Chereads / Naruto child of kakashi / Chapter 77 - Chapter 75 good times

Chapter 77 - Chapter 75 good times

It was an early morning and Anko grumbled as she got out of bed, it had been actually a decent night's sleep, the first she had in awhile but there was still something nagging at her. She looked at herself in the mirror before slashing some water on her face before looking back. Then she hung her head and groaned.

"You stupid idiot...why did you have to say that to him?" She moaned out. She couldn't believe she had said that to Kakashi, that she loved him. She was an idiot, she hadn't even stayed to hear any kind of answer she just dropped that bombshell on him and left. Why did she have to go and do that right after he woke up?

"You moron," she moaned again wanting to bang her head against the sink. Why did she have to complicate their relationship so soon?

So Anko did her usual morning routine dreading what Kakashi's response would be. What if he didn't feel the same way or worse what if that freaked him out and spooked him away? Those kinds of thoughts depressed her more than she liked. She was just eating her cereal thinking about what could happen to her and Kakashi. This was why she never got into this kind of relationship before, she hated the kinds of feelings it brought up. But she had said it, it was out there and now the ball was in Kakashi's court.

With yet another sigh she thought of other things, she needed to think of something else to get her mind off the topic. Then suddenly she did have something hit her that did spark a little interests. If she was going to suffer the drama of relationships she wasn't going to go through this alone. Kurenai and her had made a deal after all and maybe it was time for Kurenai to own up to her end of the bargain. It would certainly take her mind off things as she got dressed and rushed out to find her friend.

It took a few hours of searching but she did eventually find Kurenai in her team's training area. Apparently she was alone doing some personal training this was perfect as she landed near Kurenai.

"Hey, no rug rats today?" Anko looked around.

"Apparently Naruto wanted to show off something and it turned out all the genins are going over to the Hyuga compound," she explained to her as she stretched out a bit. "So I decided to take some time for some training, being a jonin sensei I don't have the same free time for that like I used to."

"Yeah one of the reasons I never got into that," Anko said as she walked casually towards her. "So, Kakashi is going to make a full recovery."

Kurenai nodded with a smile, "I know, I bet you're happy about that."

Anko felt her face slightly warm up but pushed that down, "yeah, yeah well at any rate it is good he's going to be okay. So...I guess there is only one thing left then."

Kurenai gave a confused look at her wondering what she was getting at. Anko smiled coyly as she gave her friend a impish look.

"Oh? Did someone forget our deal?"

Kurenai's face suddenly went red as she remembered the deal, since Anko toughed it out it was now Kurenai's turn to follow through and actually ask out Asuma. Honestly she had no idea why she had made that deal, originally it had just been a way to get Anko out of her depression and a part of her had hoped that when Kakashi was awake and okay that Anko would have forgotten all about it. Well that plan was out the window. Maybe she could put it off or something she really didn't feel up to doing it.

"Well maybe when Kakashi is up and about then we can-" but she never got to finish.

"Oh hell no, we're doing this right now so I can see it and make sure that you actually follow through with it." Anko told her and then grabbed her arm. "And I think I saw him earlier so you're doing it right now."

"What! I-I can't do it now," Kurenai protested but Anko kept dragging her along.

"Oh, are you sneaking out on our deal?' Anko asked her slyly knowing full well that Kurenai wasn't the type to just slip out of a deal, at least not straight up. Seeing that Kurenai had no real defense Anko just dragged her along. Kurenai tried to make up more excuses like that she should clean up, but Anko just said that he had seen Kurenai in worse shape before during missions and such. For every excuse, Anko had a reply to it. It was very damn inconvenient to have a friend that worked in Konoha's intelligence branch, the woman knew too much on how to get in someone's head at times.

Anko was near giddy with excitement this was just what she needed. It was great to have someone that she could embarrass to get her mind off her own issues for a bit. She had a good feeling that Asuma would take Kurenai up on the offer of a date it would just be priceless to see her try. Finally Kurenai had seemed to stop trying to get out of it, most likely having run out of excuses. It took some time and a little asking around but eventually they found him.

He was walking the streets smoking one of his cigarettes as he sometimes did.

"Well there he is, now go get him girl," Anko pushed her forward as Kurenai glared back at her.

For a brief moment she was considering why she was friends with this woman when she turned her attention back to Asuma. He noticed her and gave a small smile and a nod of his head. Kurenai felt her throat dry up trying to steady herself. She could do this, she had been on dangerous missions where she had nearly died so asking him out shouldn't be too hard. Yet her hands were still slightly clammy as her nerves were jumping. She mentally cursed herself as she got a hold of herself, chiding herself for acting like some kind of teenage girl with a crush.

Granted she really did like him, he had that bad boy look to him yet he was very warm, kind and he made her laugh at times as well. She took a breath and walked up to him trying to put on a natural smile and also trying to forget that Anko was only a few feet away obviously watching the whole thing.

'What am I to her, entertainment?' Kurenai darkly thought but pushed that aside.

"Hey Kurenai, what's up?"

"Hello Asuma," Kurenai was thankful her voice didn't waver at all but it still didn't sound totally natural to her in that moment. " are things?" she mentally slapped herself that was the best she could think of an opener?

Asuma shrugged a bit, "Not much all the genin seem to want the day off for something, most likely welcoming Naruto back. I figured with them back they would all want to catch up. So I'm pretty much a little bored. No new missions or anything lately which I don't think we'll get until the new Hokage is put into place officially."

"Yeah same thing with me," she replied and heard Anko giving a slight cough. She could tell what that meant 'get on with it already, well she would if Anko would stick her nose out of it.

Asuma gave a slight look to Anko wondering why she was watching them for some reason he was about to ask her how Kakashi was but noticed Kurenai was about to speak again. She seemed slightly nervous about something, what he had no idea. She was usually so solid and graceful all the time, and he had noticed. It was hard not to notice a woman like her, although now with the slight blush on her cheeks she seemed to go from beauty to slightly cute.

"W-well I was wondering if you aren't busy that we could, well...we could have dinner some time."

Anko nearly burst out laughing at Asuma's expression, poor guy looked like he had just been hit between the eyes with a hammer. It was hilarious and she kicked herself to not bringing a camera this was a moment she should have preserved.

"You and me?" Asuma blinked making sure that he had heard right.

"Yes," Kurenai felt slightly embarrassed how this was going as she thought that he was going to turn her down. That was something that would ruin her day, if he did she would feel like an idiot, blame Anko and then just find somewhere to go be alone and maybe find out if she had any ice cream left.

Asuma then got a smile on his face, "Sure I would like that."

"You would?" Kurenai wasn't sure what to say she honestly wasn't really expecting that. Although the giant warm feeling she was getting at the fact that he said yes.

"Of course I would," He scratched the back of his head looking a little nervous. "I was kind of hoping you would ask, I was kind of thinking of asking you out soon but with everything going on I never got the chance."

"Y-you were?" Now it was her turn to be dumbfounded and she didn't even notice Anko holding a hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach.

"Yeah I was, so anywhere you wanted to go?"

Kurenai felt like she wanted to laugh, here she was getting all worked up and he was going to ask her out eventually anyway. She felt like she nearly could just fall down suddenly. Finally noticing Anko's enjoyment made her think maybe it was time to cut the woman's fun short. She walked over to Asuma and gently took his arm in hers as she started to lead him away.

"Well let's talk about that, just us," She gave a look to Anko that said not to follow them or else.

Anko pouted and stuck her tongue out at her friend for spoiling her fun so soon. Anko watched them go and had to admit it was about time. She let out a little laugh at something that popped into her head.

"Oh god, Anko Mitarashi the love guide," She shook her head at how absurd that sounded. If Kakashi heard that he might laugh too. And now she was thinking back to that problem and groaned with her shoulders and head slumping.

"I need dango," She moaned. "Dango fixes everything."

-Hyuga Compound-

Naruto was excited for a few reasons one being that he was going to see Hinata and the other he was going to show up what he had learned. This was going to be great, although which one he was more excited for he wasn't sure. He rushed over to the main gate with the two branch family members there who kept an eye on things. He never got tired of that joke as he grinned at the thought. He said hello to them who only nodded in response, the guys on duty here were always so serious.

He remembered once when he thought he would loosen them up with a small prank back when he did that stuff. They hadn't thought it funny and banned him for a week from entering the place. Honestly some people had no sense of humor, he was sure the dye would have gotten out of their clothing after all and it wasn't permanent to the skin.

He made his way to the large opened area he knew was the personal training ground he was hoping to find Hinata already there. Being here for years he had a pretty good idea of the layout of the compound. The place was always so neat and orderly that he wondered if they cleaned the place every day or they just knew how to keep clean. His dad always had to get him to clean up his room, Naruto still proclaimed that it wasn't a mess, it was just ordered chaos. His dad never bought that line no matter how he tired to spin it.

He got to the open space and he was surprised to see that Hinata was there but so was a lot others. He noticed that Neji was there with his teammates, Hinata's father, uncle and younger sister were there as well. He noticed Sakura who was with Ino and her team and then there was also Konohamaru.

"What the hell is everyone doing here?" Naruto yelled out surprised.

"Well I was talking to Ino and said you had this new technique you had and were going to show it off," Sakura started off a little embarrassed how it happened. She had just been catching up with Ino when she had said it. Actually she hadn't even gotten to the point of all the new training they had gone through or the trouble, when Ino wanted to see what kind of technique. Her teammates had been there and Choji was interested, Shikamaru however was just along for the ride because he was bored anyway.

Naruto looked to Neji and his team.

Neji coughed into his fist, "I might have mentioned it."

"Yes and I wanted to see what Naruto-kun's new jutsu is!" Lee shouted out excited. When he had heard about it he nearly wanted to sleep right in the compound to make sure he saw it. Neji forbad it and promised to take him himself to show it if he calmed down. Tenten was there mainly one part curiosity and another not to be let out of the group. Well that and she was wondering if Sasuke would be there, he had made some comments at her that she didn't really mind. Plus Neji seemed to get jealous and it was a unique side to him she never saw. Too bad he wasn't here although Neji had been handing close to her the entire time.

Naruto then looked to Konohamaru and Hanabi she just shrugged not even bothering to explain to him. She had just mentioned it yesterday to Konohamaru and he wanted to see it himself.

Naruto sighed as his shoulders slumped he was kind of hoping to impress just Hinata but then again he still was at least. "Alright then, let's do this!"

He found a dummy had been set up this was a very good straw one that had line patterns in it not to mention small dots on the lines. He knew from asking once before this was used by the Hyuga clan for helping to train in their gentle fist style. Well if he had an audience he was going to enjoy it then he figured. Cracking his knuckles he made a clone as he put out one of his hands. The clone quickly got to work as the clone's hands were nearly a blur of motion as he helped to form the sphere.

Everyone who hadn't seen it were very focused on it although Hinata's father and uncle however they were quickly surprised.

"That can't be what I think it is," Hizashi couldn't believe what he was seeing. He had seen this only used by one man and that had been years ago, nearly a lifetime ago.

Hiashi activated his eyes as he took a closer look at the chakra pattern in the boy's hand. There was no mistaking it, the one jutsu that was made famous by the Fourth Hokage, the original jutsu that had been made famous by him.

"It is," he simply told his younger twin.

Soon the chakra ball was finally formed as everyone saw the pure sphere of power as he rushed forward and slammed it into the dummy.

"Rasengan!" Naruto shouted out as it tore the dummy to pieces, shredding it and sending the pieces flying out all over the place. He quickly turned around to raise a victory sign in the air with his free hand with a triumphant yell. "Oh yeah how do you like that?"

"The hell was that?" Ino muttered impressed by it.

"Man first exploding clones and now this," Shikamaru shook his head. "I swear it's like he only uses the most destructive things he can get his hands on. If he keeps this up I don't think I want to be near him in a fight."

Although it was made in a joke he was already making plans on how to keep out of Naruto's way in case they did end up fighting together one day on a mission. It wasn't easy with how unpredictable Naruto could be at times.

"That was most impressive Naruto-kun," Lee looked all fired up by the demonstration. "I shall train myself even harder than ever to make up a move that can go head to head with that technique!"

Lee's teammates sighed in unison it would take Lee months to get over this that is if he did. He most likely would train himself to near death just to make a new technique that could be as impressive as what Naruto had shown them. Which meant that they would be either dragged into it with him or they would have to keep an eye on Lee to make sure he didn't overdue things too much as he usually did. It was a good thing Gai wasn't here, he would be supporting Lee and the two might have run off at that moment to get a head start.

"That was awesome Naruto-niichan!" Konohamaru yelled out as he looked at his idol. "Can you teach me that?"

"Maybe, I'll want to see if I can do it with only my own hands," Naruto was a bit disappointed that he needed a clone but maybe if he could get some time with his dad and Jiraiya he could figure out a way to use it with only his hands.

"Aww I really wanted something impressive," Konohamaru muttered to himself.

"So what do you think Hinata-chan?" Naruto asked his girlfriend.

She smiled as she nodded her head, "It was really impressive, I didn't know you could make a jutsu without hand seals like that."

"Oh yeah it's great like that," Naruto grinned under his mask at her although then his stomach growled. He had been so excited he had forgotten that it was close to lunch. Hinata giggled as he blushed slightly embarrassed. Soon the genins had decided to eat in the courtyard together as they broke into groups. Hyuga branch members helped with the food as blankets were put on the grass as the more polite ones thanked them for the hard work.

Hiashi didn't join but he did watch from the front of the house deep in thought as he looked at Naruto on a blanket with Hinata, Hanabi and Konohamaru. From the exaggerated gestures and the expressions on their faces, he figured that the boy was telling them about their latest mission as the younger ones looked most interested. His daughter had a worried look on her face but it soon turned to relief. He sighed knowing that his daughter's feelings for the boy were a bit of a complication.

Hyuga members, especially main branch members usually married within the clan, there were exceptions of course. They needed new blood now and then but he had looked in the family history and so far there was no precedence for someone who was either the head or would take the mantle of head of their clan, had married anyone outside of the clan.

He allowed the relationship knowing his daughter needed some kind of happiness as clan life could be very hard at times as he tried to prepare them for that as best he could. If this continued on Naruto would have to prove himself to the elders that he was worthy to marry into the clan, to marry Hinata, well the boy had a major battle ahead of him. Although this little show might have been the first time Hiashi thought that the boy might have a chance. To learn and use a jutsu that only a handful of people knew about, one used by the most famous and respected ninja of their village would help.

He knew that others would have seen the display and already he would bet money that word was getting around.

"You are in deep thought brother," Hizashi came up behind him.

Hiashi nodded, "Yes I have a lot on my mind."

"I think I have a guess at what too," he followed his brother's gaze. "It's nice seeing you worry about her future."

"Her future is tied to the whole clan," Hiashi told him. "I know I'm hard on them but you know I have to be I just hope she's strong enough for what's to come."

Hizashi got a bit more serious as he knew what his older brother was talking about. "You think they would force the issue?"

"Yes they would, thankfully it's a few years off but the Elders like to plan ahead."

"Have they picked the candidate yet?"

Hiashi shook his head, "No or I would have been informed and then asked my opinion. I can only push things away so far, when she comes of age Naruto will have to be able to prove himself or he will have to give up on her or Hinata will be forced to make a very difficult choice."

Hizashi sighed, "Sometimes clan politics are a cruel and gruesome thing."

The twin nodded although it was the only thing they had, it had kept the clan strong and alive in the hard times before Konoha and kept the clan going. You couldn't just get rid of generations of history, culture and tradition but at times he wished they were easier to change. He watched his daughters enjoying themselves if he couldn't prevent what was to come he could at least give them small moments like this.

While some of the boys were gathered together, the girls decided to get together as well as Sakura and Ino invited Tenten to sit with them as Sakura filled them in on their adventure. Tenten was glad for it, she really didn't have any female friends her own age, oh sure she knew some girls from school that had been in her grade but she never really saw them much anymore after she was put on Gai's team. It was nice to bond with other female ninja now and then. Although she couldn't believe Sakura's luck and she pretty much said as much.

"This is so unfair," Tenten moaned. "I can't believe you not only met Tsunade but actually spent time with her, I would kill for that."

"Really?" Sakura asked her.

"Well maybe not literally kill but she's my idol," Tenten explained to them. "She's the best female ninja of our village, ever since I read about her I wanted to be just like her. She's so strong and has done so much she's proven that females can be just as good if not better than men at this life and I wanted to follow in that. I trained so hard so that one day I could be seen like that one day."

"And now apparently she's going to be Hokage," Ino supplied to the bun haired girl. "Look on the bright side when we get missions you can meet her all the time now."

That did seem to brighten Tenten up a bit and got her looking forward to her first mission assigned by Tsunade.

"Well she's...interesting," Sakura didn't want to burst Tenten's bobble about Tsunade's less than stellar points, like the gambling and all the drinking. "Although she is a tough teacher."

"How do you know that?" Both girls asked.

Sakura hadn't gotten to that part of her story just yet, "Well I asked if I could train under her in medical jutsu. Given my team they need someone to look after them and watch their backs and she agreed."

"What!" Both girls shouted out.

"So you're going to get training under the Hokage?" Ino couldn't believe that Sakura was getting this.

Tenten moaned again, "This is so unfair I would love to be trained under her."

"W-well it is medical jutsu," Sakura told Tenten seeing the slightly depressed look on her face. "I mean do you have any talent for it? You need really good chakra control, that's what Tsunade told me and said that I was good enough in it to be trained in medical jutsu."

Tenten mulled that over and she hated to admit it but her chakra control was about average, her skills were always more in weapons. From what she could remember Tsunade was not known to using weapons. Still she would have liked some instruction from her idol if only from pointers from someone of her experience.

"I think she's getting more depressed," Ino whispered to Sakura who nodded.

"Well I could ask her if you can meet her, I'm sure she would be up to it."

Tenten's mood brightened instantly as her eyes seemed to have a gleam in them. "Really? You would really do that? Oh thank you-thank you-thank you! If you can pull this off you'll be my best friend for life!"

"Here I thought I was her best friend," Ino muttered to herself watching as Tenten was hugging Sakura very tightly. It was kind of funny seeing the older girl like this as she didn't know much about Tenten but as far as she could tell the girl was alright.

"So how come Sasuke-kun didn't show up?" Ino looked around hoping that the boy was just going to be a little late.

"He's kind of busy," Sakura knew that he most likely just wanted to be left alone for a bit. After the mission when they had learned that Itachi had been here must have brought back a lot of unpleasant memories but she was still worried about him. She was going to see him later and hope he was better.

"He's just trying to perfect a new jutsu that he learned while on the mission is all," Sakura supplied the lie she didn't like doing it but sometimes you just had to at times.

"Well I'm sure he'll get it down in no time," Ino smiled happily. "He's the best after all and I don't think there is anything he can't do."

"Well I don't know about that," Tenten frowned slightly. "I mean Neji is pretty good too."

"Neji looks nice and all but don't you find that long hair kind of girly?" Ino asked. "I like my men with a shorter hair to be honest."

"I think his hair looks just fine," Tenten huffed before blushing as she realized how that sounded. "Not that I noticed!"

Ino got a bit of an evil looking glint in her eyes she thought she picked up on something juicy. "Oh ho, do I detect something going on with you and Neji?"

"No you don't," Tenten said even sterner yet she seemed to blush even more.

Sakura rolled her eyes, the girl wasn't very honest and now Ino was going to pester her all day about this. She just hoped the girl could survive Ino when she wanted the good gossip.

Next up Chapter 13: Feelings