As the man stepped out from the door he was holding a newspaper in hand before he slowly looked up at Gaucho who was gritting his teeth while looking at him.
"Then…. I suggest we begin…." He said with a slow drawl in his voice, if I had to explain how he sounded like the best example I could think of would be Doc Holiday from the Movie Tombstone sounded like, which was slightly surprising to me as I thought he would have sounded more like those that live in the southern states like Texas with a thick accent to it.
He placed the newspaper in his hand off to the side to reveal the revolver that was holstered to his right hip while a sharp glint appeared in his eyes while he stared down Gaucho.
"D-Don't fuck with me! If you want to die then fine I'll do it! This is your last chance so tell me the real Path to getting the Hell out of here!!!" Gaucho said sternly with a slight nervousness in his voice as sweat slightly dripped down from his brow.
Slowly he walked down the steps, "I'm no Liar, but if you want to call me that then very well, though there is only one correct path. You Must Kill Me. That is a decision you must make eventually if you wish to leave this place." He said as they both stared at one another.
"Wait, is this what I think this is?" (Johnny)
"Hang on Johnny, I don't quite understand what's going on." (Gyro)
"It's the way men settled their differences in the Wild West Gyro, right Hifumi?" (Stocking)
"Ahh…. It seem like it's going to be a Duel, where one man lives and one man dies, that's what we are seeing now." (Hifumi)
"Seriously? Shouldn't we do something?" (Hot Pants)
I shook my head, "Only way this stops is if Gaucho backs out as that guy is dead serious." I said while both of them stared each other down as Gaucho pointed out his right arm was trembling.
"Your right, maybe I'm shaking because of fear, or perhaps the strain on my arm is causing it to freeze against my will, but the gun on your hip is a 1873 Colt Revolver." He said pointing out his gun on his side.
"From this distance your shot will be off by 10cm from where your aiming, to make your shot more accurate I suggest you take Five more Steps towards me, but as you know the choice is yours to make." He said while both of them had their hands on their guns.
"Though you can just walk away, but that would make you a liar and not me." He said but that seemed to send Gaucho over the edge and ignoring his suggestion.
"I CANT STAND THIS ANY LONGER!" Gaucho shouted out before drawing his gun just as the man began to draw his gun as well.
The first shot came from Gaucho who drew his gun faster and hit his mark grazing the man's shoulder who grit his teeth in pain.
"Ahhhhh!!!!" He shouted out and took a few steps forward seemingly thrilled with his shot hitting his mark.
*Bang! Bang! Bang!*
However his next three shots all missed there mark while the man raised his gun and finally took his shot.
And his shot was deadly as it hit Gaucho right in the chest causing him to fall to his knees and begin to cough up blood as the bullet grazed his heart but not destroying it.
He looked at his bleeding shoulder and back at the dying Gaucho, "Five Steps, sure shots could still be hit at that distance but the power weakens and I merely got a flesh wound."
He took a step forward, "If I was one step closer you would be dead already instead of having your heart grazed with a bullet." He said before aiming his gun.
"Y-You Bas-" Gaucho with the last of his strength tried to raise his gun at him, at the same time Gyro got out of his stunned silence.
"Hey! Stooooooop!" He shouted out but-
*Bang! Bang!*
But another two shots rang out as Gyros cry fell on deaf ears as Gaucho shot hit the ground while the man shot once more through his heart and fell over dead.
The man's arm was shaking while he took in deep but nervous breath as he slowly put away his gun.
He then bowed his head towards the dead body of Gaucho, "Thank You." He said before turning away and going back into his house that had now suffered damage with bullet holes in place.
Johnny and especially Gyro, were both stunned at the sight that a racer was killed in a old western styled duel.
"Johnny, Gyro, Stocking, Hot Pants, like it or not, if this guy is a Stand user then that means if he says we need to kill him to escape then we need to kill him to get out of here." I say hoping off my horse before I slowly approached the house.
The others looked at each other before looking back towards me as they slowly approached along with me to the house before us.
"Hey Gunslinger! I'd like to have a few words with you if you don't mind." I said loudly towards the house.
It was silent for a moment before the door opened slightly to show the man half dressed while finishing up putting on the bandages on his shoulder, while it cut through it wasn't that deep and thus wasn't to much of a problem, excluding the minor crack in his collar bone that is.
"I see, so you decided to approach me immediately and not try your hand at leaving this place." He said before pulling up his vest.
"Let's cut to the chase then, We already know that your messing with us as your the only one here in this entire Orchard and no matter where we try to go it always leads back to this shack of yours, and if my guess is correct then your a stand user, and not only that but one who can mess with time." I said laying it all out before him while he stroked his chin as he looked towards me.
"Bravo, I must say you are the first person I have ever come across to see right through my Stand without me ever explaining it to you in the first place, then again I did see you out in the distance touching the ground and I guess it must have been then when you figured it out with your own abilities I see." He said before cracking his neck and bowing towards us.
"I am Ringo Roadagin, and with my stand I can move back time by exactly 6 seconds." He says as his stand appears on his shoulder while looking at all of us.
Blood has been spilled today and more will soon be shed as well.
Hey I'm back!
Sorry for disappearing for a bit, January I was doing other stories that I was making and I was going to come back sooner but life stuff happened.
If you don't read my other works then I'll tell you now, on the First of February my Grandma passed away and I haven't been to much in the mood to write at all but recently I have on my other works and I decided to finally update on this one once again.
But anyway I'll see you guys in the next one!