Chereads / Naruto child of kakashi / Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 The final test

Chapter 19 - Chapter 19 The final test

It was early morning but Naruto had been up for an hour anyway, it was still quite but that would soon change. For the past few days he had been training with his dad and now he knew he could pass that test now for sure with his secret weapon that he had. It was also thanks to this secret weapon that would allow him to pull of the biggest prank of all time that this entire village would have seen in history. He didn't even want to think how long it would have taken him without the new jutsu it would have taken him all night to do instead of fifteen minutes tops.

Naruto had gained several reputations over the years but one that he was most prideful of was that of a prankster like no other. He really had a taste for it and it didn't help that his father had a trickster side to him as well. Like the time he slipped fire crackers into Gai's vest, or the time his dad placed a stuffed life sized fake replica of himself during a meeting that he skipped out on. Apparently it took five minutes after the meeting for people to realize it wasn't him since it was holding a copy of one of his famous books in front of the face.

But with his life of a ninja ahead of him Naruto knew that he would have to put away the pranks for awhile, maybe even for a long time since he would be too busy for it. But if that was the case then he wanted to go out with a bang with the biggest one in history. Everyone would remember this day and it would be something that would be talked about for generations.

He grinned to himself as he added the last bit of paint and was wondering how long before the first ninja showed up to get the one responsible for it, it turns out he didn't have to wait long after the son rose when people got up and saw what he had done.

Anko was one such person, she had gotten up and went right for her morning coffee, she was not a morning person and liked to sleep in. She yawed as she waited for the coffee to get ready trying not to all asleep at her kitchen table, when she finally had her cup she walked past one of her windows but then froze. Her sleep fogged mind could have swore what she had just seen outside of her window couldn't have been real. She took a quick step back, took a look and spit out her coffee out the window.

"What the hell!?" She yelled out seeing the Hokage monument all painted up, there were childish marks all over it in various paints. It took her only a moment to realize who had the balls to pull something like that off and she just started to laugh her ass off. She literally fell on her ass laughing and holding her stomach as she spilled her coffee but she didn't care she was awake now.

"Oh god that kid is too much, I swear if the kid lives I'll buy him a drink when he gets to be the right age," she laughed to herself.

She wasn't the only one to see it, Hinata was still asleep when Hanabi burst into her room.

"Hinata you have to see it!"

"See what?" Hinata muttered rubbing her eyes.

"Someone painted on the Hokage faces!" Hanabi told her and Hinata wasn't sure she had heard her younger sister correctly.

She quickly put on a robe and ran out with her sister where her father, uncle, cousin and other members of the family were standing outside staring at the paint all over the most prized monument of the entire village, something that gave tribute to their greatest leaders, a sense of pride and it was all painted over by childish scribbles.

"Who on earth would do such a thing?" Hiashi asked out loud.

His twin search brother smirked as an idea came to him, "Ask yourself this search brother, what masked person do we know that has a reputation for pranks and would have the gull to do something like this?"

Hiashi sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose he should have known this had Naruto's flair all over it. He was surprised that boy would pull something like this off. He would assume the boy had at least some respect for adults and his elders but then again, he did keep calling the Hokage 'Old Man' all the time and he was sure he purposely 'mistook' him and his search brother all the time on purpose.

Neji signed and hung his head he wasn't sure if he should be impressed that Naruto pulled this off or turn him in if he saw him. Hanabi and Hinata didn't know what to think, although it was pretty funny they both knew that Naruto would be in so much trouble when they caught up to him.

"I wonder if they caught him yet?" Hanabi voiced as Hinata looked worried and bit her lip.

Their uncle was curious and activated his bloodline and scanned the area, he had a small smile on his face, "Well that is certainly surprising...again. He's being chased by at least a dozen jonins and chunins."

Hiashi activated his eyes as well and saw them chasing Naruto and the boy seemed to be having fun giving them the run around then he noticed something else, they weren't chasing just one Naruto. He looked closer and his head snapped back as he realized what he was seeing, it should have been impossible but there was one thing he had learned with Naruto and it was that nothing seemed impossible for the boy.

"I can't believe he's using that technique," he said as his twin nodded his head seeing exactly the same thing, "that boy is full of surprises."

"Yes...certainly makes things interesting doesn't it search brother?" he said smiling as Neji looked confused at his father wondering just what was going on here. He tried his own eyes but he didn't see the big deal at least at first until he noticed it too. Hanabi and Hinata didn't have the range just yet to see what was going on but they could tell that something that Naruto was doing had their attention.

Others were already waking up to the chaos that would be talked about for years to come, Ino had walked out of her home and stopped dead at the sight her jaw dropping, Sakura was mirroring this from her window and wondered what possessed Naruto to do some of this stuff sometimes, although she would never admit it, it was kind of funny. Shino just raised an eyebrow but beneath his coat he was smirking. Choji nearly choked on his food when he saw it and Shikamaru had been cloud watching, he had took one look said how troublesome it was and just went back to his clouds trying to drown out the noises.

Kiba was of course laughing his ass off at this, he couldn't believe Naruto did that but he had to admit it was the ultimate prank. Sasuke had been on a morning jog until he saw all of this, he palmed his face wondering why Naruto had to be such an idiot at times. Although that was pretty impressive but totally useless, if Naruto put all that effort into his training he could have been a great ninja. Sasuke just shook his head and started off on his run.

After several hours Naruto had finally been caught, by all people his teacher and boy Iruka was pissed at him. Naruto had to clean the entire mountain up before school and it took awhile since he didn't want to ruin the surprise thankfully he used a water based paint figuring this might happen. He tried this once before with real paint and had to wash that off and it took forever and that had just been a wall this was a mountain side.

So by the time Naruto got to school he was already tired and his hands ached but he was smiling under his mask, he could already see many of the people talking about him but he didn't care he liked any attention and this was a day that no one would forget.

"There he is!"

Naruto jumped at the sound of a pissed off Ino and looked to see her storming towards him with her friends in tow.

"Oh hey there Ino-chan how are things?" He asked innocently.

"Don't you Ino-chan me buster what the hell were you thinking doing that? You want to get in trouble on the last day of school?" Ino said punching him in the arm, he winced from the blow it was thanks to Ino and sometimes Sakura that he learned that just because someone was a girl didn't mean they didn't punch hard.

"Naruto honestly that was a bit overboard," Sakura chided him she really didn't want to see him kicked out before he made ninja all that hard work would be for nothing and she didn't want to see him fail.

"Personally I think it was funny as hell," Kiba laughed and then got a fist to the top of his skull by Ino and Sakura.

"Don't encourage him!" both girls yelled out as he fell to the ground holding his skull, Akamaru whimpered at his heels not going to bark at the girls as he was smart enough to know that when they got like this it wasn't smart to get in their way.

"Hey I just wanted to go out with a bang as a ninja I won't be able to do anything like that anymore," Naruto tried to explain, "Besides I cleaned it all up."

"That's not the point Naruto, you could have been seriously punished," Sakura told him.

He rubbed the back of his head, "Yeah okay I'm sorry but still it was pretty cool!"

That earned him a smack to the head as he was now on the ground like Kiba as both Ino and Sakura walked into the school angry leaving the others behind. Shino didn't say anything he just shook his head and sighed as he walked into the school, sometimes his friends should learn when to keep quite.

Naruto eventually made his way inside rubbing his head, he saw Ino arguing with a few girls on who would sit next to Sasuke again, he should have seen that happen and the fact a few girls were giggling at him and waving him over to their seats as well. He sweat dropped at this, he gave a weak wave back and looked to see that there was a chair with Hinata and Sakura which he was thankful for. He was safe with them from the fan girls, he didn't know how Sasuke could handle the mob that followed him around since Naruto only had half the number, apparently being the 'bad boy' as well as 'totally mysterious' was all some girls needed.

He sighed seeing Sasuke enter the front of the class and walk up to him, Naruto smiled at his rival got up closer, "Hey Sasuke did you see my greatest prank of all time?"

"Why must you waste your time with such idiotic things?" He sighed and shook his head, how a boy like him got to be the only one that could challenge him was beyond the avanger's understanding.

"Ah you're just jealous that I did something that you could never do," Naruto waved it off throwing in his 'too cool' attitude of his father in there it didn't work as well on Sasuke like it did on Gai but it usually got some kind of annoyed reaction out of the young Uchiha. What both boys didn't notice however was that the argument with the girls got to the point when shoving started to happen and one unfortunate girl next to Ino had been pushed by another girl and fell backwards.

That wasn't so terrible for her as he slammed into Naruto's back but this also had a domino effect as Naruto pitched forward and face first into Sasuke as they landed on the ground. In that moment it was dead silence as the entire class watched as Naruto and Sasuke's faces were pushed together. Jaws were dropped everywhere, some of the girls looked like they wanted to cry from not being the first one the boys kissed although a couple were getting nose bleeds as their inner yoai fan girl side went into overload.

Naruto jumped off the boy as both started to nearly retch.

"Oh god I knew it, I knew you were gay! I've been violated by the Uchiha!" Naruto yelled out trying to spike and still keep his mask on, had had never been so glad to wear a mask in his life as it helped to keep the feeling of that 'violation' as he refused to call it a kiss. He knew he would be having nightmares about this for a long time and from the way Kiba was laughing his ass off he would never hear the end of this.

"Me!? I'm the one who was violated you perverted masked idiot!" Sasuke shot back. "You're the one that slammed into me and was on top!"

"Oh hell no I bet you planned that whole thing, why else have you turned down every girl in school!"

"Because I don't like any of these girls you idiot, I want to rebuild my clan but you think I'll just choose anyone? I'm an Uchiha and I have standards to hold up to unlike you and since when have you ever been on a date in your life?"

Naruto didn't like the argument being thrown back into his face, "Oh yeah well I'd kiss any girl here if I wanted to if that would prove I'm not gay what about you?"

At this point the girls were all up asking to be the one to help prove to the boys that they weren't gay to the other boy, sure they wouldn't have the first ever kiss but they would want to have the first kiss they got from a girl. Although Sasuke's words had hurt a bit and deflated several day dreams of winning over the Uchiha's heart the chance to kiss the boy was just too good to pass up. Also many wanted to see what Naruto's face looked like as well as that was one of the biggest mysteries in the school, even Shino's face was seen from time to time with the exception of his eyes.

Thankfully that was when Iruka and Mizuki walked in, the two teachers quickly got their class back into order although Naruto and Sasuke kept giving each other death glares. Iruka sighed wishing it would be a quick day, after the years his group would finally graduate and he was looking forward to the break before the next school course started up. The tests were simple enough, written exam for their final marks to tests their theory knowledge then it was on to the practical stuff. He started off the tests and then it was just a waiting game, he wasn't surprised when Sakura was the first one done of course.

Mizuki however even though he kept a smile on he secretly distasted this village, his old master Orochimaru had left him behind as he had taken Anko of all people all those years ago. He still was angry that he had chosen her over him and then she returns with no memory and that cursed seal and techniques. The woman didn't even use the gift that Orochimaru had given her and she was a special Jonin while she was stuck in the Chunin ranks. He deserved more, to be promoted out of this school but his skills and abilities were always overlooked.

Here he was teaching a bunch of brats when the real ninjas got to go on missions and prove their strength to the world. Strength is what mattered in this world and knowledge of jutsus that was what he learned from his sensei and he took it to heart. But he was denied the skills that Jonin got when they reached that level and could read the Forbidden Scroll for more powerful techniques and moves.

He looked at the brats and internally he hated them, especially a certain few. There was the Uchiha boy who was given everything just because of what family he was born into, he was the last and his clan was crushed and gone and yet they still treated him like a prince. He never liked that clan, just because they were a founding member of the village they had been able to act to tough and push others around. Then there were the Hyuga clan who were just as arrogant and yet the little girl here was so weak it was pathetic. He knew though that she would eventually lead her clan just because of whose daughter she was and it made him angry. She was guaranteed to go far just because of that as well and because he was not from any clan he was overlooked.

It seemed that as long as you were part of a clan the more things went your way and the more you were given. He knew it was rare for anyone else outside of a clan to get to Jonin rank, there was Kurenai who was recently promoted from Chunin just because of her clan, then there was the Hokage's chain smoking son as well. Then he looked at the Yamanaka, Nara and Akimichi children and how their parents were heads of their own small clans. But there was another boy that stood out for him as well and that was Naruto Hatake.

The Hatake name had been put into disgrace and yet Kakashi had pulled it out of the mud, not a clan but he was well respected but only because of that damn eye he had that was the only reason he made it so far in the village. The man was a lazy, perverted idiot and yet he was considered one of the best only because of that stupid eye and there was his 'son' as well sitting there writing his test.

After the failed Hyuga Kidnapping incident many knew that Naruto held the Nine Tailed Fox inside of him, and even though Mizuki knew that the boy was not the demon he had been close enough to sense that power that night. He knew that the boy was given a great power inside of him and yet he did nothing with it, yet another person to get a gift and why did the Fourth pick him of all people?

Mizuki hated how the village never respected him or gave him what he had earned but being stuck at this school he couldn't gain any missions and he had asked to be put elsewhere but that stupid old man of a Hokage had said he was more valuable here. Mizuki knew that the Hokage was just putting him aside just because he had no name to throw around. The children had finished their testing and it was time for the one on one, Iruka told the children to go outside and wait.

He couldn't understand why his old friend was such a fool, the man actually wanted to stay in his place but then again Iruka wasn't as good a ninja as he was, never had been in his opinion but he wasn't from some 'noble' clan so that was why he had stayed friends with him, even if Mizuki did think the man was naive.

Outside the children waited for their tests, many were worried about this since this was the final tests the one that would prove them worthy to be ninjas something they all had worked years to do, for Hinata she was biting her lower lip in worry. She didn't want to fail and disappoint her family, but she was so nervous and thought that she might screw things up. She was so absorbed that she didn't notice someone walking up behind her until she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Hey Hinata-chan you okay?" Naruto asked seeing how nervous she was.

"Oh! N-N-Naruto-kun, I-I'm just a little nervous I-I don't want to fail."

"Hey there's no way you'd fail, you're a great ninja and I know you can do this so don't worry because I'm behind you I know for a fact that you'll blow this test out of the water." He smiled behind his mask at her and she felt her heart beat faster thanks to his words. Hearing those kinds of words out of his mouth to her made her feel so warm inside and she didn't want to disappoint him.

She gave him a weak smile and nodded her head feeling more confident, her named was called after Ino came out of the room smiling brightly as she was carrying her own forehead protector. Naruto watched Hinata go with a smile and she looked back once and he nodded to her, she gave him a small smile back and walked into the room.

Naruto waited and waited and it was killing him inside, he was so eager to take this test and be a real ninja he would be one step closer to being Hokage with this and he would make his dad proud of him.

"Naruto Hatake."

"Finally! About damn time!" Naruto jumped up and went into the room with the two teachers.

"Okay Naruto we want you to perform a transformation jutsu and then perform a clone," Iruka said and suddenly noticed that look in Naruto's eyes as his hands went to a hand seal that he dreaded, he slammed his hand onto the desk hard and fast. "Naruto, don't even think of using that perverted jutsu you created."

"Aw you're no fun and you seemed to have enjoyed it last time I used it," Naruto whined as Iruka blushed at the memory when Naruto pulled off that naked girl transformation of his he couldn't have stopped the gusher of blood coming out of his nose if he had known it had been coming.

Naruto sighed and went into a simple transformation as there was a buff of smoke and he turned himself into his father Kakashi with his book already out reading it.

"Not bad looks just like him," Mizuki said.

"Yes very good go ahead and turn back Naruto," Iruka said but noticed that 'Kakashi' only was still reading the book. "Naruto turn back now!"

"Just a second I really like this point in the book," the Kakashi fake said giggling like he usually did.

"Naruto," Iruka said in warning and Naruto dispelled it. Iruka sighed and ran a hand through his hair he swore Naruto was going to make him grow old before his time. "Now perform the clone Naruto."

"Uh...can it be any type of clone?"

"Any type?" Mizuki asked the boy.

"Yeah see I have a problem, I can't perform a normal one cause my body has too much chakra but my dad taught me a really cool one that's even better."

Iruka thought it over there really was no rule on what type of clone it had to be, "Okay Naruto just make three clones and that will be fine."

"Alright!" Naruto jumped up and went into the usual hand seals for a typical clone only the last seal was different as it ended in a cross sign. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Both teachers were shocked when Naruto said that as there were several puffs of smoke and suddenly there were not three but twelve shadow clones. Both teachers were shocked that a boy had learned a Jonin level move and seemed to be perfectly fine with no effects. Mizuki had to really try and keep his composure at this here he was a Chunin being outdone by a boy that wasn't even a ninja. He was taught a move that he had no right on learning and there was only one person that would teach him that.

Iruka was torn between how impressed he was with Naruto and furious that Kakashi would teach such a dangerous move to his own son. But Naruto seemed to be fine and so Iruka smiled at him and stood up, "Well I have to say Naruto you passed with flying colors."

"YEAH!" All of the Naruto clones cheered and started to celebrate eventually he dispelled the clones and took his forehead protector with pride. He held it in his hands grinning from ear to ear with this, it wasn't as heavy as he thought but it was his and he had earned it. He couldn't wait to show it off and quickly tied it to his forehead and looked up at Iruka and smiled behind his mask.

Naruto walked out of the classroom and went into the yard to where his friends were, "Hey guys guess what?"

"Naruto you did it!" Sakura said happily seeing him with his forehead protector, she ran over to him along with the others. Ino and Sakura were the first to hug him making him blush behind his mask as Kiba slapped him on the back a little too hard for Naruto's liking but he let it slide, Shino simply nodded his head towards him and Shikamaru gave a small smile as Choji was doing all the talking to him. He noticed Hinata smiling as she was looking down playing with her fingers with a slight blush on her face.

"Hey Hinata-chan isn't this great?" He said walking over to her.

"Y-Y-Yes it is Naruto-kun I knew you'd do it," she looked up shyly at him giving him a small smile.

He smiled back at her his eyes closed much like his dad did, "Thanks Hinata-chan that means a lot from you."

She blushed deeply at that and her eyes sent to her feet as her cheeks got hot again from blushing even more so. The small group of friends were enjoying themselves waiting for their parents to show up so they could all show off their new status as Genin ninjas of their village. Only one person was watching from a window and that was Mizuki, he looked down at them but he didn't feel proud of them. In fact he was slowly starting to hate them all he had been pushed to his limits with the Hatake boy learning that move.

This village obviously didn't appreciate him at all and had overlooked him for far too long, maybe it was time to do what he had been thinking of for awhile now and join his sensei Orochimaru. He obviously had the right idea leaving this village behind but his old master would require something of value as prove of his skills and abilities. Slowly looking at the children a small plan was starting to unfold and perhaps he could not only gain something of value but ruin some revenge on the clans and those that always had everything given to them on a silver platter as well