Chereads / Naruto child of kakashi / Chapter 44 - Chapter 43 First date

Chapter 44 - Chapter 43 First date

Naruto was very nervous, he hadn't been this nervous since his first day at school. Today was his first real date and with Hinata no less. He had to admit that before he never would have thought he would try to date his oldest and best friend but lately his views on her had changed. He saw that she was a pretty girl that he knew very well and who he liked being around. But right now he was worried since he had never actually gone on a date before.

From his dad's books he knew how to flirt and a few other things to do with girls, but dating was never actually in those books. If he ever found that guy that wrote those books he was going to have to tell him to add in things like that. Thinking about the parts of the books that the male and female characters did together made Naruto think of Hinata and himself in those places. He blushed as the thought of the feel of her skin or how her lips tasted ran through his mind. It didn't help that he now knew she had been the girl he had seen naked on the water that one night.

He wouldn't say he knew that, at least not any time soon as he wanted to make this work. At any rate he just hoped that the ideas he got from his dad yesterday worked. After Hinata had said yes to the date, he had gone home and waited for his dad to show up and ask him the kinds of things that he could do on a date. Kakashi had asked him who the lucky girl was and Naruto had to admit he asked Hinata out, he was wondering why Kakashi didn't show any surprise at that.

Anyways, Kakashi soon told his son a few examples of what to do on a date and with that he made his own plans. It would be later that night and all Naruto knew was that Kakashi was going out, it wasn't like he wanted to hide things from his son, it was just that Naruto seemed to have enough on his mind anyway.

Across the village Hinata was more nervous then she could ever remember being, she had spent all morning trying to figure out what to wear for her first ever date and what she should do during it. She sighed at the fact she didn't have much in the way of clothing for dates. She should have to go to her friends for help soon as well after this date for more advice. Plus Ino and Sakura were good with fashion so they could help her pick out new clothing but right now she was worried with what she just had.

She didn't want to look too fancy if they were going to a normal place like the ramen bar but she didn't want to wear her usual clothing in case they went somewhere special. She also had to take in the heat that was still around and after a lot of debating she went with her choice. Mainly it was a skirt she wore in the summer months but it was warm enough for it. Also she wore a short sleeve shirt and one of her jackets, this jacket was less bulky then her normal one as the arms were gone.

At this time she wished her mother was still alive at this point, she really could have used her advice for this, she looked at the picture she had of her mother that she always kept in sight. Hinata picked it up and looked at her mother, she still remembered her as a beautiful woman that was always kind. Her heart ached for her mother's touch just once more but she knew that wasn't possible. As she continued to get ready her date was unknowingly to her, coming to the front gate.

Naruto had already managed to get into the Hyuga compound without trouble as usual. A branch family member was already making his way to inform Hinata that Naruto was here to see her while he waited. He wasn't sure if Hinata was ready so he was glad for the wait, he was in waiting out in the open just outside the main house hold.

Unfortunately it was just his luck that Neji happened to wonder near him, he saw the familiar masked blonde but he took note of the clothing he was wearing. It was different than his normal clothing and had to wonder what was going on. He walked up behind Naruto who was so focused that he didn't hear Neji.

"Naruto, I wasn't aware you would be showing up today," Neji said to him and took a bit of pleasure at how the blonde had jumped from being startled.

"Damn it, don't sneak up on me like that!" Naruto shouted at him.

"My apologies," he said although on the inside he was smiling. A little payback now and then against the blonde boy was very enjoyable. "At any rate are you visiting Hinata-sama this day?"

Naruto looked a bit nervous at this, he had hoped not to run into anyone like Neji, or worse Hinata's father. He could lie but Hinata would show up pretty soon and he would find out eventually and then Neji really might be pissed that he had lied to him.

"Well...the thing is, I got a date with Hinata-chan right now," Naruto said nervously scratching the back of his head.

Neji blinked a few times not sure he had heard right, he knew that Hinata had feelings for him-hell most of the village most likely knew-but he never really thought that Naruto would ask her out. First off was that as a main branch member and heir, Hinata would be expected to be courted by other members of the main house and Naruto being an outsider would complicate things.

But then again Hinata would be happy and Neji did care about his cousin's happiness. That being said he walked right up to Naruto's face as the masked ninja looked up in surprise at the taller boy.

"Naruto, because I know you and because of Hinata's feelings I should warn you," Neji told him in a voice that had a hidden threat to it. "You will treat Hinata-sama well on this but if you ever hurt her then you will have to deal with me."

Naruto gulped and nodded, he knew the kind of damage Neji could do with his gentle fist style and although he always wanted a match with him. The kind of look he was giving Naruto at the moment made him rethink that as he didn't want to have to fight Neji when he was really pissed.

Neji pulled back a bit, "On the other hand I do wish you both well."

Naruto was surprised when the boy walked off but then the older boy stopped. "Also I hope you stop flirting with other girls as well."

"Oh yeah no problem," Naruto told him.

Neji smirked although Naruto couldn't see it, now it meant that Neji didn't have to listen to Naruto flirting with Tenten anymore. It really bothered him when Naruto did that, even if he never admitted to the real reasons behind it. But Hinata had been aching for this so he wouldn't do anything to interfere with it, for now at least.

Naruto sweat dropped as he watched Neji leave, if this was the kind of thing he could expect from Hinata's cousin he dreaded when Hinata's father found out. It was five minutes of waiting before he looked up to see Hinata making her way towards him. He looked at her clothing and was glad she wasn't too dressed up. He wanted this to be a nice simple date as he didn't have enough time to really plan things out.

"H-hello Naruto-kun," Hinata blushed a bit as usual.

"Hey Hinata-chan, you look nice." He smiled at her and noticed the blush increase a bit. Now that he figured out why she blushed he had to admit she looked really cute blushing like this. "Well then want to start things off?"

Hinata nodded as she quickly walked up next to him as they made their way out of the compound. Little did they know that they weren't alone as in the bushes four pairs of eyes locked onto them. Hanabi had gone over to Konohamaru's home and told him the news, and he had suggested that they spy on them and see how things went. Hanabi liked the idea and they had been waiting for Naruto to show up, as soon as Hanabi saw them get enough of a head start they both snuck quietly as they could behind them.

The two young teens walked and talked, well Naruto mostly talked as Hinata listened as usual. It wasn't really any different than they normally hung out but instead of the ramen stand for lunch he took her to a nice outdoor place. It had a nice view of the park as well as she had fond memories of that park.

"That's where we first met," Naruto said looking out to a spot in the park. "I remember you hiding behind your mom when you first saw me."

"N-Naruto-kun," Hinata said embarrassed because of that although it was a happy memory for her the day she met her first friend.

"Remember that spot we used to play hide and seek by the bushes?" He asked her and she nodded. "We got so dirty that one time both our parents had to take us home to get a bath."

Hinata giggled at that memory, she had never come home in such a sorry state before and she had thought her mother was going to be made but she had this small smile on the entire time.

"T-those were happy times," Hinata said softly.

Naruto nodded after he meet Hinata his life had gotten a lot more happier. "Yeah, I'm not sure if I ever said this, but I'm glad we met Hinata-chan."

Hinata blushed as she smiled, "I'm glad we met as well."

Across the street Hanabi and Konohamaru were spying on them.

"I wish I would hear what they're saying." Konohamaru sulked. "Maybe if we got closer."

"With what they would see us." She told him.

"I got my ninja covering sheet we can bland into the background," He smiled pulling the sheet that had the look of a wood paneling on it but in the wrong direction. Hanabi gave him a look that said all at that.

"What?" He asked.

"You really need to work on your ninja gear," Hanabi said turning back to the date.

"What's that supposed to mean?" he whined.

Naruto and Hinata continued on with their date, after the lunch they walked around the park as they smiled at all the old memories this place held for them. They hadn't been here in a long time together and it was nice. They saw a performer using puppets to tell the story of the First Hokage in the Valley of the End against Mandara Uchiha. Both of them stopped to watch it as it was pretty fun and the kids around where cheering for the First.

Naruto and Hinata walked on, they stopped for ice cream as they sat down in a bench to eat. Hinata giggled as she saw the bit on his nose it looked strange to see the white substance on his black mask. Then Naruto looked cross eyed at it and Hinata couldn't stop the laugh, he looked so cute and funny like that. Naruto grinned and took a bit of his own ice cream and placed a bit on her own nose.

Hinata was surprised but seeing the smiling face she lose it and both ended up laughing again.

Near by Hanabi and Konohamaru were both puzzled by this. Was putting ice cream on each other's face normal on a date? Both kids had no idea but they continued to watch on.

By the end of the date, Naruto was walking Hinata home when he stopped her before they got in sight of the gates. He didn't want the gate guards to see what he hoped to do at this moment. He had been thinking of this for the last hour and it was now or never for him.

"Hey Hinata-chan today was really fun with you." Naruto told her.

"I-I liked it too Naruto-kun," Hinata smiled at him, it had in fact been the best day of her life. She had finally gone on a date with her long time crush.

Naruto nervously scratched the back of his head, "Yeah…so you uh, well that is, you want to go out again?"

Hinata blushed at the thought but nodded her head. One date was more than she had ever thought but now he wanted another date.

"Great and this will be a great one I just need to get it ready," Naruto had to plan out what he wanted to do next but he couldn't wait. The date with Hinata had been so fun and he found out that he really liked to hang out with her more than just a friend. He mentally cursed himself for not seeing Hinata as the cute girl he was looking at before now.

"There's one more thing I've wanted to give to you, I wanted this to be a special date but I wasn't sure how to do it. But I think I came up with something," He told her as she wondered what he had in mind.

Then to her surprise he pulled down his mask and she could see that cute face with the whisker marks on them. She always thought the marks made him look so cute and always wanted to touch the marks. Then she blushed as he started to lean in closer to her as her eyes widened and her pulse rate went up.

'He's not going to do what I think he's going to do is he?' Hinata thought as he moved in although she secretly hoped he was.

Naruto had thought about what to give her and although they had done it before that had been an accident. This time he wanted to make sure of his feelings for her, it was very forward of him but then again tact was never his strong point anyway. He learned in slowly to give her a chance to push him away but she never did.

His face came to hers and lightly he kissed her lips.

It was a bit of a chase kiss, but to the both of them they felt something there. Hinata willed herself with all her might not to faint she wanted this so much. She closed her eyes as she leaned in slightly and pressed her own lips to his. Naruto was surprised at how soft her lips were and soon one of his hands found hers as they stayed like that for a minute before he pulled back.

Both young ninja were blushing furiously.

"So I'll see you later Hinata-chan," Naruto said as he pulled up his mask and walked off. Hinata nodded but couldn't say anything as she walked up in a daze. Naruto had just kissed her, a real kiss on the lips. For Hinata if this was all just a dream she didn't ever want to wake up.

In a tree two young kids had watched the whole thing.

"Ewww did they just kiss?" Hanabi asked cringing at that.

"Yeah," Konohamaru said with an equal disgusted face. "I don't see why older kids and adults do that."

Hanabi nodded, sure it was fun seeing her sister dating Naruto and she did like him but she didn't want to see her older sister kissing boys.

"Well I think the shows over," Konohamaru sighed. "Want to see if Moegi and Udon are doing anything?"

Hanabi shrugged it was better than nothing although she wondered why her sister got that strange look on her face. Was kissing boys really that good? She didn't think so besides it's not like she would ever be caught kissing a boy.

-Later that evening-

Kakashi was getting ready for his own date, mainly he had on black pants with a matching shirt, he was wearing a special mask that didn't go as far down his neck as his normal one. The light shirt was buttoned up with the top two undone. Instead of his forehead protector he had on a simple eye patch to cover his sharingan eye. He didn't get to wear that a lot and had spent nearly twenty minutes trying to find the damn thing because he couldn't remember where he had put it.

When Naruto got home from his date he had to smile at the look on his son's face. The boy not only had a great time but seemed to be falling for the young Hyuga girl. All he had done was talk about Hinata and things like how cute she looked at this point and that point.

Naruto was in his room when the door bell sounded, he got up and opened to the door and there was standing Anko. First thing he noticed as her new look, a skirt that went down to her knees but with a slit in it, long black boots that went up high on her legs as well. A studded belt and a dark t-shirt on as well, he also noticed the purple lipstick and matching light eye shadow wore.

She also had on that large smile of hers.

"Nice so this is what you look outside of ninja gear," She said to him although a little disappointed he had on the mask. "You going pirate on us because I think to a ninja that is a cardinal sin."

"I figured the head band was a bit much, besides I think it gives me a cool look," Kakashi replied back smirking.

"Well then let's each because I'm starving!" Anko grabbed his arm and pulled him quickly away so fast he nearly didn't get to close he door.

They made their way through the village to stop off at a decent place for a meal, it was nice to go out like regular people now and then. Anko and Kakashi to relax and talk about things, she noticed that he could eat with that damn mask up but then again she had seen the great mystery that was behind that mask and honestly there were enough women who thought him interesting. There was no need to gain anymore competition from showing the women everywhere the face under that mask.

Dinner proved to be entertaining as Kakashi told her about the Wave mission in detail and Anko had to admit she wished she had been there for it. It sounded kind of exciting and it had been a lot more exciting than the last couple of missions she had. They continued to talk, it was a very comfortable dinner and Anko and Kakashi both played a few games with their conversations. Sometimes a little innuendo was thrown in or teasing the other lightly.

The meal was pretty good too and Anko made a mental note of the place. After that the two of them left to go out walking, it was night by the time they left and they had no real destination in mind, they were both just very comfortable with each other at the moment that they didn't really care.

"Oh I heard of this from some of the others," Anko said as her eyes lit up. She was looking at a bar that they were passing . "It's a great hang out after work and it's open late, plus I hear the drinks aren't so bad and aren't watered down."

Kakashi thought about it and figured they should give it a try. As they entered the place had some low lighting and there seemed to be a main level and another that was slightly higher up off the ground. The higher area had tables and booths and looked to be for small meals and drinking were done. There was a bar at the end of the place against the wall. Kakashi also noticed there were also a few gaming tables. Mainly pool it would seem. On the walls he noticed target boards, a couple looked like it was for darts but two others were slightly larger without the metal frame work.

He noticed kunai and shuriken in holders near it, it was a variation on the game of darks only this was more suited for ninja or those that pretended to be at least.

"Come on let's get a drink and then we can have some fun," Anko smirked at him.

After getting a bottle of sake with a couple of drinking glasses they started off with the pool table. Kakashi and Anko were both very competitive people although Anko was more of a sore looser when she lost the first game. She also had to admit that with his one eye covered Kakashi really compensated well for no depth perception. At one point Anko had a very tough shot and wasn't sure how to get it, she tried to lay on the table to get a better shot off.

"You want some help?" Kakashi asked seeing her trying to get a very tough shot. She had to bank a ball off the side, while avoiding one of his balls at first and then another to get at one of her balls on the table.

"Sure." Anko said as she was focused on the task at hand but when she felt his body press up against her ass and back her concentration faltered a bit. She smirked at how he had played her position on the table to his advantage. She made a mental note to try the same thing back. Kakashi helped her to line up the shot and he couldn't help but take a smell of her hair, whatever perfume she was wearing wasn't too strong but it was an alluring scent.

Anko smirked as she caught him taking a smell, she had barrowed this perfume from Kurenai before the date. Although it did some with a price, Kurenati made her swear to tell the whole story after it was over. After a bit Anko decided on a drinking game, every shot missed you had to take a drink but since they were a bit too good after a game it was moved to a drink for every shot.

That made the games a bit more interesting.

It was later that night when Kakashi and Anko were walking home. Well at least he was, she was walking the edge of a small ledge balancing herself.

"You know being drunk, I wouldn't do that if I were you, you're going to fall," Kakashi said to her although he was feeling the buzz as well.

"I'm not drunk," Anko told him as she continued on with her balancing act. "It's only a three foot tall wall anyway and if I was drunk I would have fallen just by walking."

"Okay then, you're trashed not drunk."

"Uh uh," Anko smirked, "If I was trashed then I wouldn't be able to move or speak. There are subtle levels to drinking and...where was I?" Anko lost her train of thought.

"Something about levels of drinking," Kakashi said although he wasn't too sure himself. He had been too busy staring at her legs and ass as they were pretty mush at eye level.

"Oh right," Anko started up again, "Drunk is that you had a good time, trashed is going on a binge, wasted is that you're passed out cold, buzzed is only after a couple of drinks. So I'm somewhere just after buzzed."

To prove her point she jumped off the small wall with a slight flip and landed, she had a little stumble but she didn't fall down as she caught herself quickly. Kakashi had to admit she had great balance to pull that off after a few drinks. He stared to give a light applause and she gave a theatrical bow to him grinning. Although she didn't want to try that again, her head was starting to swim from the slip and the bow all of a sudden.

This was one of the things that Kakashi had gown to like about Anko over the years, she knew how to have fun and cut loose. Kakashi remembered how he used to have been before Obito's death and had tried to change him into something that was totally different. He took time to appreciate things more and got more laid back, and he had to admit his life was a little less stressful now because of it. If he hadn't changed his ways he most likely would have had an ulcer by now.

They continued on walking and talking and laughing all the way to his place, he hadn't intended to go this way but Anko's home was on the way at any rate. Kakashi looked at his home and noticed all the lights out and figured Naruto was fast asleep by now.

Anko had noticed it as well and she frowned a bit, she was enjoying herself and wanted things to go on. "Hey I thought the man was supposed to escort his date to her place." Anko gave a mock pout.

Kakashi chuckled as the scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about that, well it is getting late and you can crash here if you want."

She had to admit that her feet were starting to hurt after the dancing and walking around, and her place just seemed to far away at the moment. She could crash here and get back to her place in the morning it wasn't like she had anything important in the morning and she could take her time.

"Sure thing." She smiled as he led the way to her place.

They went up to the front door and Kakashi tested it and found it locked, most likely Naruto had locked up before bed like Kakashi had taught him. He pulled out his key and unlocked the door as he looked to Anko.

"You know, tonight was fun." Kakashi told her.

Anko smiled up at the tall man, "Yeah it was…so…you want to do this again?"

She could feel a blush on her cheeks and was glad for the dark, she also hated how she sounded like some shy teen girl asking her secret crush out and she hated how it had sounded. Where was the always confident Anko?

Kakashi smiled down at her, "You know, I'd like that. I…well I really enjoy my time with you."

"Really?" Anko asked happy to hear that and saw him nod his head. She smiled and she wanted to do something that she had been wanting to do for a very long time now. She gently reached up to his mask and pulled it down. She nearly sucked in a breath as she saw that handsome face again. God he really was a perfect looking man to her, even the eye and scar only seemed to enhance it. Kakashi wasn't sure what she was doing but didn't fight it, he was too busy looking into her eyes from the light of the doorway to really care. She really did have nice eyes, they held such mischief and life to them he had noticed.

Anko looked up at the handsome face and she couldn't help it, as she put her arms around his neck, then pulled him down and kissed him. Kakashi was a bit surprised by the move but the taste of her lips soon made him forget his surprise and kiss her back. At first it was gentle but soon Anko pressed a bit harder into it and Kakashi was more than willing to help out. Soon the two of them were lost in the passion of it all, the mutual attraction they held for each other lately had been building all night long, also the primal need for companionship was also there.

Both of them had been without that need, for Anko she had never really opened up before but with Kakashi she felt she could do it. With Kakashi he had been so focused on raising Naruto he hadn't the time to really find a real relationship. But Anko liked his son and Naruto liked her as well which had been a major problem as anyone he chose had to get along with Naruto or else there was no point to it all.

But there was also the fact that both of them felt comfortable with the other, each of them had their own pains of their past that left ugly scars and yet each of them felt the other wouldn't judge or care.

Anko felt Kakashi run his tongue along her lips as she opened her mouth and soon his tongue was propping her mouth. She moaned feeling his hands on her hips and maybe it was a bit of the alcohol in her system, or the fact that Kakashi was a very good kisser but she didn't want to stop. She ran her hands down from his neck to the front of his shirt.

Eventually they had to break for air both of them taking deep breaths, but also both of them wanting more. Neither of them could remember the last time they had ever had a kiss like that. It had been so intense and passionate.

"So...are you going to invite me in?" Anko asked him a little worried she might be a bit too forward.

Kakashi wasn't sure to end it there or continue on and he knew where it would go if they continued. There would be no going back at this point but he wanted her, he was surprised by how much he wanted her. It had been so very long since he had ever felt anything close to this and he was still human after all.

He opened the door and gently pulled her in without a word, Anko smiled as she kicked the door shut behind her as she nearly jumped onto Kakashi locking her lips with his again. Kakashi wasn't sure how but eventually they made it to his bedroom without much noise, the last thing he needed was to wake Naruto up and for him to see this. Anko felt exhilarated and even a bit anxious, she didn't expect the date to end this way but she would be lying if she said she never thought about this lately.

"Anko," Kakashi said between kisses, "are you sure about this?"

Anko knew that he was giving her a way out but she didn't want to take it, they were both adults and she knew if they did this things would change between them. But this date had shown her that she wanted things to change she really did like him and why put off something that would happen eventually? Life was short enough when you were a ninja and who knew what the future would bring.

"Yes," She said in a husky tone as she nibbled on his ear lobe making him shudder.

"No regrets?" She then asked him.

Kakashi knew what she meant, that they both would have no regrets the next morning. "No regrets."

With that both of them started to strip the other of their clothing, hands and lips explored each other's bodies. Anko gave a pleasured laugh of a woman that promised a night of pleasure as both adults went to his bed to explore a new opening in their relationship together.

Next up chapter 44: Morning After