Chereads / Stranded Coffee Shop In Other World As Place To Share Thoughts / Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 Dryad Body's System

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28 Dryad Body's System

 "Not gonna forswear, dhee has't a wild imagination of our kind… (Not gonna lie, you have a wild imagination of our kind…)" Said Eleni…

 "Hahaha, because I love to imagine a lot of things…"

 Alani said, "P'rhaps dhou art a bard, who is't kneweth a lot of tales to bid in this shopeth, dhou hath called t coffee… (Perhaps you are a bard, who knew a lot of tales to tell in this shop, you called it coffee…)"

 "If you see it like that, I don't mind it…I made this shop because of that…I want to hear everyone's story in this tiny shop…"

 They started to look around…

 Eleni elaborated after looking around and said, "Well, i seeth not anyone in h're… (Well, I don't see anyone in here…)"

 That's my goal in my world, not in this world… "Maybe because it's late at night, so there is no one in here…"

 "If 't be true dhee hath said t liketh yond, th're might not but beest something 'r someone who is't hast been visit'd h're…(If you said it like that, there must be something or someone who has been visited here…)"

 "Sort off…And we had a great conversation like what we just had…"

 "Seriously…" Eleni said after took a sip of her water…

 I looked at my watch, and it was already so late…Seeing them not so tired, made me odd in my mind.

 I asked them, "Why are you two not getting tired at this late?"

 Alani answered, "We're not liketh dhee, humans who is't art not restful at late night… (We're not like you, humans who are tired at late night…)"

 "So, you are a nocturnal creature…"

 "What is yond?? (What is that??)"

 "It's a creature who starts their activity or does their activity at nighttime and rests at daytime."

 Eleni said, "I knoweth not th're art such t'rms liketh that… (I don't know there are such terms like that…)"

 "Me too…" said Alani…

 I asked them to gain some information, "What are you doing at nighttime?"

 "What art we doing?"

 "Yeah, for example, a lot of these creatures hunt or collect their food at night. So what are you doing?"

 "We has't not particular activity liketh yond, yet somehow we feeleth m're en'rgy at night… (We don't have particular activity like that, yet somehow we feel more energy at night…)"

 "Wait, you said, you feel more energy at night than at daytime…"

 "Yeah, is th're something in dhy mind?"

 "Sort of, let me ask you this, what do you inhale right now?"

 "Dhee cullionly liketh this…" Eleni took a deep breath…

 "Yup, like that…"


 Idiot question for me: there is no way they know molecules. "I see…" This is going to be interesting. Honestly, I am so curious how the system inside their body is because dryads are heavily connected with plants… "When I saw you, I thought you had similarities with plants…"

 "Haply because we art the protecteth'r of the tree… (Maybe because we are the protector of the tree…)"

 "Before I explain to you the concept of plant…Let me tell you something interesting, the air around us that you inhale consists of something that the naked eye can't see…"

 Immediately, their eyes became illuminating and so bright, and they seemed to be scanning around. It felt like what Chis and Varania did…

 I asked them, "Are you two scanning?"

 "Scan?" Asked Eleni, as if she didn't know the meaning of the word.

 "It's a word that indicates you are investigating or looking around to find something or to gain information into your brain…"

 "Ah!! aye, aft'r thee hath said yond, we wanteth to tryeth to seeth these things… (Ah!! Yes, after you said that, we want to try to see these things…)" Answered Eleni…

 Alani asked me, because I wasn't surprised about it, "Dhou art acknown of these eyes? (You are aware of these eyes?)"

 "Yeah, I had some people who came here use that…" After I told them about radio waves…And now you two used it, after I told you about particles in air…

 They kept scanning around them…

 I said, "No matter how hard you try, you will not find it in air around us with those eyes…"

 Their eyes became normal again, and Eleni said, "So t indicates dhou art bluffing and falsing to us…th're is nay such thing as yond eyeless in the air… (So it indicates you are bluffing and lying to us…There is no such thing as that invisible in the air…)"

 "Because they aren't invisible…I think your eyes can tell something invisible, yet these things are visible in different ways." I pulled my hand and grasped in the air, "Even if I grab like this, I can catch a tonne of these things on air…"

 "Again thou art bluffing…th're art nay such things liketh that… (Again you are bluffing…There are no such things like that…)"

 "Well, if these things aren't real, you two and I will be dead in a minute…"


 "Air consists of a lot of these things…one of these things provides me, humans to keep our body circulating and being alive, and one of these things provides you two, the same benefit."

 "How doth these things provideth thee and us to stayeth alive? (How do these things provide you and us to stay alive?)" Asked Eleni…

 "I didn't know how your body works, yet in my body, when I inhale this thing, it will help me to circulate and move my blood around my body. From the centre, my heart, into every part of my body, even my brain. After that is circulating, there is waste that needs to be taken out of my body. That waste is being taken when I exhale like this *exhale…"

 "So yond wasteth is joining the air? (So that waste is joining the air?)"

 "Yeah, that waste will join with other things in the air…Here's the interesting one: humans and animals with plants have different approaches and systems about these things and the waste from them…"


 "I can't call it things because it's not suit to my tongue; let's give it a name…"

 "A name?"

 "The things that humans and animals inhale to circulate their blood—let's call them oxygen."


 "Great name, right, it's a cool one…Oxy…"

 They looked at each other, and said at each other,

 "Is yond very much a merit nameth? (Is that really a cool name?)" Asked Eleni to Alani…

 "Haply t's a merit nameth in human's view…they somehow loveth doing liketh that… (Maybe it's a cool name in human's view…They somehow love doing like that…)" Answered Alani…

 I continued, "*Ahem* and the waste from them is carbon dioxide. Yet, plants are different from humans and animals. The thing they use to produce their food is carbon dioxide, and the waste of it is oxygen…" Or we called it a byproduct, not a waste…

 "So the wasteth of plants keeps humans and animals alive? (So the waste of plants keeps humans and animals alive?)"

 "Yeah, we used the waste of plants to circulate my blood and stay alive, and plants used the waste of us to produce their food…That's the easy thing to imagine."

 "Wherefore humans and animals act not liketh plants? (Why humans and animals don't act like plants?)" Asked Eleni…

 "Only plants can produce their own food, humans and animals can't produce their own food without eating others, like a human eating an animal or plant to gain energy, just like an animal eating a plant or other animal to gain energy..."

 Alani said, "Well, we doth not that…so how doth thee sayeth yond we has't similarities with plants? (Well, we don't do that…So how do you say that we have similarities with plants?)"

 "When you said you feel more energy at night, for me, it indicates you are using your cellular respiration…"

 Confused and puzzled, Alani asked, "Cellu- what?"

 "Breathing is a simple word to say, yet breathing has a different way from one creature to another creature. The meaning of breathing is an exchange, and in the breathing process, there is some exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide. Right now, I am breathing, and there is an exchange between that…Plants have two breathing processes, when they produce food and when they do Cellular Respiration…In those processes, there is an exchange between oxygen and carbon dioxide, and I call it breathing."

It's not typically always at night; plants are always doing Cellular Respiration all the time, day and night…Yet at night, cellular respiration is working harder, than at daytime, because there is no sunlight, so they don't do photosynthesis.

 "Yet what is this cellu—thing…" Asked Eleni…

 "Cellular Respiration is the release of energy. So plants are doing that to gain energy for their systems. When you felt more energy at night, I assumed it was because of Cellular Respiration, your body releases a lot of energy into all your body parts, so it makes you feel light at night. Yet in this process, the plants still need oxygen to do all of that, and the waste of it is the same as that of humans and animals: carbon dioxide. That's why I called it the same or similar, like breathing for humans and animals."