The disgruntled zenith workers now moved from online protest to One-on-one protest in the streets and front of the building.
But they weren't the only ones doing it. Some outsiders taking the message even stronger than the staffs.
Many t-shirts and caps were made and been sold on the streets in the San Francisco Bay areas.
It became a hot topic for debate in the media, but still many were of the opinion that Amanda has the right to her own decision and that should be absolutely respected.
Still the majority believed that's she's now a female American tech icon and superstar and she should stay with Zenith Tech in silicon valley lest a foreign company snatches her from USA and that will be so devastating.
Even in most college campuses, it was debated among women in STEM ( science, technology, Engineering and Math) departments who see Amanda's influence is bringing more females into a once denominated male field.