Chereads / Multiverse-Crafter / Chapter 30 - Kenobi to the rescue

Chapter 30 - Kenobi to the rescue

Sup bitches, I'm back.

And I haven't moved yet... I hate my life.

[Ilia Amitola]

My stomach ties into a knot of nervousness and guilt.

The dishonor of trying to kill the human without a decent justification, the betrayal of which I am a part of, lying not only to the faunus of Menagerie but especially to the great leader Khan, makes me sick to my stomach. After all, she knows nothing about the falseness of the accusation or even that we conducted an attack on the human's ship.

The failed attack resulted in a fracture on my left arm, which was now treated and bandaged, but this cobbled-together plan, trying to turn public opinion against the human, is more fragile than my immobilized limb.

The Albain brothers knew that the great leader would not stoop to cowardly tactics like this. So I was asked to stay silent and let that literal and figurative rat, Milhouse Pettigrew, act as the victim.

"Could you introduce yourself, please," said the elderly turtle, acting as Arc's lawyer.

An old man with coyote ears was sitting in the chair to testify. He looked at Mrs. Brasa with a confused expression, as if he didn't understand the purpose of the question.

"I know who you are, but not all young people know you, Ben," said the lawyer, sighing tiredly.

Shrugging, the old gentleman began his presentation.

"My name is Ben Kenobi. I've lived in Menagerie for a long time," the old man said with a bored tone, completely uninterested in the situation. "As long as my knees and back held me, I worked as a hunter and fisherman for the people of this island. I then spent years teaching these skills to several generations of young people to continue feeding the population, until I finally retired when I became blind."

Satisfied with her witness's statement, Kouka gave a serene smile and continued to ask:

"Blind?" she questioned in a forced tone of shock. "But it is clear to everyone present that you are able to see."

Even with forced acting, Kouka was getting the attention of everyone present. Previously, viewers chatted amongst themselves, ignoring what happened when it wasn't Sienna's turn to speak. Others said it was a waste of time and that they should expel the human from the island or even execute him.

But now everyone paid attention in silence.

"Yes, I was blind until a few days ago," Ben replied in a tired and irritated tone. He seemed to understand what was happening, despite finding it unnecessary. "Until this kid came here and cured me."

"OBJECTION!" exclaims Sienna, indignant. "How do we know this wasn't the human's plan from the beginning? Integrate himself with the population only to then take advantage later."

The spectators began to murmur among themselves again, some agreeing with the White Fang leader's question.


The sound of the chieftain's wooden hammer silenced everyone. Maintaining his neutral posture, he turned to Sienna and asked:

"Are you saying that Jaune Arc healed the sick and injured so that he could later beat up a group of hunters and… steal some 'bush meat'?"

Gira's disbelieving tone made Sienna realize the absurdity of her protest.

"What if he's using the population to test these drugs?" questioned Sienna, pointing her finger at Jaune. "Do any of the faunus treated here know the origin of what was given to them?"

With silence as an answer, the White Fang leader smiled victoriously, armed with her new argument.

"So the human used sick faunus as test subjects for his drugs?" questioned Sienna in an outraged tone, turning to the audience. "How much more must our people suffer at the hands of our tormentors so that we can live in peace?"

The spectators began to boo and shout insults in Jaune's direction, but the human remained silent with that stupid smile on his face, as if he had done nothing wrong.

"Because he did nothing wrong…" I whispered quietly, feeling worse.


Once again, the hammer silenced the spectators.

"These are serious accusations, Khan," inferred Ghira in a serious tone.

"I'm not afraid to ask the hard questions," the great leader added, crossing her arms in a sign of superiority.

"He's also not afraid to ask stupid questions," said the elderly man sitting on the witness stand. "And before you interrupt me, let me just say that the kid took the medicine in front of us to prove that they were safe."

Everyone present fell silent, taken by surprise by the response.

"Listen here Siera-."

"Sienna!" exclaimed the leader, irritated.

"Too old to care," Ben replied, shrugging his shoulders. "I know that when something is too good to be true, it can only be shit that will fuck us in the ass later."


"Mister Kenobi!" the chieftain complains, drawing the witness's attention. "There are children in the room."

The old coyote faunus sighed tiredly but continued the story without complaining.

"But this kid is just a softy with a heart of gold," Ben states, pointing at Jaune. "At worst, he must be a rich daddy's boy who wants to help. That just makes him an asshole with good intentions and a lot of time, not a criminal."

Murmurs were present once again throughout the room. This time, the spectators were divided: some thought the human was innocent; others still thought he was guilty.

"And how do you explain the hunters he attacked?" says Sienna, standing up, indignant. "Regardless of his intentions, this does not justify him beating and leaving poor hunters for dead, not to mention the families who will starve because he stole their game."

At Sienna's last statement, Ben smiled.

"That's why I'm here," the old man said in a cold and threatening tone. "Because everything I heard from that kid Pettigrew was a fucking lie."

All the faunus sighed in surprise at the statement but quickly fell silent to hear what he had to say.

"Two deer and three wild boars? In the desert? And on one hunting day?" Kenobi asked with a mocking tone. "This lie would have been more believable if they had said they found rodents, lizards, snakes, and birds. Not to mention the amount of meat he said they got. Not even the best groups of hunters I've seen in my entire life would get 135 kg (300 pounds) of game in a day, much less 270 kg (600 pounds)."

Breaking into a cold sweat, Sienna stood up to try and protest the old man.

"And how can we be sure that you are telling the truth and not Milhouse?" Sienna questioned, with a bit of uncertainty in her voice.

Sienna's last statement was weak and carried little weight, but it still caused someone among the spectators to stand up to respond.

"Oh no you dont!" a man with dark skin and white feathers on his arms replied. "This grumpy old man may be a foul-mouthed, bad-tempered man, but he was never wrong when it came to hunting or fishing."

"That's right!" said another faunus, standing up. "Everything I know he taught me. He never lied about how to earn a living for my family. Whether the human is guilty or not doesn't matter. Old Ben won't be shamed like that."

More and more faunus began to rise to the defense of Ben Kenobi, who laughed mockingly at Sienna.

"No, no, no…" I murmured, desperate. "The human was supposed to be banished from the island, not for Sienna to be humiliated."

The entire population turned against Sienna, accusing her of defaming someone who dedicated her life to helping the inhabitants of Menagerie feed their families.


"ORDER! ORDER!" the chieftain screamed, trying to regain control, but the people were furious.

A mob was forming, and the risk of a lynching seemed imminent.

By the gods, if Sienna is lynched… I think as my stomach twists in pain and guilt. I try to say something, but the stress and nervousness leave me speechless.

But, in the midst of chaos, it was humans who brought order.


The sound of a shrill horn echoed inside the room. The faunus fell silent, crouching with their hands over their ears. Looking in the direction of the sound, we saw Jaune with an air horn in hand, smiling like a child with a new toy.

"Thank you, young man," said the old turtle elder, patting the human's arm. "Look at the shameful display, supposedly civilized faunus behaving like wild animals. And who calmed them down and brought order? A human."

Everyone present looked down, completely ashamed of their behavior.

"This is supposed to be a trial, our attempt to get to the truth or at least a consensus of what happened," continued Kouka, in a disapproving tone. "But you came here seeking blood and revenge. If the behavior here today is normal for you, I can only fear for the future of faunus."

A sepulchral silence settled over the place. Shame and regret hung in the air. Even though everyone felt bad, I felt even worse. Finally, unable to bear it, I swallow hard and raise my hand to speak.

"Please," I said out loud, catching everyone's attention. "I would like to say something, if possible."

[Sienna Khan]

It had all started so well. It seemed certain that the human would be condemned and expelled from the island before he could do any more damage. But the testimonies showed more holes in the accusation than Swiss cheese, and to make matters worse, the opinion of the spectators was in his favor and against me.

When the human calmed the faunus and Kouka gave his lecture, I thought everything was lost. Until Ilia raised her hand.

'Surely she has some information to turn the tables in our favor,' I thought as I watched the red-haired girl sit next to Ghira to testify.

"Miss Amitola," said the Chieftain, addressing the White Fang agent. "You need to understand that your statement may be invalid, as you are a White Fang agent."

Ilia took a deep breath and, looking into the human's eyes, spoke.

"That won't be a problem." Her voice came out loud and steady for everyone to hear. "Because I'm here to tell you that Jaune Arc is innocent."

"What?!" I exclaimed, confused.

Everyone present began to whisper, surprised that a White Fang agent was defending a human who attacked them.

"I know he is innocent because I am part of the group that planned this false accusation."

From the corner of my eye, I noticed shadows running out of the room, but I didn't even think to follow them because Ilia had my full attention.

"During the night, I and other agents of the White Fang attempted to break into the human's airship that landed near a desert oasis," Ilia said in a tearful tone. "But we were stopped by the red robot guarding the ship." Ilia said, raising her bandaged arm for everyone to see. "That's how I and the others got hurt. None of the people who claimed to have been attacked by the human were hunters. We are all agents of the White Fang."

Boos and shouts of outrage began to come from the spectators, outraged by the White Fang's actions.

"It can't be…" I muttered, shocked. "How could they have done all this after I asked them not to mess with the human?"


"Order!" demanded the Chieftain. "That explains the injured faunus, but why did you lie about the cause and why did you try to break into Mister Arc's airship?"

"I was convinced by Fennec Albain. He said the great leader Khan needed allies in the shadows. If I took the group to the desired location, Jaune Arc would be kicked off the island and never return. When we arrived at the scene and the red robot stopped us, Fennec changed the plan to blame the injured on Jaune Arc."

The people booed again but were silenced once again by Ghira's hammer, who turned towards me.

"You mean this is all just a plan by the White Fang to drive off the island a human who does nothing but kill grimm, cure the sick, and feed starving children?"

Ghira's indignant tone made his fury clear. It hurt my ego to admit, even if silently, that the human was innocent. Keeping my head lowered, Ilia continued speaking.

"I would also like to add that while the human was mapping the desert region, I attacked him and tried to kill him." The young woman's statement brought silence once again. "Instead of taking revenge or turning me over to the authorities, he just sat and talked to me… and my thanks to his mercy was to help frame him."

Overcome with shame and remorse, Ilia began to cry on the bench.

"I think it's clear to everyone present that Jaune Arc is innocent," declared Ghira loud and clear. "But now we have the question of-."


The door exploded into the room. Part of the spectators fell to the floor due to the impact of the door's shrapnel, while the rest ran to the other side of the room.

"KHAAAAAN!" roared an angry voice from the back of the room, hidden by the cloud of dust.

As soon as the cloud dissipated, the image of an angry red-haired barbarian wielding an ax was revealed. When our eyes met, her bloodthirsty eyes widened, and a voracious smile formed on her face.

"There you are." growled Audra, charging towards me.


Unarmed and with no time to get out of the way, I closed my eyes and crossed my arms in a desperate attempt to block the blow.


The metallic sound echoed through the room, followed by a strange silence. When I opened my eyes, I noticed someone standing in front of me.

"The human?" I whispered in disbelief.

The man I had spent the last few hours trying to incriminate and expel from the island was there, in front of me, defending me with a blue shield with a silver rim from my former master.


The human responded by pulling her into a tight hug. Audra's eyes widened, but she quickly dropped the axe and returned the gesture.

"You're too good for these people, kid," Audra murmured, breathing a sigh of relief.

As the two embraced each other warmly, Ilia raised her voice.

"Sienna knew nothing," Ilia spoke, standing next to Ghira. "This was all a plan by the Albain brothers."

Audra took a deep breath, separating herself from the human.

"I was worried about you softy with a heart of gold," Audra whispered.

The scene moved everyone present.


"Order!" Ghira shouted from the broken pulpit. "Jaune Arc's innocence has already been proven to everyone present."

In response, the audience murmured in agreement.

"However, I would like more details. Therefore, I would like Sienna Khan, Ilia Amitola, Audra Taurus, and Jaune Arc to come to my house, accompanied by an escort, to clarify everything."

All those called confirmed that they would cooperate… except the human, who remained silent.

"Are you okay, mister Arc?" asked Ghira, worried. "You didn't say anything during the process and now you don't even speak to me."

The human furrowed his eyebrows. He seemed irritated, but remained silent.

"I don't judge you, Mr. Arc. You came to our island with nothing but good intentions, willing to help our people. In return, you were treated like a criminal because of a foolish and poorly explained accusation," Ghira mentioned, in a remorseful tone. "I understand that you never want to speak to me again, but please don't think badly of the inhabitants of this island."

"What a drama queen, huh Ghira," said the old turtle faunus, who had acted as the human's lawyer.

She carried a cup with steaming liquid inside.

"Drink this, it'll loosen your mouth, boy."

Quickly, Jaune took the cup from her hands. With a lot of effort, he managed to open his mouth enough for the liquid to enter. After a few seconds he looked at Mrs. Brasa.

"That crazy old woman gave me a caramel candy that stuck the roof of my mouth with my tongue," commented Jaune, furious with the lady. "I couldn't say anything!"

Everyone turned, shocked, to the turtle, who just laughed at the situation.

"I really like you, blondie, but it was more advantageous for us if you remained silent than talking nonsense," explained the old lady.

"I don't talk that much nonsense!" Jaune stated, turning to the rest of the room. "Isn't that right, guys?"

Silence was the only response the human received. Neither Ghira nor Audra could look him in the eye at that moment.

[Ghira Belladonna]

I admit to having found Mr. Arc's digital assistant was quite eccentric when he introduced himself. The hologram of a soldier in futuristic blue armor, wielding a sniper rifle, was not a common sight.

'Who knew Church was the least eccentric,' I thought silently.

{{Listen up, you dirtbags!}} shouted a voice with a strong accent, while we watched the recording from the point of view of the red security robot. {{One more step and I will turn this invasion into an ass-kicking rodeo! It will hurt more than a wasp sting on your stupid masked faces.}}

We were back at my house, all sitting in silence as we watched the recordings of Jaune Arc's big red security robot.

[Hulk Buster Build Halo/40k armor style ]

{This is just one of the machines provided by Atlas.} Someone shouted in the background. {Use the same tactics we used when we attacked a convoy, brothers.}

What followed was basically a humiliation of the White Fang agents, seasoned with old-fashioned insults and a lot of screaming.

{{YEEEEHAAAAAAAAA!}} The robotic voice shouted, as if it were an old cowboy at a rodeo. {{This is almost as fun as shotting blues... almost.}}

"Jaune, dear, can you speed up to save the little dignity that Sienna and Ilia still have…" Kali asked, looking at Jaune.

Without questioning, the blond human sped up, and in a few minutes, we were able to witness how all the injuries of the 'victims' happened. Some fell awkwardly, others were trampled while trying to sneak up on the robot, who apologized after breaking a faunus's leg.

"It's clear that Jaune Arc's security system acted in self-defense and gave the invaders plenty of opportunities to retreat." I stated, smiling proudly at the young human.

Jaune looked at me, confused by my expression, but he smiled back, showing gratitude for the sentiment.

"Ilia and Sienna!" I exclaimed, putting all the authority I could into my voice. "Ever since Jaune Arc arrived at Menagerie, he has acted with the best and purest intentions, regardless of my initial suspicions, the rude way Audra treated him at the beginning, or the White Fang's attempts to kill and frame him. Even in the face of these adversities, he remained steadfast, submitting himself to our judgment and respecting our customs, aiming only for peace and harmonious coexistence."

The White Fang members present looked away in embarrassment, but I knew it was more because they were being reprimanded than because of the way they had acted.

"I'm sure most of those who witnessed what happened today will consider Mr. Arc a naive fool for still interacting with faunus, even after everything he's been through." I continued speaking, even under Jaune's indignant gaze at the apparent offense. "But I tell you that it's precisely this behavior that has brought a spark of hope for harmonious coexistence with humans, as well as the possibility of more of them visiting us and respecting us as civilized beings."

Silence was the only response I got from the two of them. However, there's no point in me just talking; they need to understand why Jaune's attitude is the right one.

"Mr. Arc!" I exclaimed, drawing the attention of the human in my room. "You came to our island providing food, maps, medicine, city projects, and plans to turn our island into an independent sovereign kingdom."

"What?" Sienna asked, her mouth agape.

"I would offer you reparations for the value of my honor alone, but such resources are too precious to my people for half measures or standard bureaucracy."

"Hmph?" Jaune snorted, not understanding what I meant.

By the gods, you really are just a softie with a heart of gold.

"What punishment would you like to give to these two and the other White Fang agents who attacked Audra and her ship?"

Sienna and Ilia widened their eyes in astonishment, but did not dare to utter a single word. Audra crossed her arms and huffed in irritation, with boredom in her eyes, as if she knew what the young human's answer would be.

"Sienna Khan." He said, catching the attention of the White Fang leader. "Were you directly involved in planning the invasion of my ship or in the false accusation?"

The tiger-eared leader took a deep breath as if she was exhausted, but puffed out her chest and looked into the human's eyes to answer.

"I didn't know anything about the invasion of your ship, but when my agents came to tell me that you had attacked hunters in the desert, I didn't think twice about taking advantage and sent all the members of the White Fang to spread the news." I said, finally feeling remorse inside me. "Part of me knew that the story had some holes, but for me, at the time, it didn't matter. The thing I wanted most was for you to get off this island as soon as possible."

"Why?" Jaune asked, in a tone of genuine curiosity.

Sienna swallowed her pride and shame, but continued to stare at the young human in front of her.

"Because your fame was growing a lot among the faunus of Menagerie." She admitted bitterly. "Healing, feeding, and now the Chieftain informs me that you will build cities and help create a sovereign nation for the faunus. Is that true, human?"

"Yes." Jaune answered without ceremony, as if it were nothing major. "Like, the court delayed me a little, but I think I can build the city in a week. As for the nation's talk…"

{{Two months at most.}} Church said through the holographic projector's speaker.

Sienna started laughing, her eyes wide with pure shock, a laugh that bordered on madness.

"Do you want to know why I want you off the island, human?" questioned Sienna in an unsteady tone. "I hate you! You should represent everything I despise, but instead you represent HIM!" shouted Sienna, pointing at me. "A foolish pacifist who wants a better world, who refuses to take the lives of even those who tried to kill you."

Jaune tilted his head to the side, confused. Sienna seemed offended by the young human's lack of understanding.

"Of course, I'm not going to kill you or Ilia," Jaune said, as if that were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why?" Sienna asked, indignantly.

"I want prosperity for the faunus of Menagerie. That's why I came here. Peace with humans is also necessary, so I won't do anything rash."

"Even after everything you've been through? Even after the population almost turned against you?"

"Yes," Jaune responded once again, as if it were obvious. "I didn't come to be popular; I came to help. Mr. Belladonna, is this so difficult to understand?"

I gave the boy a big, proud smile and responded:

"She doesn't understand that peace and prosperity for faunus is more important than pride," I commented, turning my judgmental gaze to Sienna. "And, to achieve this, violence should never be used as a tool."

"B-but..." Sienna stammered, trying to question, but in vain. She couldn't find the words.

"Pride is dangerous," Jaune added. "After all, the dream of the oppressed is to be the oppressor. It takes discipline not to give in to the temptation of revenge and to be strong enough to be gentle. That is the best path to peace."

Audra and I laughed proudly, while Sienna and Ilia froze at the young human's simple yet universally true statement. The cause of the White Fang, whether the old or new version, had always been a noble one, but Sienna's twisted and violent ways were just exposed and rubbed in her face as a simple fight for pride rather than the survival and prosperity of the faunus, as she always claimed.

"But you still haven't answered me, Arc," I commented, catching Jaune's attention once again. "What are you going to do about punishing the White Fang agents who caused you so much headache? Mercy is always good, but you need to show firmness towards those who act like criminals. This is basic for a healthy society."

The young human closed his eyes, reflecting for a few minutes in silence. Audra stared at the White Fang members in my house as if she wanted to rip their heads off… something I don't doubt she would do if she were allowed.

"I know," Jaune said, snapping his fingers. "A charity action by the White Fang, personally led by Sienna Khan, to help an orphanage in the city of Vale."

"What?" questioned everyone present, including me.

"And the message will be that the White Fang desires peace and prosperity between faunus and humans."

Everyone was silent, shocked by the young man's request. The silence and tension were palpable in the air.

"Hey, Church!" Jaune exclaimed, turning to the holographic projector, with the armored man speaking up. "Find me an orphanage in Vale that needs help with donations and manual labor."

{{Most orphanages need taht. Can you be more specific?}} asked the little blue soldier.

"An orphanage that has a good number of humans and faunus."

{{I already found it and sent you contact of a perfect one.}}

"Thanks," Jaune commented, pulling out his Scroll. "I'll make a list of things I want you to do there, but anything extra is welcome," he said, as he read about the orphanage on his Scroll. "And don't worry about spending money. I will provide supplies for both the trip to Vale and the work at the orphanage."

"Why are you doing this?" Sienna asked, still shocked.

Jaune stood up and looked at Sienna with a serious face.

"I'm giving you a chance to prove to the world that the White Fang is not a terrorist organization," Jaune said in a more serious tone. "Prove them wrong about you. Prove that you want peace and prosperity for the faunus."

Bengal tiger ears flattened back on Sienna's head, tears welling in her eyes. She herself didn't seem to understand why she was sad. The simple truth was that Jaune Arc had broken her pride by showing a better way.

"What about me?" asked the young freckled redhead. "What are you going to do to me?"

Jaune turned to Ilia and looked at her, confused, with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean... what I said is like for the entire White Fang, you know? Including you," explained Jaune, still not understanding the reason for the question.

Silently, Ilia took out her Grimm mask with chameleon horns. With disgust in her eyes, she broke the mask in her hand. We all stared at the young woman, surprised by her action.

"Please, Mr. Arc," Ilia begged. "Even though I have made so many mistakes, you will not change your plans to help my people. I can't stand here acting as if my actions haven't nearly destroyed the best chance for progress for the people of Menagerie."

"Eeeeeeh… what are you trying to say, Ilia?" asked the young human, still confused.

The chameleon faunus kneels, without breaking eye contact with the human, and declares in a formal tone as if she were in a sacred ceremony:

"I, Ilia Armitola, swear to become Jaune Arc's servant. I offer my strength and my loyalty. Not because I was forced to, but because I believe he can help me become a better person. I will fight by his side, obey his orders, and do whatever is necessary to correct my mistakes."

Jaune crouched down, looking into Ilia's eyes, and responded:

"There is no fucking way that gonna happen, you crazy bitch!"

E ai gurizada?

That's right I'm back, with Menagerie Arc coming to an end, next chapter we'll have some time skips and the change in infrastructure in various parts of the island thanks to the new team created by Jaune.

Created in the sense made by his 'Semblance', just to make it clear.

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