Chereads / Minecraft Series / Chapter 76 - One Foggy Night [Ch. 3]

Chapter 76 - One Foggy Night [Ch. 3]

S.S DreamChaser


After he walked into his cabin, Daniel gently closed the door behind him. He could hear the footsteps of Merlin and Elena walking around outside on the deck. He stood by the door, realizing how empty his cabin had felt. His bed, over in the corner was empty, and so was his desk. The lantern hanging over his desk swayed back and forth as the ship rocked side to side.

This cabin, and this ship weren't just built for him and the others. It was meant to be for everyone. Not just Daniel himself. Petra was supposed to be here, and so was HeroBrine and EnderBrine. After Scarlet had almost brought down the Kingdom, Daniel had realized that there had to be a contingency plan in place just in case something like that was to ever happen again. It did.

He had kept the whole building a ship thing a secret. He didn't want anyone to panic and begin asking questions as to why he was doing what he was doing. Being a King and leading other blockheads into the future was hard work, but somehow Daniel has managed to keep his act together. Not letting Petra's death overcome his duty to serve the Kingdom. After all, he wasn't only being brave, he was showing the Gods and Goddesses of the OverWorld that he was worthy of being a King.

Daniel sighed as he walked over to his bed. He sat down at the end of it, looking down at the floor. He lifted one foot to slide one shoe off, doing the same with his other foot. After putting his shoes down on the floor near his bed, he flopped backwards onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. So many things began rushing into his head.

"Gods and Goddesses of the OverWorld," he began to say, "it's me, Daniel. I'm not sure if you can hear me, or if you're even listening right now, but I want to apologize."

He then paused from talking quietly, trying not to be too loud. Everyone else was down below deck, under his cabin even, sound asleep. The last thing he needed was to wake the entire ship up. Angry blockheads was the last thing he wanted to deal with right now.

"Apologize for what?" A familiar voice asked.

Daniel quickly sat up, looking over to his left. Standing in the corner of the room, next to an ender chest, was Victoria. She was wearing her usual outfit. White dress, and no shoes. A golden halo was hovering just over her head. That side of his room was dark. He had extinguished the lanterns earlier to lower the risk of a fire. The only lantern still burning was the one above his desk.

Victoria took a step forward into the light so that he could see her a little better. She had her hands behind her back. She slowly began walking over towards Daniel's bed.

"Everything," Daniel answered as he suddenly changed the subject. He had to ask her why she was here. He hasn't seen her much since she took Scarlet away after she was surrendered. There was so many questions he wanted to ask, but where would he even start?

"Why is that?" Victoria asked.

"I feel I'm to blame for everything that's happened. Petra's death, Scarlet's takeover of my Kingdom, HeroBrine's death. Oh, and Nightmare and the Golem Monster. None of that would have happened if I wouldn't have let my guard down," Daniel explained.

Victoria frowned and tilted her head slightly. She could feel the anger and sadness Daniel was expressing. He had nothing to be sorry for. None of those things happened because of him. She walked over to his bed and stood next to it.

"May I?" Victoria asked.

"Oh yes, yes of course. Please," Daniel said as he pointed at the bed and moved out of the way. Victoria turned around and slowly sat down next to him. She stared at him, not knowing what to say or even do for that matter.

"You want to know something, Daniel?" Victoria asked.

He nodded as he paid close attention to what she was about to say to him.

"I never ever thought I'd become a Goddess of the OverWorld," Victoria said, "Believe it or not, I was just like you once. Brave. Noble. Everything you are now, I once was myself."

"You weren't always a Goddess?" Daniel asked.

Victoria faintly smiled as she slowly shook her head. "No. But being a Goddess isn't all that glamorous as it may look and seem."

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked.

Victoria looked away from him and sighed. What she was about to tell him, was something she's never told anyone else before. None of the other Gods and Goddesses knew about this.

"I used to be a a redstone enthusiast," Victoria said, "always fascinated with how red stone could power so much. Lights, powering minecarts, boats. You name it, I dreamt about it. My point is, is that we Gods can't see into the future. When you and Petra stopped the Brine Family from destroying the OverWorld, you showed us that you were worthy. That's why I gifted you the Kingdom. You saved not only the entire World, but the Gods and Goddesses that watch over it. Sure, we may be immortal and live forever, but we aren't perfect."

"What are you trying to say?" Daniel asked.

"I'm trying to tell you that you'll get past this. Everyone does and everyone will. Your ancestors who came before you went through hell and back. There were casualties. Losses even. But that didn't stop them from creating a World you call home today. There's far more to this World than just a Kingdom," Victoria said as Daniel looked down at the floor. Victoria smiled faintly as she began rubbing his back gently. Up and down.

"What do you mean?" Daniel asked as he lifted his head and looked back over at Victoria.

"I'm leaving that part to you to figure out," Victoria said, "you'll see."

Her body began to glow a bright yellow color. She continued to rub his back and smile at him. "You'll see," she repeated as her body turned into glowing dust particles. Not a moment later, and she was gone. The glowing particles slowly dimmed and vanished into thin air.

Daniel was now alone again. There was so much he had retained from that conversation. What he had realized was that he needed to be brave. Be a leader to his people, and a friend to his friends. The ones he had left at least. Having that conversation with Victoria really made him feel better in a way. He wasn't as upset about everything as he was before she paid him a visit. It was a visit he wasn't expecting, but needed very much.

"Petra, HeroBrine, and EnderBrine all say hi," Victoria's voice whispered, "Petra wants you to read the letter. She says it'll make you feel better. Be the brave blockhead I once knew."

The room then went silent once more. Daniel faintly smiled after Victoria had said that to him. That proved that Petra, HeroBrine, and EnderBrine were all watching over him. That made him happier than he's felt in a while. He raised his head and looked up at the ceiling.

"I will," Daniel responded in a whisper, followed by a smile. "I will."

He got up off of his bed, staring over at his desk. The book he's been writing in these past few weeks was open. The quill was sitting on the desk right next to his book. Under the book though, was the letter he's been extremely hesitant on reading. He hasn't even laid eyes on the letter Petra had written him. Not since she passed away. Gosh, how it feels like it's been a millenia since she died. It's funny how fast time goes by, isn't it?

Daniel walked over to his desk, pulling his chair out from under the desk. As he took a seat, the wooden chair creaked. He pulled himself closer to the desk, grabbing the right side of the book. But again, he hesitated on lifting the book up. If one thing was for certain, it was that he's procrastinated long enough. It was time to read the letter. Time to find out what Petra had written him. Anxious? Yes. Nervous? Absolutely. He then slowly lifted the book up. With his other hand, he reached over to grab the single piece of paper. Once he grabbed it, he set the book back down. He sighed.

"Here goes nothing," Daniel said as he slowly turned the paper over.

When he did, out of the corner of his eyes he saw three heads leaning in close to him. Petra was standing on his right. She looked at him and smiled. When he looked over to his left, HeroBrine and EnderBrine were standing there. They looked at him and smiled as well. He smiled.

"Hi guys," Daniel mumbled.

For a moment, Daniel had felt extremely happy. Having his friends all standing beside him, supporting him and waiting for him to read the letter really made him happy. In that moment, the memories of their deaths had disappeared from his mind. Almost forgotten they'd even happened. That comforted him.

He looked down at the letter. But before he could start reading it, he glanced over at Petra. She looked at him and slowly nodded her head.

"Okay," he said, "I'm ready."

As he looked down at the letter and began reading it mentally, Merlin and Elena were out on deck. They were up on the stern, standing by Notch. They were all talking to each other.

"We have to have faith in him," Elena said, "just give him time to process everything. It's not easy to move past what he went through. Trust me, I know."

As Notch turned the wheel slightly to the left, the ship creaked. This ship was big. There's no doubt about that. But because it was so big, the stress it's hull was under constantly was worrying. But after being at sea for weeks now, hearing the ship creak and groan was something everyone grew accustomed to hearing. Those sounds were expected to be heard.

"I couldn't agree more," Merlin said, "but the decisions he's made these past few days have been controversial. For example, why did he insist on sailing through this fog? Does he know that he's putting everyone's lives in danger? Anything could happen. We could hit a rock, or—," Merlin said as he was suddenly interrupted by an unfamiliar and mysterious voice.

"Or run into Sirens," the voice said.

Because the fog was so thick and dense, it made seeing who had said that hard. Notch looked over at Merlin. Merlin looked over at Elena. Elena glanced back over at Notch. As quietly as she could, Elena reached into her inventory.

What she had grabbed out was not a sword or bow. It was her wooden wand. The tip of her wand began glowing a faint purple. Merlin saw that and grabbed his wand out of his inventory as well.

"Who goes there?" Merlin said in a loud voice, "show yourself!"

Right after he demanded the blockhead show themself, the whispers of other voices were heard. When Elena had looked back over at Merlin and Notch, they were mysteriously frozen. Unable to move. Their eyes had turned all black. That was odd. Just one second ago, they were fine. But now they weren't? What gives?

"Don't bother," the voice said, "they won't do anything."

"What did you do to them?" Elena asked.

"I didn't do anything," the voice answered, "but the others did. As long as they whisper and sing, you're friends won't be much help to you."

Elena held her wand tightly within her grasp. She was looking all around trying to find where the voice was coming from. But to no avail thanks to the fog.

"Darn fog!" Elena mumbled, "why won't you just go away?"

As she mumbled that to herself, she suddenly remembered something. A spell that could possibly make all this fog go away. She was trying her utmost best to remember the saying in order to cast the spell. As she was doing that, the voice continued on speaking to her.

"Don't make this any harder than it has to be," the voice said, "hand over control of this ship, or suffer the consequences. You won't like what I have in store for you if you don't cooperate. Let's just get this over and done with, shall we?"

"Not unless I have something to do about it!" Elena said as she suddenly remembered what the saying was to the spell she wanted to cast. She raised her arm up into the air, looking up at it thereafter. As she began waving her wand around in a circular pattern, she began mumbling the saying.

"For a way to get rid of the fog, I hereby thee summon a powerful gust of wind. Blow the most powerful gust of wind you can and get rid of this fog," Elena said as a small purple orb shot out of her wand, flying up high into the air. After she had done that, a powerful gust of wind began blowing the fog away. Poof!

The wind howled as it blew. As the fog disappeared, Elena began checking her surroundings for the blockhead who was behind the voice she was hearing. Not only did she find out who she was talking to, but it was revealed that the ship was sailing through dangerous waters. Boulder after boulder was seen, rising high out of the water. If the ship was to accidentally run into one, that wouldn't be very good, now would it?

Once the entirety of the fog blew away, Elena could now focus on finding out what was going on. Who was this blockhead anyways? Of course, it was a female blockhead. Elena instantly knew that when she had first heard the voice talk.

Not only did she see the boulders rising up out of the water, but there were strange looking creatures sitting on the rocks as well. It took Elena a moment to realize who these creatures were. That's when it hit her. These creatures were none other than the dangerous and decieving Sirens. Notorious creatures known for sinking ships, stealing loot and any treasure they could get their hands on. Not only were they thieves and deceiving creatures, but they were also very hostile. Showing no mercy or remorse about anything.

"You're here to--to take us as hostages, aren't you?" Elena asked.

Then, emerging from out of her sight, the Queen of the Sirens appeared. She turned around so that she could stare up at Elena. Elena gazed back down at Queen Helena.

"Not quite," Queen Helena said, "I have something far more interesting in mind."

"And what's that?" Elena asked.

"That would ruin the surprise," Queen Helena responded, "now what fun would that be?"

Elena sighed. She was finding it odd that only Merlin and Notch were affected by the Siren's whispers. Why was it that she wasn't being affected?

"Their whispers only work on the male blockheads, darling," Queen Helena stated, "not female blockheads like yourself. I thought you'd known that by now."

Elena gritted her teeth and growled at Queen Helena, trying to make herself look intimidating. Was it working? Was she making Queen Helena nervous? Trying to act tough and brave was no easy task, especially when it comes down to blockhead eating, cannibalistic Sirens.

"This is your only warning," Elena said as she pointed her wand down at the Queen. The tip of her wand was still glowing purple. "Or you and your pets will pay."

Queen Helena was offended by what Elena had just said about them. No one dared to speak of the Sirens that way, but Elena had true guts to do so. She was being brave.

The hatch door opened up slowly and quietly from behind Queen Helena. Elena noticed, but didn't react in any way. She continued to listen to what Queen Helena had to say.

Crawling out from the deck down below, Leona quietly and carefully climbed up the ladder and onto the deck. She had left the hatch open to lower the chance of her being noticed. As she slowly crept over to Queen Helena, she had grabbed her wand out of her inventory.

"How dare you talk about us like that?" Queen Helena said, "do you know how powerful I—," she said as Leona jammed the end of her wand into Queen Helena's back. Queen Helena laughed sarcastically.

"I see what you were doing now," she said as she slowly raised her hands up into the air. The end of Leona's wand began glowing a bright red.

"Let's just all take a moment to reconsider our options," Queen Helena said, "what is it you guys want? Gold? Armor? We'll give you anything you want. Just—just don't hurt me. Please."

Elena smiled and looked down at the wooden floor. She began shaking her head and laughing.

"Yeah, not gonna happen," Elena responded, "we won't be fooled with your tricks!"

Elena then nodded her head once at Leona. "Do it," she said.

Leona acknowledged her, blasting Queen Helena with a powerful orb. The orb went right through her stomach, creating a hole in her stomach area. Queen Helena slowly turned around to get one last look at her killer.

"You—will—pay!" Queen Helena said as she collapsed onto the deck floor. Now that she was dead, she transformed back into her real self, a siren. Her tail fins returned as did the shiny scales she had on her lower body.

Almost instantly after she collapsed to the deck floor, the other Sirens began screaming and hissing. The Sirens that were resting on top of the boulders jumped back down into the water. They were very angry and outraged. Leona and Elena weren't the only ones going to pay for their Queen's death. The entirety of the ship will pay.

The whispers and singing stopped. Merlin and Notch shook their heads rapidly as they woke up from being under in a trance. The two of them began looking in all directions. Behind them, in front of them, to the right and to the left. They were confused.

"What happened?" Merlin asked as he placed his hand on his head, "why does my head hurt?"

"Sirens," Elena responded, "they put you two under a trance so that they could try and take over the ship."

"I should've known sailing through these parts would be dangerous," Merlin said, "where's Daniel? We need to talk!"

"I'm right here," Daniel said, "what the heck happened? What is that thing laying down over there? What'd you guys do?"

"We saved your butts! That's what we did," Elena responded in an aggressive, hostile way. "Those Sirens were going to take us hostage. We prevented that from happening?"

"Oh, you did huh?" Another hissing, demonic sounding voice said from down on the main deck. It was another Siren. Only this one was holding something in her hand. The block was mostly red, with a little white mixed in. In bold black lettering on the block was the word T.N.T. "This is for the Queen! Try and catch me if you can. Mwahahaha!"

She went slurring over to the hatch door that would take her down below deck. That's where everyone else was sleeping.

"Someone stop her!" Daniel shouted as Leona raised her wand high into the air. A bright purple bolt of lightning struck the tip of her wand. She then threw her arm in a forward motion. When she did, the purple bolt of lightning came flying out of her wand.

The lightning bolt narrowly missed the fleeing Siren. She had jumped down through the hatchway. The lightning bolt struck the biggest mast, causing a fire to ignite the wooden mast.

"Don't let her get away!" Daniel shouted as he ran back over to the stairs leaping down them. He ran back to his cabin, slamming the door open and running inside. In the corner of his cabin, there was a single chest. He ran over to it, quickly pulling it open. As he began digging through the chest, he could hear footsteps running around outside. It must be Merlin and Elena and Leona chasing after the Siren.

At the bottom of his chest was a shiny golden sword. The sword once belonged to Petra. But after her death, he's held onto it to have something to remember her by. He grabbed the sword and pulled it out of the chest.


As he turned around to run back outside, Petra was standing over by the door. Daniel looked at her.

"I must say, that sword fits you well," Petra said, "it was meant for you."

"Not right now Petra," Daniel said as he ran past her and through the doorway. "I'm a little busy."

As Daniel made his way for the hatchway, Merlin and Leona and Elena were chasing after the Siren. They ran down a narrow hallway as the Siren began going down another hallway to the left. She was headed for another hatchway that would take her to the lowest deck of the ship. The deck that was below the waterline.

"Keep going straight you guys," Elena said, "there's another hatchway at her end of this hallway. Maybe if we surround her, we might have a chance at preventing her from blowing a hole into the side of the ship."

Merlin and Leona didn't ask any questions. They proceeded to run down the hallway as Elena ran down the hallway to the left. Right before she could react, the Siren opened the trapdoor. She jumped down into the lowest deck. Elena ran as fast as she could, jumping straight down.

Once she was down through the hatchway, she realized that it was very dark. There were no lanterns or torches to light the way. But luckily Elena had her wand handy. She looked down at her wand. When she did, the very tip of it began glowing a bright, bright purple. It was just enough light to see where she was going.

Just a couple of blocks ahead of her, she could hear slithering sounds. It was the Siren. She had transformed back into her true self; an ugly and scary looking Siren that resembled a mermaid's looks.

As Elena ran down the hallway, she didn't see that the Siren was hiding behind a small wooden beam with her tail sticking out. Elena tripped over her tail, falling onto her stomach and dropping her wand. Her wand rolled away from her on the wooden floor. The tip of it stopped glowing. Everything went dark again.

"Since you killed our Queen, you're friends and yourself are going to pay!" The Siren said as Elena heard her set the T.N.T block down on the floor near the hull of the ship. Elena leaped back up onto her feet, desperately trying to find her wand. But that's when she heard another familiar sound. The sounds flint and steel make when rubbed together.

"No!" Elena shouted. But it was already too late. The Siren had rubbed the flint and steel together twice before sparks rained down onto the block of T.N.T. After that happened, one of the sparks managed to ignite the fuse. The T.N.T was charging up, making hissing sounds as the short fuse burned. It flowed rhythmically, like a beating heart. Then….


The T.N.T had detonated, blasting a massive hole into the side of the ship. Elena went flying backward, slamming into a wooden beam. She hit the beam so hard that it had knocked her unconscious.

As she fell unconscious, she could hear the sounds of water rushing into the ship. The sounds she tried to prevent from being heard. But seeing that she had failed, the DreamChaser was severely damaged. As of this very moment, the DreamChaser was now taking on water.