Somewhere very far away from the battle against The Spider.
You can see a man walking aimlessly.
The man's eyes are empty and full of pure anger.
He looks like he just experienced the worst moment of his life.
But then, He just sits down and closes his eyes.
1 Minute has passed.
The man then opens his eyes again.
But this time, His eyes are no longer empty nor in anger.
He is just calm.
It feels like he just aged a thousand times older.
He then stands up and continues walking.
At the battle against The Spider.
The spider is now enraged after hearing Woops' taunting.
The spider then splits himself in 2 because he feels that the clone he sent after Sigu disappeared.
"I will do what you call a pro gamer move."
"k." Woops replied.
The spider then cuts his clone apart and rips off its heart.
He then eats the heart of the clone.
Doing this, As if there is some sort of glitch in the system, He can gain a new ability.
"You shouldn't have given me enough time to do that."
"Bro thinks eating his own heart is gonna do shits?"
"Are you fucking crazy?" Woops said getting a bit arrogant.
The spider shoots a web to stop Woops' movement completely before pulling him in and then stabbing him with his claws.
"You ain't gonna kill me with just this." Woops somehow yawn while being stabbed in the stomach.
"You must be one of those power holders... Just like that guy."
"So If I eat you I will be able to get another ability..."
But suddenly.
A sound of trees collapsing could be heard behind the Spider.
"Ohh! Let's go! Sigu is here already!"
"Spidey, You are getting fucked!"
Woops then distances himself from The Spider.
The spider looks behind him and Sigu is there in his [TAKE OVER] form looking Spidey dead in the eyes.
He immediately rushes towards Spidey, But he is stopped by the Web domes.
After realizing that there is a dome there, He steps back forward a little and seems to be in a throwing position.
Sigu then throws the spear.
The spear is so fast and powerful that its shockwaves destroy the surroundings around it.
The spear made contact with the domes and destroyed it completely.
Sigu does not waste time and immediately rushes forward trying to end The Spider for good.
The spider sees Sigu rushing forward but he just seems to doesn't care.
"Woops, It doesn't matter how durable you are."
"As long as I eat your heart, You are done."
Sigu is now at the right distance, He summons his spear and immediately pierces it toward The Spider.
The spear stopped as well as Sigu's arm.
"What the..."
Sigu then pulls his arm back and strikes again.
But his spear is stopped this time as well.
"Monkey, Stop doing pointless things."
"What the fuck is happening?..." Woops gets confused.
Sigu's attack seems to have stopped before reaching The spider as if there is some force stopping it.
Sigu summons 2 spears and is holding each in his hands and is now continuously piercing forwards.
But all the attacks are stopped before they can even reach the Spider.
No matter how fast or strong his attacks are, All of his attacks just stop immediately when it is near the Spider.
"I would love to play with you more but this is just boring."
The Spider then creates a suffocating cage made of metal web locking Sigu inside.
The webs seem to have become 2 times stronger than they used to be.
The Spider's powers seem to have increased somehow.
Sigu can't seem to break through the cage easily as it limits his ability to use the spear.
The only choice he has now is to punch the cage through but that would take some time, And he probably cannot make it in time.
The spider then approached Woops and attacked him immediately intending to kill and end it all.
The spider attacked Woops with his claws aiming for the heart.
But in the heat of the situation.
Woops awakened one of the abilities of Sigu.
A black armor covers both of his arms and he can use them to block the Spider's attacks.
The armor breaks immediately after blocking the hit.
The Spider attack power seems to have increased by a lot too.
Woops got knocked back away a few meters but at least he did block the attack.
But the spider does not stop there.
He immediately runs towards Woops hoping to not give him a chance to breathe.
"It is over, Little femboy."
Before The Spider could reach Woops, The plot armor seems to have saved his ass again.
A very menacing presence seems to be coming this way.
Everyone could sense it, Everyone could sense just how strong the person coming here is.
A man.
A man comes into view.
A kick suddenly comes flying towards The Spider at near the speed of light.
But fortunately, it was stopped.
The shockwaves alone destroy everything behind The Spider into ruins.
"WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" The spider panicked.
"..." The man does not answer.
The man sees Woops lying around motionless.
Woops is too shocked at just how strong the man is.
After seeing Woops, The man attempted to do a kick to the neck at The spider.
It is stopped. But the shockwaves were so strong it actually managed to knock the Spider away.
At this moment.
The man looks at Woops and then approaches him.
"Who the hell are YOU?!"
The man does not say anything.
He simply just holds his hand forward and TOUCH Woops.
Woops then disappeared.
Exactly after that, Sigu finally managed to break the cage apart with his fists.
But after getting out all he see is the mysterious man and The Spider looking scared.
"What the hell happened..."
Everyone is silent and no one is speaking.
It is a three-way battle of the strongest creatures in the area.
The white space
"I guess he finds a loophole in the system."
"Anyways, Isn't this fight pretty interesting?! But that guy is so damn strong compared to the other two."
"But where did the femboy guy go?"
"Who knows."