Chereads / Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada / Chapter 129 - Gig: Clear the Rats Nest

Chapter 129 - Gig: Clear the Rats Nest

After about fifteen minutes we entered the northern parts of Vista del Ray where it became mainly the slums of the glen with plenty of abandoned and seedy buildings found throughout.

We soon came to a stop nearby an obviously abandoned Apartment Building as we went into an empty parking lot that was filled with scattered trash and garbage around the place as we stepped out of the car before locking it up.

"The Scavs are so where in here, so they either have set themselves up at the top or in the basement of this complex, or both if it's them they will be scattered throughout." I say looking at this place before seeing a camera as I stopped her and used my basic net running skills to hack it and get into the security system.

The building had six different cams in total as I looked it through them all, 4 in the basement, two guarding the main lobby, second through fifth floor were empty but the 6th floor or the penthouse had 12 of them where bodies could be seen laying on butcher tables while random Cyberware could be found lying around with a crate that had a bunch of expensive looking gold chains was being looked over by one of the sick fucks, probably their leader, like trophies.

6 in the penthouse were women but the rest were all men and what they all had in common was their green electronic masks with red X's over their eyes which are the iconic look that all Scavs are known for wearing no matter their rank as it's their trademark in a sense.

"Two in the lobby, 4 in the basement incinerator room and 12 upstairs, Briar I'll go up, you go down and we will rip these bastards to shreds in the process." I say to her after silently turning off all the cameras in the complex.

"Okay! Hehehehahaha…. Food!!!" She laughed manically as she let her rage out before busting down the door full force before leaping in the air towards the two in the lobby.

"Oh Shit! Ene-"


"HEHEHEHAHAHAHA!!! More! Give me more Food!!!" She laughed like a psychopath as she began to rip into them and eat them in the process but I just ignored it and went to the elevator.

"Briar, there's more food downstairs, go eat." I tell her in her rage state as she stares at me before smelling the air before showing a maniacal blood soaked grin as she bounces all around towards the stairs leading to the basement.

Soon enough I could hear gunshots and screams of terror but those bastards deserve no mercy so they won't get any as I take the elevator to the straight to the penthouse at the top floor.

*Ding* the doors opened as I walked out before my electric mantis blades come out of my forearms as I slowly walk down the hall.

"Huuu…. Let's make this quick shall we?" I mutter to myself as my back begins to glow with a green light right over my spine.


I activate my Sandevistian before breaking into a sprint as I blitz my way through the penthouse.

*Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing! Shing!*

At a speed they can't percieve everyone of them, man or woman was hacked to pieces with very few still alive as they slowly fell while missing an arm or a leg before I came to a stop.


My Sandy ends and that's when they all come to realize what had happened as I begin to hear the surviving ones wailing in pain.

"F-FUCK! M-My Arm! Oh god my leg too!" One of them closest to me cried out as I went down to look at him.

"Hmm, well I guess Sandy's are real convenient if I want to make quick work of scrubs like you lot, oh and by the way the Padre sends his regards." I say before lifting him up and tossing him on a blood smeared table nearby.

"Now shut up, I'm bringing some of your still living buddy's in here too." I say before delivering a heavy punch to his face to leave him stunned as I go grab a few living Scavs.

After two trips there were still four alive with the first guy included, those four couldn't do anything as they were still too shocked from all the pain in their bodies to process what's going on while I went to use my Cyberware connected to my Kiroshis.

(N) Through a persons Optical implants one can use them to make video calls in the cyberpunk universe or look at detailed info when a data chip is implanted into one's head as a result, and while talking it's more believed to be able to be thought communicated between people but unless one is in a situation where they can't be talking usually they will be as usual.

"Padre, I've got some scavs here that are still alive although practically dead already, the rest are already dead right now, question is how severe do I need to be for that bonus on these assholes?" I ask as I look them over while seeing a video call of Padre in the corner of my eye.

"Hmm, well if they are dying as you said best to leave them out to hang like they do with all their victims as well, send me the picture, and once you have got the fallen Valentinos belongings I'll give you the drop point location." He tells me while keeping his tone of voice neutral on the whole situation at hand.

"Fine by me, send me the drop point and I'll send you the pics, see you soon Padre." I say before we end the call.

"Well gentlemen it's your lucky day, you get to experience what it's like to be like meat stick on meat hooks!" I said with a cheery smile as I could see them shudder in fear while trying to move away but to no avail.

So one after the other I shoved meat hooks all in their bodies as they cried out in pain and agony as they had there hands, if they had any, on their meat hooks as they struggled and failed to get off.

"Yep, that's a good picture shot there." I say with a sadistic smile as I take a pic with my Kiroshi's before going over to the box full of Gold Chains with lockets on them or just the Valentino symbol with a name of the person on the back almost like some dog tags as a result.

"This should do, well then guys, have fun bleeding to death, oh and one more thing…."


I cut all of the guys arms off so they couldn't force themselves off even if they got lucky and pulled themselves off as a result making them scream and wail more as a result.

"Can't let you assholes get away now can I? Have a nice slow death, and when you get to he'll tell the devil I'm coming for him next!" I said with a sneer before walking back to the elevator and heading back on downstairs leaving them to their fate.

*Ding* soon the door opened and I saw Briar finish devouring one of the corpses with blood covering her face as well as her usual black outfit.

"Briar, feeding times over, it's time we go." I say with a snap of my fingers to pull her out of her berserk state, which I have control of since completing her mission, making her hair go back to normal and her eyes going back to her usual look.

"Aww man, but I haven't had my fill yet…." She acts all bummed as she tosses an arm away that only had the bone and cybernetics still on it but none of the meat left as well as no blood either.

"I'll let you drink my blood later when we get to our new place, let's drop this off so we can be done here." I say before snapping my fingers again making all the blood disappear from her body as we head on out of the apartment complex.

"Okay! Hifumi's blood tastes the best after all!" She says forgetting about her 'food' as she sways back and forth while she follows me to our car before we hop in and go to the drop point a few blocks away.

It lead us to a junk terminal where people can sell random crap for Eddie's but as I approached a light on the side lit up as a side compartment opened up, seeing this I put the box inside and closed it.

Soon enough I got a call from Padre, "Well done Mr. Yamada, you avenged the fallen Valentinos for what you have done here today, and made them suffer the same way all their victims had suffered as well, Gig closed, and since you did a good job I'll give you the locations of other lower tiered gigs I have here in the Glen as well as getting your subcontracted license with the NCPD to help in organized crime around the city." He said before i recieved an updated to my Kiroshi's that give me info on nearby areas of reported crime when I'm in close proximity to the area of at least one city block away from said crime location.

"Thanks for the help Padre, and let's not be so formal with each other, just call me Hifumi." I say as I see 20,000 Eddie's roll in for completing the gig.

"Then I won't be polite, and you may still refer to me as Padre or call me by my real name of Sebastian instead, but until next time Hifumi." He says before cutting the call.

"Alright Briar let's go check out our new Apartment." I say to her before hopping back in my car before heading onto our new home here in the Glen.


I'm not going to have Hifumi get in touch with Maines Crew right off the bat as he hasn't made a name for himself to get noticed by the Edgerunners so Hifumi will be doing things here and there while getting to know all the fixers in every area in and around Night City.

So for those who haven't played the game and only saw the show heres a list of all of Night City's fixers, Dexter DeShawn is not included as by this point he is currently on 'vacation' outside the city, where no clue but probably somewhere in San Diego or the Los Angeles Megacity area.

Sebastian "Padre" Ibarra- Glen Fixer

"Mr. Hands"- Pacifica Fixer

Faraday- City Center (Corpo) Fixer

Dino Donovic- City Center (Street) Fixer

Muamar "El Capitan" Reyes- Santo Domingo Fixer

Regina Jones- Watson Fixer

Wakako Okada- WestBrook Fixer

Dakota Smith- Badlands Fixer

Rogue Amendiares- Legendary Fixer of the Afterlife (Gigs all over Night City)

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