Diablo after explaining to them says "As your sensei, I have one final mission for you guys. Are you ready?" Kazuki exclaims In confusion "Final mission?", alex also asks "What do you mean by that?" Diablo tells them "In all honesty, I don't give a crap about this world, I only did my best protecting it because I had people I cared about, but they're all dead. After I had fully discovered myself as a teenager, kojin always sent me to take care of threats that could potentially destroy the world. But like I said, I only did that because I wanted to protect the people I cared about. What I'm trying to say is I'm giving you both the responsibility of taking care of this world. More powerful foes will come. So as for the final mission....", diablo snaps his fingers. Alex and kazuki find themselves In another dimension, the place was like a desert, and the sky was yellow and had a very bright sun. Alex and kazuki were both confused as to what was going on, they look at the sky and see angels floating in the sky, each of them wore white masks and were holding spears, there was also a head angel who seemed to be above the rest and had a longer spear, with longer and bigger wings. Kazuki exclaims but still keeping his calm persona "What the heck is going on?", alex asks in shock "How did we get here?" Diablo was seen floating above the angels with a smile on his face "I told you boys that there will be threats stronger than the strongest foes you've faced. These angels are a thousand in number and each of them are on S-rank. The head angel here is on god rank as well. So the final mission I'll be giving you, will be to beat these angels in less than two days." Alex and kazuki both smirk as they slowly begin to activate their divine powers "Two days? Really? Do you really think that low of us, diablo?"Kazuki confidently says this while slowly activating his divine mark which involves his hair turning into purple flames, alex while activating his divine power which includes an armour and his white hair starting to glow says in confidence "Two days is too long, give us a day and a half! We would have finished all these fodders, including the boss!" Diablo also had a smile on his face "You sure? You seem to be overestimating yourselves. These things will kill you if you don't take them seriously. If you can't beat them in two days, well you guys aren't ready for what's going to come later in the future. Are you ready?!", alex summons his sword of destruction while kazuki activates his lightning sword, they both yell "Hell Yeah! Bring it on!", diablo yells "Begin!". Without a second to spear, alex flies like a red beam of light and cleares a large number of the angels in an instant, the rest of the angels starts to fly after him and blast beams at him. Alex was just flying at an incredible speed while dodging the beams and using his sword to slice through them, he seemed to be having fun, he gathers a large amount of energy into his katana and yells "World Ender!", and releases a powerful red slash that cleared another large number of angels. Diablo seems to be abit proud from watching this fight, he turns to his left and see's kazuki having a devastating clash with the head angel, they seem to be clashing with their weapons and moving at a very high speed, kazuki with his purple lightning sword, and the angel with its staff. "They seem to be pretty even, but let's see if he can fair well enough for a long time." Alex then yells kazuki's name, kazuki looks back in excitement. They fly towards each others direction at an incredible speed, as they were about to make contact, kazuki gathers some lightning on his arm and uses its power to blast alex to the head angel. Kazuki proceeds to fight the rest of the angels that alex was fighting previously "Spiritual explosion: Nova burst", he created a powerfull ball of energy and blasts it at the angels, this causes a devastating explosion. Alex on the other hand was fighting the head angel by sending multiple giant slashes at it, the angel proceeded to block them with its staff. Meanwhile on earth, son was on a training ground filled with hills and dried soil with no trees, he was blasting huge balls of flames everywhere. Son does this for a few moments before gathering a huge and powerful amount of fire power. He compreses it and then blasts it, this causes a huge explosion that made a craters on the ground, although it wasn't too big nor deep, but it could easily take out a town with one shot. He let's out a sigh with white smoke emitting out of his body. As he picks up a bottle of water to cool himself down, sukuna yells his name while flying towards him, he turns and see's sukuna headed towards him and asks himself "Sukuna? What does she want?". Few moments later after they had a good talk "The beach huh? Well that sounds fun. The summer is pretty hot and I've been training my body to the bone, going to the beach doesn't seem so bad.", son explain to sukuna. Sukuna looks around the area "Wow, you've really been putting in the work into your training.", son replied "Yeah, cant be wallowing forever, can I? Well I want to continue training, we'll talk later.", sukuna says to herself "His attitude and personality seems to be changing abit, but I guess he's just maturing.", sukuna just smiles and takes off "Hmm, later then". Son remembered the devastating fight he and saito had, he seems to be abit disturbed "You were holding back against me, mainly because I wasn't strong enough. Although if you were still alive and kept on training and honing that destructive power of yours, I'd still be no match for you.", he smirks and yells like a mad man "Well that only gives me enough reason to keep getting stronger!"