(2 Years Later)
Clever was training on the backyard of their house, he was testing he can manipulate weather and change his size
"urgh! i can't do it, i should go to grandpa"
Clever went to the dojo
"hey grandpa, i need you to teach me something"
"what something?"
"i'm a cloud right? wouldn't that mean i can manipulate weathers? and change my size as well?"
"yes your right, i can do that though, i'll show"
Crisanto shows Clever he can manipulate weather, he generated a raining cloud on his hands, and a stormy cloud, he can shoot lightning as well, and he even showed Clever he can change his size by absorbing clouds, absorb clouds to increase, release clouds to decrease
"woah! i can't believe it! my theories has been confirmed to be true! now can you teach me them?"
"oh yes of course, now that you're on that age, i will teach more than that"
"wait really!? i can't wait! thank you grandpa! you're the best!"
"but do you really have what it takes to accomplish this harsh training?"
"wait... "harsh"? you never mentioned it was gonna be harsh"
"seems like you don't wanna do it anymore"
"no! i'll do it, i'll give it all i got!"
"well, let's start shall we, follow me"
Crisanto opened a trapdoor with a long stairs which leads to a sacred place
"it's gonna be a long trip, prepare your legs"
"oh, i don't really feel like it but i'll go anyways"
Crisanto and Clever walked down stairs for 30 minutes
"ah! i'm exhausted! i don't think i can go any further grandpa!"
"giving up already? but i thought you wanted this? well don't worry though, we're already here"
Crisanto opened a portal which opens to a sacred place, the place called "Cloud Society" they entered the portal then teloported to another dimension, it's like a heaven, it's a dimension for cloud users
"HAHA! it was your first time here isn't? this place is called Cloud Society"
"Cloud Society?!?"
"yes, everyone here is a cloud user just like us, this dimension was for us after all"
"i see... that's why everything is made out of cloud, it's like a dream!"
"ok now let's go to the training zone"
Clever and Crisanto went to the training zone then started their training, Crisanto teached Clever to master the Weather Manipulation and Size Manipulation, everytime he fails, he gets spanked with a cloud whip, it was also to train his durability and vitality, now Crisanto challenged Clever to spar with him, Clever goes all out, he does Mixed Martial Arts, then made a multiple clones, Clever made a sword made out of cloud, Crisanto did the same thing, Crisanto was going easy on him as far as Clever can match with him, Clever then generated a massive cloud then attempted to crash Crisanto, Clever thought he hit him but Crisanto was behind him all along, Crisanto knocked him out
"this is gonna be a long training"
Clever have to go back to the Cloud Society with Crisanto every after school, he have to do it every single day until he can fully accomplish his training