Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 135 - AWG: Night after Night with Ziggy Q

Chapter 135 - AWG: Night after Night with Ziggy Q

"Good Evening everyone and welcome to tonight's show!" A rather flamboyant man wearing a golden suit with teal colored hair said to his studio audience as they cheered with his appearance.

"You all know me by now but I'm your host Ziggy Q! And tonight's show is going to be a special one!" He said hyping up the audience.

Meanwhile in the back room I was getting ready for my first live tv show appearance.

"Your on in 2 minutes Mr.Yamada." One of the stage workers came to remind me as I nodded to her before turning back to Scanty and Kneesocks who were helping straighten out my suit.

"How do I look?"

"You look fantastic dear, just wish we could join you on the show." Scanty says straightening out my tie.

"I know, but it's best you keep those Corpo rats from trying to dig into anything they shouldn't so it's best if you head on out you two." I say as I kiss them on the cheek each before I head for the door.

"See you both at home." I say stepping out of the green room before heading towards the stage.

"Now folks let me introduce you all to our special guest of the night, President of the AWG and now the current owner of Pacfica, Mr. Shie Yamada!" He said as I stepped on out as I got a round of applause from the audience as I gave them all a wave before proceeding to Ziggy and shaking his hand before sitting down at the guest couch while he went behind his desk.

"Now Mr. Yamada I'm quite curious about where this Corporation just appeared out of nowhere and puts Night City on its head with what's happening in Pacifica, so the real question is where did your company come from exactly?" He said with a raised eyebrow which wasn't just him wanting to know but a lot of people wanted to know.

"Well the AWG isn't exactly a new company, during my fathers time we were just a transportation service used by the smaller Corporations around the world where we would provide transportation and protection services for those good all across the globe, America, Europe, Asia, anywhere really is where we delivered to, well that was during my fathers era, after he passed away a few years ago and I took over I changed the company completely to make it something much more than what it was." I go onto explain with a calm and straight face not showing anything saying I was lying as with what the girls did that is completely true in this world at least.

"I see, and tell me what does the AWG stand for anyway?" (Ziggy)

"Why it stands for All World Goods, meaning that if you come to our stores, that will be opening soon within the area of Pacifica, you can really buy anything and everything you'd want to get around the world, well excluding certain secret technologies that Arasaka, Militech, KangTao and the other major corps that is with whatever they maybe." I go onto say which makes Ziggy have a surprised looking face.

"Are you saying that even things that are basically almost hard to come by in the world nowadays thanks to the last Corporate War would be available to purchase in your stores?"

"Of course, how about I give you an example of something that people can buy that's basically impossible to get anywhere else?" I say with a smile as I stand up and turn towards the backstage door.

*Whistle!* "Spike! C'mon on here boy!" I pat my legs before the audience let's put some shocked gasps as they see a completely normal Doberman come on out from the back stage and come up to me as I go down and pet him.

"That's right folks, at the AWG you can actually buy pets, everyone sees cats around the city here and there but you never see full flesh and blood dogs anymore and at best you see the rich and wealthy have cybernetic dogs instead, and don't think that's the only types of animals you can buy to have as pets as there are plenty more options as well." I said petting Spike all over before pointing towards the backstage door before he ran back to where he came from before I sat down again.

"Wow! Can you believe it folks? An actual dog! Though I got to say how do you have dogs? Weren't they all but killed off in the last War?"

"Of course they were Ziggy, but I don't mind letting people know that these are Genetically cloned animals that have been brought back from extinction thanks to having dna samples that our bioengineers have gotten a hold of to remake those animals once more, it's a miracle to say the least that we were able to accomplish animal cloning like that." And that is true as basically all animals from the system are just clones of real ones after all.

"Amazing, though now I'd like to go onto a bit more of a serious topic if that's alright with you." He says as he puts on a bit of a more serious looking face.

"Alright, what do you wanna ask?" I say leaning back and crossing my legs while looking at him.

"I want to ask, did you really need to completely wipe out the people of Pacfica in such a brutal fashion?" He says that but I just laugh at that statement.

"Hahahaha! Oh man Ziggy! You are funny you know that? Wipe out the people of Pacifica? No, I did no such thing Ziggy what I did was clean up the trash that were living on my land, that's what I did." I said wiping a tear from my eye from laughing to hard at what he said.

"Ziggy let me ask you this, you have a nice manor out in Oakridge right?" I ask as he just nods.

"Okay now suddenly you have a lot of squatters living out on your big and nice yard and making it a mess and they don't want to move what are you going to do?"

"I'd call the NCPD and have them deal with them."

"Ahh but let's say the NCPD is for some reason or another to afraid of them and can't do anything for you, what do you do then? You'd take it into your own hands right to deal with those squatters yourself right?" I ask as I see him nod which I nod back.

"Right you kick them out, and some of them do leave when you force them to, but half of them decide to pull their guns and weapons on you telling you that your going to have to kill them if you want them out of here and so your forced to fight back with your security force who goes in and kills them all off, but now your nice yard is a mess because of all the fighting and then you remove the turf grass you had there and replaced it with nice cleaner grass and make your yard more presentable for your guests when you bring them home, now let me ask you, were you in the wrong to kill those Squatters that were on your property when they didn't want to leave?" I ask him with a serious look.

"No I'm not but-"

"Ziggy their are no buts in this, if I was truly a monster I wouldn't have even given the people a 24 hour warning to leave before the fighting began and then people could look at me as if I was some tyrant for what I did, but I gave them a choice to leave in peace, and while some did the rest didn't and now Pacifica is nothing but destroyed buildings and dead bodies lining the streets, but I want to make it perfectly clear that they made their choice in staying and so did I-"


"Haaa, he really is a bastard, then again he is my evil half." I mutter to myself as I turned off the Radio as we finally reached our destination.

Time to start this Gig.

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