Chereads / Two different :worlds / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

what are we going to do about mum " Cheryl asked me as we got down from my car.

" I don't know, maybe try to talk her into going to rehab " I said as we walked into the school.

" you know she is never going to do that. She is scaring me every day " she muttered with sadness. Sometimes I wonder how she could smile and act all happy when things aren't good.

" it won't hurt to try " I said and raised my shoulders before giving her a smile.

" yeah I hope so. Adam I'm so scared for her and for us " she said looking at my face. I grabbed her hand and held it tightly.

" it will be better. I promise " I said and smiled as I squeezed her hand with support. Thankfully she smiled back.

" so what class do you have first? " she asked me as I released her hand and we continued walking.

" calculus class. " I groaned. I hate that class so much...

" don't worry it will get better. I have music class now. And the teacher likes me " she said and smirked

" I'm sure he will flirt with you. If he tries any thing I'm going to break his jaws " I said to her immediately and she laughed.

" oh big brother, you are such a jork " she said

" but you love me " I stated smirking

" yeah I love you. Now let's get... " she was saying before she stopped and then she started staring at something inside the locker room.

" Eliza!! " she called out... " bye Adam " she pecked me before running into the locker room.. I watched her as she reached a red haired girl in the locker room, she was holding crutches... She looked oddly familiar...

I could see Cheryl grab her book and help her out of the locker room back to my side. They both had broad smiles on their faces. The red haired girl had blue eyes but why was she in crutches... That's when it hit me, I had found my girl....



" Eliza!! " Cheryl called out to me and smiled, a smile on her face. I'm already getting used to her so I smiled at her back. I like the sound of my name on her lips

" hey " I whispered as she got to me, the smile never leaving her face.

" good morning.. How is your leg? " she said and collected my books from me.

" well I'm surviving aren't I? " I said and smiled at her before walking out of the locker room with her beside me and I couldn't believe it, that me, I was beaming widely with Cheryl by my side...

As we moved forward I met a pair of hazel eyes staring at me and I stopped and locked eyes with him. I can't forget his face...

" hi, I haven't officially met you " he said extending his hands out to me. " I'm Adam " he added and grinned, like he won the lottery or something. I hated his smile...

" Elizabeth. " I mumbled and looked away. " I don't like handshakes " I added and hid my hands at my back.

" oops sorry, how about a hug then " he said and smirked at me... Really? Doesn't he get the cue yet?.

" I don't give hugs to strangers " I said and frowned

" don't scare her " Cheryl whispered to Adam " Eliza this is my brother Adam " Chery said to me again smiling.

" nice to meet you Adam but I have to rush to class. " I said looking at both of them

" what class do you have... I have music " Cheryl asked me

" calculus class " I said grimly

" okay Adam has calculus class, he can walk you there and you can get to know each other " Cheryl said quickly and smiled..

" no I don't want to bother anyone I can go alone " I muttered too before staring at them.

" no I don't mind.. Let's go " Adam said and I gave him an odd look.

" good here " Cheryl said as she gave him my book before turning to me, " bye see you later " she said before walking the other way, down to the art hall. I was left in the hallways with Adam...

" okay let's go " Adam said and walked to my side. I shifted away from him and I began to walk with my crutches.

" hey wait up, so tell me about yourself " he said smiling

" there is nothing to tell " I said sternly without looking at him

" why do I feel like you don't like me " he asked and I was shocked a little and I stopped to look at him.

" maybe because I really don't like you " I muttered and continued walking.

" woah.... Okay that was harsh " he said and I didn't reply him as we entered calculus class, I took my seat in the middle roll again.

" your books " Adam said as he took the seat beside me

" thanks " I muttered and collected my books then I stared at him oddly.

" why are you sitting here? " I asked him

" I have this class too " he said and smiled.

" I know that but why are you sitting beside me? " I asked him again

" because I want to.. Am I bothering you? " he asked me...

Yes you are

" no its fine " I said looking at the board. Really? You said he is bothering you so tell him to leave.

" you..." Before I could form another sentence the calculus teacher entered the class and everyone was silent so bad idea to talk.

Instead I tried to focus on the teacher in front of the class and not the cologne of the guy next to me


" I'm sorry I'm late " Alex said panting as she took her seat beside me in the cafeteria. She placed her lunch tray on the table next to mine.

" why were you late... You missed three periods... I need an explanation and why are you panting so hard did you run? " I asked staring at her

" I'm sorry.. Raphael crashed the car this morning. I told him I was going to drive but he said no and that he wanted to see you and he just couldn't press the break that's very odd because the car breaks was working fine yesterday so anyway we crashed but into a tree so nothing much. We are both fine and the car is badly battered " she said and stopped to breathe.

" oh my God I'm sorry. Here " I said and pass her the water. I watched her gulp everything down before looking at me

" thanks.. I really needed that " she said " so I had to run twenty miles to school cause I missed the bus too and I just didn't have enough money for cab. And how is your leg? " she asked

" I'm okay Alex. But you aren't? . how are you gonna get home? " I found myself asking her that question.

" no idea.. I'm fucking stressed out " she said and she picked her hamburger from her plate and took a bite.

" its fine. How about I ask my mum to drop you off first today " I said looking at her. She stopped eating her burger suddenly and looked at me surprisedly

" I would love that .. Thanks Betty.. You are the best " she said and hugged me. I smiled as I hugged her back

" but wait did you say the brakes got cut? " I asked her

" yes... It was so weird, I drove that car yesterday. And today the brakes got cut... " she said and looked at me weirdly.. Thats weird, how could a good brake suddenly get cut?. What if he is in this place already, and what if he is trying to hurt Alex to get to me.

" no that can't be true " I said trying to smile.

" Betty! Betty what are you thinking of " Alex asked shaking my shoulder, I turned to her and smiled.

" oh nothing.. Its fine, let's eat " I said and I took a spoon out of my salad as Alex nodded her head and we stopped talking as we ate our food in silence. I glanced at Alex from time to time only to catch her staring into the air, I guess thinking of things but I couldn't blame her because I was inside the thoughts of my own.

Did someone really cut the brakes of the car or was it just a coincidence?. Is she in danger? Has he found us? Is he here as we speak?. A lot of things are flying in my mind and I'm just so confused as Alex. I looked at her once again only to find her looking at me too, I gave her a smile and she smiled back at me..


" hi mum " I said as I opened the door after school.

" hi honey, how was school? " she asked me as she smiled.

" school was fine today. How is staying at home going mum? " I asked her.

" boring without you. " she said " who is this? " she asked as she stared at Alex who was beside me smiling.

" hi Mrs walker, I'm Alex " she said and smiled.

" mum this is Alex, my best friend. She needs a ride home so I was wondering if you will drive her " I said and mum looked at me and smiled..

" oh that won't be a problem. Come inside you two. let's go " mum said and I smiled at Alex before she got into the back seat and I buckled my seat belt and mum drove into the road.

" so where do you live honey? " mum asked Alex as she stared at her through the front mirror.

" Lakeview estate Mrs walker, " Alex said

" oh you make me look old, call me Brenda .." Mum said and I stared at her weirdly.. It means stop talking mum...

" so what do your parents do? " mum asked her.

" well my mum is a teacher and my dad is a surgeon " she said and mum smiled.

" that's good. Any siblings? " mum asked again

" well I have an older brother and we live with our mum " she said.

" oh my God I'm sorry for your loss, when did he die? " mum said abruptly and I stared at her.

" mum her dad isn't dead " I muttered

" I'm sorry are they divorced then? " mum asked.

" mum " I hissed

" no he is not divorced nor is he dead. He lives in Russia and works there too " Alex said with a smile..

" oh I'm sorry dear. Thats great " mum said and I tried to sink into the chair. Will I be embarrassed more? Why is Alex's house so far.

" its fine Mrs..Brenda. How about you and Mr walker " Alex asked and mum stopped the car abruptly as we both stared at each other...

" mum drive " I muttered and she did.

" my dad is...uhmm..divorced or dead I don't know " I said to her.

" I'm sorry I asked. " Alex said and gave me a sad smile. Hell I don't want anyone's sympathy.. He isn't dead. He is a murderer, an abuser, a rapist

" its fine. We are here " mum said and Alex looked up.

" thanks my house is just three houses from here... " she said as she got down from the car.

" take care of your leg Betty and Mrs.. Sorry Brenda it was nice meeting you and also thank you for the ride home " she said and shut the door.

" would you mind if I invite you for dinner tomorrow night? " mum asked and I stared at her, my eyes wide open..

" no I don't mind. I would love that, only if its fine with Betty " she said and they both stared at me. I wanted to say no because I knew what mum was doing but Alex really wanted to see where I lived so...

" I'm okay... We can come home together after school then..." I said and smiled at Alex.

" I'd like that... Call you, bye " she said and waved before walking down to her house. Mum pulled back into the road and I stared at her.

" mum why? " I groaned

" honey she seems like a nice girl, I'm not going to let you chase her away, I told you that you need to invite people over... Besides its just dinner " she said

" God... Fine " I said and faced the window.

" don't be mad Honey. " mum said but I didn't reply her back. All I could think of at this moment was tomorrow's dinner and how it would go... I sighed as I stared at the moving cars passing us.... I hope it doesn't go bad..