Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 160 - Through the Fire & the Flames

Chapter 160 - Through the Fire & the Flames

*Sniff* it brings tears to my eyes when someone was able to figure out my fragmented conversation in Wing Dings even though several of the letters that didn't translate properly as symbols onto this app.

I'm so proud! 🥹


While we were heading for the compound I began to zone out as everything felt as it slowed down before it suddenly went dark.

It was for but a mere instant but I saw the Silhouettes of 8 women, 8 that I was very familiar with.

But then they changed they were no longer in the shapes of the people I knew oh so long ago it seems as their body's changed before becoming new people.

All of them opened their eyes shining in an ominous red light before they all smiled as they stared right at me and-


Missile fire and gun fire awoke me from my trance like state.

"Everyone! Hang on tight!" Falco shouted back at us as only a few seconds later did we smash through the gate after destroying several turrets and defensive mechs blocking our way as we arrived inside of the Inquisitors compound.

Falco began to shred them apart with the guns and missiles before pulling us over to an area with cover before the rest of us were able to get out.

As soon as we got out all hell broke loose as Rebecca and Briar began going on a rampage while Maine and Dorio were covering eachothers backs, Pilar was giving long distance cover fire while Kiwi messed with systems and lastly Falco stayed in the Hellhound as he fired off Missiles at the Inquisitors in armored exoskeletons.

I was dashing around the battlefield as I kept shredding my enemies in half with a combination of my Tech Shotgun along with my mantis blades cutting them apart as well.

Now I was wondering why the Maelstrom didn't do this themselves? I mean these guys aren't exactly tough but I soon realized why these guys are so dangerous to people with Cyberware.

As one big ass motherfucker came out while holding what I could describe as a ARC gun, a gun that specfically spews out high powered arcs of electricity at their opponents and when your full of chrome well….

"AGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" Maine screamed out in pain as one of the electric ARC rounds that were fired arced around his cover and hit him square on causing his chrome all to short circuit making him drop his gun and writhe on the ground in pain.

"Maine! Shit Maines been hit! Pilar you fuck hit that mother fucker!" Dorio shouted out as she went over to stabilize Maine and give him an Airhypo to quickly start healing his injuries along with resetting his systems.

"Hang on I'll cover you!" I shout out as I dash infront of the ARC weilder as he was still charging up his next shot before I pulled out my Electrified Mantis Blades and held them out in front of me to block the attack.


He finally unloaded his next shot which went straight for me, but my blades took the brunt of the attack but a good portion still went into my body however as it overloaded the blade's capacity.

"Ggggrrrrrrgggggg" I gave a muffled and stuttered growl as the pain shot across my body as it bypasses my usual defenses because of me blocks the shot and causing my Cyberware to go haywire as well.

"Finally! Locked you in mother fucker!" Pilar shouted in joy as because of the electricity in the area was messing with his smart sniper rifle from locking onto the heavy hitters skull.

And at the same time the ARC gun began to short circuit as well, "His guns down." I heard Kiwi say over coma as she clearly hacked the gun so it wouldn't work for a bit.

"Bang! BANG!" Pilar shouted out with excitement before he began to rapidly shoot his smart sniper rifle as it kept hitting the guys head as the bullets battered into his helmet causing it to begin to dent inwards with each successful shot on the same area.

But as it's a Smart Sniper rifle the bullets don't pack as much of a punch, but these shots did put the bastard off balance from those shots and after regaining my composure I was able to close the distance before using my blades to sheer his head off in one X shaped cut.

Deeper in the compound Rebecca and Briar were tag teaming it up as they run, gunned and slashed through the opponents though a few mecha soon came to hinder them.

"Hot Potato!" Becca shouts as she tosses an EMP Granade up high before it went off disabling the mechs.

"Hey Becca what's this called again?" Briar says as she grabs onto the Mechs while using her enhanced cybernetic strength to lift it up before spinning it around to slam it into the other stunned mechs.

"Hitting a motherfucker with another motherfucker of course!" She cheers out at seeing the display before Briar sends the one she was smashing flying before exploding behind her as she gave the peace signs with her hands.

"Yeah!" They high fived as they danced around with all the dead bodies and broken mechs scattered around the place.

*Cough Cough* "Seems like you two are having fun." I say as I entered the scene as I used my internal bloodpump filled with excess nano machines to help repair the internal damage done to my cybernetics and body from the electrical shock.

"Hifumi! I smashed a bunch of mechs together and making them explode! It was so cool!" Briar said as she danced around me.

"Nova, but it seems like we're done here, Kiwi do you see anymore still alive on cams?" I asked as nothing was popping up on my optics anymore.

"None from what can be seen, though you should check the sub-basement of this base as I see plenty things we can make some easy Ed's off of." She tells me as a door not to far away begins to open up.

"Ohoho! I smell some new weapons to play with!" Rebecca rubbed her hands before heading on downstairs as we followed after her.

"Well shit, you could outfit a small army with all this." I mutter as I come on downstairs and seeing a massive armory of guns, deactivated mechs and extra exoskeletons strewn about with Rebecca grabbing oversized duffle bags as she began to load up on guns like the little gun gremlin she is.

"Well I don't think we can take these, but we can't just leave these here right Maine?" Dorio said as she helped bring Maine downstairs after he recovered from being electrocuted.

"Hmmm, your right but the only people who would pay for this would be some corps but we don't have any close connections with any…." Maine said with a sigh while looking at all of this gear.

"Actually I think I can get someone to buy this off of us, let me just give them a call." I mention to them before I cut the linked comms before calling Shie before it connected.

"Shie, I got this-"

"Hifumi whatever it is just send me the detes and I'll deal with it but I need to talk with you asap, something, I don't know what but something happened but when your done with whatever your doing head to my HQ it's important." He says cutting me off but I could tell he was serious with what he said.

"Got it, I'll send you the vid then and you just send the Ed's for how much this is all worth." I say before sending him a small video of all the mechs and exoskeletons along as the coordinates as to where it's at.

"Done, I'll send you the Ed's soon, now come back soon." He said before cutting the link in a hurry before I soon got 1.5mil Eddie's for the things here.

"Here you guys go, a cut of the scratch for selling all this off." I say before everyone in the crew got 187,500 in Eddie's.

"Holy shit man! How much did they pay for all this!" I heard from Pilar after I reconnected to the group link.

"Enough to make it worth our while, but it's time to delta, no need to mess with the incoming corpos after all, so let's get on the horn with Regina and get the rest of our eds." I say before heading back upstairs as the rest followed suit.

The Inquistors were gone for good now, now it's time to relax and party before seeing what's going on with Shie's side of things.


A woman full of lust

A woman whose hair billows in the wind

A woman whose body is stained in the blood of an entire village

A Woman who stalks the alleyways with an mad grin on her face as her blades drip with fresh blood

A Woman who holds a black notebook that's stained in the blood of its owner

A Woman in a red kimono as she sharpens her blades she hides underneath

A Woman who laughs as she watches those she tortured suffer in agony

A Woman who smiled in madness as she stares down at the horrified expressions of her dying mother with a bloody knife in her hands.

All of them looked up to the night sky from where they could see it and grinned with looks of madness in all of their eyes.

"Six…. We will be together forever and ever…."

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