Chapter 2: A New Beginning in Slytherin
The Sorting Hat announced its decision, and Harry felt the murmur spread through the Great Dining Hall. However, determined to face whatever challenge awaited him, Harry strode steadily towards the Slytherin table. Some students eyed him suspiciously, while others eyed him curiously.
The head of Slytherin, Professor Flora Greengrass, greeted him with a friendly smile and introduced him to his new housemates. Although the adjustment was a bit complicated at first, Harry soon realized that Slytherin was not as many believed it to be. There were ambitious students, yes, but there was also room for cunning and wit.
As the days passed, Harry befriended Theodore Nott, a witty student with a passion for riddles. Together, they enjoyed solving riddles and working on their subjects. He also befriended Daphne Greengrass, a girl who was ambitious but loyal to her friends. Although some of his classmates still regarded him with some distrust, Harry knew he was gaining their respect.
In Potions classes, Harry quickly excelled. His ability to follow instructions and his astuteness in choosing ingredients made him one of the best in the class. The Potions teacher, Severus Snape, watched Harry's progress closely, though he always kept his face impassive.
In Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Quirrell noticed Harry's undeniable talent for conjuring spells accurately and quickly. Quirrell, despite his strange behavior, encouraged Harry to continue honing his magical skills.
One evening, after classes, Harry found himself in the Slytherin Common Room. Theodore and Daphne were with him, reviewing some parchment for the upcoming Transformations lesson. Suddenly, Draco Malfoy, one of the most influential students in the house, approached their table.
"Potter, what are you doing here?" asked Draco with some hostility.
"We're getting ready for our Transformations class," Harry replied calmly.
Draco frowned but then nodded. "Very well, just make sure you don't ruin my position in the class. Being the best is the most important thing."
"Don't worry, I have no interest in being the best, I just want to learn," Harry replied.
Draco seemed confused by Harry's attitude, but after a moment, he turned and left. From that day on, Draco and Harry didn't always agree, but little by little, they began to respect their differences and recognize each other's unique abilities.
As the term progressed, Harry also became interested in the founder of his house, Salazar Slytherin. He read books in the Hogwarts library about the history of the magical world and the exploits of the four founders of the school.
In one of those books, Harry discovered that Salazar Slytherin had a special connection with magical creatures, especially snakes. It was said that he could communicate with them and had a gift for understanding their language. This exceptional ability had been passed down from generation to generation in the Slytherin line.
Although some students still regarded him with suspicion, Harry also won the admiration of many for his bravery and commitment to justice. On one occasion, when he saw some students from other houses taunting a young Hufflepuff boy, he intervened to defend him and put an end to the situation.
News of Harry's intervention spread throughout Hogwarts, and many students began to see him with new eyes. His popularity increased, but he remained humble and true to his values.
Chapter 3: The Snake Club
One day, during a Charms class, Professor Filius Flitwick assigned the students a project in pairs. Harry teamed up with Theodore Nott, and together they worked tirelessly to come up with the best incantation. Their dedication and cooperation caught the attention of the professor, who was impressed by their talent and teamwork.
At the end of class, Professor Flitwick approached them and proposed an idea. "Guys, I'd like to propose something to you - how about forming an incantation study club? I know you both have a natural talent for this subject, and I think it would be wonderful for you to share your knowledge with other students."
Harry and Theodore looked at each other eagerly and agreed to the proposal. They decided to name the club "The Snake Club" in honor of their house and their special connection to Salazar Slytherin.
Soon, word of the new club spread throughout Hogwarts. Students showed great interest, and before long, the club became a success. During weekly meetings, Harry and Theodore shared their knowledge and enchantment techniques with each other, fostering an enjoyable and collaborative learning environment.
The Snake Club not only benefited Slytherin students, but attracted members from all houses. The bonding and collaboration between the different houses was unusual, but the club proved that friendship and teamwork were more powerful than differences.
One day, while preparing a special activity for the club, Daphne Greengrass joined the organizing team. Her organizational and planning skills made the event a success.
The success of the Snake Club attracted the attention of Hogwarts Headmistress, Professor Minerva McGonagall. She attended one of the meetings and was impressed by the way the club promoted collaboration and friendship among students of all houses.
Professor McGonagall praised Harry, Theodore and Daphne for their initiative and appointed them as representatives of Hogwarts in the Interscholastic Tournament.
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