The Empty Mirror: Kenosis

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Chapter 1 - 001

I find myself immersed in the unfathomable depths of the infernal abyss, trapped in a whirlwind of indescribable despair and terror. This initial statement, though imprecise in nature, constitutes the only conclusion I have managed to reach after a strenuous process of introspection and analysis.

Allow me, then, to delve with greater skill and detail into the description of this grotesque and disturbing situation. In this gloomy and macabre enclosure, time fades into an uncertain haze, distorting my perception to unimaginable limits.

Perhaps only a handful of minutes have passed since my unfortunate arrival in this abyss, or maybe centuries, millennia, or eons have gone by, without my mind being able to fully grasp it. I would even dare to consider the terrifying possibility that I have always been trapped in this twisted and repulsive dimension, although such a thought challenges the very foundations of sanity and makes even the darkest corners of my being tremble.

I vehemently reject such a notion as soon as it arises in my mind, for it contradicts the laws of the universe itself and threatens to drag me into an even deeper abyss of madness.

My senses, in this dwelling of nightmares, are plunged into a spiral of unprecedented uncertainty and unease. My eyes, emissaries of vision, seem to have been deprived of their power of contemplation, plunging me into an impenetrable darkness where neither a glimmer of light nor a shadow in shape can manifest.

But perhaps it is also that there is nothing in this sinister realm worth seeing, where unspeakable horrors lurk in the darkest shadows, awaiting the opportune moment to unleash their malevolence.

Deafness envelops me with its suffocating embrace, nullifying any sound that could exist in this abominable dimension. Or is it perhaps that the absence of sounds is the only truth that prevails in this dimension, where voices are silenced and echoes fade into emptiness, leaving only the faint incessant murmur of my own breathing and the distressing beat of my heart?

The sense of smell, that fragrant compass that guides us through the world, has been cruelly torn away from me. There is no trace of any scent in the stale air I inhale, but could it be that there truly is nothing to be smelled in this corner of damnation, or is it that the very odors themselves corrupt into putrid and repugnant essences that hide from my senses, emerging only to assault my consciousness with their perverse vileness?

It seems that in this existence, there is nothing to taste, as if the absence of flavors has invaded every corner of my being. My sense of touch feels disoriented and abnormal, provoking strange and unfamiliar sensations.

The perception of reality varies from person to person, and often the pursuit of truth seems unattainable for each of us. My own reflection eludes me; I can only catch a glimpse of myself in my mind, creating a mental image of myself.

I feel trapped, bound hand and foot, vulnerable and naked, with heavy chains that oppress my body. A veil covers my eyes and a large part of my face, plunging me into oppressive darkness. The only certainty I have is that I am exhausted and disoriented, lost in a labyrinth of confusion.

A change has occurred, an alteration in my existence, and now something else has infiltrated my reality. My body experiences an absolute coldness, but even that description falls short. I am prey to a glacial coldness, as if I have been buried under a deep and penetrating layer of ice that squeezes my ribs, causing slow and painful agony.

My skin tears with utmost ease, and I can feel my blood flowing through the wounds, but even before it has time to flow, it freezes, solidifying in an instant. I don't know if I truly hear it or if it is just a manifestation of my own imagination, but in my ears, a howl resonates, a pitiful lament, as if many were sobbing simultaneously.

A knot forms in my throat, but the suffering I experience doesn't allow me to worry about others; I can only focus on my own agony.

Suddenly, a gust of air so violent that it cuts pieces of my own flesh bursts into the space. It's as if some inhuman and sinister undulation has come to life, unleashing a tearing wind that hurts everything in its path.

And with that, the unsuspected abyss of perpetual cold completely disappears, dissipating into nothingness. Now, only a memory persists in my recollections, one that both terrifies and torments me equally. I wonder if that frozen abyss was actually an existence forever trapped in ice, but I lack clear answers. I can only draw conclusions based on the sensations I've experienced.

However, what disturbs me the most is the idea of the entity that could have caused that ominous and terrifying upheaval. What unfathomable and unknown being possessed enough power to break the icy embrace in an instant?... But I shouldn't allow those thoughts to consume me, as they only lead to a spiral of dread and madness that threatens to devour my sanity entirely...

In an instant, once again, my surroundings undergo an abrupt transformation that shakes my body to the deepest core of my being. The feeling of being in an empty place, devoid of any trace of life, or in a frigid hell, fades away. Instead, I'm dragged mercilessly by a powerful current, pushing me towards the abysmal depths.

It was as if a vast ocean had taken hold of me, imprisoning me with its slimy and sticky embrace. My senses, altered and confused, struggled to comprehend the nature of the substance that enveloped me. Although reason dictated that it was clear water, its properties were unsettling, a mixture of adhesive and gelatin. I was unable to define it precisely, but in some macabre way, it provided me with a strange comfort.

As I descended into the unfathomable depths of that fictitious sea, my skin tore with devastating ferocity. It was as if every cell in my body became as fragile as a paper drifting in the wind. The origin of that grotesque damage remained in darkness, hidden from my eyes, although I suspected that my body bled profusely, plunging me into incomprehensible agony.

Fully immersed in that viscous substance that completely enveloped me, I felt how it greedily entered my mouth, my nose, and even my ears. Its relentless pressure caused atrocious destruction in my throat and internal organs. Every desperate attempt to breathe resulted in the entry of more liquid, without any mercy. I drowned in my own despair, suffocated by that malevolent substance.

The pain, an unbearable torture, penetrated to the deepest recesses of my being. It was as if innumerable needles relentlessly pierced my body from within. My muscles twisted and trembled, unable to withstand the suffocating pressure of the surrounding liquid. My attempts to free myself from this nightmare grew increasingly frantic, but my efforts were in vain. I was trapped in this torment, condemned to an existence of indescribable agony and suffering.

Each beat of my heart became a lash of torment, announcing my proximity to death. At this point, any semblance of rationality and sanity had completely faded away. I found myself in a state of extreme limit, on the verge of total annihilation. My being, reduced to violent and formless chaos, crumbled in the hopeless darkness.

In a fleeting and gloomy instant, the seams of my reality mercilessly tore apart, ushering me into an abyss of nightmares. The agonized clamor of multiple tortured voices and macabre laughter echoed in my ears, an infernal chorus that repeated without respite, devouring my sanity and becoming the only perceptible symphony in that horrifying stage.

My screams of anguish and desperate contortions were futile, mere desperate gestures of a puppet in the hands of the unknown. The oppressive silence devoured my supposed words, depriving me of any form of communication. Even if I could have screamed, there was no one present to hear my harrowing agony.

The scene unfolding before my eyes was a dreadful and grotesque vision, an abomination that defied all human logic and plunged my soul into an abyss of horror. I would have preferred death a thousand times over enduring this endless suffering, but dark designs denied me such release. The sins I had committed in life had condemned me to this curse, a cruel and deserved punishment. The very notion of justice became a twisted enigma in my mind. Was this what I deserved?

I was immersed in a cyclical torment and doubted if it was the true reflection of justice. Again and again, pain took hold of me, an inscrutable substance infiltrating through my nostrils, ears, and mouth, tearing my throat apart and shredding my internal organs. The suffocating oppression and the sensation of asphyxiation coiled around me like a slippery and agonizing embrace, inflicting inhumane and atrocious pain.

It was as if a minuscule swarm of suction cups penetrated every crevice of my being, unleashing an intense onslaught that delved into the deepest intrinsic realm, into my most intimate entity, reverberating in every fiber of my soul. My muscles twisted and trembled under the pressure of this unknown substance, while my mind was assaulted by the screams and laughter of a diabolical choir, multiple twisted souls reveling in my torment.

In vain, I struggled to escape from this abysmal nightmare. But time and again, my attempts dissolved, throwing me back onto the dark path I had embarked upon. How was it possible to be trapped in this eternal cycle of suffering? Death seemed like a sweet promise compared to this perpetual existence of pain. However, the final rest was denied to me, for my existence had been condemned to immortality. And in a moment of lucidity, I remembered the curse that plagued me. My life extended beyond known boundaries, a soul perpetually trapped in the icy embrace of this indescribable nightmare.

A heart-wrenching sigh escaped my lips, a mixture of hopelessness and longing. Perplexity seized me as I contemplated the unsettling reality unfolding before my eyes. How is it possible that this whirlwind of atrocities has taken shape? I should have succumbed before completing such a macabre process. Yet here I am, trapped in an abominable cycle that repeats incessantly. My mind torments itself with unanswered questions.

Death, as elusive as a specter, seems to mock my existence. Why don't I die? What is the purpose of this eternal repetition? Is there some hidden meaning in this cruel game of fate? My memories, shrouded in a veil of darkness, begin to resurface once more. I am aware of my immortality, a curse that condemns me to endure endless agony.

Each time the process reaches its conclusion, my body regenerates at a staggering speed, surpassing any attempts at destruction. This regenerative capacity, though it allows me to withstand pain and continue existing, becomes a condemnation. Both physical and mental torment take hold of me, gnawing at my sanity and feeding the desperation that consumes me.

I am a vampire, a creature thirsty for human blood. I find myself immersed in a scarlet ocean that emanates a fetid and nauseating odor. Pieces of flesh and bones float around me, some still pulsating as if trying to escape from their horrific prison. The air is saturated with death and decay, while scavenging insects buzz frantically, reveling in the grotesque festivity. Consciousness fades, submerged in the depths of this endless nightmare.

However, the cycle of horrors comes to an end. The sea of blood recedes without a trace, leaving me on a slippery and smooth surface. Finally, I can touch something tangible, although its fragility reminds me that everything can collapse at any moment. I settle on this uneven support, seeking a pause to mentally recover from the atrocities I have just witnessed.

Stillness is ephemeral, and I know that horror lurks in the shadows, waiting for its opportunity to envelop me again in its macabre embrace. But for now, I allow myself to breathe, to try to regain my battered sanity in this brief respite. Existence unfolds like an endless labyrinth, full of unfathomable terrors and indescribable suffering.

I await with unease the next chapter of my torment, aware that I am condemned to wander in eternal darkness, bearing the weight of my immortality and paying a price too high for the eternal life I never desired.

The physical transfiguration, a result of my sinister vampiric regeneration, has been completed in all its grotesque magnitude. A body reconstructed at the expense of my humanity, yet condemned to inhabit an existence devoid of visual perception and the capacity for communication. The terrifying cries and laughter that once tormented my mind have ceased, while my sanity struggles to resettle amidst the debris of my consciousness. However, the absolute darkness continues to envelop me, denying me any glimpse of light or hope.

After a hazy and disturbing period, which I can barely quantify, a disquieting alteration manifests. A subtle whisper, a fleeting echo, seeps into the abyss of silence. A faint female voice emerges from the folds of darkness, intoning unintelligible words. Suddenly, the voice transforms into a weeping, a lamentation that oscillates between melancholy and eerie enchantment. My instincts sharpen, and I rise with urgency, thirsty to discover the source of such a singular sob.

It seems to emanate from afar, shrouded in an unfathomable mist of mystery. The veil that until now obscured my vision seems to dissipate, although before my eyes can capture the slightest glimpse, I confront the cruel reality of my empty sockets. The eyes, once witnesses to the world, have been devoured by the voracity of eternal night. My bewildered fingers explore my face, only to encounter a viscous and metallic liquid that evaporates quickly. Blood, a silent witness to my desolation. The abyss where my eyes used to dwell.

Anguish takes hold of me. Despite the supposed more impetuous and efficient nature of my vampiric regeneration, it is incapable of restoring what has been lost. Unbearable, penetrating, and constant pain spreads through my muscles and surrounding bones. I feel the crushing pressure in the place that once housed my eyes. Disorientation and vulnerability seize me, dragging me into the depths of despair.

Suddenly, the same voice that has accompanied me makes itself present once again, whispering clearly in a low tone: "You have been saved." Its pronunciation seems to subtly change. Saved? Me? A whirlwind of questions assaults my mind, although before I can articulate a response, the creak of an ancient door opening slowly breaks the silence. A dazzling light filters through the shadows, defying my lack of eyes...

Finally, I have awakened from my long and deep sleep. The oppressive darkness envelops the room as my mind struggles to adapt to the reality that surrounds me...