Chapter 123 - Esdeath

"Well, the Empire isn't as bad as it once was." I mutter to myself as I walk down the streets to see the empire in a mostly good state.

Sure if you saw near the gates there were a small number of people that were left inside of cages to die of hunger and the elements with the crows pecking at their bodies.

But that was pretty common in the middles ages back in my world so this overall wasn't really that much different, if this was what the original would have been like the empire would be much more brutal than before with a whole area deticated to crucified people, but this one doesn't have it.

The people in the capital seemed happy, not even an ounce of fear in there eyes, and when talks about the emperor, empress and their son the Heir everything was great in the common folks eyes.

I heard about the conflicts that had happened at the boarders in recent times and how they were quickly crushed by the three major generals of the Empire those being Esdeath Najenda and Budo leading the charge and while still brutal in war none of the three, especially Esdeath, personally went out of her way to antagonize the other countries as while war is an enjoyable sport for her she must have matured a bit differently growing because of me and thus she isn't as bad as the original but she is still intact a nightmare to her enemies without question.

(N) Najenda never left the army in this world as the brutality on the battlefield and the darkness of the Nobles isn't as pronounced as the original and thus there's no Night Raid, so basically everyone's fates had been changed because of what he did when he was in this world with cleaning up the trash of this world in one fell swoop.

"Huh…. I'm the Empires most wanted criminal huh?" I look at a huge and old poster with a black silhouette with piercing red eyes and an evil smile on its lips.


Wanted Dead or Alive

Jack The Ripper

The Killing of many High Ranking Officals all within one night while leaving the bodies of his victims in his wake in a nearly undefinable state.



I think I'm even more wanted than Night Raid ever was, though after seeing me disappear for well over 10 years I think the trail has gone dark for them but the bounty still remains.

"But I should pay her a visit before making my store here, I'd feel bad if I didn't-" Though a chill began to take over me as I turned to look over my shoulder to see in the distance someone approaching.

Long flowing Blue Hair, wearing a white female suit with skirt, white peaked cap and white boots with a rapier at her side as she walked directly towards me as the civilians naturally got out of her way as she approached me.

And soon enough she stopped in front of me as stood facing each other, but all I did was smile when I saw her.

"Esdeath, it's been quite sometime, that little girl has grown up into a beautiful young woman." I say as I stroke my chin as I nod happy with her progress.

"Yes, it's been 13 years since then, but you don't look like you have gotten much older since then at all have you." She said with a surprisingly gentle smile that none would think the Ice General would be capable of showing anyone.

As while not as ruthless and sadistic as her original counterpart she has mellowed out due to her training in Haki taking up a major portion of her time and as such never did anything that one would call as doing to much like her original caused major Atrocities to spark war all around the empire just so she could have even more fun.

"Well you should have probably guessed I'm not exactly from around here you know." Esdeath is anything but stupid so seeing me look like this was easy for her to put two and two together that I'm not completely human and maybe immortal though the thought of other worlds never crossed her mind though.

"Not from around here? Well I guess that's obvious, not even with the best intelligence agents across the empire to could even find a single trace of you whatsoever, but even if you were an older man in his thirties when we next met I wouldn't have mind that change as that would be normal, but you have barely even changed since then, though I can tell your much stronger than the man I met back then." She goes to Ascertain about me quickly.

"Well you could say I went out of my way to attain more power, but anyway I came back to see you and set up my store here before heading on back." I say but suddenly I noticed the ground began to freeze as the people watching began to freak out and scatter away.

"Run! The Ice General is Angry!" I heard one of them shout as they ran for their lives.

"…. Esdeath, let's not do anything we will regret…." I say holding up my hands as her expression seemed to get really dark as her cap blocked her eyes.

'Red Alert! Yandere spotted at 12 o'clock!' Shinigami chimes in as she seems to find this whole situation funny.

'Your not helping….' I think to myself as I see her look up at me with a sad but also angry and dark look on her face.

"13 years…. I waited 13 years just so I could see you again and here you are and now your planning to open your stupid store and disappear once more aren't you?" She said through gritted teeth.

The ice flared before suddenly completely encasing me within it as I instantly turned into an ice statue.

'Shit…. This is worse than I thought….' I say as I watch her come up to me and touch my frozen body as she caressed it gently.

"But worry not Hifumi, I'll just cut off your legs and then you won't ever leave me now will you?" She says something so dark and menacing with a bright and cheery smile on her face.

*Crack Crack Crack Break*

But after hearing that I break out of my ice prison as I looked at her before unleashing an overwhelming amount of Conquers Haki down upon her forcing her to retreat from me in the process.

"Hmmm, looks like I won't be doing things the easy way, do you remember what I said all those years ago Esdeath?" I say to her while walking towards her but my Haki was physically pushing her body back with how strong my Conquers was working on her.

Through gritted teeth she surprised me and created her own Conquers Haki to combat mine but was still being forced back just by how powerful mine was as I kept approaching her.

"The Weak have no right to dictate what the strong should or shouldn't do, the only thing the weak can be thankful for is when the Strong do not go out of their way to end their pathetic lives, now unfortunately for you I got to show you who is the strong and who is the weak between us both." I say before reaching towards Shinigami.

'My sword' I motion to her.

'Oh? You want to do it the old way for cool factor because she can't see me or something? Well okay I guess.' She says with a shrug before opening her mouth allowing me to reach in before grabbing the hilt of my blade.

But from Esdeaths eyes all she saw was me grabbing at the air and then pulling before seeing a blade appearing in my hand as I pointed it at her.

"Defend yourself, show me everything you have learned in the years I've been away, let's see if your resolve is stronger than mine." I say as I squint up my eyes as my arms become coated in Armament Haki as I stare her down.

She grimaced as she pulled out her Rapier from her waist and pointed it at me as she did the same thing before covering the blade in a black sheen.

"I won't be holding back if it means I can make you stay."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way Now-"

"Let's fight!!" We shouted out as the battle commenced.

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