Chereads / Kingdom Tales: Power: Part 1 / Chapter 20 - Chapter 19: Agion Nobility

Chapter 20 - Chapter 19: Agion Nobility

The day after the events in Gordowe Winston and his family attend Sunday mass. As they exit the chapel Lillian gets his attention with her own concerns.

"That was a little more awkward than before, correct?", she says. Winston sighs. He had noticed the distance between them and the father.

"It was definitely uncomfortable. News of what happened no doubt has spread quickly through the church itself.", Winston admits. A servant approaches them in the hall.

"Your majesty. Sir Alexander and his family are here. As well as Lady Selena.", she says.

"Thank you.", Winston says before moving off with Lillian and his mother behind him.

Upon entering the throne room Selena, Alexander, and Jessica bow in greeting. Winston easily senses that they all were anxiously waiting to speak.

"Alexander, Jessica, Selena, how was service?", Winston greets them.

"Well it's obvious what happened in Gordowe was spoken about. Our dear pope called it a horrific incident that we should all be wary of, for it's a sign of dark days ahead when our king will rather defend a den of misleading, snake tongued women. Whose goal it is to deceive and lead away from God members of a community and innocent children of God.", Alexander replies.

"He not only attacked me, but the convent as well?", Winston responds with a frown.

"The church's goal is to close the convent. So he's rewriting the story.", Selena reminds him. "Right now the people are confused and for a lot of them this is the first they've heard of it."

"Which means whoever tells them controls how they see it happened.", Jessica adds. Winston rubs his forehead with his hand. He knows they are right.

"He has something to work with now. We weren't there so we don't know what happened, but neither was Pope Clement. All his information is coming from Archbishop Rederick. At the same time he knows about the whole situation being a part of it. We don't have that, do we counter?", Winston thinks aloud. No one says anything for a moment. Winston catches Selena hesitating. So does Lillian.

"Selena, you have an idea don't you?", she says to her friend. Selena looks up to everyone.

"P-perhaps.", she starts off. "I was thinking of Mother Margaret. Not only is she over that convent, but she can say what really happened and reveal to everyone what's going on."

"One problem, and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way, but she's a woman. What are the odds anyone is going to listen to her or even take her seriously?", Alexander responds.

"She's a respected woman of her community who is well known and beloved. She can at least get the town of Gordowe on our side.", Selena swiftly retorts.

"Mother Margaret? I've heard of her myself. Her convent is known as the best orphanage in this part of the kingdom. Why even the crown has donated to it from time to time.", the queen mother speaks up.

Winston thinks for a moment. He likes Selena's idea. There would be no better way than to have a respected member of the church speak out to give another side of the story. However, Alexander was right. Being a woman puts Mother Margaret at a disadvantage, yet...

"I think we should go with Selena's suggestion.", Winston speaks up getting everyone's attention.

"Really?", Alexander replies unconvinced.

"We're talking about the woman that raised Vincent and Selena. If anyone can meet the challenge it's her. She has the courage and knowledge to go blow for blow with Pope Clement and Archbishop Rederick. Having raised two individuals like them, I know it.", Winston defends.

"That means someone needs to go to Gordowe and ask Mother Margaret if she is even willing.", the queen mother says nodding understandingly.

"That's obvious, just send Selena. Mother Margaret knows her and the church most likely won't suspect anything.", Alexander replies.

"He's right. In fact, that means more than you think, Alexander.", Selena speaks suddenly realizing.

"What do you mean?", Lillian asks.

"With where we are now the church will be watching every move King Winston makes. The only ones they won't be suspicious of are me, Alexander, Jessica and Vincent. At least for now.", Selena explains.

"That is an excellent point. You have to be careful, my son. The church is not like Argon. It has just as many resources as you. The best thing to do is keep them in the dark on your movements.", the queen mother suggests. Winston nods in agreement.

"Agreed. However, Vincent may be out of the question. He is the one who sent me the letter requesting troops. I'm more than certain the archbishop would have made the pope aware. Selena, head to Gordowe as soon as possible. Also if the church wants to keep an eye on me then I want to keep an eye on them.", Winston says decisively. "Alexander I'll need your assistance.", he goes on.

"Consider it done.", Alexander replies.

"And I'm heading off to Gordowe now.", Selena adds.

"Be careful.", Winston calls as Selena heads to the door. She turns around to everyone and nods to them before exiting.

"Vincent will kill me if anything happens to her.", Winston says with concern.

"She will be fine. In the meantime, what are you going to do?", Alexander says confidently.

"His right. The Convent of Gordowe's reputation isn't the only one in jeopardy. How are you going to protect the crown?", Winston's mother speaks. He thinks for a moment with a hand to his chin.

"I thought about that and I think I have an answer.", Winston speaks looking to his family. "We should invite the nobles. Have them come to the castle, and I'll host court.", Winston says to them.

"Nobles? All of them?", Lillian responds.

"Of course not. Just the most influential ones. They're the ones whose influence will be the farthest reaching.", Winston corrects. Interested looks appear on Alexander and the queen mother's faces.

"That...would mean all of the Magidge family.", the queen mother says unsure. "You really want all of them to come?"

"I know, but our family makes up the majority of the nobles now and are the upper elite of the kingdom. If they are on our side that's less validation to the church's word.", Winston replies urging his mother calmly to understand. She takes a breath.

"That is true.", the queen mother sighs. She goes on as she walks to one of the two side doors. "We're not exactly the perfect family. You know after what happened three years ago we are all careful of each other. Now you're bringing us all together under this roof without the protection of a special occasion.", Winston's mother turns back to him. "I hope you know what you are doing.", she says before leaving.

Winston's eyes drift to the ground. He is aware of the unease between him and his cousins. His gaze drifts to Alexander. Ironically, he is the closest to Winston despite the history of their grandfathers.

"Can you help send word to them later? It will take time for them all to come and I'm not sure if mother will be so keen right now.", Winston asks him solemnly.

"Of course.", Alexander responds with a nod of his head. "I think it could work. At the very least we can reestablish some trust between all of us.", Alexander offers sincerely.