"...And when he sees my hoodie on Asher, they'll work things out and both come here." Yenn said with an ice pop in her mouth as she and Nova continued their game.
"That's an optimistic possibility." Nova followed.
"They're alike, so they'll have their differences at first, but Asher's mature enough to not take things to far."
"... One more question. How much do you think counts as too far?"
Yenn laughed. "Get ready, I'm about to unleash my super ultimate punch!"
Nova turned back to the game, indulging Yenn's carefree attitude.
"I'll still win... I've got more experience after all."
"Where'd you get that hoodie?" Apocalyph asked.
Asher turned his head back to the counter as he answered calmly. "What's it to you?"
"I ask the questions, all you get to do is spit me answers."
Asher looked at the pale man from the corner of his eye. "The way you talk... pisses me off."