Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 251 - Call in some Backup

Chapter 251 - Call in some Backup

A few days passed and I was able to train them up to a relatively good level as combatants when it came to powers and Okura woke up yesterday allowing me to get him up to speed with the rest of us, though he did mention having a bit of an out of body experience for a bit before returning to his body since he was completely healed.

"We have a problem." Rokuro, who now was healed up after I learned that the Nanotech material on the house could be used on anything and thus we were able to give him a new set of arms and legs, said as he was watching several monitors that had views over major cities across Japan with him looking at Tokyo and seeing several smaller screens beginning to spike upwards.

"Has it started?" I say walking towards his station while I was using a towel to wipe off the sweat on my head as me, Jiji using Evil Eye and Okura were 'playing' a game of who can stay standing after getting a beating, and I won that game while both were laying out on the ground, tired but not in a position where they can't get up and do things if need be.

"No, but the scales have changed, I can't tell how they done it but what's going to show up is going to be larger, it seems they were able to expedite more forces to this advanced recon group that has arrived on this planet, and from what I can tell is that they are funneling the energy of Okura's Ball along with something else to increase the speed of the passage ways for their invasion, from my estimates the Advanced Recon group has at most increased by four or five times its original size." He said which put everyone on edge who heard that while I summoned up a cigarette and lit it with my thumb.

"Then we have a problem, with just us our numbers are too few to deal with this properly, luckily I can get us some backup." I said inhaling the entire cigarette in a second before spitting out the small stub onto the ground.

"What kind of back up?" Okura asked, not minding me smoking after learning it has no effect on me with my physiology.

"You met the scary lady that was training Vamola over here before all of this right? Well she is one, plus I got more people that are at your guys level or much stronger that could help out and some who will help out." I say pulling out my phone.

"Her?! One look at her and I felt like a blood thirsty monster was staring me down!" Momo couldn't help but shudder when she first met the 'Ice Bitch' as she likes to call her in private.

Now in all honesty I didn't want to do this as this would put people I love and care for in danger but at the same time none of them want to be considered Deadweights to me at all with me and my travels to other worlds, so I sent messages to everyone who I knew would join in a heartbeat along with tell my servants through our shared connection with each other what's going on before I made and actual call.

*Vrrrt Vrrrt Vrrrt Click*

""Hifumi, What the hell do you need?"" A certain pink haired psychic said over the phone to me.

"Saiki I need some help, you must be feeling those strange fluctuations all across Tokyo with your powers right? Well turns out a hostile alien force is about to invade our world and I could really use some back up." I say to him before it goes silent for a moment.

""You can't be serious.""

"Oh I'm dead serious, and unfortunately for you April is a few months off so it's not me ranking you either." I say and he pauses again.

""Not interested, your strong enough as is so you handle it."" Hearing that makes me sigh.

"Haaa, your right I can handle this on my own with a few others and keep the damage to a bare minimum, but I should say this is that once they get here their main targets will be food manufacturers within the city to cut off our supplies, you know normal produces, dairy, meats, snacks, sweets, puddings, Jelly's you know the normal stuff…." I say with a grin while putting my finger to my mouth to keep those guys from saying anything stupid while they overheard our conversation.

""….. Did you just say Jelly's?"" I hear him say while I put on my act even more heavily.

"I know right? It's terrible that they will go after our food first and destroy everything, even if we stop any serious damage it could take months for all the factories to be fixed and it would be even longer for nonessential factories to be fixed as well, food prices will go up and even cheap sweets will be insanely expensive for awhile, even the stuff needed to make those sweets will be hard to come by in the long run, bits it's fine it's whatever, we got this under control so don't worry about it okay? Sorry to take up your time Saiki but I got to go, got to prepare for an alien invasion and what not." I say before hanging up the phone with a smug smile on my face.

"What was-" but I hold up my hand to them, "No, no, this isn't done yet, and 3, 2, 1."

*Vrrrt Vrrrt Click*

"Saiki! Hey pal did you change your mind or something?" I said with a smile that sent chills down their spines as it looked like the smile of the devil.

""I swear to god if your lying about this shit I'm going to personally rearrange your body into a soccer ball…."" He said making me sweat a little as he has the power to do that if I'm not trying my damndest to stop him.

"I have no reason to lie about an Alien invasion, I'm dead serious about that and I'm also serious that they will start destroying whatever they can." And that's not a lie but I wasn't pointing out what I said earlier being sort of a lie.

""….. Haaaa….. Fine I will help out, only because this could become a issue for me if I don't do anything."" He said pump my fist as I just got myself an overpowered character on my side.

"Good! Just stay ready and get closer to the area around Tokyo Tower, the readings are showing that it will start there." I told him and said a few other things before I hung up the phone.

"Good, now I got us the worlds strongest Psychic on our side, but just in case I will call on one more guy." I said before dialing a number I just got recently.

"It almost seems like we are assembling an army or something…." Aria couldn't help but mutter to which I grinned.

"More like a special forces team full of people with insane abilities, but if what Rokuro is saying is true, even with everyone called in its still going to be roughly 3 on 1 fights." I say before the call connects and I grin.

"Hey Maou, are you interested in making some money while also saving Japan?" I say as I begin my work on convincing a certain Demon to team up with us to stop this invasion of our world.

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