Winston makes his way down the hall to the throne room with his guard. The time for his meeting with the pope had come, but it was not the only thing on his mind. Between his concern for Lillian due to her behavior earlier and the situation with Vanessa this meeting was the last thing he needed.
"Sire, are you alright?", his page boy asks him worryingly. Winston turns to him.
"I'm fine. There is no need for you to worry.", Winston says clearing his mind. He couldn't afford to be so transparent that even one of his servants could see he was troubled.
The church has the power of a kingdom and is notorious for behaving like one. Which means showing any weakness is not an option.
Winston receives word that Pope Clement VI has arrived upon reaching the throne room. The situations with Lillian and Vanessa will have to be put to the side for now. He walks to his throne and faces the doors with a calm expression.
"Alright. Send him in.", Winston orders. At his words the doors are allowed open. Pope Clement enters followed by three soldiers in service to the church. Their armor is as distinctive as a guard in service to a king. Winston rises to his feet as the new pope ascends the steps to the throne.
"Welcome holy father. I am honored to have you here in my home.", Winston greets him with open arms.
"The honor is mine. I've heard a great deal about you already and not just because the mother church is located in your kingdom.", Pope Clement replies with a smile. Winston takes the pope's hand in his own and bows placing a kiss on his hand respectively.
"Please seat.", Winston says, straightening up and gesturing to the chair placed by his throne. It is brought out only for the pope and freshly cleaned each time.
Pope Clement nods in thanks and seats down. Winston does so as well. He makes a gesture that causes one of the servants nearby to pour a drink into two cups. Another brings them and seats them down on a table between the two leaders.
"Congratulations on your new appointment. It is a great honor. An important one at that.", Winston speaks first as this is done.
"Thank you and yes it is. I do believe though that I can perform it well. My service has always been to the church.", Pope Clement replies.
"Well rest assured that you have my kingdom's full support.", Winston responds. Pope Clement takes a drink from one of the cups after they are placed.
"Glad to hear it. Over the past years you have proven to be a great leader King Winston. You have transformed your kingdom into one that stands above the others. Even being the first ever to integrate the church into the commerce of your kingdom.", Pope Clement replies.
However, what would seem like praise to others and feel them with pride causes Winston to feel a bit uneasy. He thinks there is more meaning to Pope Clement's words, but can't quite tell what it is.
"Well from the beginning of my reign everything I do is for my people. I thrive to protect and care for them.", Winston decides on as a reply. He lifts his own cup to take a drink.
"And no one can fault you for that. Just as everything I will do I will do for the faith. To protect and care for it.", Pope Clement speaks in a seemingly agreeing tone.
As Winston lowers his cup he catches on to the pope's game. He is trying to figure him out, Winston realizes. Personally Winston doesn't like it and senses that something is going on here.
"By what way would that be? If you don't mind me asking?", Winston says choosing to lead him on. Pope Clement faces Winston with steady eyes.
"First I intend to reaffirm the church's power. It is clear its grip has become too loose if monarchs believe they can use its wealth to increase their own.", Winston has no choice but to catch the change in the pope's tone to outrage or perhaps aggression, but allows him to go on. "It has become apparent that the monarchs must be reminded where their power comes from in the first place. Who it is that backs them when in need and who holds the ultimate influence."
"I regret that it is you who feels that way. I can not speak for the other kings, however, I can say that my family appreciates all that the church does.", Winston counters with narrowed eyes.
"Hm, you say that because the church is doing as you want it to and following your rules, but I intend to show just who holds the power here King Winston.", Pope Clement retorts with venom surrounding the word king.
"That seems a little inappropriate don't you think. After all, the church has only built upon what was already established.", Winston speaks unflinchingly while at the same time referring to the fact that the Agion kingdom existed before the church held a presence. He refuses to be intimidated by anyone or allow Pope Clement to get away with speaking to him in this way.
"On the contrary it is very appropriate. Because you have set a precedent, dear king. The other kingdoms have considered such action as taxing the church because you have done it and have had success. Allowing this to continue will in the end hurt the church establishment. That I can not allow."
"So what are you going to do? Not pay the taxes. It would ruin you even more.", Winston says his patience growing short. "The people see it as the church caring deeply for their well being and having trust in the crown. Not only that but the church's participation encourages others to pay taxes and give money to the church. You stop now and you will lose the people and this kingdom.", Winston threatens.
"I agree and that's why I will use the system for my good.", Pope Clement replies simply unbothered.
"What do you mean?"
"I think St. Peter's could use renovations seeing as you had the castle undergo one as well as the headquarters for the Order of the Knights."
"I was working on starting plans for that. As a gift.", Winston informs him. The aggressive pope leans back in his chair.
"Oh don't worry yourself. I plan on doing it soon. Expanding it even.", he says. Winston's face remains firm and his guard up.
"You must know that the church is surrounded by other buildings. Homes at that.", Winston offers.
"Oh yes, but I plan on continuing anyway, for all church property will also become its own entity. Meaning it will not be part of your kingdom or any other kingdom.", Pope Clement reveals.
Winston is caught off guard by the revelation. "What? Why would you?", he asks already knowing the answer, but he needed to be sure.
"Simple. You claimed that because the church is in your kingdom, specifically the mother church, that the church should share its knowledge and wealth. So I will make the church stand apart and be seen as a kingdom of influence over the other kingdoms.", the Pope answers.
"You want to be seen as a separate entity controlling other powerful entities. It also makes you seem untouchable.", Winston guesses.
Pope Clement gets to his feet saying nothing. Winston keeps his eyes on him. He thinks what this plan has to do with St. Peter's renovation project and expansion. Then it hits him like a hammer striking his head. He jumps to his feet and faces the pope mere inches from each other.
"You plan on taking the land around the church don't you?! Even the homes of those people! You plan to take it all!" Winston confronts Pope Clement. The aggression causes the church guards to ready their spears.
As a result Winston's guards also take a step to them. Pope Clement gives the signal for his men to step down. Winston does the same. Though he doesn't make any effort to hide his anger while Pope Clement wears a satisfied look on his face.
"It will be seen as an honorable thing.", he says.
"You can't! Those properties belong to the people who live there whether payments are being made still or have been completed. Should they not be able to pay or anything happens to them the properties return to the bank. Which is me.", Winston reminds the pope.
"I am aware. You use the banks to control your lands and allow people to buy or rent from the bank. Another sector of society you took from the church.", Pope Clement remains undeterred though and mentions this as if he already figured a way around Winston's system. The worst part is as far as Winston knew he could have.
As if knowing what Winston is thinking Pope Clement smiles slyly and begins to walk away. The action causes Winston's anger to flare with new intensity.
"Pope Clement! I told you before. My reign is for my people. You threaten them or go after them in any way. I will make you regret the day you made an enemy of me." Winston threatens. The new pope stops at the bottom of the steps. Whether it is from his words or his own choice Winston can't tell.
"You make a move against me or the church and you will regret making an enemy of me." Pope Clement retorts. "I am afraid I will not be able to stay for dinner. Please tell your queen I regret not meeting her.", he goes on as he makes his way to the double doors out of the throne room.
Winston watches him go through slitted eyes. Once he is gone Winston kicks the chair Pope Clement was just sitting in releasing all his rage on the innocent furniture. The chair lands at the bottom of the steps and shatters. He looks down at the mess in disgust.
The guards and servants in the room look on in silence. They're unsure if they should do anything. Winston has never before been up against an enemy like this. With the power and influence such as this. How was he supposed to fight back without doing something that could be the end of him.