Kuber's gaze shifted back to the enigmatic priest who had completed the ominous ceremony. The priest's expression, once sinister, now held a wicked grin, but there was an unexpected respect in his demeanor toward Kuber.
"You've done well," Kuber praised, a wide grin forming on his face.
"I have?" the priest exclaimed, his excitement causing him to bounce around like an exuberant child.
"Calm down and return to your true form," Kuber instructed, a sigh escaping him.
"Of course," the priest acquiesced, and his voice underwent a sudden transformation, becoming more feminine.
Reality seemed to distort around him, and a new figure began to take shape—a teenage girl named Leona.
"That's better," Kuber remarked, a smile forming on his lips.
"Tell me I did a good job," Leona implored with a cheerful smile.
"I just told you that, didn't I?" Kuber responded, raising an eyebrow.