Chapter 12 - start of plan

it's been 2 years from the day he left winterfell and soon the plot is going to begin, he need to visit winterfell to show Robert baratheon the relationship between Jamie and sersei, then while the Lannister and baratheon fight he'll kill them all and give the throne to Daenerys, he also poisoned lord varys and Littlefinger in this time and made them fall sick and became paralized.

then he also did the same to Rinley baratheon and stanis baratheon, Jon didn't do anything to Tyrion as he need the brain of the dwarf, he'll make Robert kill all the Lannister's while he'll convince Tyrion to be the advisor and if that didn't happen well the dwarf will stay in prison for the rest of his life.

he also killed Ramsay Bolton the bastard who'll torture Sansa and also formed his alliance with the greygoy's on the condition to take Yara greygoy as a wife while he didn't agree with it at first, but Daenerys said she doesn't have a problem with it.

Jon accepted it while promised Daenerys that she'll the one to be his queen and his first wife, Daenerys also although a little sad didn't say anything as Jon is a monster in bed she can't handle, she need help as his merciless pounding for hours or a day sometimes left her sour, so she accepted this.

Yara greygoy at first is against it, but after she saw Jon who looked charming with Targaryen hair and pearl white skin and a handsome face she accepted it in a daze, he also formed some alliance with the cities in winterfell as Ned Stark helped him, they met sometimes secretly and also met Lyanna mormont who is just a toddler at this time.

with the help of Ned Stark he secretly formed alliances with the lord in the north, jorah mormont who is send to keep an eye on Daenerys is also joined them by swearing an oath, so now even bear island is with him, all he needs is the plot to start now.

soon it's time in a few days Robert baratheon is going to arrive in winterfell, Jon has to appreciate littlefinger and lord varys as even though they're paralyzed they planned the death of Jon arryn, and they succeeded but sadly they can't do anything now and lady varys spy network of children is fallen into his hands he assigned some of his spies from unsullied to there and carried out the tasks while his army grew to 200000 from the training of those who volunteered.

Jon even massacred the dothrakies who try to invade some villages and show no mercy and also sent a warning not to repeat this, Yara greygoy and Daenerys are with him now everyday as they enjoyed their in intimate actions.

Jon decided to go to winterfell as soon as he received the news of Robert's departure from king's landing, he opened a portal and informed Daenerys about this and said he'll be back soon, while he stepped and goes to the dining room as it's the time for lunch and the Stark's are surprised at first but Arya jumped on him with a hug when she saw Jon, while Sansa came forward and gave him a hug, Robb smiled and asked how is he, while bran and Rickon didn't say anything but also smiled at him.

Catylin smiled at Jon, while Ned stark is nervous and asked is it time, Jon nodded and said," I'll have something to talk to you uncle and also with mother Catylin", Jon called Catylin mother because she insists and Jon agreed after sometime, while all the remaining Starks exited the room, Arya gave him a wink while Sansa smiled at him and goes to the exit.

as Eddard stark and Catylin are in the room Jon sit near them and started," the kids you thought King Robert has with sersei Lannister aren't his, Sersei and Jamie Lannister are in an incestrous relationship and the kids are born to them", Eddard stark and Catylin has their brain froze for a few seconds when they heard this and Ned Stark asked again in a angry voice," is it true, how did you get this information".

Jon then told them about his poisoning of littlefinger and lord varys then he took lord varys spy network he told them a child who is working as a servant saw Jamie and Sersei Lannister in intimate actions and reported this while another child listened to their conversation secretly about the kids of Sersei's children. Ned stark dropped on his chair while Catylin is shocked even more.

then Jon said," if we can reveal the relationship between them to King Robert it'll be easy to clean the Lannister's though this may cause a war, don't involve with this and send someone saying white Walker's are invading winterfell, and also tell the remaining of our allies to not involve with the conflict of Lannister and baratheon, as Robert baratheon and tywin Lannister fought among themselves, I'll ride my dragons and invade this land, this will work and will have less damage and casualities".

Ned stark and Catylin nodded while asking," how can you prove the relationship and even if you do and there is a war how can Robert baratheon believe there are white Walker's invading this land", Jon smiled and cast an illusion of white Walkers and said," is this enough proof", Ned stark sighed and nodded.

Jon spend some time and also introduced Daenerys and Yara to the Starks while Ned stark pledged his loyalty to her once again as his ancestors, and Arya, Sansa looked at them with envy and a disappointed expression while Jon teased them by joking he'll marry them earning a glare from Ned stark, while Catylin looked at Sansa and Arya and sighed.

Daenerys and Yara pinched him on waist but as he has kryptonian physique he doesn't feel pain but acted like he was in pain, while the others are laughed at this but Daenerys said when they grow up he can marry them but reminded she'll be the first wife. Arya and Sansa though disappointed a bit accepted it with a smile while Robb smiled and teased him calling brother in law.