Chapter 5 - Chapter 5

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" The white hair looked at the blonde hair "Sister, do you catch anything from his explanation?"

"No I don't"

Well I'm not technician, and I failed a lot of physics, chemistry and biology in high school, made me did a lot of remedial or redo the task, if the teacher had good heart, they would give a paper full of task and ordered to answer the paper, as the addition grade for us to pass, they allowed us to take a look the book.but for dumb like us, of course we copied the smartest dumb answer who already finished the task, if there was no one around us, of course we found the smartest dumb in other class to copy the paper..or the rich kid who dumb but they could afford a tutor, made the tutor did the paper…

"Hmmmmmmm…let me think for a few moments.."

After a few moments, I explained to them..

"I will make it simple, all the magic or energy around us could not be destroyed or be made, but they could be changed the shape of it.."

The blonde hair asked "Changed the shape?? Yet how doth thou change the shape of something eyeless?"

"Like I have said, the magic transforms to cold, but the magic box needs a lot of magic first, so it absorbs magic around it, and this magic gets sucked to the box, the box processes this magic,first this magic will be in the high temperature and high pressure, this magic with high pressure will be delivered to behind the box, where it will be cooled in there, in this process, some of magic will be released from it, that's why around of the box is warm or hot in the back. That answers your question..

"Wait…you quoth high temperature right, it means this magic is surely hot why it be cold?"

"Magic can become cold if we take out all the heat from it, that's why in the back of the box, it takes out all the heat in the magic, after that the heat is released from the box...After that the magic becomes cold.."

"Thou quoth magic could change the shape? thou have yet not answered the question.."

"Ah right…after the process of releasing the heat, this magic will become very cold water…"

The white hair asked "How does magic become very cold water?"

"It's called condense, where the water came from the high pressure and high temperature, and suddenly transferred to a low pressure and low temperature place, it becomes cold water…after this it becomes a circle, and makes the magic box keep cold…This condense event, you can observe it around us, for example in the dawn, you could see a lot of plants suddenly became wet for no reason.."

"So this box is an infinite loop…how doth thou compose an infinite repeatable magic?"

"There is no such thing like that…magic works not reversible, but irreversible.."

"What doth thou mean?"

"It means that every motion or every magic can't generate magic or motion the same as before…The process of this generating requires some additional magic to generate another magic…so the results of the magic will be less than the magic before..and if this cycle keep going, in one points the cycle will end.."

"Thou human, thou hast more knowledge than mine other friend, whom had studied magic for a long time.."

"Hahahahaha…" Well it's not magic but thermodynamic, hope my explanation is not wrong.."How about you two wait in the seat? I will prepare your drink and your cakes.."

The two stood up…and started to walk toward the front gate, but..

The white hair suddenly asked "Is that thing working like the cold magic box?" She pointed to the espresso machine..

"Ah that! It's different, it works like a grinder but inside of it there is some water, so from the beans can be a dark water of coffee.."


The two kept walking toward the counter gate, and took a seat in front of the counter…

While I was making the drink, I saw them start whispering to each other, but I just ignored them, and focused on making the drink..After some moments, while I was making the drink, I felt there was something that focused on me, and I turned my body toward them. I saw something unbelievable. In front of the blonde hair elf's right eye, there was a sort of circle rune flying, after I turned my body, she suddenly realized it and the circle rune disappeared..I ignored it, and continued making the drink..

I finished making the drink, and delivered it to them with the cakes..

The white hair said "Wait! You only just gave me the cake in this portion, I thought you would give me the whole circle of cake."

"Well the whole circle of cake is for 6-8 portions, and that portion that I gave you is fair.."

"What is this?" The blonde hair asked and pointed at the small glass of sugar..

"Ah that's sugar…" suddenly I felt shivering again..

The two looked at each other, and their faces immediately in front of my face..

The blonde hair asked "Sugar? thou mean that sugar right?"

"But it is different from sugar I know…" the white hair said.

"It's liquid sugar or water sugar.."

"I don't wot there is water sugar…in mine life i never see it"

"Well, besides talking about the sugar, I think it's better if you taste your drink.."

They started to take a sip of their drink..Suddenly the white hair


Meanwhile the blonde hair seemed alright about the taste of her black coffee.

I said to the white hair "If you feel it's bitter, you can pour the sugar into the drink…That's why I prepare the sugar for your drink.."

And the white hair immediately poured all the sugar into the drink..after they took a sip of the drink, their eyes turned to the forks, I saw their eyes, I felt something dejavu..

The blonde hair of the one who started it "What is this?"

"That's a fork.."


"It's a tool for helping you to eat the cake.."

"Thou mean this silver tool, helping us to eat the cake"

"Yes, but it's not silver…but Alumunium."


"Alumunium, it's like silver but less weight and cheaper.."

The white hair seemed to realize the tool "Ah! Sister, I know this tool, this is a tool from humans, that use to eat..I think there is another tool beside this.."

"Ah you mean spoon…I have that…" I took two spoons and gave it to them "These are the other tools.."

"Yes, this, I have seen it, while I was in human territory, but the tools they used were made of wood, and rumors that nobles and royals used silver for these tools.."

"Surely, thou wot a lot about humans, Noella…"

I saw that the white hair seemed to teach the blonde hair how to use the spoon and fork…and they took a bite of their cakes…Their faces seemed very happy..

"Thou are right, human…i don't feel any sweetness from this cake…"

While they were eating the cakes, there was something I wanted to ask..

"There is something that I want to ask from you two.."

The blonde hair answered "What is that?"

"When I was making the drinks, I saw something in front of your right eye..What is that?"

"Ah that, it was a magic circle rune…i wanted to wot about thou, so i used 'resolvere' to wot about thou.."


"It's a spell to analyze someone, about their information.."

"Can you show me this circle?"

"Alright then…"

Immediately, she showed me the circle of rune in front of her right eye. I looked at it, it was yellow color, there was a shape in the circle, it was triangle, but it was inverted, inside of the triangle, there was something too, it seemed like the cardinal direction, instead four direction, it had 12 direction, with 4 direction had long line, and 8 other direction had short line…and there was some glyph word around the circle, the triangle, and the direction..

"Are thou done?"

"Sure, thanks for showing it to me ... .well if you want to know about me, you don't need to use some spell to infiltrate my privacy…how about we introduce each other, first from me, my name is about you two?"

The blonde hair said "Mine name is Aella, I am the High Priestess of Eirin…"

The white hair said "My name is Noella, I am the Priestess of Eirin.."

They showed their status…



















"Great, it's my turn now then, STATUS"





Aella asked "Where is the other?"

"You mean the attributes? It seems I don't have it.."

Noella said "That's impossible…"

"Well it's the truth…How can you two show the status without saying anything?"

The two were looking at each other..

Aella answered "We don't use chanting, if thou are referring to that."

"How do you do that?"

"Just imagine the word of what thou desire to chant, imagine the issue of that spell, after that say it in thy mind the spell of it. Like status, thou imagine the screen of it and the word of it, after that say it in thy mind.."

"You can do that?? Let me try…"

I tried doing like she said…and I said in my mind STATUS..and the status screen appeared.

"Well that's great…..I don't know why Lilith that woman is not using this method.."

Suddenly their faces became more terrified and nervous..

"Lilith? thou do not mean the demon lord right?" Aella asked nervously.

"It's the demon lord…"

Noella asked "*gulp* *gulp* You mean she had come here?"

"Yes, she has, I think some hours before you two come…and she ordered the same cake like Noella.."

Noella dropped her spoon and fork…

Aella said "Thou didn't feel pressure or frighted from her?"

"I didn't feel anything from her…"

"Thou, human, are so different…there are no creatures that can handle their appearances, every creature whom sees her brow or around her, they shall be unconscious, because of the pressure from her.."

Haki! "Ah! That's why she said, I am the first human who is not afraid of her presence.."

"Not the first human, yet the first creature Methinks . That answers the question from us about that ring" Aella pointed the ring in my finger, it was the ring from Lilith..

"Ah this ring, she gave me this ring because she was not paying for the drink and the cake, and she just ran away without paying.."

Noella said "Ehhh *gulp* I don't know if the demon lord did that.."

Wait, what happens if they do like Lilith did, I need to reactivate the coffee shop effect.. "Hei, how do you know if the spell is working?"

"What do thou mean?"

"For example, I activate an aura spell, how do I know if that spell has been activated or not?"

"Well thou feel it around thou.."

"Feel it?"

"Yes, sometimes it feels light in thy body , sometimes it feels heavy in thy body , depending on the spell."

"Really…" Let's try it..

I tried to reactivate the coffee shop effect, where I imagined the effect of it, and the skill of it…after some moments, I felt light in my body..Let's check it..

"Can I ask you to show me the circle rune again?" I asked Aella..

"Again? Alright then.."





After some moments, no rune appeared..and she was so confused about it..