Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 87 - Diet Syndrome

Chapter 87 - Diet Syndrome

It's been about a week since then and though there have been some ghosts we dealt with in the mean time most weren't worth mentioning.

Though it was surprising when ghosts of all the sperm that had been 'killed' because of every guy getting off through masterbation took it upon themselves to destroy the only nearby tissue factory in retaliation.

It was stupid, and while their were hundreds of them they were all really weak so it went by very quickly for a mission.

"Man I wish I was training with Nekomaru and Akane were around, I'd at least have someone decent to train with, Panty, Stocking and Garterbelt aren't really martial artists so I can't improve my skills." I mutter to myself while I was working out in the underground gym as I beat up one of our punching bags while using Renewal Taekwondo.

While I do have this martial art in my arsenal, I know I've been neglecting it as I haven't found myself in a situation where I'm forced to fight without a weapon, and even if I use my legs and fists I see no need to use those skills and just beat people up brawler style.

Only Nekomaru and Akane have gotten me serious when it comes to actual fighting and most likely Sakura when we meet in the future.

After all I do have the mindset that enemy's should just be finished off instead of being left to be dealt with later when there stronger, Renewal Taekwondo can kill, but so can swords and guns in 'normal' can do the same thing, I mean there are obvious exceptions where Renweal Taekwondo would have to be used instead to deal lethal damage to someone.

'Then again there are worlds where you need to harness Qi, Chakara, or even Haki with One Piece to even hurt some of the worlds strongest after all.' I think before unleashing an Arrang on the punching bag and sending it flying off its hook from the ferocity of its attack.

Though if you saw the other side of it the bag was punctured through and left a gaping hole on the back of it as sand flowed out.

"Well my body is a weapon but I just like using guns and swords more." I mutter to myself as I grab my towel before I hear the sound of the elevator ding before Stocking showed up, but she looks like she was dying, she seemed anorexic to me.

"Stocking? You alright? You don't look good." I say walking up to her before I shudder a little and see her looking like a bunch and skin and bones.

'What's been going on while I've been away for the past week?' I was busy dealing with a demon sisters as the Ghost Gem was nearly complete so we were getting the ghost factory to near completion in the meantime so I don't know what's going on.



"I'm…. Getting Fat…. Need to lose weight…. Nothings working…. I'm just getting fatter…." She said as I could see the shine in her eyes dim as she said that.

"Hmmmm…. Somethings not adding up…." I say as I know when someone goes to such extent to barely eat and work themselves out to the bone they lose ton's of weight that it's life threatening, but while she looks like that her stomach, under her heavy sweatshirt, is distended and it seems to be getting bigger.

"Stocking…. I think a ghost is fucking with you…." I say as her gut specfically was giving off evil ghost energy.

But what was more concerning is that some of that energy was going up and settling in her brain.

'Is this the thing that slowly takes over Stockings mind? Corset must have planned this if what happened at the end of the orginal first season was true from my recollection of what I skimmed through of the show back then.' I think to myself as I press my hand on her stomach.

"Stocking a ghost is definitely fucking with you, whatever ghost it is must be making you fat, luckily I have a way to get this shit out of you and you'll be able to go back to looking normal, but it's going to hurt." I said as I looked at her to see the look in her eyes that were dead turn to rage at what's recalling going on.

"Motherfucker! Some sonofabitch ghost is doing this shit to me! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!!!!" She screamed out before getting plenty of energy and beating the shit out the broken punching bag before her body realized she didn't have any energy and she collapsed from exhaustion.

I ahook my head before putting on my shirt and picking her up as we entered the elevator to get her back upstairs.

Soon enough we came back to the living room where Panty was lounging around with her wearing some sportswear as she was cooling off from a run it seems.

"Hmmm? Holy shit! What the hell happened to her!" Panty shot up when she saw her sister looking like a mummy with how withered out she was from the lack of actually eating anything.

"Figured out what was going on, some ghost was making her gain weight, but that pissed her off and used up all her remaining energy and fell unconscious, we got to get the stuff out of her, Panty can you get me a bucket and a clean wet towel?" I said as I headed for the bathroom.

"Oh? Uh yeah sure, but what are they for?"

"Well it need to get out of her one way, easiest is make her cough up the ghost energy, but since it's in her blood she'll cough up a lot of black blood." I said as we get to the bathroom where she grabbed a bucket while I found a towel and got it soaked before wringing all the excess out.

"Is it gonna hurt?" (Panty)

"Probably, but she doesn't do anything she will become as big as a elephant alone, also while I'm doing this find any fancy desserts and sweets she must have had some of, one of those must have some bad ghost juju in it." I say before I position the unconscious stocking in a way where she's holding the bucket with her head aimed towards it before I draped the towel over her head.

"Keeps the blood from going everywhere." I say with a shrug before I knelt behind her and took deep breath before I unleashed the spiral energy into her body.


"Gross, alright I'll find her shitty sweets and see if we can find what's doing this." She said as she left me to do my work.

** 15 minutes Later **

"I'm dying…." Stocking groaned out as she laid on the couch, now being just skin and bones with no fat belly now.

"Yep, this the shit that did it, I can just smell the ghost juju on it." I pointed to what looked like Cake Roll that was mostly eaten before I flushed it right down the sink letting the garbage disposal deal with it.

"Alright Stocking, all the sweets here are safe, they won't get you fat, you want to make that ghost pay for what they did to you right?" I say as I watch her eyes light on fire before she rapidly began to dig into her sweets.

*One Stocking Sweet & Dessert Pig Out Later*

"Hmph! Let's make that bitch pay!" Stocking now looking like her old self again said as she brandished her swords.

"Alright! Let's do this then!" Panty said with a grin as we headed down to the garage before speeding off to the Whitey White Dessert Factory.


"Well this definitely looks like the place, they even made it look like a cake." I said as we stepped out of the car but Stocking already brandished her swords before cutting apart the doors in anger.

"ALRIGHT! WHOS THE BITCH WHO PUT A FATTENING GHOST JUJU IN MY SWEETS!!!" She screamed out loud enough that the entire factory could hear before we followed her as we kicked down the door to the main production facility to see.

"Ohh *Gag* I-I think I'm going to be sick." I say as I try to keep myself from throwing up at what I saw.

A massive obese woman with frizzy blue hair and a glowing orange baker's hat and apron. Instead of legs, her body terminates in a sort of fleshy pad, allowing her to slither around like a slug. The most distinctive features are her massive breasts and exaggeratedly long nipples, two of which also appear on her eyes, as she squeezes her nipples, she produces white cream that covers her desserts she makes which must be what holds all the ghost juju that makes people who eat it rapidly get fat.

Why I was gagging was seeing her squeeze her nipples on her saggy tits and eyes as they were sprayed in white cream as she laughed a hysterical laugh.

"Ahahahahahaaa!!! Yes, soon the world will be overrun with fat people! Screw the unrealistic hopes of achieving super model bodies and everyone fall into the ecstasy that is true obesity!" She shouted out as it laid out a bit of her true motives in the process.

"HEY! LARD ASS!!! YOU PEACE OF SHIT YOUR DUMBASS SWEETS MADE ME FAT!!! NOW IM GONNA RIP YOU TO SHREDS MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" Stocking shouted out while throwing caution to the wind before diving in with us joining in behind her.

"Huh?! You all need a little bit more meat on your bones! Let me help you with that!" She shouts out before removing her apron to reveal, to my disgust, a absolute ludicrous amount of nipples, which she squeezed as she rapidly fired off the white cream at us.

"Don't eat any of that if you don't want to get extremely fat!" I shout out before pulling off my jacket as I rip off my shirt and cover my mouth as I turn my jacket into and RPG.

They nod as they cover their mouths while slicing and shooting through all the globs coming at us so none would get in our mouths all the way until we got nice and close.

"NOW YOU DIE!!!!" Stocking screamed out as she made her swords into a blender as she cut right into her while both me and Panty unloaded our guns into her massive body.


"I Just Wanted to Make Sweets!!!!!"


And with that the fat ghost was defeated as 4 coins fell from the sky as Stocking picked it up.

"Nice, now let's go home and relax, I need some candy." Stocking said happily a sage skipped on back to the car.

Me and Panty just dhugged it off before we got in See Through before going home.


"…. It's done." I say to myself before getting up from my lounge chair as I headed for the device here within the Manors woods.

Soon when I came upon it I grinned as I grabbed at the glowing red gem that had finally formed for myself as I looked at it with a hint of glee on my face.

"Everything is falling in place…. Just one step at a time before my goals are set where only I win at the end of this." I say with a smirk as I place it in my Suit and go to relax as tomorrow is a new dawn after all.

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