clear, "we can't wait any longer."

"He's going to do that now?" Daniel asked Borris and Nathan as he stood next to them.

Borris and Nathan looked over at him. They both shrugged their shoulders. "He's right. We can't wait any longer."

"Thomas, Martin, Elena, and Robert are still down there," Daniel exclaimed, "we can't act until they're back up. We'll trap them down there!"

"They know what they're doing," Nathan explained, "Thomas and Martin aren't dumb. They'll find another way. If we don't do this now, we'll risk letting the Sirens continue causing trouble around the ocean. We can't let that happen!"

"Then I don't want to be a part of it," Daniel said as he huffed and puffed. He looked up and towards the surface and then back down and over at Borris and Nathan. He then glanced to his right, and then to his left.

"I'll see you guys up on the boat," Daniel said, "but don't think I won't still be mad at you! Because I will be."

As he began his ascent back up towards the surface, three blockheads came swimming up out of the trench. It was Thomas, Elena, and Robert. Just in the nick of time too. Phew!

"Now!" King Xavier shouted, "push them over!"

The seafloor began shaking and rumbling as the huge boulders began sliding across the sandy seabed. The boulders weren't that far from the edge of the trench. As the boulders got closer and closer to the edge, small chunks of the sides of the stone that made up the trench's sides began crumbling and falling down towards the bottom.

Then slowly and one by one, the boulders all began tumbling over the side of the trench and down into it. Some boulders bounced off of the sides, chipping and breaking into smaller chunks. All of the Sirens were down at the bottom.

From up top, everyone could hear the loud screams and cries for help as the Sirens tried to avoid being hit by the incoming falling boulders. As the boulders got further down, they all began getting stuck. One by one, they all began sealing up the trench, a short distance from the bottom.

"Take that, you stupid sirens!" Borris shouted, "you won't be a threat any longer!"

If one thing was for certain, it was that the Sirens were now trapped under the boulders. Their reign of terror had finally come to an end. No longer will they be a threat to MineLantis or the entirety of the ocean. Peace has once again returned. But now that the fight was over, there was only one thing left to do.