Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 168 - Death of a Bachelor

Chapter 168 - Death of a Bachelor


Name: Hifumi Yamada

Age: 16

Race: Pure Spiral/Anti-Spiral Human (Teenage Stage)

Titles: Ultimate Fanfic Writer/Mangaka, Ultimate Disguiser, King of Beasts & Monsters

STR: 250 -> 300

PER: 250 -> 350

END: 1,535 -> 2,000

CHA: 100 -> 125

INT: 100 -> 250

AGI: 200 -> 400

LCK: 275 -> 500

SP: 915,430,413 -> 270,679,000 -> 945,563,674 (How much was used up is the middle and how much they have now after everything was made for Paradise)

Skills: Musical Talent Lvl 5, Singing Lvl 5, Dancing Lvl 5, Animating Lvl 7, Gunfighting Lvl 7, Sword Talent Lvl 8, Martial Talent Lvl 7, Driving Talent Lvl 7, Gambling Talent Lvl 8. Drawing Lvl 8. Writing Lvl 7. Reading Lvl 5. Math & Science Lvl 5. Human Anatomy Lvl 5. Cooking Lvl 5. Eidetic Memory Lvl 5.

Sub-Skill: Extremely Realistic Detail

Martial Arts: Intermediate Grade Renewal Taekwondo

Magic: SSS Grade Magic Circuits(Quantity/Quality), Magical Knowledge of King Solomon(FGO)

Other Power Systems: Haki (Armament, Observation & Conquerors)

Summons: Hassan of Serenity, Archer of Shinjuku (James Moriarty)

Passive SP Income: 50sp per Manga Volume sold, Sp gained from Shops (One Piece/Panty&Stocking/Cyberpunk)

Passive Total Poison Resistance (Serenity)/Ice & Freezing Immunity/BloodLust Control & Supression

Bonus Lives: Cat's 9 Lives

Bound Weapons: Devil Blade Yamato

Special Items: Super Gigantification Gun Mk. 2

Vehicles: Scooter, Harley Davidson, Hummer, Semi with Cargo Container, F13 Fighter Jet, Rayfield Caliburn, Hellhound Heavyduty SUV, Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X & the Quadra Type 66 Reaver

Cyberware: (Check the Auxiliary chapter on all Cyberware)

Active Systems: Delivery, Trade, Savior, Romance and Chaos Systems

Chat Group Active Members: Mikan, Saki

Deactivated Systems: Art, Health and Gift Systems

(N) Made this in response to several people saying the stats I gave him were all wrong so I fixed that here and now, my bad also as to why his stats increased so much it's a combo of the mess up I made many chapters back with the Cyberware boosting his stats as well to come up with those current numbers.


"Holy shit…. You seriously got us all into Paradise proper? How much money do you got to not make us have to pass out the Ed's to let us in?!" Pilar was shocked as we all entered Paradise through the side gate that only the special select few can enter from.

Currently I was driving the Hellhound with Falco in passenger and the rest in the back, "Don't worry Choom, you'll all find out soon enough, it's high time I let you all in on a little something about me that I haven't told you as of yet." I say while cruising down the nice clean streets before we went into a parking garage next to the AWG headquarters.

"Alright guys you know the drill, no iron in this place got it? If it wasn't me the Hellhound would be nowhere near this place, and I'm talking about you specifically Becca." I say as we park the SUV as I look back at everyone but especially her.

"God! Bein a real fuckin killjoy here Hifumi!" She said sounding pissed as she tossed out all of her weapons onto the floor of the Hellhound.

"Becca." I said squinting my eyes as I held out my hands to her.

"Tch! Fuckin ruining all the fun…." She says before removing the numerous amounts of blades hidden in her jacket, panties, bra and even sneakers as well.

I nodded, "Alright, follow me, our client waits for us upstairs." I say before leading the gang inside, pass the weapon scanner which didn't include cybernetic weapons as an issue we got the all clear as we headed in and hopped into the big elevator that fit all of us as we went straight to the top floor.

"Kid, you haven't exactly mentioned how or why the client was intrested in sending our crew to Sin City itself, I mean we were going to go anyway for Kiwi, but before we headed out you said you knew a guy who'd pay us for what we are going to do anyway so that's why we're here." Maine said as he looked down at me from his towering 7ft height.

"Don't worry Maine, everything will make sense soon enough, and I promise everyone here that no one is in danger of coming here unarmed, Briar and Kiwi can vouch for that." I said as I slowly watched the numbers go higher and higher the closer to the top we got.

If I looked at him he would be looking at Kiwi but she just shook his head so he gave up and soon enough we reached the top floor.

When we stepped on our we were inside of what could be an extravagant and luxurious villa set on top of this skyscraper, though the place was fashioned rather well what surprised them is who they saw.

"Sasha!" Rebecca shouted out all excited like as they saw there old Netrunner friend who waved at everyone from the couch while Becca went over and hugged her, they were still close even though they don't see each other that often anymore.

"Kiwi, Falco, this is Sasha, our crews previous Netrunner before bribing you guys into the crew, speaking of why are you here right now Sasha? I mean I knew you went and joined the AWG but I didn't think you'd show up here." Maine said introducing her to them as he leaned over the couch while looking at her.

"Well about that-" She was about to explain but we heard footsteps from upstairs as we looked to see the man of the hour show up.

"Well isn't this a nice day, everyone gets to see old and new friends in one place, speaking of are you having fun playing the Edgerunner lifestyle Hifumi? Or are you starting to get bored of it all?" He said coming down the stairs in his designer made clothes.

"Not even slightly jackass, this style is meant for me and I'm not pulling out halfway like that prick Yorinobu who ran home with his tail between his legs." I said shaking my head as I grabbed a bottle of Cenzon Tequila and drank straight from the bottle.

Now I wouldn't take my crew for idiots but it did take them a hot minute for them to process what I said before Pilar was the first to shout out, "Whoa Whoa Whoa! Wait just one fuckin minute! Our client is the big man of the AWG and your telling me that my teammate is what?" He said looking at the both of us incredulously.

"His younger brother? Yep that's me, I'm the current successor to the AWG, but I couldn't give a shit about that, unlike my jackass of an older brother the Corpo life was never meant for me." I say before drinking more tequila straight from the bottle before putting it down and taking a seat between Sasha and Rebecca.

"And you deemed not telling us this bit of info cause?" Maine said looking at me while leaning on the couch.

"Because you wouldn't see me for me and most likely for who I was related to as the AWG came to power as it did so quickly, but I think I've more than proved myself that I ain't some big Corpo young master to you and the rest right?" I say looking everyone over who ended up scratching their heads as they knew what I said made sense.

"Look Maine if you want I can even get you some more nice chrome to make up for not telling you guys who I really am, and I doubt my brother would mind offering the cure for cyberpsychosis as well." I say with a relaxed tone but this makes both Dorio and Maine look at me intently.

"How did you-"

"-Know? Maine your starting to get the shakes and taking them much more than before since your got that military grade PLS integrated into your arm, get anymore heavy duty shit and I can see things getting worse if we don't do anything, also funny thing is that Corps have always had the cure for cyberpsychosis just never gave it to the citizens so as to keep the people in check." I say as I see him grab at his arm that's shaking a little bit, this was the extremely early stages of it but even in the terminal stage of cyberpsychosis the cure still works I just don't want to get a bullet in the back if I can help it.

"But I think it's best you and your crew talk about it later." Shie says cutting our convo short as he goes and sits at the opposite couch from the rest of us.

"For now let's talk Biz, and why I hav you here today." He said as we began our talks.

Time for the Big Sin City Gig to start.

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