After being fed with their desired nourishment, receiving proper treatment from medical experts, ceasing their lingering diseases, and allowing each of them to develop a strong bond with each other, after [4] working days, the Higher Ups gave permission to initiate the trials.
The three participants: Rove Volre, Juer Olympser, and Eugene Poslove were sent to each of their respective testing chambers. Level 9 Insurgency guards accompanied the participants towards their separate sections.
Each compartment is an 8 x 4 room constructed with stainless Steel for walls, leaving the pungent scent of metal, while at the edge of the room, a mirror was pasted on the metallic walls, allowing others, specifically Grade 15 scientists spawning from Celican Life, to view the experiment that will take place.
Rove Volre resided in Section 05 [level 7], Juer Olympser in Section 27 [level 19], and Eugene Poslove in Section 87 [level 37].
7 hours prior to the participants' departure onto their respective Sections, the following conversation was recorded:
[Rove]: You kids ready? We're gonna make a big-ass change after all this.
[Juer]: Yeah, it's for the betterment...After this, I can buy Dad some meds, and give Mom a proper burial.
[Eugene]: I'm sure your father and your mother are proud of you.
[Juer]: Thanks man.
[Rove]: All I'll get after this is the payment. I mean, I got no one else to give the money to so, might as well use it for myself.
[Eugene]: That's an understandable way to put it.
[Juer]: Anyway, what do you guys think they're gonna do to us?
[Eugene]: Supposedly, they're running human trials. We're the first.
[Rove]: Say, wasn't that illegal at some point?
[Eugene]: Prior, yes. It was. However, humanity and Celican life are currently on edge due to an existing man-made virus. According to RA. 597, 867: once both rational species are on the verge of a persisting epidemic, Celican Life will be given the authority to run experiments by any means necessary for the sake of humanity's and Celican Life's continuity.
[Rove]: So I'm guessing that 'by any means necessary' meant that Celican Life can--
[Eugene]: Correct. They can run human trials.
[Juer]: And that's where we come in.
[Eugene]: What they're doing now isn't, as of my knowledge, illegal. We agreed on their terms of service and answered their form--in short, we gave them consent to run tests on us--
[Rove]: For a huge amount.
[Juer]: A really big amount.
The three participants lay silent for several seconds.
[Rove]: I'm sure we'll be fine.
End of recording.
That was their last conversation.
Participants were sent to their current Sections with the intent to apprehend how substance 6_o7, once insinuated into their bodies, would react to different blood types.
[Rove Volvre]: Blood Type - O positive
[Juer Olympser]: Blood Type - A positive
[Eugene Poslove]: Blood Type - O negative
As of the current log, an additional seven participants were accepted for testing, each with a varying blood type.
The testing starts. Rove Volvre enters the assigned room guided by a Level 12 Insurgent guard. Dr. Hall greets him. The following conversation goes as follows:
[Hall]: Good afternoon, Mr. Volvre. Are you ready?
[Rove]: Straight to the point, huh? Yeah. I'm ready.
[Hall]: Good to hear.
They proceeded with the testing. Dr. Hall assures Rove Volvre before injecting a needle into the participant's arm, allowing substance 6_o7 to take effect.
[Hall]: Now, we wait.
At 7: 09 pm, 5 minutes into the initial insertion of substance 6_o7, Eugene Poslove has ceased.
Cause of death: [Head imploding, Eugene's cranium caving inward, instantly damaging his brain, killing him swiftly. The carcass twitched for several seconds due to delaying reflex.]
Reason for substance 6_o7's failure: [Participant's blood type (O negative) is incompatible with the substance. This eventually led to Eugene's death. A new participant is required. ██████████ ███ ██ ███ █████ ██ ███ ████████████ ██ ███ ██ █████ ████ ██ ███████ ████████████ ██ ███ ███████ █████]
[New chosen participant]: Marleigh Heartfell
Occupation: Baker
Age: 47
Gender: Female {Human species}
Relatives/Family members/Guardians: N/A
Blood Type: O - Negative
Seven hundred additional participants were recruited for testing.
---Implementation of B-90---
On the Third of ████████ the Administrators initiated the first-ever human experimentation enforced on B-90.
B-90: It's component:
B-90 is composed of several 5-meter metallic pipes underneath a rectangular--metallic compartment embedded on its edge, each supposed pointed end of said compartment, replaced with curved ends/corners to make sure the participant remains comfortable for the most part of the testing. Continuing, B-90 has a built-in constructed 'entity,' embodying that of a brown-decaying carcass molded as a doctor connected to the said metallic compartment. The entity is merely a tool. It is not alive. It is ordered by code.
Said 'entity' is linked to the metallic compartment in the form of several large heaps of iron attached to the ceiling coated with layers upon layers of wires that attach to each of the six limbs the 'entity' possesses. Each limb plays a significant role.
Limb 1: Cleave
Limb 2: Dismantle
Limb 3: Grating
Limb 4: Insinuate
Limb 5: Dividing
Limb 6: Collecting
The construction of B-90 was completed at ██ ████████ ████ taking only 675 days to finalize.
78, 569, 345, and counting are currently being produced as of this current log. The testing will begin.