"Where the hell am I."
I was in a burning house and the door fell on me, So where am I. Is this where we come when we die.A tropical forest with wierd trees. What religion's heaven is this even. Actually, am I sure I would even be able to get into heaven.
That was somebody screaming, so I am in hell. What did I even do to get in hell.Well, there could be lot of reason but I thought the final sacrifice would be good enough to land me in heaven and even in hell, they should at least have somebody to give you a tour of it, it's really inconvenient having no idea what is going on, well I guess that's the point of hell but still.I guess it's the same as real life where you have no idea what's going on and what to do.
Wait, I need to go check where the scream came from.
I go to the site of scream to see a overturned wreck of a carriage and a group of people close by.About 5 people who were injured. Damn this hell looks gruesome.
I rushed over and tried to help the.
"Stop right there"
One of the guys screamed.
"Who are you? "
"That's what I should be asking.Aren't you a soldier of king Arthur."
"King Arthur, did I travel back in time to England"
"England?what are you talking about"
"That's what I am saying. I thought I was in hell but I am in old England? Not that there's much of a difference. "
"This is the sivir forest of magical beasts".
"That must be a magical beast. Quick help me get up."
What the hell is even happening here."