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Double Gamer's

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As they stood in a void, ready to embark on their interdimensional adventure, Rugaris explained their mission. Y/n's enthusiasm shone through as he connected the dots, recognizing the references to fictional worlds like RWBY and MHA. Naomi, on the other hand, remained grounded, dismissing those worlds as mere fiction. With a final farewell, they were enveloped in a blinding light, whisked away to their first destination. The unknown awaited them, but they faced it together, united by love and a newfound purpose.

Table of contents


Chapter 1 - Prologue

From a height that allowed a breathtaking view of the city below, a sixteen-year-old boy sat on the edge of a towering 15-story building. His feet dangled precariously as he took a swig from a glass bottle, contemplating the scene beneath him. The people on the streets resembled tiny ants, oblivious to the world above.

In the midst of his thoughts, the boy, whose name remains unknown, decided to bring an end to his solitary moment. With a final chug from the bottle, he cast it away, watching it disappear into the abyss. As he stood up, revealing his modest height of 5'6", he was on the verge of stepping off the edge when a sound reached his ears—a faint crying coming from around a corner.

Curiosity piqued, he peered around the corner, discovering a girl huddled in a fetal position against the wall, her tears flowing silently. Bewildered, he couldn't help but express his confusion aloud.

"Da fuck?" he blurted out.

Startled by the sudden voice, the girl turned her teary eyes toward the boy. She hastily wiped away her tears, attempting to regain composure.

"W-who are you? What are you doing here?" she stammered.

"Well, I was up here, doing, uh, things," he replied, gesturing vaguely. "And I heard you crying."

Embarrassed, the girl averted her gaze, her tears continuing to fall. She murmured, "O-oh, y-yeah, sorry. I was just about to..."

Her voice trailed off as she glanced at the edge of the building, prompting the boy to follow her gaze.

"Oh, so she was here for the same reason I am," he thought to himself.

Taking a seat beside her, he produced another glass bottle, opening it and taking a sip before sighing.

"Yeah, I get it. That's why I'm here too," he admitted, staring out at the golden sky as the sun began its descent.

The girl nodded, confirming their shared intent.

"So, what kept you from just going for it?" he asked.

"I... I got scared. I was so close, standing on the edge, and as soon as I looked down in the last second, I chickened out. I felt like a coward," she confessed.

"Hm," was his only response. He continued to gaze into the horizon, the sounds of traffic below filling the silence.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she ventured, "What about you?"

Turning to look at her, the boy's gaze made her flinch, her anxiety rising.

"I... Honestly, nothing. I'm not gonna say I've ever been the most fearless person, but today when I got up and sat at that edge, there wasn't a hint of fear in me. I don't know why, but it just felt okay, like it was right, I guess," he revealed.

"I wish I could be that brave. Hell, even if I were half as brave, I wouldn't be here right now," she lamented.

"Who knows? Maybe, maybe not," he shrugged, finishing the bottle and tossing it off the building. Another sigh escaped him as he allowed the sounds of the bustling city below to envelop them.

Time passed, an hour and a half of silence until the boy finally broke it.

"Well, judging by the fact that you're still here tells me that you either don't want to go home or don't have anywhere to go. So, which is it?" he inquired.

Trembling, the girl pleaded, "I... I don't want to go back. Please don't make me go back."

With tears welling up in her eyes, she desperately hoped to avoid returning to wherever she came from. The boy's expression softened as he placed a comforting hand on her head, patting her gently. She flinched at his touch, unaccustomed to such comfort.

"It's fine. You don't have to go anywhere you don't want to be," he reassured her, prompting her to look up at him. Overwhelmed by her emotions, she buried her face in his chest, seeking solace. Awkwardly, he held his arms up, unsure how to respond, as she wept.

Eventually, the tears subsided, and she apologized, her eyes red and puffy, her cheeks flushed from crying.

"It's cool. Sometimes you just need to let it out. It be like that," he consoled her.

"Yeah, but still... thanks, anyway," she managed to say, her voice quivering.

"Yeah, no problem," he replied, and an awkward silence settled between them as they sat there.

"So... you wanna get something to eat?" he proposed, breaking the silence.

"But I don't have any money. Not like you'd want to waste time with someone like me," she hesitated.

"That's fine. I'll pay. Let's go," he declared, standing up and heading toward the roof door. Luckily, it was open, and she followed him silently.

They found themselves at a ramen bar called Ichirai Ramen, seated in an awkward silence as a lone worker, presumably Ichirai, approached their table.

"What can I get you two?" Ichirai inquired.

"Get me the spiciest thing you've got, and for her, whatever she wants, please," the boy requested.

"S-shoyu ramen, please, if it's no trouble," the girl added shyly.

"None at all, little lady. Your food will be done momentarily," Ichirai assured her, walking away to prepare their orders.

"Now that I think about it, we never introduced ourselves. So, I'll start. I'm Y/n, no last name," the boy introduced himself.

"M-my name is Naomi Harukawa," the girl revealed, and upon hearing her last name, Y/n raised an eyebrow. Naomi Harukawa Standing at a height of 5'5", she possessed a slender yet graceful figure that accentuates her graceful movements and feminine charm.

Her most distinctive feature is her lustrous dark blue hair, cascading down in loose waves that frame her delicate face. The deep shade of blue seems to hold secrets within, capturing the essence of the night sky and lending an air of mystery to her persona. It flows with a natural elegance, occasionally catching the light to reveal subtle hints of azure highlights.

Naomi's eyes, the windows to her soul shimmer with a captivating light purple hue that draws others in with its alluring depth. Within their depths lie a mixture of wisdom, curiosity, and a touch of mischief. They possess an uncanny ability to convey her emotions, sparkling with excitement or radiating with empathy depending on the circumstances. Her complexion is fair and unblemished.

"Harukawa, as in the Harukawa Corporation?" he inquired, noticing her flinch at the mention of the name.

"Ye-yes," she confirmed hesitantly.

He responded with a thoughtful hum, but their conversation was interrupted as Ichirai returned with two bowls of ramen, each vastly different in appearance.

Naomi's ramen had a murky brown broth, emanating a slight smell of seafood. It contained a halved boiled egg and mushrooms floating amidst the noodles.

Y/n's ramen, on the other hand, had a burgundy, almost black broth. The smell alone made Naomi's eyes water and her taste buds burn. All that could be seen were pieces of chopped-up peppers.

Ichirai chuckled, breaking the silence, and explained, "That's the spiciest thing we've got here. It's called 'Fire Kami's Delight.' We even have a challenge going on. If you can finish the bowl in one minute, you'll win all the earnings it's made since it started, and your meal will be free."

"How much is that?" Y/n inquired.

"780,000 people have been underestimating it a little too much. But if you lose, you'll have to pay the full price for your meal," Ichirai answered.

"Not much of a loss," Y/n mused. "You know what? I think I've got it covered."

Naomi looked at him as if he were crazy, while

Ichirai set a timer to one minute. Y/n grabbed his chopsticks, ready to take on the challenge.

"You're not actually planning to eat that, are you!?" Naomi exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yup," Y/n replied confidently.

"Go!" Ichirai announced, starting the timer.

Y/n began eating, starting slowly but gradually picking up the pace. Naomi watched, her own shoyu ramen temporarily forgotten.

"Thirty-five seconds left. He's not going to make it," Ichirai remarked.

"I wonder if he's gonna make it," Naomi thought to herself.

"Twenty seconds."



Naomi continued to watch, her anticipation building.



"Done!" Y/n declared triumphantly, slamming his chopsticks onto the counter as the timer buzzed.

"Pay up," Y/n demanded.

"Damn, I thought I was going to win that one. Oh well, a deal's a deal," Ichirai conceded, crouching down behind the counter. He reappeared with a small suitcase, placing it on the counter. "It's all there. You can check if you want."

Y/n inspected the case and confirmed that all the money was present.

"Glad to see you kept your word. Thanks," Y/n expressed his gratitude.

"Sure," Ichirai replied nonchalantly, walking away to attend to other matters. Y/n turned his attention back to Naomi, who was still eating her ramen.

"Oh, you're not done yet," Y/n remarked.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll eat faster," Naomi apologized, flustered.

"It's fine. Take your time. I don't care," Y/n reassured her.

Naomi nodded and continued to eat at a slow pace, while Y/n turned his gaze toward the sky, enveloping the atmosphere in a serene silence.

"You know, earlier today, when I was about to... walk the plank, I guess you could say, I never expected to see anyone else up there," Y/n broke the silence, turning to look at Naomi.

"Not like it matters, though. I was too much of a coward to follow through," she admitted, her voice tinged with regret.

"Then why don't we give it some time? If we still want it to happen, let's do it together," Y/n proposed.

Naomi's eyes widened in surprise, yet she found herself unable to refuse his offer. Even though she initially thought it was too much, she accepted without hesitation.

"For real? No pressure. You can think about it some more," Y/n assured her.

"I did, and I'll do it," Naomi asserted.

"Alright then, I look forward to spending time with you, Naomi," Y/n responded warmly.

"Same to you, Y/n," she reciprocated, and together, they embarked on a journey that would forever change their lives.


Four months passed, and Y/n and Naomi found themselves lying on a king-sized mattress in the middle of a closed shopping center. They shared a comfortable silence, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

"Naomi, I've always wondered what made you want to jump. Sorry if that sounds insensitive, but I'm curious," Y/n finally spoke, breaking the tranquility.

Caught off guard by his question, Naomi realized that they hadn't even discussed why they ended up on that rooftop that fateful day.

"I'll tell you if you tell me why you were there," Naomi proposed, her newfound confidence allowing her to speak more freely.

"Okay, then. Where do I start?" Y/n pondered. "I never met my parents. I don't even know if they're alive or not. So, not having any parents to care for me, I was naturally sent to an orphanage. It wasn't necessarily a bad place; the kids were nice, and the staff even nicer. The only problem was that it was poor. That meant we had to go without light or heat sometimes. It wasn't the greatest, but it could've been worse."

A bittersweet smile formed on Y/n's face as he reminisced about those memories, continuing his explanation.

"Until last year, that is. I got diagnosed with a disease. I don't really remember what it was called, but it gradually eats away at the nerve cells in my brain, causing me to lose all cognitive functions. Eventually, I'd become an unmoving husk of a human, needing assistance even to swallow food. So, I left. I ran away from the orphanage because I didn't want to burden them with that. They had enough to deal with already. I'm sure you've noticed the slight twitches in my face and fingers."

Naomi sat in silence, taking in Y/n's story. She had indeed noticed those subtle twitches but had never questioned them.

"But instead of letting that happen, I decided it would be better if I just... went 'yeetus deletus,'" Y/n added, his voice laced with a touch of dark humor.

"Why? I'm sure the orphanage could've found the money for a cure or something," Naomi ventured, concern evident in her voice.

"That's the thing. There's no cure. It's treatable but incurable at the moment. I didn't want them to waste all their money on me when I couldn't be cured," Y/n explained, his gaze fixed on the distance.

Naomi realized the weight of his decision and the sacrifice he made, and her empathy deepened. She decided to open up about her own past.

"Wow, I don't know how to respond. My story feels kind of underwhelming compared to that," Naomi admitted, her eyes downcast as she nervously twiddled her fingers.

"Don't compare them. Everyone handles things differently. Don't undermine what you went through," Y/n reminded her, his words carrying a sense of understanding.

"I know, but my parents were just abusive assholes who left both physical and mental scars," Naomi confessed, her voice tinged with bitterness.

"Scars?" Y/n questioned, intrigued.

Naomi nodded, summoning the courage to reveal a burn mark on her shoulder, a painful reminder of her past.

"Damn, that's rough," Y/n remarked, acknowledging her pain. "I guess we're both just unfortunate, huh?"

Naomi couldn't help but agree, finding solace in their shared experiences. With her head resting on Y/n's chest, they both drifted off to sleep, their hearts growing closer.


Five months later, Y/n and Naomi found themselves standing together on top of the same building, holding hands as they stood on the edge. Their bond had deepened over time, and they were ready to face their shared decision.

"You ready?" Y/n asked, a mixture of excitement and trepidation in his voice.

"Yup. As long as I'm with you, I'm ready for anything," Naomi replied, her voice filled with determination.

Seconds later, they let go and began falling, their grip on each other unyielding. As they hurtled towards the ground, their intertwined fate cemented, Naomi couldn't help but confess her feelings


"Y/n, I'm in love with you," she declared, her voice carried away by the wind.

Y/n was taken aback by her words, surprised yet overjoyed. He realized that he couldn't let this moment pass without expressing his own emotions.

"I love you too," Y/n replied, his voice filled with sincerity.

And in that fleeting moment, surrounded by the vast expanse of the sky, Y/n and Naomi embraced their shared destiny, finding solace and love in each other's arms.


(Y/n's POV)

As the loading completed, a dazzling holographic screen in front of me proclaimed, "Welcome, Player Y/n, to the Universal Co-Op Gaming System." I was left dumbfounded and overwhelmed with joy. Who wouldn't be thrilled to possess such an incredible gaming system?

A quest alert popped up, urging me to explore the system. It was ranked as F, and its objective was to familiarize myself with the system's workings. +15 XP, 3 Skill Books, Quest Tab Unlock, Partner Tab Unlock, and Shop Tab Unlock. I mentally clicked "yes" to accept the quest, as refusing was not an option.

In an instant, a menu materialized in my mind, presenting various options: "Welcome, Player Y/n," "Status," "Inventory," "Locked," "Voucher," "Locked," "Skills," and "Test Your Luck." I chose to delve into my status first.

My status appeared on the holographic screen:

Name: Y/n L/n (Corroding)

Age: 16

Class: None

Level: 1 (0%)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Alliance: None

HP: 0/350

MP: 150/150

Titles: "Naomi's One And Only"

Fame: None

Bloodline: None

Race: Human

STR: 8

END: 12

AGI: 15

INT: 29

WIS: 19

LCK: 34

Stat Points: 0

Curiosity sparked within me as I noticed the title "Naomi's One And Only." I selected it and discovered that it was earned by reaching maximum affection with Naomi Harukawa, providing me with +100 MP. Impressed, I moved on to explore my inventory.

In my possession, I found 1,000 gold coins. It seemed that the monetary system was in play. Next, I checked my voucher and discovered it was locked, along with the skills section. Feeling a bit disappointed, I decided to test my luck.

A gold and black screen materialized, presenting options for different rolls. I chose the option for the maximum rolls. After the rolling animation concluded, I received several rewards: the skills "Heal," "Color Removal," "Observe," two weapon vouchers, and four mystery bags.

Prompted to open the bags, I enthusiastically clicked "yes." Opening them revealed additional rewards: 50,000 gold coins, a bloodline voucher, and two weapon vouchers. "I'm abusing this harder than Endeavor did to his family."

The quest alert appeared once again, signaling the completion of the quest to explore the system. I gladly accepted the rewards, which included the skills "Gamer's Mind" and "Gamer's Body." Since I already possessed the skill "Observe," I had the opportunity to choose a new skill.

(Player Y/n already has the skill "Observe." Choosing new skill.)

(Another Player is yet to complete the tutorial. Please wait a moment.)

Seizing the chance, I decided to do some more rolls.

Naomi's POV

As the loading completed, a light pink holographic screen materialized before me, leaving me utterly shocked and perplexed.

I couldn't help but exclaim, "Holy Sugar Honey Ice Tea!" This couldn't be happening, could it?

The quest alert appeared, urging me to explore the system. Without any other option, I accepted the quest, hoping to get through it quickly. The menu appeared before me, presenting several options: "Welcome, Player Naomi," "Status," "Inventory," "Locked," "Voucher," "Locked," "Skills," and "Test Your Luck." I chose to check my status first.

My status was displayed on the holographic screen:

Name: Naomi Harukawa

Age: 16

Class: None

Level: 1 (0%)

Alignment: Neutral Good

Alliance: None

HP: 0/350

MP: 150/150

Titles: "Y/n's One And Only"

Fame: None

Bloodline: None

Race: Human

STR: 4

END: 15

AGI: 13

INT: 30

WIS: 21

LCK: 2

Stat Points: 0

Noticing my title, "Y/n's One And Only," I couldn't help but think it was a fitting description. Moving on, I checked my inventory, which contained 1,000 gold coins.

Next, I examined my voucher, only to find it locked. The same applied to the skills section, leaving me feeling somewhat disappointed. In an attempt to lift my spirits, I decided to test my luck.

A roll screen appeared, offering various options. I selected the maximum rolls and witnessed the animation with anticipation. The outcome presented me with rewards: ten mystery bags. Eagerly, I chose to open them, hoping for something extraordinary.

The bags revealed more mystery bags, and the process repeated multiple times. After the last bag, which contained ten worn-out leather items, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh.

Moving on, I noticed the completion of the quest to explore the system. I reluctantly accepted the rewards, which included the skills "Gamer's Body," "Gamer's Mind," and "Observe."

(Y/n's POV)

The list of rewards was staggering, including fifteen instant level ups, skills such as "Dragon Slayer Magic," "Crafting," "Sharingan," "Ki Control," "Swordsmanship," "Bloodlust," "Retreat," "Reinforce," "Double Points," and more. Additionally, I acquired 100,000 gold coins, a ring of holding, three bloodline vouchers, six weapon vouchers, 130 HP potions, 130 MP potions, and six money bags.

Ecstatic with my newfound power, I couldn't help but exclaim, "This is overpowered, and I fucking love it!" However, I lamented not receiving the ID Create skill, as it would have been useful for leveling up my acquired skills.

(Tutorial Complete 2/2)

(Commencing Teleportation)







(Teleportion Completed)

In a realm unknown to them, a mysterious being addressed the individuals who stood before it. The atmosphere was charged with an air of anticipation and curiosity.

"Hello, you two. You have been randomly selected for reincarnation," the being clad in ethereal armor that gleams with a brilliant radiance, he exudes an aura of righteousness and unwavering determination, began, its voice carrying a sense of otherworldly authority. "I understand that this may come as a shock, but-"

Y/n, seemingly impatient, interrupted the being, expressing his eagerness to begin their new journey. However, his interruption was met with a sharp elbow to the gut from Naomi, causing Y/n to double over in pain. Unfazed by the interruption, Naomi stepped forward, addressing the being with a more composed tone.

"I apologize for his impatience. What he meant to say is that we already have a general understanding of the situation, so it would be best to proceed quickly and not waste any time," Naomi explained, her voice carrying a touch of reprimand.

The being, taken aback by their directness, quickly regained composure and continued its explanation. The voice transformed, settling into a soothing tone.

"Right, as I was saying, the two of you have been randomly chosen to embark on a journey across dimensions," the being elucidated. "Your purpose will be to confront and battle a formidable dark entity named Ynbis, along with his legion of monstrous creatures. This task has been assigned to you by The Council."

As the being's words resonated, Y/n's interest was piqued. He eagerly interrupted, seeking clarification.

"When you mention dimensions, are you referring to places like RWBY or perhaps My Hero Academia?" Y/n asked, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes.

Naomi, more grounded in reality, dismissed Y/n's inquiries, asserting that such fictional worlds were mere works of fiction. The being, surprised by their knowledge of these works, acknowledged their skepticism.

"I see that you both are familiar with those works. In that case, there is no need for further elaboration. My name is Rugaris, and I will be the one to transport you to the first dimension you need to be in. Farewell, and Y/n, I have eliminated that pesky disease that plagued you," Rugaris revealed, prompting a grateful response from Y/n.

"Hell yeah! You're the best. Thanks," Y/n exclaimed, expressing their gratitude.

Naomi, more reserved, advised Y/n to watch his language, but she too expressed her gratitude before bidding Rugaris farewell.

"Please mind your language, Y/n. But as he said, thank you, and goodbye for now," Naomi stated, her voice filled with a sense of propriety.

"Yep, see you later," Y/n added nonchalantly.

With their exchange concluded, Rugaris bid them farewell. As a radiant white light surrounded Y/n and Naomi, they were transported to a new dimension, their journey unfolding before them, filled with uncertainty and the promise of extraordinary adventures.