After Axel had created Heaven what better to do next than to Create Its counterpart Hell (Note: I noticed that I didn't add any laws for darkness. So I added it and since darkness is opposite to light it has the same amount of laws overall.).
Like Heaven, Hell must exist inside a different Dimension so that is the first thing Axel made. The Dimension is Infinite in size so it is boundless this will allow hell to expand infinitely like Heaven.
Axel filled Hell with an infinite amount of Darkness mana allowing the laws of darkness to be extremely prominent but all other energies exist in Hell unlike the pure energy dimensions (Heaven also has all other energies I seem to forget to add). Which will allow the beings in Hell to also learn other laws than darkness it would just be a lot harder.
Axel then created Hell itself a land that can extend infinitely. Hell would be split into 2 and they will be the normal Hell and Lower Hell. Lower Hell follows the same concept as Higher Heaven in that it will hold stronger souls so Lower Hell would be filled with far greater amounts darkness energy's and laws to allow it to hold all the stronger souls better thus also allowing the souls in Lower Hell to grow in strength faster.
The two hells will be split into 11 layers each and each of the Layers in the two Hells will serve a purpose and they are called Layer of Nightmares, Layer of Birth, Layer of War, Layer of Survival, and The Seven Layers of Sin.
The Seven Layers of Sin consists of the Layer of Wrath, Layer of Sloth, Layer of Lust, Layer of Pride, Layer of Gluttony, Layer of Greed, and the Layer of Envy.
The Seven Layers of Sin are where souls go to after their death and if a soul had any of these sin in access the will go to those layers to go through their specific types for 100 years or more depending on how much they have sinned.
Souls can go to more than one Layer of Sin but it will be at the same time as all layers Overlap at certain points and since Hell is Infinitely expanding every type of Layer of Sin can be experienced at once if one were that sinful. (Note: the Layers of Hell overlapping Only applies to the Seven Layers of Sin)
Also if you have to serve more than one sin the time will double for example 1 sin will be 100 years, 2 sins 200 year, 3 sins 400 Years, 4 sins 800 years, ect. Even if you only have 1 sin if you were an especially vile fu$& you can serve up-to 10000 thousand years.
There is also a catch and that is if one can survive in the seven Layers of Sin it will allow their soul to become stronger because of the immense amount of torture and this also depends on the amount of time you are there but that process is really slow and there will be many more better methods.
The punishments that the souls that enter into The seven Layers of Sin can vary depending on the souls experience and action taken in life. The Hells are built in a way that it will make you suffer and force you to suppress certain emotions or sins to the point where you it will eradicate it and any thoughts related to it or make it grow to the point where it will drive you to insanity and turn you into a demon that will exist in that layer for the rest of eternity.
An example of this is that a pedophile will be put on the layer of lust and that Layer will show him images of kids from the back, he will lust after them and when he goes to grab one it will turn into a demon and kill him in a very gruesome way. The memory will be suppressed and it will repeat and when he's being killed again all the memories of the previous times will reawaken till he dies again then it will be suppressed again. That will continue until he learn how to subconsciously suppress his lust for kids or he turns insane and becomes a demon himself. All the Layers of Sins punishments will be different depending on your crimes that have been preformed.
The Layer of Nightmare is the opposite of Heavens Land of Dreams. It is where all of their. Nightmares and regret come to life but this is also the only Layer where you are guaranteed not to die which will be one of many reason many souls would rather say on that Layer than any other.
The Layer of Birth is the Layer where all demons are born. Most of The Layer of Birth will be covered in a Sea of Darkness and blood witch will give birth to an uncountable number of demons everyday (Note: Lower Hells and Normal Hells Layer of Birth Overlaps in their entirety so their basically the same and also serves as one of very few ways to travel between the two). When a demon is born they will be an egg when they are born they are force to fight and kill on one of an near infinite number of islands on that layer.
On that island Once the Baby demon devoured enough of the other demons souls and reach adolescents they will by instinct find two doors on that island one will lead to the Layer of War and the other door will Lead to the Layer of Survival.
(Note: Only 1 out of thousands of demons born on the same day as them will make it to the doors the rest will die and there body will be absorbed by the floor to give birth to more demons. There will still be billions of demons making it to the next floors but only a small number will survive and their combat abilities won't compare to that of angel until far latter in their growth.)
The Layer of War is where all souls and demon on That floor are forced to be in constant battle due to supplies and many demonic beasts that can kill them easily. How they battle is up to them as they can build kingdoms and armies and fight or they can backstab. An insane number of beings will die everyday on that floor though and there are no laws to follow so they can do what ever they want.
The Layer of Survival is an Hellish environment that is constantly trying to kill you. The space there is also in chaos so only if you have been there a long time can you find your way around. So one wrong step and you can loose everything and the environment will force you to keep moving or you will die. You will have no home and all shelters are temporarily but the longer you survive there the more you adapt to it and it will allow you to grow stronger everyday but the chances of survival there is worse than the Layer of War.
Souls in hell can die in Hell and survive but there will grow weaker with every death till they dissipate. Also in Lower Hell there exists Seven Demon King Seeds which will allow a soul or demon to become strong enough to rival the Archangels.
But there a large chance that you will die and become food for the seed to give birth to a Demon King itself but that will only happens if your to weak to escape or to take control of the seed. The seed will need to devor many souls and demons for it to become a demon king though and only one will exist on one of the Seven Layers of Sin. So each Layer of Sin in Lower Hell will have 1. Each of them will represent a certain sin and will constantly absorb the sin on that floor
On the Layers of War and Survival their will be 6300 demon lord seeds spit evenly between them that serve the same purpose as demon king seeds but they do not have any sin attached to them. Also the Seven Layers of Sin in Normal Hell will hold 100 demon lord seeds each all of them having the same sin as the floor they are in.
Only Demon King level beings can leave Hell freely although they will have restrictions placed on them. Only other ways are if they are summoned out but once their contract is over or their contractor die they will be forced out or if a demon lord level being receives permission from a demon King.
So in the Hell that Axel Created Power is everything and everything in that hell will be forced to learn that and all of them will Strive for that weather they fuse with a demon lord/king seed or surpass those levels with the power they attain themselves and the laws the comprehended themselves.